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Name : Mayang Kumala Sari

SRN : 1413042039

Class : A

Extended Essay

This extended esssay will talk about the experience of the writers when follow the

KKN – KT program. The following points that will describe by this extended essay is KKN

(Kuliah Kerja Nyata), PPL (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) or PPK (Praktik Profesi

Kependidikan), and the last is Memorable Experience. First, I will tell you about KKN; the

definition of KKN, my KKN programs, and the conclusion.

KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) is one form of activity that provides learning experiences

to students to live in the midst of society outside the campus. In addition, as the learning

process as well as the community that is building and directly identify and deal with

development issues at hand. KKN was implemented by the college in an effort to enchance

the mission and the weight of education on college students to get a greater value on higher

education. KKN was held outside the campus with the intention of increasing the relevance

of higher education with the development and the needs of society and science technology,

religion, and art to carry out the construction of more increases, as well as improve the

perception of the students about the relevance between the foundation of the theory of

acquired in coursework for applied in public life. KKN activities for students, is a new

learning experience which is not obtained within the campus. With the completion of the

activities of the KKN, students are expected to have knowledge, capability and a new

awareness about the society, nation and state.

Because of that reason, the writers are required to have a work program to advance in

all areas of society in areas such as education and to solve the problems that exist in the

society. I have three works program of KKN, first is tutoring for elementary school students,
second is guiding TPA, the last is Pengajian Ibu – Ibu. I will explain you more about my

KKN programs.

One of my work program is tutoring for elementary school student from grade four to

six. Based on my observation in three villages (Sinar Agung, Sumber Agung, Talang Siring)

of Karang Agung, the childrens of these three villages study at same school because the

school centered at Sumber Agung village. Because of the condition of the village which is

located in the hills, children’s get difficulties to follow the tutoring outside their village.

However some roads was repaired but the access still difficult and far enough, in the end it

makes them less in knowledge. Therefore, I made this program for help the students

understand more about their lessons, give more knowledge so they are not left behind.

Through the tutoring program, I expected to help students overcome their learning and

solving problems in study. Finally, my program was successful. An indication that this

program is succesful is the increase in the value of students daily test and they are very

enthusiastic in learning. They are feel happy when study and diligently doing the task or


The second of my KKN program is guiding TPA (Taman Pendidikan Al – Qur’an). In

the village where I stay, there are many children who are still in their age for studying about

religion (Al – Qur’an). They are enthusiast to study but sometimes they are lazy to come to

TPA because of some reason. Example, they are not come because they are feeling bored

with the materials. Because of that problems, I made the guiding TPA as one of my program.

I expected that the children on this village (where I stay) can be better in their religious

insights. This guiding is done to promote religious activities for children. At the end, my

program was successful. This can be seen from their ability. Example, they are enthusisastic

to come to TPA, they can “shalawatan” and their knowledge of tajwid is increased.

The last is pengajian Ibu – Ibu, Every Friday, the womens on the village (where I

stay) come to “pengajian” at the mosque. This activity gives many positive benefits that can
be taken, utilize those gatherings as a means to change or improve themselves from the act of

heinous and great. But this activity just stuck and not grow. So, I made this program for

socialising some knowledge for “Ibu-Ibu” in order to give more information and I want to

train them make something new likes bake a cake or beautify their face. In fact, this program

was failed, because of the time is limited and some of them doesn’t interest with this


In conclusion, KKN is activities do by the students for learning new experience in the

real life in society. When you makes the program you should know what does the society

needs not just your wants. If you can makes the society become enthusiast you will get some

benefits from them, such as your program successful or not you can see it from their


The second is, the explanation about PPL (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) or PPK

(Praktik Profesi Kependidikan) ; the definition of PPL, my PPL program, and the conclusion.

I will explain you more about the PPL.

University of Lampung has set the content which has been formulated in a long-term

development plan (RPJP) 2005 – 2025 Unila, of “Being the Best Ten Universities in

Indonesia”. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) as an integral part of Unila,

formulating the vision to support and speed up the vision of Unila. Given the dynamics of the

development of produce educators education Institute (LPTK) in Indonesia, then FKIP Unila

set the vision of a perio of ten years, “To be inspiring, LPTK progresif a professional and

dignified manner”. The formulation of the vision is also based on the Goverment Regulation

number 19 year 2005 about National Standards of education of Indonesia who set the

competence of graduates of LPTK, includes pedagogic competence, personality competence,

professional competence, and social competence. On a professional level of competency,

implementation and competence of pedagogy in addition proveided through a set of

curriculum LPTK, also reinforced through real experiences in school activities in the
Program Field Experience (PPL) or the Practice of the Profession Educational (PPK). Then to

realize the wholenes of competence of LPTK, then FKIP student’s must also have real

experience in the field outside the school, particularly in order to strengthen personality and

social competence. Both of these competence will be more effective if it undertakes in a field

program in a systematic and permanent in the corridors of academic education.

Because of that reason, the writers are required to have a work program to support the

activities of students at school beside teaching. My PPL programs are making English slogan,

giving additional classes, and English day.

One of my work program is making English Slogan. This program is useful to give

knowledge to students about Slogan in English. The slogan is the philosophy used to be

applied in everyday life. Therefore, I made this program for motivated students to learn

English more. And they do not be afraid with English because English not a difficult lesson if

we like and practice it also want to learn it. Finally, my program is successful. An indication

that this program is succesful is the students likes to see the slogan and make it happen with

their behavior in school.

Another of my PPL program is giving additional English classes. Many of my

students in SMP N Satu Atap 1 Way Tenong does not like English very much. Because they

think that English is difficult to learn and since elementary school they just slight learn about

English. But, when I teach them, they are enthusiast to study about English. Because of that

problems, I made giving additional English classes as one of my program. I expected that my

students will be happy when they learn English so they can understand the lesson. At the end,

my program was successful. This can be seen from their ability. Example, they are

enthusisastic to learn English, they can practice and their value of this lesson was increased.

And the last is English Day, every Wednesday and Thursday as my time to teach eight

class, I made this day as an English day, the students should use English on this day. This
activity gives many positive benefits that can be taken, they can practice English and it will

imprve their ability to speak and learn English. In fact, this program was failed, because just

8th grade students who practice English, actually I made this program for all of the students

in SMP N Satu Atap 1 Way Tenong.

In conclusion, PPL is the time to have more experience in the real life of teaching adn

practice our knowledge and ability who gave in the university then practice it in the midst of

society. When you makes the program you should know what does the school needs not just

your wants.

The third is, I will tell you about my memorable experience. Two months is not a little

time for me to spend the KKN – KT program, because of that, I have many memorable

experience when follow the program. I will tell you more about my memorable experience.

My University has a program, I should follow this program because it is compulsory.

The program is KKN (real work of college). First, I am very happy can follow this program, I

placed at Karang Agung village in West Lampung. My group consists of 8 members. We are

from different study program but we should work together. When I came to that village, I was

very excited because the view of that village was very beautiful and I think I will welcome in

that village. I feel very happy can stay in that village because the society was very humble

and kind, and there are so many childen on that village. It makes me feel like home. My

memorable experiemce is can stay in Karang Agung village and have many experience

because of the society. And I know more about real life.

The last is, I will tell you about the conclusion of this extended essay. University of

Lampung have a program for students to learn more outside the university and have many

experience in the real life. One of the program is KKN. KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) is an

intracurricular activity that combines the implementation of Tridarma Perguruan Tinggi with

the method of awarding work and learning experience to the students in the activities of
society empowerment. KKN is also the application as well as the development of science and

technology, carried out outside the campus within a specified time, mechanism of action, and

specific requirements. Therefore, the KKN is directed to ensure linkages between the

academic - theoretic world and the empiric - practice world. Thus synergistic interactions will

occur, mutual acceptance and mutual giving, compassion and foster among students and the

society. KKN was held outside the campus with the intention of increasing the relevance of

higher education with the development and the needs of society and science technology,

religion, and art to carry out the construction of more increases, as well as improve the

perception of the students about the relevance between the foundation of the theory of

acquired in coursework for applied in public life.

KKN activities for students, is a new learning experience which is not obtained within

the campus. With the completion of the activities of the KKN, students are expected to have

knowledge, capability and a new awareness about the society, nation and state. Beside KKN,

for the FKIP students there is PPL. PPL (Field Experience Program) is a program that

undertaken to equip the students with real experience teaching at school. Through the PPL at

school, it will form a professional teacher candidates, because the entire estuary is PPL’s

academic activities of the college students. With mastery the set of learning experiences that

have been gained by students in the lectures will be tested in empirical basis during following

PPL. Similarly, the phenomenon and social reality in the society can be more grown the

students as prospective teachers that will always be present in the midst of the society.

Through this PPL, students will get the opportunity to learn a lot about the social dynamics

that occur in a society so there will be more to ripen the competence of personality and social

competence. On a professional level of competency, implementation and competence of

pedagogy in addition proveided through a set of curriculum LPTK, also reinforced through

real experiences in school activities in the Program Field Experience (PPL) or the Practice of

the Profession Educational (PPK). Then to realize the wholenes of competence of LPTK,

then FKIP student’s must also have real experience in the field outside the school,

particularly in order to strengthen personality and social competence. Both of these

competence will be more effective if it undertakes in a field program in a systematic and

permanent in the corridors of academic education.

Also, the writer have memorable experience when do the KKN and PPL activities too.

Memorable is something that is memorable because it is worth to remembering or likely to be

remembered, because it is special or very enjoyable. During activity PPL and KKN, writers

get some unforgettable memories, or it can called memorable experience because it is worth

for the writers. Through many activities that was exceeded, writers found any moment with

some problems, it makes the writers felt that it was valuable experience for live in the future.

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