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Bangladesh Vaiveresily ov? Feginweeg 7 ot Course No.’ ME 475 Course Name Mechatronics Ocmarcfmeat : ME ‘ Assignment on Robotics & ple Dale Oe ele iea | 07.0% 2024 Name: Ehsan Khan Ov Stuclent ID! 1zl0l4o Section! ¢ \. What is Robotics? o'PPenentale 'Mechaltonics! Rrom ‘Robotics,’ What is Ro 2 Aire: Robotics 15 a mulkidisciplinany Reld that jnvolyes tne design, constnuction, ePexation and application +o conn out tasks autonomously on semis aurlonomotsly. Mechaltonies in an intardisciplinany Deld combini mecha ~ dleal, cleetecal and Com puter engineering to integrate tovolvi ys feng mechanical elements, Sensors, actuators and cortyol system, Robotics ig a cubeet & mechatonies, an devaled class P mecha fronice, inconporatin, automaton , pre. rammicg and en autonomous acton, Fore example, traPic Nights work qubomahcall input Rom tutor on Sensore, TP a delet and chonges Ag lights, but receive ea Re Vg bt autonome 4 becomes a woberin system, 2 what is a bd 2? state Aéimovs Ahnee laws of Tolboties , Are: Robot, any automaticaly opowted machine thal replaces human ePPord, though ib may nel Kesemble human be in appearance on per Ram Rinehons Ma human hy ke man. “ner. Adimov's dhree lawe aive i= below — nol inure a human bong or inacton allow a human beg fo come to harm, Eirest law A webot “nna Ahro ih Second law: A wobot must obey the orders oe beings excep! where such order would contlied withthe lel law “Third law: A robot must ertect its own exisknce ae leg 9% such profecton dow not conMict wih tel and 2nd law. SB wrat ic dhe dbAryence and a humanoid robot 9 Ares: Trduetrial Robots D Used in manulachuiag iA loductties and Redon {2n conreging. out cbegorous treks, ii High accunae ii) Sfeaight@reward and simple ji) Installation is nd crea installation, is) Des! ng is ery Nese complex , D Replace humans Pon working, Nil) Use hardware and S0P\ware Anal are robot sped Pic. Wily Automatic exerub'on of explicit Preegrcams belween an industtial rolst flumanoid Robots 1) Used in homes and occ Pre coneryying out human teeks, Wy Companabvely Now ao ght iN) Designieg. 1S moxe Compley . - Bremer . SD Assist humans in werk, NID USE embedded electronics nelwork 4echwol HOS, Commu. “nication protocols and Sengorrs Vil) Follow Seetal noxme and mimic human abili hes. AL What is @ manipulator in a wobA? Give examples, come tebolic manipulators. Line: A obo is a machine thal is ergrammed to aulorabeat ParKum speciPic tacks predichbly . Te do this, 1 has to Mandle objects and ether move them or impact them Preaygh actions Wwe weldigg cond duillieg: Jn this bandh ere procedures perkormed on objects shat is rRrve) +5 as robote manipulation, A woe maniculajon is an amm-\ike etructure ~pined to ~the tals 0 a Wobdt and is used 4o ewoule tuske. Ip je also bmomn as robot arms, For example, ScAPA Ttobot, The ~oints in a ScARA Trobot ane rota and Qeciiitale tte monements along XY ava while remaining wigid to the gaxis, Due to points be: a hordgonkl plane, Scne@A relots have wide Werk envelopes ta a Semi~ cinculat Shape. 5. DEAne * Oegnees 0? Freedom’ (Dot) 10 rolbot sletign- How mary Oc€ dees a human hand possess P fine: The DoF 0? a robot +ypical oP monable joints Pa robot. obyjects rears to dhe number © dene Completely an loestion in space, at least six dlqrees o? Greed. must be dened: ite Guclesian Coordinales and orienton. A human hand has 2x oye 1 4 to each Qoson, 2 Pre extension and Plevion and ene Pave Bele io adduchon; the thumb hag & Of, leavieg 6 OF Rrthe veoletion and srenslabon 0? dhe wre: « st. 6. what is a 'Scnep’ robot 2 List its adverbeges Are: Sean stands Pe Selechve Compliance Assembly) Prbcubi Robot Arm. “hese robols ate iden Pred snore Big suive sjoiek and ball Screw, Mey are Smallar laduskal robots or hhane ZeeciPe applications at whch they excel. Adwan tages. DB} Wigh- speed apecabon N) Precise Positionieg Bend Recon WY Compact Poot preat iD Cost eAWreohweness — ° i voxsatiy Bqunet TMNuctration ol 4 SCARA robo} % DePine ' Machine Leartni q: OReaxentiate if with 'atkPoal Antehigence, finai Machine Venting Ie a gulolted of? artPical ink li ~ qerce, which enables machine te learn (trom past data om expartiences without being exelicitly Programmed. Tt enables a computer system to make predictons ot dedsions using historical data ArckQcial Inlelligence | Machine Learmi D Enables a machine to |i Allows q machine ts automat Stmulale human behaviour, | learn Rom pas\ data, \ outs ‘ote Wigent Systems, |h}) Teaches -|no machine “with per\orem ~ task Nike date 4p enim a-particulan task and qixe accurate mesu)4, 4 human, Rwhal is ‘Deep Leaving’? \low would ” welale it wih, “Machine Learning)? Ana: Seep \earening ic » a machine leaning technique that Maaches comoulors +o do what malurally comes 4o hung, learn ky example. J4 is a Mey kebnologs bochind driver. Nese carts enablin, Ahem -to mecegnize a stop san,or to oars a Ppedectrian Prom a lame post. Deep legnnin 's @ eubset of machine leaniag tnak Greuses on leawning Iienanchial yepresentations oP data “torogah Neural reworks with man lagers. H Pee | advantages in aulomebcall learning Peatunes Prov wow | date ond excels in ni romplex data Ho eee oa i ~fool Bre various applicabons ©: Mustrale how "Computer Nision’ Pinetions, find: Computer vision Pactons to, using atprillins, and computational techniques to enable Compulers +o inlecpret ard understand visual in Qumation Wee ia Is on videos, Hote ie an ovenview of? ite, ee DImage acquisition Ni) Seqmen tabio, ii) Pre- PrOCesein, Nil) Obfecd trackin ii) Feature extrachon Mii 3p reconstruc hon, i) Objeed Delecton and reegniton i) Pros procose, ») Image chesiPeaton and Nisualiza tion SE LL Ete NO) Distinguish belween NC and CNC machines. How ¢Ne tachines, Can be used Rae PE Csion manuFachwirg. Airs: Dissimilarity belween Ne and CNG - Numerical Control (Ne is @ Sechnique oP mechanical ak a Producing roachine thal is supported Numbers and special characlacs oper “{ code letars, Computer Numerical Contwel CeNc> qerara led cl merge the Cempvlet ith numerical eorthrol. "Me oumecical dete ort inorem- sation needed +o provide a Séchon on part ig prow'ded to a maching wittin Ine ind Pr epram veRrered to as pon} oT oT CNC, 1) Memories dom 1 + exist 4o shore fnstruchons in Ne I ™) Mainknance cst is lose re ne compared +o BM) CNC is mone Plewibte . he ene, CNC. CNC machines can be ene, manuRekare usin: used Rr PMC sion manaleetue’ : detiled zp bluepreals are create. Se cap on CAM PreaKams. ¢ Ne “qupmenk the, ublizes ext L mi Min and elechtical decha ie enchion to preduce the Pnal sccige PKOduat automah'call “ety machinists onarsee Ihe procece and load Instree hong inte Ane CNe machines, “Me standard folerance 4? INe. machines ic 0,005 inchec, MW. wnat is tp print technology 2 wheal 6 Grecode in xp Printing 2 What ane dhe alfrnabives oP G-cede? Aire: 30 wishing ie g Process OP making Shree dimensional Solid objects: Hom dite Plehe creation of BD printed object is achieued wei additive Process, Ala objec} is crea fed by | ing down Suctess ive \eyors oP matotiale unk ~the object ic created. Each oP the | con be Seen as a Thioly SVieed crece. Sechon Poke object. tr~ code. Is gq lacguage Vhal humans vee do tell Q machine how +0 de something. With “80 printing, Gi code contains Commands to move pardls Mithila printer, G~ Cede Consicte ©? br-eand M- commande that have an ass or action, Allernabves of 6 codo- » bene 1 Candle WD CNesys iD Light buen, YD Sourcerabbit qred Movemen 12, what is rapid -probolge' 2 ow 1 it welaled 40 30 priahey? Fins. paid prolatypigy 16 “we Raat Riacicayon oP = erysical part Mode\ ore assenol wig 30 conpulert aided design «The =—— OP Me pared, mudol ene assenbly 5 wsually comple ted using 3D printag. Rapid orototyiieg is a techniaue, wh'le 3D préckeg is one oP the erhnelagice Inet don be used re Anis Jechnique . Preoto ~ “yee Is y tommon use 0 3D Printers nis Hebocleay is also suilable dor many elrot ue and applications. Qne o?-tne bends using 3D printing Rn proloyeig is its aly 4o sate Sime and money \z, wg ig ple used in the ‘odustry aulomation instead microconttolle~ leased sqslen like Arduino 9 Aas: Reasons Rr asi PLe ~ i) PLO is asor Adendly ") Ease & ereegrea mening ii) There ane skoty asin in Ple i) Robustness ~ immune 4o noise Te easily handle hy dempexatures - can handle power Pluchations » Easy mainenance 14. What do qe" understand ba Upight buted Contwol “aslen' (ore Whal is HMI a automaton? Ais! Pes is @ compuladzal contd systen used tndusteial Processes ty monifert and conta equipment, Unlike cenWabized Control Sysiem, 0cs dishe' buks control Munchons aciec roulfiple control ers, allowing Gore Greater Perivitity, seolabilly and webialor Wy mans complex industrial eperanons. WMI elonds Bir Yuman Machine IntarRce. 1 wees 40 the inter Race that allows humans to interact sith and control automated asters: ypicaty Hercogh graphical user inlen®Bres diselayed on sareen or panels, IS, What is ‘SCADA’ system? whal iS ‘ple scaon'? Whal ane tre beneMs oP using PLE enon 9 Pins: scan Slends Rr Suparvisory Control and Oala Acquis! ter Wis a sapien shat monitors and comols eld equipment! af yemol}e siles, he relationship belween fic SCADA 1s Vary important, Both PL and ScAOn soAwartec ate used inthe same industrial contexk within processing plants. Plo ie a eared oP Ihe 6 Jem -lrel SCADA oversees, PLO need seapA to control then Lunetons , loul schon elie on alata Prom the Plo to complele ite Benet oP Pre senpn - > Ai ceurcalely Prescru be, mainlenange tacks i) Trnprovec eRMefwencss and ate oo Pro due Hon PKodecces, ONATNioN, iii) Gasiae 4v mainbin and solve problens that occur, ) Operators wn more cosy antol meniten and webrieng the dala needed - Y Sareg cot and time. NS. wee Shortt oles on (FPGA and cin ASIC Ane, D FQPA: Field Premammable Gale fray /s a tip & inkegrated Oreui} frat con be pragranmed ex monu- ~Peluring, J+ consists oS’ anxay oF ercgrammeble lac Hooke and conVgutable jajecconnects, allowing users to implement custom digital citectits and Punctiens, iiy Agre: Apoliachion~ seavTe Talegeated Creuil eo L iotegreated arew} doagned Rr a sEGMie application, Unive FPA, ASICS ane custom designal and ophmized Ror «. parheular Punehion , resulting jin ghar Perel. ~arce, lowe PWE consump}on and smalen Lexm Retors. \% Wustrale dhe wonkieg erinciple oO 4 ‘Nineart’ motor, Ans: Linear mofor Rin —s ee gre Wit teow A \inean mobore preeduces @ lieeare Ponce oleg its length. ‘ested oP oneducig 4 toque. “he olor wih eatrmanen| magne}s become the statonert Part oP the Waar motor and the stfor tenteining Ame coil wie dings Lecomes She moving part. Linea motores operale with AC power suprly and carte Controller. “The etclore iS eonnectad +o tne powat surely to produce magnetic elds , Due 4o the magneh'c Brees a moving magnetic Pield is atealed ja the Ssfatotr. the wale oP change of the curnect confrols the veloc’ of tre mosement and the emparage etre curarenf delermines the Sree gered.

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