Prosedur Pemberian Vaksin Dan Serum Anti-Rabies - Prof Samsuridjal 20 Nov 2021

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Prof. Dr. dr.

Samsuridjal Djauzi, SpPD, KAI, FACP

Pendidikan :

• Fakultas Kedokteran UI, 1969

• Spesialis Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI, 1976
• Konsultan Alergi-Imunologi, 1986
• Doktor dibidang Alergi-Imunologi FKUI, 1999
• Honorary Fellow of American College of Physician, 2001
• Guru Besar FKUI

Jabatan :

• Pengajar Dept. Ilmu Penyakit Dalam FKUI

• Chairman Indonesian Association of Physician in AIDS
• Chairman Adult Immunization Working Group PAPDI
Prosedur Pemberian Vaksin
dan Serum Anti-Rabies di
Era Pandemi COVID-19

Samsuridjal Djauzi, Sukamto Koesnoe

Satgas Imunisasi Dewasa PAPDI
Melakukan upaya penyuluhan dan
pencegahan gigitan hewan penular rabies

Rabies center dapat berupa puskesmas

Rabies atau rumah sakit

Center Penyediaan vaksin dan serum anti-rabies

tidak pada semua layanan kesehatan

Namun dokter perlu memahami cara

pemberian vaksin dan serum anti-rabies
Manfaat Vaksin dan
Serum Anti-Rabies
• Serum anti-rabies bekerja cepat
menetralkan toksin yang dihasilkan
kuman rabies.
• Serum anti-rabies yang diberikan hanya
berada dalam tubuh penerima suntikan
dalam waktu singkat
• Vaksin rabies bertujuan membentuk
antibodi untuk menetralkan kuman
• Pembentukan antibodi memerlukan
waktu namun jika sudah terbentuk
dapat bertahan lama (1 tahun)
Persiapan Vaksin

• Pemeriksaan vaksin
• Pengenceran/pelarutan
• Factory pre-filled syringes vs manually
pre-filled syringes
• Pelabelan
• Teknik pemberian
Kenali vaksin yang Perlukah dilarutkan
akan anda gunakan (tidak)

Pemeriksaan Single dose atau multi
IM atau subkutan?

Bolehkah dilakukan
di bagian tubuh swab alkohol sebelum
manakah? (deltoid) penyuntikan?
Syringes Samples
Vials Samples

Need to be reconstituted
Subcutaneous injection

Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. Appendix D Vaccine Administration. National

Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. CDC. Revised April 2009.
Intramuscular injection

Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. Appendix D Vaccine Administration. National Center for
Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. CDC. Revised April 2009.
Metode Pemberian Vaksin
Subkutan hepatitis A and B,
measles, mumps, DTP
rubella, varicella

polio Intradermal
Rute Pemberian Vaksin

WHO Vaccine Safety Basics 2017

Penyimpanan Vaksin

Winulyo EB, Sejati A. Penyimpanan, transportasi, dan pembuangan vaksin.

Pedoman imunisasi pada orang dewasa 2017
Managing Vaccine

• CDC: Vaccine Storage and

Handling Toolkit. Accessed 14 th Oct
Vaccine Storage
Expiration Date (1)

Vaccine may be used up to and including the expiration date

Vaccine storage and handling toolkit. National Centre for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. Vaccine Inventory
Management. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Downloaded at: ( Accessed 10 Nov 2009)
Expiration Date (2)


10/2019 10/2019 10/2019

Expiry would be Expiry would be Expiry would be

31/10/2019 30/9/2019 30/9/2019
Use through 31/10/2019. Use through 30/9/2019.
DO NOT use on or after DO NOT use on or after 1/10/2019

NHS. Vaccine Handling Recommendations for Clinics, Hospitals, Community Pharmacies and GP Practices July 2007.
Vaccine Transport

• Be sure to place an insulating barrier between the refrigerated/frozen packs and the
vaccines to prevent accidental freezing.

• The layer should be as follows refrigerated/frozen packs-barrier-vaccine-

thermometer-barrier-additional refrigerated/frozen packs.

• Pack vaccines in their original packing on top of the barrier.

• Do not remove vaccine vials from boxes.

Vaccine Storage Practice in Vaccine Storage and Handling Tool Kit by NCIRD
Dispose of sharps immediately after use at the point
Dispose of care.

Needles and syringes must be disposed of as a

Be single unit.

Do not over fill the sharps bin or fill beyond the fill
Do line.

Lock and tag the bin to identify the clinic source

Lock and tag when full for disposal.

Full sharps bins must be stored in a secure locked

Be area away from the public.

Storage, Distribution and Disposal of Vaccines Policy. North East London NHS. June 2007
Vaccine Adverse Reactions

Adverse • extraneous effect caused by vaccine

• side effect
reaction • reactogenicity

• any event following vaccination

Adverse • may be true adverse reaction

event • may be only coincidental


Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases. Chapter 2 General Recommendation. National

Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases. CDC. Revised April 2009.
Anaphylaxis Algorithm

Working Group of the Resuscitation Council (UK);

Resuscitation (2008) 77, 157—169
Vaksin Vaksin rabies tidak bisa ditunda,
harus diutamakan

dan Vaksin Jarak antar penyuntikan vaksin
rabies dan vaksin COVID-19 adalah

Rabies 1 bulan, namun jika diperlukan

jarak ini dapat diperpendek
Penatalaksanaan Rabies di Era

• Penatalaksanaan Penyakit nonCOVID-19 selama pandemic

COVID-19 dapat terganggu
• Penatalaksanaan rabies di era COVID-19 harus dijalankan
sesuai prosedur karena rabies merupakan Penyakit yang
• Upaya penyuluhan rabies harus tetap dilaksanakan
Terima Kasih

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