Criteria For Group Reporting

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Demonstrates a deep Presents a solid understanding Presents basic information on Presents limited information on Fails to present any
understanding of the topic. of the topic. Provides relevant the topic. Some relevant the topic. Lacks clear meaningful content.
Content Presents clear, well-researched information with some information is missing or explanations and examples.
information with relevant examples. unclear.
Engages the audience with Engages the audience with Delivery is adequate, but may Delivery appears nervous or Delivery is monotonous,
confident and dynamic delivery. mostly confident delivery. lack enthusiasm. Limited eye disinterested. Poor eye unclear, and disengaging.
Delivery Maintains eye contact/ camera is Maintains reasonable eye contact/ no camera is on and contact/ no camera and
on and uses varied tone and body contact/ camera is on and uses minimal use of tone and body minimal use of tone and body
language. some tone and body language. language. language.
Visual aids enhance the Visual aids are mostly clear and Visual aids are present but may Visual aids are unclear, No visual aids are used.
presentation, are clear, and support key points. Some not always enhance irrelevant, or distracting.
Visual Aids support key points effectively. improvements could be made understanding. Some are
for clarity or relevance. unclear or unrelated to the
Content is well-structured with a Content is mostly well- Content is somewhat Content lacks clear Content is disorganized and
clear introduction, logical main structured with a clear organized, but lacks a clear organization. Main points are lacks a coherent structure.
Organization points, and a concise conclusion. introduction, logical main introduction or conclusion. difficult to follow.
points, and a conclusion. Main points are loosely
All group members contributed Most group members Some group members Few group members Group members did not
actively and effectively. contributed actively and contributed, but collaboration contributed, and collaboration collaborate effectively, and
Teamwork &
Collaboration is seamless, and effectively. Collaboration is and roles need improvement. was challenging. Roles were roles were not followed.
roles are well-defined. generally smooth, with clear unclear or ignored.
Leaves a strong and memorable Leaves a positive impression. Leaves a somewhat positive Leaves a weak impression. The Fails to make any meaningful
impression. Engages and Communicates the importance impression, but the significance importance of the topic is not impact.
Overall Impact
effectively communicates the of the topic. of the topic is unclear. effectively communicated.
importance of the topic.

Over All
1. Choose your Group Leader that will coordinate for the result of presenter assessment.
2. Assessment could be in google form or through essay(optional).
3. Result of the assessment shall be sent privately by the group leader. Sent it in MSWord Format.
4. Don’t forget to put all the references like books or websites where the content came from. It will be put on the last slide of the
powerpoint presentation. Also include the Names of the presenter on the first slide.

5. Assessment will be minimum of 15 items and maximum of 30 items for long topics. Send it in MSWord format with answer key.
6. All PowerPoint presentation and assessments in MsWord format with answer key shall be sent in google drive. Please check for
section and group folders.
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