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What is culture? What is its impact on education?

Answer: The word ‘culture’ comes from French which originated from Latin
‘cultura’ via ‘culturare’ from the verb ‘colere’ meaning ‘to cultivate’.
Originally, it meant ‘cultivation of the land’. It is only in the early 16thcentury
that the word has come to mean ‘the cultivation of the mind’, It is in the 19th
century that the word started meaning ‘the arts and other manifestations of
human intellectual achievement regarded collectively:’ As students of
education science, we know that definition of culture is much wider than its
etymological connotations.

According to Geert Hofstede, “Culture is the collective programming of

the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group
from those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively
held values.”

Lustig & Koester believe, “Culture is a learned set of shared

interpretations about beliefs, values, norms and social practices which
affect behaviors of a relatively large group of people.”

Anthropologist Cristina De Rossi posits, "Culture encompasses religion,

food, what we wear, how we wear it, our language, marriage, music,
what we believe is right or wrong, how we sit at the table, how we greet
visitors, how we behave with loved ones and a million other things,"

Thus we see that culture is not easy to define. From the point of view of
an education science student, culture is the total way of life of particular
groups of people. It includes everything that a group of people thinks,
says, does, and makes — its systems, attitudes, and feelings. Culture
is learned and transmitted from generation to generation.
Education and culture are closely related and one impacts the other. It is
well discussed how education impacts culture, but not so much how culture
impacts education. We learn social norms from our cultures. We live and
share our cultures in daily interactions. Culture also affects our thoughts,
feelings, and actions. Technology makes the world, a global village. It
increases the interaction of different cultures. Everyone wants to share their
culture with others. Children from different cultures study together in the
same classroom. So, culture has a strong impact on education.

We can show the impact of culture on education under the following


Impact on Curriculum

Culture impacts on Curriculum of a country. Many countries have the same

course for the whole nation. They also have officials that design the course
for every class. These courses are designed according to the culture of that
particular society. They share a vision to create a difference. If the course is
not according to the culture, it may cause objection. Groups may go for
strikes and challenge the government. For example, you may not share the
benefits of eating pork in Muslim countries. People have strong emotions
about their cultures. If they feel school is teaching a different culture to their
children, they will raise their voices against it. Hence, culture has a strong
impact on the curriculum. Schools have to face difficulties if they challenge
the cultures.

Impact of Teaching Method

Method of teaching is important for students. Different methods of teaching

have different effects. Culture and way of teaching have a strong
connection. The method of teaching has changed a lot in a few decades.
The changing culture changes the way of teaching too. In the past,
teaching was a one-way process. Teachers give knowledge to the kids.
Now it has become a two-way process. Students interact with their
teachers. They share their thoughts and interest with the teachers.
Teachers also observe their needs and behaviors while teaching. They
change their approach to teaching different students. Further, they prepare
them for future competition. They also give them awareness of the
changing world. Hence, culture and social conditions affect the way of
teaching. Teachers change their methods to meet these standards.

Impact on Student Behaviour

Culture impacts greatly how children are expected to behave. Every culture
has its own discipline. Schools follow the discipline of society. Countries
with dictatorial governments have different disciplines than democratic
governments. Democratic culture allows you to speak. It gives you the right
to share your point. You may also challenge or oppose someone. In
contrast, you have to follow the orders of the dictators. You have no right to
challenge them. These cultural effects reflect in their educational systems.
Students of democratic countries are extroverted and challenging. In
contrast, students of autocratic countries stick with the orders. They are too
disciplined and follow the rules. These students then go to society and
become a part of it. They depict the same behavior that they learn in

Impact on Teachers

Culture has a substantial impact on the teachers. Teachers have a vital role
in making society. Every teacher represents the culture of the society he or
she teaches in. They may all belong to some other culture personally. Yet,
as a teacher, they represent the culture of the nation. They educate the
students about the culture that the students belong to. They infuse moral
values of the cultures in students. Teachers have an aim to make students
responsible citizens of the nation. It is possible when they share the values
of society with them.
Impact on Schools

Schools represent society. Schools are created by society. Therefore, the

activities of the schools are designed according to the culture of the society.
Students practice different cultural values in the school. Events related to
culture are also organized in the schools. Images and charts on school
walls also represent culture. Students learn about their leaders and heroes
from schools. Hence, schools are the place for promoting the culture and
values of society. These values become part of their lifestyles. They follow
them for their whole life.

To conclude, we can say that culture has a tremendous impact on

education. It impacts what we learn, how we learn, when we learn, where
we learn, and even from whom we learn. culture. In other words, It impacts
the total education system of a country. The education of a nation mirrors
its culture.

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