ME-423 Term Questions

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L-4/T-2/ME_ Date : 19/02/2012 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, DHAKA, L-4/1-2_ B. Se. Engineering Examinations 2009-2010 Sub: MEE 423 (Fluids Engineering) ull Marks: 210 Time :3 Hours The figures in the margin indicate fll marks USE SEPARATE SCRIPTS FOR EACH SECTION SECTION= A ‘There are FOUR questions in this Section, Answer any THREE. 1. (@)Derive a selation of the oscillation of a meniscus of a frictionless fluid column in a Utube. (as) (b)A Utube consisting of 300-mm diamneter pipe with f=0.025.. Applying air pressure to one of the tubes the gage difference is found to be 8 m. By quickly releasing, the air pressure, the fluid column is free to oscillate, Determine the minimum position of the fluid surface and the following maximum. Also find out the percentage damping of the oscillation amplitude at successive stages. (20) 2. (a) Find a general expression of time for flow to become established in a pipeline when ‘valve is suddenly opened as shown in the figuré. (as) Fig. for Q. 2(a) (b) For the flow configuration shown in Fig. for Q. 2(a), the minor losses are 16v? /2g, f=003, L= 000m, D = 2.4 m, and H = 20 m. Determine the times, after sudden ‘opening of a valve, for velocity to attain- (20) (50% of the final velocity (ii) 90% of the final vetocity (ii) 99% of the final velocity . (iv) 99.99% of the final velocity Comment on your findings. freer’ 48 6 taa8 aces 1 MENT wehns See alan Sal RC OT ST AH AaAAE ea AMT RCAC -(aI SIT emTFATEE Co) ME 423 3, The reservoir with a pump is show in the following figure. Determine the distribution of flow through the system. 65) (Pump characteristics curve is appended with the question paper) jeez x a Za=70m 1000m-200mm § f= 003 900m-100mn § 03 300m-300mm Laken 300m-300mm-§ f= 0038 Fig. forQ.3 4, (@) Find the distribution of flow through the network for the inflow and outflows as shown in the figure. Take n = 2. Use Hatdy-Cross method 5) 100 m%s 3 mis Fig. for Q. 4(a) (b) What do you mean by water hammer in a pumping facility? Sketch a pumping facility with possible preventive measures against water hammer. (10) Contd PIS SER Coren CAH 9 HEATH FACS APT BUSA AT, Tae COTTA BETA @ See cs aA SAM (APTA) | ME 423 SECTION-B There are FOUR questions in this Section, Answer any THREE. 5. (a) Stating from the Navier-Stokes Equations, showsthat the velocity profile in a steady flow ofa viscous incompressible fluid betiveen two parallel plates may be expressed by (17) List all relevant assumptions (b) What is Couette flow? Deduce the equation for velocity profile in Couete flow and show that there will be no net flow when (18) dp _ bull a 6. (@)Differentiate between Plane Poiseville flow and Hagen Poiseuille flow. Give ‘examples of each type. 6 (8) Starting from the Navier-Stokes Equations in cylindrical coordinate, show that the velocity profile in Hagen Poiseuille flow as the form of a paraboloid of revolution, (20) (©) Show that for Hagen Poiseuille flow, the average flow velocity equals half of the ‘maximum velocity along the direction of flow. (10) 1 38) Fined pad > fay nme In — ‘The above figure shows a one dimensional flow of an incompressible liquid of very small thickness, h formed by a pair of infinitely wide fixed pad and slider of length «. ‘The slider is moving at a velocity U. If hy is vans as the film thickness at th: iycation —_-at-mrineas. enous, wie How may be described by the following equation gus! ® oyu ae Contd PIs ora FR COT CHC SATAY ACN, TH Hf COTA MHA HCA, CH COCA ST COTA Me eA, AT rat areTA STA? oath Dike wr acre aire fire ofa WATS COME Pow Qe A HA? - Fal GMT GaTPHATRe vb-90) Consider ambient pressure at both ends and h is varying linearly along the direction of motion as, where, (2) Show that the location of the maximus pressure is given by, Lim (ii) What is the maximum pressure? (iii) The load may be determined by a simple integration over the surface. Determine Joad per unit thickness, Wa 8. {@) With neat sketches describe the working principles of a hydraulic press and hydraulic intensifier. Deduce the equations of their outputs. How do the outputs differ? (18) (6) A hydraulic crane uses 400 lites of water under a pressure of § MPa in lifting @ ‘weight of 15 tonnes through a vertical distance of 10 m) Find the efficiency of the crane. (10) (c) With a neat sketch describe the operation of a ditect acting hydraulic lift (2 BoM Sly Gacwmies Oa Fav AR HA | — Gar Yay Set ay (%)' Ha “qWOD 250 175 200 225 charge (m‘/hr) 150 125 100 75 he OO a LO) OO OO Oe =O Oo 6 ny + (ani)semog ynduy / (uz)peap 12301, ‘reac feet eH eH oR TR eR WE, EN cE SG i fre orm eae oF aT 3) L-4rr-2ME Date : 08/08/2017 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, DHAKA L-4(T-2_ BSc. Engineering Examinations 2015-2016 Sub: ME 423 (Fluids Engineering) Fall Marks : 210 Time :3 Hours ‘The figures in the margin indicate full marks. USE SEPARATE SCRIPTS FOR EACH SECTION SECTION —A ‘There are FOUR questions in this section, Answer any THREE. 1. (@ Determine the discharge that will occur in a 450 mm diameter pipe that is 1000 m long connecting two reservoirs with a difference in water surface elevations of 25 m, The wall roughness of the pipe is e = 0.12 mm, and v = 1.31 x 10 mV. How much head must a pump supply to reverse the flow, ie, cause the same discharge to flow from the lower to the ‘upper reservoit? What power must be supplied by electricity to this pump if the combined efficiency of the pump and motor is 759%? (©) Design a pipe line for a farmer which will cary 0.2 m'/s of water from a lake on a ‘mountainside at elevation 1905 m to a farm sprinkler system 6 km away at elevation 1795 m. The sprinklers require a pressure of 400 kPa to operate properly. PVC pipe i to be used. Use Darey-Weisbach equation, 2. @)A single-stage Ingersoll-Dresser 1511277 pump, outfitted with the largest impeller (Refer to Figure for Q2.a for the pump characteristics curves), is used to pump water from a reservoir at elevation 1350 ft to another reservoir at elevation 1425 ft The pipe line is 6000 ft long and 18 in, in diameter with an equivalent sand grain roughness ¢ = 0.015 in, Take v= 1.14 x 107 A2/s, Neglecting local losses, compute the discharge inthe pipeline (©) The three reservoirs in Figure for Q. No. 2(b) are connected by three pipes with an external demand at the common junction of the pipes. The highest reservoir has a water surface elevation of 100 m; the middle reservoir water surface elevation is 85 m; and the lowest reservoir has a water surface elevation of 60 m. Determine the discharge in each pipe. 100m Diameters in m ‘2 0.0005 m Lengths in m v= 131 x 10% n%. = 0.00m% 5 ys ob @ 601m Fig. for 0. No. 206) Contd seen PI "Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston S. Churchill (15) (20) 1) as) ME 423 3. (@) The coefficients K and n for the exponential formula are given inthe table for each of the three pipes in this branched piping system (see Figure for Q. No. 3(a)). Find the discharge in ‘each pipe and the pressure at each node. The elevation of the HGL at node 1 is Hy = 100 8. a7) 1 2 i) 2 a 510% 1 08 fs 4 Pipe | KT m T | 37m] 150 2 5.730] 1.926 3__|16.29 | 11389 Fig. for Q. No, 3a) (b) Write the systems of both Qequations and H-equations for the network shown in Figure for Q. No. 3(b). In these equations, use the parameters Ki and n,, in which is the pipe number. (18) Fig. for 0. No, 3(6) 4. (@) What are the functions of pressure reducing valves and back pressure valves in a pipeline system? © (&) The following network in Figure for Q. 4(b) contains a pressure reducing valve (PRV) that is set so it will produce a HGL of 145 m on its downstream side. This valve is 800 m downstream from node 1. Do the followings: () write the system of Q-equations; (i) write the system of H-equations. 4) 200m, ETSI x 106 ms 140m Contd Ps (©) Inthe piping system of Figure for Q. No. 4(¢), determine the diameter of pipe 2 so the discharge to node 2 is 0.6 fi'/s. Use Hazen- Williams equation (15) = KC yy ARPES with Cy = 145 and K = 1.318, p= 40 Ion? oH, =92.3f = 0.005" = 0.005" x 12x108 ft = 05 Fig. for Q. No. 4(c) SECTION ‘There are FOUR questions in this section. Answer any THREE. 5. (@) What do you mean by transient flow in context to hydraulics of pipeline system? Give some typical examples. © (©) Derive the general expression of time for rigid-column flow problems to become established in a hydraulic pipeline system when a valve is suddenly opened as shown in Figure for Q. No. 5(b). Neglect viscous effeet in your derivation, (as) Reservoir ig. for O. No, Sib (©) A horizontal pipe 24 inches in diameter and 10,000 ft long leaves a reservoir 100 ft below its surface and ends at a valve (reference figure is shown in Fig. for Q. No. 5(b)). (is) (i) lf the valve is suddenly opened completely, how long will it require attaining 99% of the steady-state velocity? Neglect frictional loss and local losses inthis pat. (i Estimate the time to reach 99,99% of steady-state velocity. Compare with the findings in part (i). (ii) Estimate the time to reach 99% of steady-state velocity considering the viscous effect. Assume thatthe steady-state friction factor is 0.018 and it remains constant during, the establishment of flow. Contd ooeoes PA ME 423 6. (a) What do you mean by water hammer in a pipeline system? Derive an expression for change of pressure head resulted from a sudden change in flow velocity? (as) (b) Water flows in a 24 inch steel pipeline at a velocity of 6 fs as shown in Fig. for Q. ‘No. 6(b). The pipe line has a wall thickness of 0.25 inch. Determine the change of pressure head resulting from sudden valve closure forthe following cases of restraint (10) (0 full pipe restraint from axial movement, (i) longitudinal expansion joints along the pipeline. Take Kaze! 310° Ibfin?, Eyes 3 x 107 Ibn? and piget = 0:30. ig. for 0. No. 66) (©) Calculate the pseudo-critical temperature and the pseudo-critcal pressure of a natural gas mixture consisting of 83% methane, 12% ethane, and 5% propane, The critical properties of Cy, Cz and C3 components ae as follows: (10) ‘Components | Critical Gitcal Temperature, °R | Pressure, psia ci 343 666 Cy 350 707 C3 666 617 If the temperature of the gas mixture is 70°F and the average gas pressure is 1200 psig, what are the pseudo-reduced temperature and pseudo-reduced pressure of this gas mixture? Use 14.7 psia for base pressure, 7. (a) A gas pipeline, NPS 16 with 0.250 in. wall thickness, $0 mi long, transports natural gas (specific gravity = 0.6 and viscosity = 0.000008 Ib/ft-s) at a flow rate of 100 MMSCFD at an inlet temperature of 60°F. Assuming isothermal flow, calculate the inlet pressure ifthe required delivery pressure atthe pipeline terminus is 870 psig. (as) ‘The base pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F, respectively. Consider no elevation changes along the pips of 0.0007 in, w length. Use Colebrook equation with pipe roughness Contd... PIS ME 423 Conta Following standard relations are given for your calculation. 0s %)(AR-PP)” pas General Flow equation: @=38.77 F | 26.)| A= 73 3C8 units) squation: Q. ne(B( Sek D*5 (USCS units) 1 2, 251 eee (is Ref. Reynolds number, re=oonern( 24) (22) (USCS units) Colebrook equation: ) for Re > 4000 ow 1 Compressibilty factor, Z = -@————!_ 1 {or 34 40(.)! 786 | (CNGA method) Average gas pressure, Poyg (&) A natural ges distribution piping system consists of NPS 12 with 0.250 in, wall thickness, 24 mi long, as shown in Fig. for Q. No. 7(b). At station A, an inlet flow rate of 65 MMSCFD of natural gas enters the pipeline at 60°F. Av the terminus D, gas must be supplied at a flow rate of 30 MMCFD at @ minimum pressure of 600 psig, There are intermediate deliveries of 15 MMSCFD at point B and 20 MMSCFD at point C. What is the required inlet pressure at station A? (as) Use a constant friction factor of 0.01 throughout the pipeline. The compressibility factor ‘can be assumed to be constant of 0.94. The gas specific gravity and viscosity ae 0.6 and 7 x 10° thifts, respectively. The base pressure and temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F, respectively. Assume isothermal flow at 60°F. Neglect elevation differences along the Pipeline. 65 MMSCFD. NPS 12,0.250in.walihickness gous 609 peo B]meiwo—CTmaiee agg > A Do tsumsceo ——-20MMSCFD Fig, for Q. No. 700) (©) Ifthe delivery volume at point B of Fig. for Q. No. 7(b) is increased to 30 MMSCFD and other deliveries remain the same, what increased pressure is required at station A to ‘maintain the same flow rate and delivery pressure at station D? 6) Cont oo PIB "Opportunities don't happen. You create them." - Chris Grosser ME 423 8. (@) A natural gas pipeline, NPS 16, 0.250 in. wall thickness, 50 mi long, with a branch pipe (NPS 8, 0.250 in. wall thickness, 15 mi long) as shown ion Fig. for Q. No. 8(a) is used to transport 100 MMSCFD gas (specific gravity = 0.6 and viscosity = 0.000008, Ib/fi-s) from A to B. At B, a delivery of 30 MMSCFD occurs into the branch pipe BE. ‘The delivery pressure at E must be maintained at 300 psig. The remaining volume is shipped to the terminus C at a delivery pressure of 600 psig. Assume a constant gas temperature of 60°F and a pipeline efficiency of 0.95. The base pressure and temperature are 14,7 psia and 60°F, respectively. The compressibility factor, Z can be assumed as 0.88, (i) Using Panhandle A equation, calculate the inlet pressure required at A. (ii) Isa pressure regulator required at E? (ii) If the inlet flow at station A drops to 60 MMSCFD, what is the impact in the branch, pipeline BE if the flow rate of 30 MMSCED is maintained? Neglect elevation effects in your calculations. Panhandle A equation: 1.0788 / 2 gn \053% 1 Wp ~eFf 2.6182 -ssa7{ 2) [A eR |p (USCS units ‘ (3) e TLyZ t : Fig, for 0. No. 8(a) (b) A natural gas pipeline, 140 miles tong from A to B is constructed of NPS 16, 0.250 in, wall thickness pipe, with an MOP (Maximum Operating Pressure) of 1200 psig. The gas specific gravity and viscosity are 0.6 and 8 x 10 Ibift-s, respectively. The pipe roughness can be assumed to be 700 1 in., and the base pressure and base temperature are 14.7 psia and 60°F, respectively. The gas flow rate is 175 MMSCFD at 80°F, and the delivery pressure required at B is 800 psig. Determine the number and locations of ‘compressor stations required. Neglect elevation difference along the pipeline. Assume Z = 0.85. ‘Necessary equations can be used as given in Q. No. 7(a). 20) oo) " ME 423 Table Taninr Re < 2100 ‘Smooth pipe I/F = 2logio(Re Vf) - 08 ey ‘Transitional a 1 Te , 935) Colcbroak-White Bq, | Lew 1.14 ~ Dlogio( & + 235 if 0D * Revi) Be W00 Wholly Rough T arr) Figure for Q2.2 4 g ¢ E 4 i 4 eee Raa

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