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Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination.

May 2024

The Assembly Learning Center (TALC)

Mid-Term Examination 2024

Subject: Biology

Grade: Seven (7)

Date: May 2024

Time: 10:30am to 12:00pm | 1:30pm to 3:00pm

Full name:

Instructions: • Only 2B pencils are to be used for this

• No toilet breaks or any breaks will be
allowed throughout this examination.
• Silence is to be maintained throughout
this examination.
• Any student found copying, cheating or
disrupting the examination will be
disqualified immediately.
• All students are to bring along their own

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

Part 1. 40 Objective Questions. 2 marks each. Total 80 marks. Circle the

alphabet which represents the correct answer.

1. What are tiny structures found inside of cells called?

a. Nucleus.
b. Chloroplast.
c. Organelles.
d. Cell membrane.

2. Which organelle is the control center of a cell?

a. Nucleus.
b. Cell membrane.
c. Cell wall.
d. Vacuole.

3. What are organelles that contain chlorophyll and use energy from
sunlight to produce food called?

a. Photosynthesis.
b. Cell wall.
c. Cytoplasm.
d. Chloroplasts.

4. Which cell does NOT have a cell wall?

a. Animal cell.
b. Plant cell.
c. Human cell.
d. Vascular plant.
Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

5. What is the primary function of mitochondria in plant cells?

a. Photosynthesis.
b. Cell respiration.
c. Protein synthesis.
d. Cell division.

6. Mitochondria is known as:

a. Wall of cell.
b. Brain of cell.
c. Protein of cell.
d. Powerhouse of the cell.

7. What controls most of the cell processes and contains the genetic
information of DNA?

a. Mitochondria.
b. Chloroplast.
c. Nucleus.
d. Nucleolus.

8. What part of a cell is not found in animal cells, making them unable to
produce their own food?

a. Cytoplasm.
b. Vacuole.
c. Chloroplasts.
d. Nucleus.

9. What is the cell membrane?

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

a. A thin, flexible barrier around the cell that regulates transport.

b. A rigid cover that provides support for the cell.
c. The place where light energy, water, and carbon dioxide are used.
d. Converts solar energy to chemical energy.

10. What is the primary component of plant cell walls?

a. Lipids.
b. Proteins.
c. Chitin.
d. Cellulose.

11. Which of these is a specialized cell found in animals?

a. Neuron.
b. Sperm cell.
c. Root hair cell.
d. Red blood cell.

12. What is the function of the neuron (nerve cell)?

a. Transport oxygen around the body.

b. Carry the genetic material.
c. Absorb water and minerals from soil.
d. Transmit electrical impulses throughout the body.

13. How is the structure of the neuron related to its function?

a. It does not have a nucleus so it can carry more oxygen.

b. It has a projection that extends into the soil to give it a larger surface
c. It is long and thin to transmit electrical impulses over long distances.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

d. It has a tail so it can swim to the egg.

14. What specialized cell lines the inner surface of the small intestine
and is involved in nutrient absorption?

a. Neuron.
b. Red blood cell.
c. Intestinal epithelial cell.
d. Muscle cell (smooth muscle).

15. Which specialized cell is responsible for filtering waste products

and maintaining fluid balance in the body?

a. Neuron.
b. Kidney cell (nephron).
c. Muscle cell (myocyte).
d. Skin cell (keratinocyte).

16. What specialized cell in the skin produces melanin and provides
protection against UV radiation?

a. Neuron.
b. Melanocyte.
c. Sweat gland cell.
d. Keratinocyte.

17. Which specialized cell in the respiratory system is covered with

tiny hair-like structures (cilia) that help move mucus and trapped
particles out of the airways?

a. Neuron.
b. Alveolar cell.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

c. Bronchial epithelial cell.

d. Red blood cell.

18. What specialized cell in the eye detects light and helps us see?

a. Neuron.
b. Rod cell.
c. Cone cell.
d. Lens cell.

19. What specialized cell in the bone produces new bone tissue?

a. Neuron.
b. Osteoblast.
c. Osteoclast.
d. Chondrocyte.

20. Which specialized cell in the heart contracts to pump blood

throughout the body?

a. Neuron.
b. Cardiomyocyte.
c. Red blood cell.
d. Smooth muscle cell.

21. What is the primary function of muscle tissue in the human body?

a. Protection.
b. Sensation.
c. Movement.
d. Digestion.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

22. Which type of tissue lines the inner surfaces of organs and blood

a. Epithelial tissue.
b. Connective tissue.
c. Nervous tissue.
d. Muscle tissue.

23. What is the main function of nervous tissue?

a. Support and structure.

b. Transmit electrical signals.
c. Store energy.
d. Transport oxygen.

24. Which organ is responsible for filtering waste products from the
blood and producing urine?

a. Liver.
b. Heart.
c. Kidney.
d. Lungs.

25. What is the largest organ in the human body?

a. Liver.
b. Skin.
c. Heart.
d. Brain.

26. Which organ system is responsible for transporting oxygen,

nutrients, and waste products throughout the body?

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

a. Respiratory system.
b. Circulatory system.
c. Digestive system.
d. Endocrine system.

27. What type of tissue connects bones to other bones at joints?

a. Muscle tissue.
b. Nervous tissue.
c. Connective tissue.
d. Epithelial tissue.

28. What is the function of the liver in the human body?

a. Pump blood.
b. Produce insulin.
c. Detoxify harmful substances.
d. Filter urine.

29. Which organ is responsible for producing insulin and regulating

blood sugar levels?

a. Pancreas.
b. Thyroid.
c. Adrenal gland.
d. Pituitary gland.

30. Which organ system is responsible for breaking down food,

absorbing nutrients, and eliminating waste?

a. Respiratory system.
b. Digestive system.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

c. Urinary system.
d. Reproductive system.

31. What do organisms depend mainly on?

a. Non-living things.
b. Energy.
c. Sunlight.
d. Water.

32. Which characteristic involves an action by an organism causing a

change of position or place?

a. Respiration.
b. Sensitivity.
c. Movement.
d. Growth.

33. What is the term for the chemical reactions that break down
nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy for metabolism?

a. Photosynthesis.
b. Respiration.
c. Digestion.
d. Synthesis.

34. Which characteristic ensures that living things maintain a stable

internal environment?

a. Sensitivity.
b. Homeostasis.
c. Growth.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

d. Reproduction.

35. What is the process by which living organisms give rise to new
individuals of the same species?

a. Respiration.
b. Reproduction.
c. Growth.
d. Excretion.

36. What is the term for a population of organisms living together in a

specific area?

a. Ecosystem.
b. Community.
c. Habitat.
d. Niche.

37. What is the process by which living things respond to changes in

their surroundings?

a. Sensitivity.
b. Growth.
c. Reproduction.
d. Respiration.

38. What type of cell are bacteria?

a. Eukaryote.
b. Prokaryote.
c. Animal.
d. Plant.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

39. What are viruses made of?

a. Cells.
b. Proteins.
c. Nucleic acids (DNA or RNA).
d. Lipids.

40. Which process allows viruses to replicate inside host cells?

a. Photosynthesis.
b. Respiration.
c. Binary fission.
d. Lytic cycle.

Grade 7. Mid-Term Biology Examination. May 2024

Part 2. 1 Diagrammatic Question. 20 marks. Fill in the boxes with the

correct answers.

Structure of a Virus

Names of Parts of a Virus

Envelope Viral Viral
Envelope Protein Nucleocapsid Genome Tegument


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