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Project Management &

Entrepreneurship (KHU702)

Important questions

Q1-Describe the traits found in successful entrepreneurs in details.
Q2- Discuss Mc Clellend’s achievement motivation theory.
Q3- Classify different type of entrepreneurs.
Q4- What is EDP. Discuss the objective and different Phases of EDP.
Q5- Discuss the role of an entrepreneur in development of the country.

Q1- What are the characteristics of good business opportunities?
Q2- Discuss the managerial skills that are required to become a successful entrepreneur.
Q3- Explain different type of innovations on the basis of change in market and Technology.
Q4- Discuss the role of innovation in entrepreneurship?
Q5- What is value creation?

Q.1 Define the term project management.
Q.2 Illustrate the phases which is involve in project life cycle.
Q.3. Define the term market appraisal and illustrate how it is important for sales and
Q.4 “Project Management is covered in five different phases”. Discuss this term in detail.
Q.5 Discuss the term technical appraisal and its aspects in detail.

Q.1 Explain working capital.
Q.2 Discuss current assets and current liabilities in a balance sheet.
Q.3. Define the capital budgeting and its importance.
Q.4 Discuss the format of Statement of Profit and Loss account in detail
Q.5 Discuss various objectives of financial statement.

Q.1 Discuss social entrepreneurship, its benefits and different models of social
entrepreneurship in detail.
Q.2 Explain social innovation in India.
Q.3 Discuss market research in detail.
Q.4 Elaborate 4 P’s of marketing.
Q.5 Discuss risk management and key elements of risk register.

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