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SLE397 Assessment task 1 (Assessing Scientific Literature)

Part A: Scientific Paper Evaluation Form (70 points)

1. (6 pts) What was/were the main question(s) or hypothesis(es) that the authors were trying

to test? Does their logic make sense?

The scientists' key concern was whether octopus skin can sense light independently of the

eyes, and if so, what molecular processes support this phenomena. They also wanted to look

at how opsin, a lighting-sensitive protein, controls light perception in octopus skin. The

theory behind their investigation is reasonable; prior research had theorised about the

possibility of light perception in octopus skin, but definite data was missing. The scientists

sought to offer compelling evidence for scattered light perception in octopus skin by

investigating opsin production and performing research studies that evaluated skin sensitivity

to light.

2. (3 pts) What was/were the predictor/independent variable(s)?

The predictor/independent variable would be exposure to light, particularly white light with

differed wavelengths, which the researchers controlled during the tests.

3. (3 pts) What was/were the response/dependent variable(s)?

The response/dependent variables included chromatophore expanding in octopus skin when

subjected to light stimulation, as evaluated by the latency of LACE (Light-Activated

Chromatophore Expansion), along with the change in chromatophore size prior to and

following light exposure.

4. (5 pts) Confounding factors. Are there confounding factors? Did the authors control for

any? Are there other potential confounding factors that should have been considered?

Variability between individual octopus behaviour, variances in sample preparation methods,

and environmental factors like as temperature or water clarity may all be confounding factors

in the research. The authors sought to account for these confounding factors by following

standardised sample collecting techniques, keeping similar laboratory conditions, and

completing several experiments. Variance in chromatophore reaction among individual

octopuses, as well as possible variances between mature and newborn specimens, may inject

variability into the results.

5. (10 pts) Give an overview of the methods employed using layperson’s terms. Be clear how

different aspects of their methodology relate to the aims of the study (e.g. “In order to

identify the parts of the brain used to process vocal signals, they measured changes in blood

flow using fMRI.”) Integrate the information and principles taught in class, to explain the


In their research, scientists took a variety of methods to investigating light sensitivities in

octopus skin. They initially acquired mature and young octopuses and kept them under

regulated circumstances to assure their well-being. To minimise discomfort, the researchers

anaesthetized and killed the octopuses with conventional techniques. After acquiring the

specimens, scientists dissected the dorsal mantle skin, which is known to contain

chromatophores, pigment-containing cells that cause colour change in cephalopods. The skin

samples were meticulously prepped and placed in Petri dishes that contained saltwater for the

next trials. The researchers used microscopy and physiological data to conduct Light-

Activated Chromatophore Expansion (LACE) studies on octopus skin to evaluate its light-
sensing capabilities. They subjected specimens of skin to white light with varied wavelengths

that ranged from blue to red, controlling the light source via fibre optic lighting. The

researchers assessed how responsive the skin was to light as well as measured the latency and

degree of chromatophore development by examining the reaction of chromatophores under

various light circumstances. In addition, scientists explored the molecular foundation of light

detecting in octopus skin by investigating its production of opsin, a light-sensitive enzyme

known to play a significant part in visual phototransduction. They took mRNA from adult

eyes and dorsal mantle skin samples, created cDNA libraries, and utilised PCR for

amplifying opsin gene sequences. Through sequenced and alignment examinations, the

researchers verified the presence of opsin in octopus skin, giving DNA proof for its likely

function in light perception.

6. (6 pts) What were the main findings of the study?

The study's principal findings provided strong proof for scattered light perception in octopus

skin that occurs independently of the eyes, and opsin was involved in mediating this

phenomena. Light-Activated Chromatophore Expansion (LACE) studies revealed that

chromatophores expanded significantly in reaction to white light stimulation, verifying the

skin's natural light-sensing capabilities, with maximal sensitivity around 480 nm.

Furthermore, molecular investigations validated the presence of opsin in octopus skin,

indicating a biological foundation for photosensitivity. The findings indicate that octopus skin

has a complex system for sensing and reacting to light, which might play an important role in

camouflage and predatory escape methods.

7. (7 pts) Do their conclusions match their results? Are there any possible alternative

explanations for their results that they have not considered?

The conclusions obtained are primarily consistent with their findings, since they give

convincing evidence for scattered light perception in octopus skin and suggest opsin in its

mediation role. The findings confirm the concept that octopus skin has inherent light-sensing

abilities independent of the eyes, as seen by the rapid growth of chromatophores in reaction

to white light stimulation. Furthermore, the finding of opsin production in octopus skin

reveals a biochemical foundation for light sensitivity, indicating a possible function for opsin-

mediated phototransduction within the skin. Nevertheless, while the outcomes are compatible

with the data gathered, different possibilities for the observed events should be considered.

For example, non-specific reactions to external stimuli or unidentified confounding variables

cannot be completely ruled out. Furthermore, additional study may be required to fully

comprehend the practical importance of distributed light sensing in octopus behaviour, as

well as the consequences for camouflage and predatory avoiding techniques.

8. (9 pts) List strengths of this study? What did the researchers do well with regards to

experimental design or data collection?

The study shows multiple advantages in the methodology as well as information gathering.

To get started, the scientists took an extensive approach, combining molecular approaches

with physiological trials to explore light sensitivity in octopus skin. This multifaceted

strategy enabled an exhaustive examination of the phenomena from both genetic and physical

perspectives, which increased the durability of the results. In addition, the scientists

thoroughly documented their approach and findings, including extensive explanations of

obtaining samples, experimental procedures, and data evaluation. This transparency and

precision enables other researchers in the area to replicate and validate the findings.

Furthermore, the study included various control measures to minimise any biases and confirm

the accuracy of the outcomes. For instance, the researchers followed standardised protocols
for preparing samples and laboratory procedures, ran many experiments to account for

variability, and examined both mature and young specimens to determine constancy between

age categories. Ultimately, combining data from mature and young octopuses broadens and

deepens the study, offering an in-depth comprehension of light perception in octopus skin at

various stages of development.

9. (9 pts) What were some weaknesses of this study? Are there ways they could have

improved the experimental design? (NOTE: No credit will be given for saying they should

have had a larger sample size.)

Besides its benefits, the study has certain limits as well as possibilities for growth. First, the

study was largely focused on Octopus bimaculoides, thus may restrict the significance of the

results to other cephalopod species. Introducing more species might offer a more

comprehensive knowledge of the genetic and environmental consequences of scattered light

sensing in cephalopods. Despite the scientists' attempts to control for confounding variables,

there may be causes of variation that weren't completely accounted for. Differences in

individual octopus behaviour, surrounding variables, or sample preparation procedures may

inject ambiguity into the outcomes and influence the interpretation of the data. Furthermore,

the investigation mainly investigated the existence of scattered light perception in octopus

skin and the production of opsin, but additional investigation is needed to determine the

practical importance associated with these results. Future research might look at the exact

processes underpinning opsin-mediated phototransduction in the skin and how it influences

octopus behaviour, notably in terms of camouflage and predatory avoidance techniques.

10. (12 pts) What investigation would you do next to build on the findings of this study? And

which of Tinbergen’s 4 “Why” questions would this further investigation fall under.

Drawing on this current research's outcomes, future research might go farther into identifying

the particular biochemical processes involved in opsin-mediated light sensing in octopus skin.

While the study discovered the presence of opsins and other phototransduction cascades

genes in octopus skin, the particular processes causing light sensitivity are still unknown.

Future study might use knockout gene studies, RNA interference, or pharmaceutical therapies

to change the expression or function of these genes and evaluate their impact on scattered

light perception. By studying the molecular mechanisms concerned, researchers can acquire a

more complete knowledge of how octopus skin perceives and responds to light stimuli,

offering information on the genetic and environmental relevance of this behaviour. In

addition, investigations might investigate the practical role of scattered light sensing in

octopus behaviour, notably in terms of camouflage and predatory avoidance methods.

Researchers can better understand how light-induced chromatophore enlargement contributes

to camouflage and predatory avoidance in natural environments by changing ambient light

conditions and examining the ensuing changes in chromatophore behaviour and body pattern.

Furthermore, behavioural tests might look into how distributed light sensing affects other

elements of octopus behaviour, such as prey identification, partner recognition, and territorial

defence. Future research that integrates molecular and behavioural methodologies can give a

more comprehensive understanding of the adapted importance of scattered light sensing in

octopus nature, addressing Tinbergen's fourth "Why" question about the purpose and adaptive

value of the behaviour.

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