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S1 Thesis

Submitted as a partial fulfillment of the requirement to obtain Sarjana Pendidikan

degree at
English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University

Rizka Irfandita Yuwono








Success needs a process.

(The researcher)

If you want success, but you avoid the effort to achieve success by

reason of fear of failure, then your fear is fear to be successful.

(Professor Schein)


I dedicate this thesis to the followings:

1. My mom and dad; Sri Priyatni and Eko Yuwono. Thank you for your love,
affection, and prays. Thank you for teaching me many things and your
advices. My tears fall down when I remember you. I do love you, mom
and dad. Robbighfirli waliwalidayya warhamhuma kama robbayani
2. My brother Bagus Raditiya Yuwono thanks for kindness and patience in
accompanying me to anywhere.
3. My beloved Rizki Djun. Thank you for your love, support, care and
motivation. Thank you for accompany me in every conditions and your
4. My friends Tery, Ika, Yuli, Debby. Thanks for your kindness and support.
I’ll miss you all.
5. All of my friends in 8E class English Education of UMP. Thanks for your
nice friendship. May Allah bless all of you, keep fighting for the future.
6. My PPLs’ friends. Thanks for care and suggestion.
7. My KKNs’ friends especially Yusita, and Devi. Thanks for the nice
experiences and moments during one month.


Praise to Allah SWT, the Almighty, the creator of Universe, just

because of His mercy, the researcher is being able to finish his thesis. He

would like to express his deepest gratitude to:

1. Drs. H. Supriyono, M.Pd., the rector of Purworejo Muhammadiyah

University .

2. Yuli Widiyono , M.Pd, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of Purworejo Muhammadiyah University .

3. Sri Widodo, S.S., Hum, as the Head of English Education Program, for all

the support you have provided

4. Sri Widodo, S.S., Hum and Andrian Nuriza Johan, S.S., M.Pd. as the

consultants, thanks for the guidance, suggestions and your patience during

writing this thesis.

5. The lecturers of English Education Program of Purworejo Muhammadiyah

University , thanks for your dedication to teach her until graduated.

6. Everyone who has supported her.

To all of you, May Allah SWT, give happiness in this world and

hereafter, and May blessing shines all walks of their lives


Rizka Irfandita Yuwono .2017 The Analysis of Derivational Affixes

Found in E.B White’s Novel Charlotte’s Web and Its Application in Teaching
Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade of Senior High School. S1 Thesis. English
Education Program. Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Purworejo
Muhammadiyah University.
Morphological analysis is a key area in exploring vocabularies.
Morphological analysis itself is an analysis that breaks words into its elements
(prefix and suffix). Meanwhile, the derivative affix is part of the morphological
analysis. Assessment of affixes derivation is important for students, when students
are able to identify derivative affixes; they can develop their vocabulary because
from a single word it can get many words with different parts of the conversation.
Charlotte’s Web is a novel inspired by a true story from the author E.B White
This study uses descriptive research design because it aims to determine
the affix of derivatives in a novel entitled Charlotte's Web. After analyzing the
data, the researcher knows the data is well analyzed because the affix of
derivatives in this research can be used to sharpen our sensitivity in understanding
the word and the process of formation as easy as possible,
The results of this thesis study indicate that the type of derived percentage
is the final percentage because the data indicates that there is 89% for the suffix,
and the prefix is 11%. The application of the result, it is focused in teaching
vocabulary and the part of speech materials in senior high school.

Key words: Morphology, Derivational Affixes, Novel, learning vocabulary


TITLE .................................................................................................................. i
APPROVAL SHEET ......................................................................................... ii
RATIFICATION SHEET .................................................................................. iii
MOTTO AND DEDICATIONS ........................................................................ iv
STATEMENT .................................................................................................... v
ACKNOLEDGEMENT ..................................................................................... vi
ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... viii
LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. x
LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................... xii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................. 1
A. Background of the Study................................................... 1
B. Identification of the Problem ........................................... 3
C. Limitation of the Problem ................................................ 4
D. Statement of the Problem ................................................. 4
E. Objectives of the Study ..................................................... 5
F. Significance of the Study ................................................. 5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................. 7
A. Theoretical Review ........................................................... 7
1. Definition of Morphology .......................................... 7
2. Morpheme .................................................................. 8
a. Definition of morpheme ........................................ 8
b. Kinds of morpheme ............................................... 9
3. Affixes ........................................................................ 10
a. Definition of Affixes ............................................ 10
b. Types of affixes .................................................... 10
1). Derivational Prefix .......................................... 11
2). Derivational Suffix ......................................... 18
a. Noun- Forming suffix ................................. 18

b. Adjective- Forming Suffix ......................... 20
c. Verb- forming Suffix ................................... 23
e. Adverb- forming suffix .............................. 24
4. Teaching vocabulary .................................................. 24
5. Novel .......................................................................... 25
6. Charlotte’s Web ......................................................... 26
7. Biography of E.B Whites ............................................ 27
B. Previous Study ................................................................. 30
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS ...................................................... 31
A. Design of the Research ................................................... 31
B. Data Source ...................................................................... 32
C. Unit of Analysis ............................................................... 32
D. Instrument of The Research .............................................. 33
E. Technique of Collecting the Data ..................................... 33
F. Technique of Analysis Data .............................................. 34
A. Findings ............................................................................ 35
B. Discussion ........................................................................ 38
1. Types of derivational Affixes ..................................... 38
a. Derivational Prefix ............................................... 39
b. Derivational Suffix ............................................... 43
2. The application of derivational Affixes in Charlotte’s
web novel in teaching vocabulary .............................. 56
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS .............................. 64
A. Conclusion ....................................................................... 64
B. Suggestions ...................................................................... 65
REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 66
APPENDICES .................................................................................................


Table 1. Pefix un- ............................................................................................... 12

Table 2. Prefix un- .............................................................................................. 12
Table 3. Prefix in- .............................................................................................. 13
Table 4. Prefix in- ............................................................................................... 14
Table 5. Prefix re- ............................................................................................... 14
Table 6. Prefix dis- .............................................................................................. 15
Table 7. Prefix dis- .............................................................................................. 15
Table 8. Prefix dis- .............................................................................................. 15
Table 9. Prefix mis- ............................................................................................ 16
Table 10. Prefix a- .............................................................................................. 17
Table 11. Prefix non-........................................................................................... 17
Table 12. Suffix –ment ....................................................................................... 18
Table 13. Suffix –ness ........................................................................................ 19
Table 14. Suffix –ion .......................................................................................... 19
Table 15. Suffix –ant .......................................................................................... 19
Table 16. Suffix –ity ........................................................................................... 20
Table 17. Suffix –able ........................................................................................ 20
Table 18. Suffix –able ......................................................................................... 21
Table 19. Suffix –ful .......................................................................................... 21
Table 20. Suffix –less ......................................................................................... 21
Table 21. Suffix –al ............................................................................................ 22
Table 22. Suffix –ary ......................................................................................... 22
Table 23. Suffix –ish .......................................................................................... 22
Table 24. Suffix –ous ......................................................................................... 23
Table 25. Suffix –ify ........................................................................................... 23
Table 26. Suffix –ize .......................................................................................... 23
Table 27. Suffix –ize .......................................................................................... 24
Table 28. Suffix –en ........................................................................................... 24
Table 29. Suffix –ly ............................................................................................ 24

Table 30. Derivational Prefix ............................................................................. 35
Table 31. Derivational Suffix ............................................................................. 36
Table 32. Percentage of Derivational Prefix ...................................................... 36
Table 33. Percentage of Derivational Suffix ...................................................... 37
Table 34. Percentage of Affixes .......................................................................... 38


Appendix 1. Table of Derivational Affixes

Appendix 2. Silabus



This chapter discusses about background of the study, identification of

the problem, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, limitation of the

problem, significance of the study.

A. Background of the Study

Language is very important in everyday life since language is a

means of communication between people. Someone will find it difficult to

explain opinions and feelings without using language. While English is the

language that is worldwide and is used to communicate with each other in

every field, such as: education, economic, technological, social, and

cultural. Therefore most countries encourage everyone to speak English

and learn English.

In Indonesia, learning English is also very important in this

globalization era that a lot of things are mostly related to English.

Considering the importance of English as a foreign language, the

government requires students to learn English language. In the latest

curriculum in 2013, English has ben taught at the beginning of school

until college. The goal of learning English is to master four skills:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.


To master the four skills, people need to know about the

language components, like: structure, pronunciation, spelling and


Vocabulary is one of the most difficult parts for students to learn.

There are many reasons why students have difficulty in learning

vocabulary or adding new vocabulary in their learning activities.

Sometimes, students are reluctant to memorize new vocabulary, and

sometimes teachers in the classroom do not give new innovations in

teaching vocabulary.

Thornbury (2002: 27) states several factors why learning

vocabulary somewhat difficult among factors: Pronunciation, Spelling,

Length and complexity, Grammar, Meaning, Range, connotation,

idiomatic. If those factors are fulfilled, someone can be said that he or

she has achieved the vocabulary mastery. The example is when an

Indonesian student has an English subject at school and it is the second

language for student. Students cannot understand the lesson easily. It is

because student should know the appropriate word, how to spell, how to

pronounce, and how to know the meaning to express their ideas

There are several ways to enrich our vocabulary. One of them is by

reading. It can by reading books, short stories, newspapers, fairy tales or

even new.

In morphological studies, the process of generating new forms of

language can be found in the derivation process. This is the process by

which affixes are combined with root to create new words.

Structural analysis is one of the key areas in learning vocabulary.

Structural analysis itself is an analysis that breaks the word into its

element Prefix and suffix. Every word in English has would have a

meaning, and a structural word usually begins with roots that place in

front of or behind Castaris (2011: 20). The word that precedes the root

(like en- in enlarge) are called prefixes, while those that follow it are

called suffixes (like -ance in performance, -ness in whiteness, and -able

in readable). There are several techniques to help students Improve their

vocabulary mastery. One of them is by reading a novel. Reading novels

can be used as vocabulary teaching methods, by reading novels of course

students will get new vocabulary, and of course students will not feel


Based on the descriptions above, the researcher wants to conduct a

research entiteld The Analyisis of Derivational Affixes Found in E.B

White’s Novel Charlotte’s Web and Its Application in Teaching

Vocabulary at the Tenth Grade of Senior Hig School.

B. Identification of the problem

There are several aspects why researchers analyze the linguistic

elements that exist in the novel. Some researchers argue that students

find it difficult to understand morphology. By mastering morphology,

automatically students can understand the grammar part other than

syntax. Students also sometimes have difficulty in different the existing

figurative language in the novel. Students also have difficulty in different

the use of prepositional phrase containing in the novel. Students also

have difficulty in different suffix and prefix. Derivational affixes provide

an efficient method for students in shaping words. Knowing the process

of making new words, students can understand the form of good words

nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

C. Limitation of the problem

Actually, there are many aspects that can be analyzed from the

novel such as figurative language prepositional phrase and so on.

However, because of the limitation of the time and in order to focused the

study, the researcher just wants to analyze the problem of derivational

affixes found in E.B White’s novel Charlotte’s Web and Its application In

teaching vocabulary.

D. Statement of the Problem

Based on the background of the study and limitations of the

problem above, this research problem can be formulated as follows:

1. What types of derivational affixes are found in the E.B White’s

novel Charlotte’s Web?


2. How is the application of derivational affixes found in a E.B White’s

novel Charlotte’s Web in teaching vocabulary at the tenth grade of

Senior High School?

E. Objectives of the Study

Based on the statement of the problem, the purpose of this

research is:

1. To find out the types of derivational affixes found in a E.B White’s

novel Charlotte’s Web.

2. To describe the application of derivational affixes found in a E.B

White’s novel Charlotte’s Web in teaching vocabulary at the tenth

grade of Senior High School

F. Significance of the Study

The researcher hopes that this study will give information and

useful understanding about derivational affixes, and the result of the

study is expected to be significance for:

1. For teachers

This thesis can enrich knowledge about morphology,

especially derivational affixes. Moreover, by using analyzing

derivational affixes, the teacher can develop to be method that they

can use in the classroom in teaching vocabulary.


2. English students

This thesis hopefully gives contribution in how to learn

morphology, especially in understanding derivational affixes. They

can learn the forms of derivational affixes.

3. For readers

The researcher also hopes that this thesis will be useful for

everyone who read this thesis. Researcher hope that people read

this thesis will get knowledge about Linguistics and understand

what is written in this thesis



In this chapter, the researcher explains theoretically the topics that

strengthen this research that can become a basic of the research. The following

topics will include general concept of morphology, morpheme, derivational

affixes, teaching vocabulary, novel, and previous study.

A. Theoretical Review

1. Definition of Morphology

Before discussing derivational affixes, it is appropriate to explain

morphology first. According Katamba (2006:3), morphology the study of

the internal structure of words did not emerge as a distinct sub-branch of

linguistics until the nineteenth century. However Lieber (2009: 2)

morphology is the study of word formation, including the ways new

words are coined in the languages of the world, and the way forms of

words are varied depending on how they’re used in sentences. Moreover,

according to Richard and Schmidt (2010: 385) the study of morphemes

and their different forms (allomorphs), and the way they combine in word

formation. For example, the English word unfriendly is formed from

friend, the adjective-forming suffix -ly and the negative prefix un-. On the

other hand Carstaris (2002:16) morphology is the area of grammar

concerned with the structure of words and with relationships between

words involving the morphemes that compose them is technically.


From the theories above, researcher can conclude that

morphology is study of how words are put together.

2. Morpheme

a. Definition of Morpheme

Lieber (2009:3) defines a morpheme as the smallest unit of

language that has its own meaning a morpheme is the smallest part of

the word that carries meaning. Simple words like giraffe, wiggle, or

yellow are morphemes, but so are prefixes like re- and pre- and

suffixes like -ize and -er. However, according to Katamba (2006:20)

morpheme is used to refer to the smallest, indivisible units of semantic

content or grammatical function words are made up of. Cartaris

(2002:16) also states that morpheme is the smallest part of word. In a

linguistic, a morpheme is the smallest component of word, or other

linguistic unit, that has semantic meaning. The word unbelievable has

three morphemes: un-, a bound morpheme: believe, a free morpheme:

and –able, a bound morpheme. Un- is also prefix, Is a suffix. Both un-

and –able are affixes the word helpfulness has either three morpheme:

help, a free morpheme: -ful, a bound morpheme: -ness, a bound


Therefore, it can be stated that morpheme is the smallest part

of word, smallest component of word that has semantic meaning. The

concept of word and morpheme are different; a morpheme may or

may not stand alone. One or several morpheme composes a word. A


morpheme is free if it can stand alone (example: one, cake), or bound

if it used exclusively alongside a free morpheme (example: im- in

impossible). Its actual phonetic representations is the morph, with the

different morphs (in-,im) representing the same morpheme being

grouped as its allomorphs’.

b. Kinds of Morphemes

Lieber (2009:33) states that some morpheme can stand alone,

as words: wipe, head, bracelet, McDonald. Those are called free

morpheme. The morphemes that cannot stand alone are called bound

morphemes. In the examples above, the bound morpheme are un-, -

ize, and –action. Bound morphemes comes different varieties. Those

are prefixes and suffixes; the former are bound morphemes that come

before the base of the word, and the latter bound morphemes that

come after base. Together, prefixes and suffixes can be grouped

together affixes.

According to Mullany (2009:6), morpheme consists of free

morpheme and bound morpheme. First the word is called free

morphemes because they can stand on its own as fully fledged word

(far, cook and car). The second word is called bound morpheme

because it can only survive meaningfully by being attached to a free

morpheme (-ly, -ise, -action, -less, non-, co- and so on)

Similar to Louise above Plag (2003:8) states morphemes are

categorized into two classes: free morphemes and bound morphemes.


A free morpheme can stand alone as an independent word in a phrase,

such as the word tree in John sat in the tree. A bound morpheme

cannot stand alone but must be attached to another morpheme.

From the above statements it can be concluded that the

morpheme that can stand alone is free morpheme and that cannot

stand alone is bound morpheme.

3. Affixes

a. Definition Affixes

An affix is a bound morpheme that changes the basic

meaning of the root, they are either derivational or inflectional, they

can occur before or after or within a base. An affix is a bound

morpheme that is joined before, after, or within a root or stem.


According Katamba (2006: 44) an affix is a morpheme which

only occurs when attached to some other morpheme or morpheme

such as a root or stem or base. Moreover, according to Plag

(2003:122) affix as a bound morpheme that attaches to bases.

b. Types of Affixes:

According Zapata (2007:2) Affixes are classified into

inflectional affixes (inflectional morphemes or inflections) and

derivational affixes (derivational morphemes or derivations)


1) Inflectional affixes, for their part, are morphemes which serve a

purely grammatical function, such as referring to and giving extra

linguistic information about the already existing meaning of a

word (e.g., number, person, gender, case, etc.), expressing

syntactic relations between words (e.g. possession, comparison).

2) Derivational affixes are morphemes that create (or derive) new

words, usually by either changing the meaning and/or the part of

speech (i.e., the syntactic category), or both, of the words they are

attached .In English, derivational morphemes can be either

prefixes or suffixes.

According to Plag types of derivational affixes can be

classified into two derivational prefix and derivational suffix:

1) Derivational Prefix

Prefix is the affixes which can be added to the beginning of

a word. All prefixes in English are derivational so that the prefixes

in English create new meaning or create word. Plag (2003:122)

states that the creation of new meaning can be accompanied by the

change part of speech or not. Most prefixes do not change part of

speech. The prefix which changes the part of speech, for example is

the prefix dis-. The prefixes change the bases into noun. The word

dislike for example, consists of the prefix –dis and the base like.

The other prefixes which do not change part of speech are

explained as follows:

a) Prefix un-

There two kinds of the prefix un- in English. The first

is attached to adjectives to form new adjectives, and second is

atached to verbs to form new verbs. The two kinds the prefix

un- do not change the part of speech. The prefix un- attached

to adjectives means ‘not’. Look at the following examples of

prefix un- attached to adjectives.

Table 1. of prefix un-

Prefix Base (adj) Derived word (adj) Meaning

un- Happy Unhappy Not happy
un- Readable Unreadable Not readable

Based on the examples above the rule of the prefix un-

attached adjectives can be stated as: (un-)+ adjectives = NEW

ADJECTIVES. This rule says that the prefix un- attached to

adjectives creates a new adjective. The new adjective is

indicated by the change of meaning. In this case the prefix un-

means ‘not’.

The second prefix un- joins with verbs. In this case the

prefix un- means ‘to do’ the opposite ‘of’. The following are

the examples of the prefix un- which combines with verbs:

Table 2. Of prefix un-

Prefix Base (verb) Derived word(verb) Meaning

un- ease Unease to do opposite
of ease
un- Lock Unlock to do opposite
of locking

From the examples above, the rule of prefix un-

attached to verbs can be stated as: (un-) + verb=new VERB.

This rule says that the prefix un- attached to a verb creates a

new verb. The new verb is indicated by the change of meaning

namely ‘to do the opposite of’.

b) Prefix in-

The prefix in- is the derivational bound morpheme

mostly attached to adjectives. This prefix does not change the

part of speech either. The meaning of this prefix is ‘not’. Look

at the examples below:

Table 3. Of prefix in-

Prefix Base (adj) Derived word (adj) Meaning

In- Accurate Inacurrate Not accurate
In- Relevant Inrelevant Not relevant

From the examples above, the rules of prefix In-

attached to do adjectives can be stated as; (In-) + adjectives=

new ADJECTIVES. This rule says that the prefix In- attached

to an adjective creates a new adjective. The new adjectives is

indicated by the change of meaning ‘not’ in the derived word.

The prefix In- attached to nouns are very rare. The following

are the examples of the prefix In- attached the nouns


Table 4. Of prefix in-

Prefix Based (noun) Derived word (noun) Meaning

In- Balance Inbalance Absence of
In- Decorum Indecorum Lack of

c) prefix re-

The prefix re- is the derivational bound morpheme

attached to verbs to form new verbs. The meaning of the prefix

re- is’ again’. Look at the examples bellow:

Table 5. Of prefix re-

Prefix Base (verb) Derived word (verb) Meaning

re- Print Reprint Print again
re- Write Rewrite Write again

Based on the examples above, the rule of prefix re-

attached to verbs can be stated as; (re-)+ verb= new VERB.

This rule says that the prefix re- attached to a verb crates a new

verb. The new verb as the derived word is indicated by the

change of meaning ‘again’.

d) prefix dis-

The prefix dis- is a derivational morpheme which can

be attached to verbs to form new verbs. This prefix has several

meaning but its basic meaning ‘not’


Table 6. Of prefix dis-

Prefix Based(verb) Derived word (verb) Meaning

dis- Agree Disagree Not agree
dis- Like Dislike Not like

The prefix dis- can be attached to nouns to form new

nouns. The following are the examples:

Table 7. Of prefix dis-

Prefix Base(noun) Derived word(noun) Meaning

dis- Harmony Disharmony Lack of
dis- Information Disinformation Absence of

Based on the examples above, the rule of the prefix dis-

attached to nouns can be stated: (dis-)+ noun= new NOUN.

The new noun is indicated by the change meaning. In this case,

the prefix dis- brings the basic meaning ‘not’ to the noun.

The prefix dis- can also be attached to adjectives to

form new adjectives. The examples are as follows:

Table 8. Of prefix dis-

Prefix Base(adjcetives) Derived Meaning

dis- Able Disable Make unable to do
dis- Honest Dishonest Not honest

Based on examples above, the rule of the prefix dis-

attached to adjectives can be stated as: (dis-)+ adjectives= new

ADJECTIVES. The new adjective is indicated by the change


of meaning. In this case, the prefix dis- brings the basic

meaning ‘not’ to the adjectives. The prefix dis- attached to

verbs is more productive than that attached to nouns and


e) prefix mis-

The prefix mis- is the derivational bound morpheme

attached to verbs to form new verbs. The new meaning created

by this prefix is ‘wrong’. The following is the list of verbs to

which the prefix mis- can be attached.

Table 9 of prefix mis-

Prefix Base(verb) Derived Meaning

mis- Report Misreport Report
mis- Align Misalign Align wrongly

Based on the examples above, the rule of the prefix

mis- attached to verbs can be stated as; (mis-) + verb= new

VERB. The new verb is indicated by the change of meaning.

In this case, the prefix mis- brings the basic meaning ‘wrong’

to the verb.

f) prefix a-

The prefix a- is a derivational morpheme which can be

attached tp adjectives to form new adjectives. This prefix has

several meaning but its basic meaning is ‘not’


Table 10 of prefix a-

Prefix Base(adj) Derived word Meaning

a- Typical Atypical Not typical
a- Sexual Asexual Without sex

Based on the examples above, the rule of the prefix a-

attached to adjectives can be stated as: (a-) +adjectives= new

ADJECTIVES. The new adjective is indicated by the change

of meaning. In this case, the prefix a- brings the meaning ‘not

without’ to the adjectives.

g) prefix non-

The prefix non- is a derivational morpheme which can

be attached to adjectives to form new adjectives. This prefix

has several meaning but its basic meaning is ‘not’.

Table 11 of prefix non-

Prefix Base(adj) Derived word Meaning

non- Biological No biological Not biological
non- Sexual Non-commercial Not

Based on the examples above, the rule of the prefix a-

attached to adjectives can be stated as: (non-)+adjectives= new

ADJECTIVES. The new adjective is indicated by the change

of meaning. In this case, the prefix non- brings the meaning

‘not’ to the adjectives. Plag (2003:123-126)


2) Derivational Suffix

Suffix is the affixes can be added to the end of a word.

Commonly the suffixes change the meaning and the word class of

the base words. There four terms of suffixes, they are noun-suffixes,

adjectives-suffixes, verb-suffixes and adverb-suffixes. The following

is the description of derivational suffix which change the part of


a) Noun-forming suffix

Noun forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes

which change the words or morpheme to noun. The following

explanations of derivational suffixes which from noun Plag


(1) suffix –ment

The suffix –ment is the derivational morpheme which

can be attached to some verbs to form nouns. This suffix

brings the new meaning. The following are the examples of

the suffixes –ment attached to verb

Table 12 of suffix -ment

Base (verb ) Suffix Derived word(noun)

Assess -ment Assessment
Treat -ment Treatment

(2) suffix –ness

The suffix –ness is the derivational morpheme which

can be attached to adjectives to from noun expressing a state


or condition. The following are the examples of the suffix –

ness to adjectives

Table 13 of suffix -ness

Base (adjectives) Suffix Derived word (noun)

Happy -ness Happiness
Sad -ness Sadness

(3) suffix –ion

The suffix –ion is the derivational morpheme which

can be attached to verb to from noun. The following are the

example of the suffix –ion attached to verbs.

Table 14 of suffix -ion

Base (verb) Suffix Derived word (noun)

Sediment -ion Sedimention
Act -ion Action

(4) suffix –ant

The suffix –ant is the derivational morpheme which

can be attached to verb to from noun. The following are the

example of the suffix ––ant attached to verbs.

Table 15 of suffix -ant

Base (verb) Suffix Derived word (noun)

Assist -ant Assistant
Disclaim -ant Disclaimant

(5) suffix -ity

The suffix –ity is the derivational morpheme which

can be attached to verb to from noun. The following are the

example of the suffix ––ity attached to adjective.

Table 16 of suffix -ity

Base Suffix Derived word (noun)

Curious -ity Curiousity
Productive -ity Productivity

b) Adjectives -forming suffix

Adjectives forming suffix are the derivational suffixes

which change the word or morpheme to adjectives. The

following is the explanation of derivational suffixes which


(1) Suffix –able

The suffix –able is the derivational morphemes which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases can be

either verbs or nouns. The following examples:

Table 17 of suffix -able

Base (verb) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Read -able readable
Break -able Breakable

Table 18 of suffix -able

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Marriage -able marriageable
Fashion -able fashionable

(2) suffix –ful

The suffix –ful is the derivational morphemes which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases are

noun. The following are the examples:

Table 19 of suffix -ful

Base Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Purpose -ful Purposeful
Pain -ful Painful

(3) suffix –less

Like –ful, suffix –less is the derivational morphemes

which change the bases to adjectives. In this case the base

are noun. The following examples:

Table 20 of suffix -less

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Care -less Careless
Power -less Powerless

(4) suffix –al

The suffix –al is the derivational morpheme which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases are

noun. The following are the examples:


Table 21 of suffix -al

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Accident -al Accidental
Colony -al Colonial

(5) suffix -ary

The suffix -ary is the derivational morphemes which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases are

noun. The following are the examples:

Table 22 of suffix -ary

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Legend -ary Legendary
Precaution -ary Precautionary

(6) suffix –ish

The suffix –ish is the derivational morpheme which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases are

noun. The following are the examples:

Table 23 of suffix -ish

Base Suffix Derived word(adjectives)

Child -ish Childish
Boy -ish Boyish

(7) suffix –ous

The suffix -ous is the derivational morphemes which

change the bases to adjectives. In this case, the bases are

noun. The following are the examples:


Table 24 of suffix -ous

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (adjectives)

Fame -ous Famous
Glory -ous Glorious

c) Verb- forming suffixes

Verb –forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes

which change the words or morphemes to verbs. The following

is the explanation of derivational suffixes which from verbs.

(1) suffix –ify

The suffix –ify is the derivational morphemes

which change the base to verb. The base can be noun. The

examples are as follow:

Table 25 of suffix -ify

Base( noun) Suffix Derived word (verb)

Identity -ify Identify
Beauty -ify Beautify

(2) suffix –ize

The suffix –ize is the derivational morphemes which

change the base to verb. The base can be nouns and

adjectives .the examples are as follow

Table 26 of suffix -ize

Base (noun) Suffix Derived word (verb)

Memory -ize Memorize
Victim -ize Victimize

Table 27 of suffix -ize

Base (Adjective) Suffix Derived word (verb)

Mobile -ize Mobilize
Local -ize Localize

(3) suffix –en

The suffix –en is the derivational morpheme which

change the base to verb. The base can be adjectives and

noun. The examples are as follow:

Table 28 of suffix -en

Base (adjectives) Suffix Derived word(noun)

Black -en Blacken

d) Adverb- forming suffixes

Adverb-forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes

which change the words or morphemes to adverb. This

following are the example of derivational suffixes which from


Table 29 of suffix –ly

Base (adjective) Suffix Derived word (adverb)

Clear -ly Clearly
Beautiful -ly Beautifully

4. Teaching vocabulary

Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary.

Vocabulary supports the speaker to express their opinion, ideas, and

feelings in communication. According to Kamil and Hiebert (2007:7),


vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meaning. A good vocabulary

teaching technique has the following things:

1. It attracts the learners.

2. It makes the learners attend to the form meaning or use of the words

3. It gives a chance for repetition.

Teaching vocabulary plays important role in language acquisition

because the mastery of vocabulary will help students in mastery all the

language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will

make the students in order to communicate in daily life and will

strengthen belief that English can be used to express some ideas or feeling

their express in their native language.

5. Novel

A novel is book of long narrative in literary prose. According to

Chevally (2014:9) novel is a fiction in prose of a certain extent and adds

that he defines extent as over 50,000 words. Moreover, according Mario

(1999:11) states that novel is important genre prose fiction which differs

from the epic through more complex character presentation and point of

view technique its emphasis on realism and more subtle structuring of the

plot. Moreover Nurgiyantoro (2010: 10) argues that the novel is a work of

fiction that was built by the builder elements, namely elements of intrinsic

and extrinsic elements. The novel is a genre of prose featuring elements of

story the most complete, has extensive media, in addition, the novel also

presents problems The most extensive community. In general, a novel

tells about the characters and their behaviour in everyday life.

Based on its definition, people can know that there are many

words that form to be a sentence. Then that sentence forms a paragraph

and so on so that they become a novel.

6. Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web is the novel written by New York author E.B

White. Charlotte's Web is a children's book. First published in 1952, this

book tells of a pig named Wilbur and friends with a spider named

Charlotte. The 1973 film charlotte’s web produced by Hanna Barbera.

To give the point of novel explicitly, the researcher gives a

synopsis as bellow:

This story begins when Fern Arable rescues a little piglet his

father is about to kill because it is considered to be troublesome in the


Be the little pig left to Fern for her own treatment. She named him

Wilbur. Fern nursed him like a human child, fed him, took him to play

with his doll, until Wilbur's age reached five weeks, he had to be sold

because his treatment was getting harder and eating more and more.

Wilbur also moved to Zuckerman's farm, where Fern still visited him

every day.

Time passed, there were times when Wilbur felt lonely when Fern

did not visit him. Then he met Charlotte, a spider willing to be his friend.

Wilbur adores Charlotte, for him Charlotte is not only a friend, a friend,

but also an entertainer and protector. When Wilbur hears the fact that

once he will end up being food for Zuckerman's family, Charlotte also

promises to help him.

Charlotte had her way; she spun her webs in a "some pig" letter

on the door of Wilbur's cage. As the morning came, with the newly

emerging sunshine and the sheen of water from the misty morning, the

web of Charlotte drew the attention of the people around him. Wilbur was

crowned as a miracle. Especially with the 'net say' that Charlotte will

make next, Wilbur becomes a pig worth more in Zuckerman's eyes.

7. Biography of E.B White

E.B. White was born in New York in 1899. In 1927, White

joined The New Yorker magazine as writer and contributing editor—a

position he would hold for the rest of his career. He wrote three books for

children, including Stuart Little (1945) and Charlotte's Web (1952). In

1959 he revised The Elements of Style by the late William Strunk Jr.,

which became a standard style manual for writers. White, who earned a

Pulitzer Prize special citation in 1978, passed away at his home in Maine

in 1985.

Early Life and Career Writer E.B. White was born on July 11,

1899, in Mount Vernon, New York. His parents named him Elwyn

Brooks White, but he did not appreciate the name. "I never liked Elwyn.

My mother just hung it on me because she'd run out of names," he

told The New York Times in 1980. "I was her sixth child."

While attending Cornell University, White acquired the nickname

"Andy," which he was known by for the rest of his life. In college, he

served as the editor of the school's newspaper; after graduating in 1921,

White pursued a career in journalism for several years. He worked for the

United Press and the Seattle Times before eventually landing a position

with The New Yorker magazine in 1927. For the rest of his career, he

would work with this literary publication.

White also met his wife, Katharine, an editor and writer, at The

New Yorker. The couple married in 1929.

Acclaimed Author In addition to his work for The New Yorker,

White took on a number of other literary projects. He and James Thurber

penned the humorous 1929 book Is Sex Necessary? Or, Why You Feel the

Way You Do. White also created classics of children's literature. His first

children's book was published in 1945. Stuart Little related the delightful

adventures of a mouse living with his human family in New York City.

By the end of the 1930s, White and his family were spending

most of their time at their Maine farmhouse. One day, White spotted a

spider spinning an egg sac in his barn in Maine. This encounter provided

the inspiration for what is perhaps his most beloved work, Charlotte's

Web (1952), about the friendship between a spider named Charlotte and

Wilbur the pig.


Though White was becoming known for his work for children, he

continued to write for adults as well. His literary classic Here Is New

York, published as an essay in 1948 before being reprinted in book form

the following year, is to many the quintessential depiction of the Big

Apple experience. He also revised an earlier work by William Strunk Jr.,

coming out with his take on The Elements of Style in 1959. The advice

contained in this well-known book helped to shape and inspire many

future generations of writers.

White received a Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1963. He

followed this accomplishment with his third classic work for young

readers, The Trumpet of the Swan (1970). In 1971, White was awarded

the National Medal for Literature.

Later Years White wrote numerous poems and essays during his

life; a collection of his essays came out in 1977. That same year, White's

wife passed away. He was devastated by the loss.

On October 1, 1985, White died at his home in North Brooklin,

Maine. He was 86 and, according to The New York Times, had been

suffering from Alzheimer's disease. White was survived by his son, Joel;

his stepchildren, Roger Angell and Nancy Stableford; and numerous

grandchildren and great-g


B. Previous Studies

In this study, the researcher uses two previous studies as

consideration in making this thesis. The first previous study is a thesis

entitled An analysis of derivational affixes in the land of five towers novel by

a. Fuadi translated by Angie Kilbane conclude by Aryati (2014). It is a

descriptive qualitative research. The aims are to find out the derivational affix

and the roots from the words in The Land of Five Towers Novel by A. Fuadi.

Te result shows that there are 30,7% adjectives, 28,6% noun, and 40,7% verb.

The second previous study is also a thesis entitled The Analysis Of

Derivational Process Of English Nouns As Found In Some Of The Jakarta

Post Articles (Published On January, 2nd 2012) concluded by Yulianto

(2012). It is descriptive qualitative research. The aims are to derivational

process nouns. The result shows that there are verbs become nouns 63,4%,

adjectives become nouns 11,1%, and nouns become nouns 25,5%.

There are similarity and differences between this thesis and the

previous study. The similarity is on the research design, descriptive

qualitative research. While the difference is that the first previous study uses

analyzes more about affixes and this research only analyzes the derivational


The similarity and difference between the second previous study and

this research. The similarity is on the research design, descriptive qualitative

research. While the differences are that the second previous study use articles

and this research use novel.



This chapter discusses the methodology of the research. It presents the

design of the research, data source, and unit of analysis, instrument of the

research, technique of collecting data, and technique of analyzing data.

A. Design of the Research

This research is designed as descriptive qualitative. According to

Creswell (2012:22), qualitative research is a means for exploring and

understanding the meaning individuals or groups ascribe to a social or human

problem. As stated by Sugiyono (2010:53), a qualitative approach is used to

observed and investigate why and what particular events can occur.

Characteristic of qualitative research according to Creswell

(2012:16), as follows:

1. Exploring a problem and developing a detailed understanding a central


2. Having the literature review play a minor role but justifies the problem.

3. Stating the purpose and research questions in a general and Broadway as

as to the participants’ experiences.

4. Collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals so that

the participants’ views are obtained.


5. Analyzing the data for description and themes using text analysis and

interpreting the larger meaning of the findings.

6. Writing the report using flexible, emerging structures and evaluate criteria,

and including the researchers’ subjective reflexivity and bias.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher investigation used a

descriptive qualitative research in order to describe and interpret the data or

the result.

B. Data Source

According Arikunto (2013:172), data is the result of observation

consisting of thing that researcher analyzes and the information or material

which used in this research taken from the data source. The data source of this

research is Charlotte’s Web novel Qualitative research involves non-numeric


C. Unit of Analysis

According to Arikunto (2013:185), the unit of analysis in a research

is a certain unit that is measured as the subject of the research. In this

research, the researcher wants to analyze words that contain derivational

affixes found in the novel. The type of derivational affixes is prefix and


D. Instrument of the Research

According Sugiyono (2010:305) states that in qualitative research

the instrument is the researcher herself. Based on the statements above the

instrument in this research is the researcher herself.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

According Sugiyono (2011:308), without knowing the technique of

collecting data, the researcher will not get the data which is fulfilling the

standard of set in data. From the statement, technique of collecting data is

very important in conducting the research because the main object of the

research is collecting the data.

The data, which collected in this research, are types that indicate the

derivational affixes found in novel Charlotte’s Web. This novel consists of

chapter and 191 pages. The researcher will collect data of types of

derivational affixes in that novel and then applied in teaching vocabulary.

In collecting the data, there are some steps done by the researcher;

those are as follows:

1. Deciding the novel

2. Reading the novel

3. Underlining the words in the novel that contain derivational affixes


F. Technique of Analyzing Data

Data analysis is the process of arranging steps the data, organizing it

into one pattern, categories and a basic description Jamal (2015:158)

In this research, the data are analyzed by using the following steps:

1. Identifying the data

2. Classifying the data

3. Counting the data

4. Applying derivational affixes found in the novel in teaching vocabulary

5. Drawing conclusion and suggestion.



In this chapter, the researcher will serve the finding and discussion of the

research of derivational affixes words in Charlotte’s Web novel by E.B White

A. Findings

The purpose of this study was to find the derivational affixes found in

Charlotte's Web novel by E.B White. This chapter explores 5 tables, those are

about derivational prefix found in the novel, derivational suffix found in the

novel, percentage derivational prefix, percentage derivational suffix and

percentage the derivational affixes.

Table 30
The Derivational Prefix Found in the Novel

No Kinds of Prefix Amount

1 un- 15
2 in- 10
3 re- 0
4 dis- 13
5 mis- 0
6 non- 0
7 a- 0
Total 38

From the table above, it can be seen that prefix found in Charlotte’s

Web novel is prefix un-15, in- 10, and dis- 13. The dominant from is prefix un-

15 out of 38 prefix found.


Table 31.
The Derivational Suffixes Found in the Novel

No Kinds of Suffix Amount

1 -ment 19
2 -ness 21
3 -ion 25
4 -ant 0
5 -ity 4
6 -able 9
7 -ful 26
8 -less 5
9 -al 4
10 -ary 1
11 -ish 2
12 -ous 7
13 -ify 0
14 -ize 0
15 -en 1
16 -ly 193
Total 317

From the table above, it can be seen that suffix found in Charlotte’s

Web novel is dominated suffix –ly 193, -ion 25, -ful 26, -ness 21, -ment 19, -

able 9, -ous7, -less 5, -al4, -ity 4, -ish 2, -ary 1, and –en 1. The dominant

fromis suffix –ly 193 out of 317.

In the next section the researcher will show table the percentage about

derivational Prefixes found and Suffix.

Table 32
Percentage of derivational Prefix found in the Novel

No Kinds of Prefix Amount Percentage

1 un- 15 39%
2 in- 10 26%
3 dis- 13 35%
Total 38 100%

The table shows the percentage of derivational prefixes. There are 15

prefix –un (39%), 10 prefix in- (26%), 13 prefix dis- (35%).

Table 33
Percentage of Derivational Suffix Found in the Novel

No Kinds of Suffix Amount Percentage

1 -ment 19 6%
2 -ness 21 6%
3 -ion 25 9%
4 -ity 4 1%
5 -able 9 2%
6 -ful 26 8%
7 -less 5 1%
8 -al 4 1%
9 -ary 1 1%
10 -ish 2 1%
11 -ous 7 2%
12 -en 1 1%
13 -ly 193 62%
Total 317 100%

The table shows the percentage of derivational suffix. There are 19

suffix –ment(6%), 21 suffix –ness (6%), 25 suffix –ion(9%), 4 suffix –ity (1%),

9 suffix –able (2%), 26 suffix –ful(8%), 5 suffix –less(1%), 4 suffix –al(1%), 1

suffix –ary(1%), 2 suffix –ish(1%), 7 suffix –ous(7%), 3 suffix –en 1%, and

193 suffix –ly 62%.

There are many types of affixes that are found by the research from that

novel. The following table is the frequency and the percentage of the types of

derivational affixes found in Charlotte’s Web novel


Table 34
The Percentage of Affix Found

No Types of Affixes Total Percentage

1 Derivational Prefix 38 11%
2 Derivational Suffix 317 89%
Total 355 100 %

The table above shows about the percentage of the types of derivational

affixes found in Charlotte’s Web novel. The percentage of the types of

derivational affixes is taken based on the amount. The percentages of the types

of derivational affixes are as follows:

1. Prefix (11 %)
2. Suffix (89 %)
From the classification above, the researcher can see that the

derivational affixes found in Charlotte’s Web novel is dominated by suffix:

317 out of 355 or 89 %

B. Discussion

1. Types of Derivational Affixes

Derivational affixes can be classified into two parts. They are

prefix and suffix. Prefixes in English modify the meaning although they do

not modify the syntactic category, for example prefix in- in inefficient, un-

in undo. re- in rewrite. The suffixes change the meaning and the word

class of the base word. The syntactic category can be noun, verb, adjective,

or adverb.

In this section, the researcher wants to discuss each section of


a. Derivational Prefix

A prefix, as seen on chapter II page 11, is an affix which can

be added to the beginning of a word. Those are prefix un-, in-, re-,dis-

,mis-,non-, and –a.

On the previous subtitle, there are 3 types of derivational

affixes found in the Charlotte’s Web novel. There are 15 prefixes un-,

10 prefixes in-, and 13 prefixes dis-. The dominant prefix in the novel

is prefix un-

Here are the examples of prefixes found in the novel.

1) Prefix un-:

 But he was determined to get in touch with his unknown

friend.(P34, L4)

The word unknown is a derivational word. The original word

known is an adjective. This word is added byprefix un- which

produces a new word unknown and change the meaning into

negative. The word unknown means that not known or not

familiar (Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the word unknown

still functions as an adjective. P34 means that the word

unknown is found in page 34 Line 4.


 "Please don't kill it!" she sobbed. "It's unfair." (P2, L1)

The word unfair is a derivational word. The original word

fairis an adjective. This word is added by prefix un- which

produces a new word unfair and changes the meaning into

negative. The word unfair means not treating people in a

equal way, or not morally right an unfair system (Cambridge

Dictionary). Here, the word unfair still functions as an


 The sheep heard the crickets, and they felt so uneasy they

broke a hole in the pasture fence and wandered up into the

field across the road.(P114, L2)

The word uneasy is a derivational word. The original word

easy is an adjective. This word is added by prefix un- which

produces a new word uneasy and changes the meaning into

negative. The word uneasy means if you are uneasy, you are

slightly worried or uncomfortable about a particular situation

(Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the word uneasy still

functions as an adjective.

 One thing is certain, he has a most unattractive personality.

(P135, L1) The word unattractive is a derivational word. The

original word attractive is an adjective. This word is added

by prefix un- which produces a new word unattractive and

changes the meaning into negative. The word unattractive


means unpleasant to look at (Cambridge Dictionary). Here,

the word attractive still functions as an adjective.

2) Prefix in-:

 "This is the most terrible case of injustice I ever heard of."

(P3, L4)

The word injustice is a derivational word. The original word

justice is a noun. This word is added by prefix un- which

produces a new word injustice and change the meaning into

negative. The word injustice means a situation in which there

is no fairness (Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the word

injustice still functions as a noun.

 I shall find it inconvenient to leave home, even for a few

days."(P116, L1)

The word inconvenient is a derivational word. The original

word convenient is an adjective. This word is added by prefix

in- which produces a new word that is inconvenient change

the meaning into negative. The word inconvenient means

causing problems or difficulties (Cambridge Dictionary).

Here, the word inconvenient still functions as an adjective.

3) Prefix dis-:

 He crawled into the tunnel and disappear from sight,

completely covered with straw.(P9, L3)

The word disappear is a derivational word. The original

words appear is a verb. This word is added by prefix dis-


which produces a new word disappear and change the

meaning into negative. The word disappear means If people

or things disappear, they go somewhere where they cannot be

seen or found (Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the word

disappear still functions as a verb.

 I took quite a dislike to him in our brief interview.(P135, L2)

The word dislike is a derivational word. The original word

like is a verb. This word is added by prefix dis- which

produces a new word dislike and change the meaning into

negative. The word dislike means not like someone or

something (Cambridge Dictionary). Here, the word dislike

still functions as a verb.

 Fern bit into a raspberry that had a bad-tasting bug inside it,

and got discourage (P70, L9).

The word discourage is a derivational word. The original

word courage is a verb. This word is added by prefix dis-

which produces a new word discourage and change the

meaning into negative. The word discourage means to make

someone feel less confident, enthusiastic and positive about

something, or less willing to do something (Cambridge

Dictionary). Here, the word discourage still functions as a


b. Derivational Suffix

Most of derivational suffix in English change part of speech.

According Plag (2003:109) there are four forms suffix. They are

noun-suffixes, adjective-suffixes, verb-suffixes, and adverb- suffixes.

The following is the description of suffix which change the part

of speech found in Charlotte’s Web novel. On the previous subtitle types

of derivational affixes in the Charlotte’s Web novel found 13 suffix there

are suffix –ly 193, -ion 25, -ful 26, -ness 21, -ment 19, -able 9, -ous7, -

less 5, -al 4, -ity 4, -ish 2, -ary 1, and –en 1.

1) Noun -forming suffix

Noun forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes which

change the words or morpheme to noun. The affixes that make noun

found in charlotte’s web novel are suffix –ment, -er, and –ion.

Example develop (verb) development (noun) here suffixes –ment has

the function as noun marker.

Based on finding above, researcher knows that suffix –ment

mostly used in a word as noun. Here, a noun marker gives those

sentence clear explanations. It will be clearly explained as


a) Suffix –ment:

 "I didn't know you could lay eggs," said Wilbur in

amazement.(P116, L7)

The word amazement is a derivational word. It is derived

from the word amaze + suffix -ment. The word amaze is


a verb, while the derivational word amazement functions

as a noun.

 In the kitchen, Mrs. Zuckerman suddenly made an

announcement. (P120, L2)

The word announcement is a derivational word. It is

derived from the word announce + suffix -ment. The

word announce is a verb, while the derivational word

announcement functions as a noun.

 "Now make an attachment with your spinnerets, hurl

yourself into space, and let out a drag line as you go

down!.(P56, L8)

The word attachment is a derivational word. It is derived

from the word attach + suffix -ment. The word attach is

a verb, while the derivational word attachment functions

as a noun.

b) Suffix –ness:

 It was the best place to be, thought Wilbur, this warm

delicious cellar, with the garrulous geese, the changing

seasons, the heat of the sun, the passage of swallows, the

nearness of rats, the sameness of sheep, the love of

spiders, the smell of manure, and the glory of everything.

(P183, L5)

The word sameness is a derivational word. It is derived

from the word same + suffix -ness. The word same is an

adjective, while the derivational word sameness

functions as a noun.

 A great feeling of happiness swept over the Zuckerman’s

and the Arables. (P160, L2)

The word happiness is a derivational word. It is derived

from the word happy + suffix -ness. The word happy is

an adjective, while the derivational word happiness

function as a noun.

 The rat had no morals, no conscience, no scruples, no

consideration, no decency, no milk of rodent kindness,

no compunctions, no higher feeling, no friendliness, no

anything.(P46, L1)

The word kindness is a derivational word. It is derived

from the word kind + suffix -ness. The word kind is an

adjective, while the derivational word kindness functions

as a noun.

c) Suffix –ion:

 The sheep stayed near the barn, too, for protection.

(P174, L2)

The word protection is a derivational word. It is derived from the word protect +

suffix -ion. The word protect is a verb, while the derivational word protection

functions as a noun.

"Roll it away and add it to that nasty collection of yours." (P45, L7)

The word collection is a derivational word. It is derived from the word collect +

suffix -ion. The word collect is a verb, while the derivational word collection

functions as a noun.

On behalf of the governors of the Fair, I have the honor of awarding a special prize

of twenty-five dollars to Mr. Zuckerman, together with a handsome bronze medal

suitably engraved, in token of our appreciation of the part played by this pig-this

radiant, this terrific, this humble pig-in attracting so many visitors to our great

County Fair." (P158, L6)

The word appreciation is a derivational word. It is derived from the word

appreciate + suffix -ion. The word appreciate is a verb, while the derivational

word the appreciation functions as a noun.

Suffix -ity:

One thing is certain, he has a mos unattractive personality. (P135, L1)

The word personality is a derivational word. It is derived from the word personal

+ suffix -ity. The word personal is an adjective, while the derivational word

personality functions as a noun.

Don't fall for it, don't fall for it! He's trying to lure you back into captivity-

iviry.(P22, L7)

The word captivity is a derivational word. It is derived from the word captive +

suffix -ity. The word captive is an adjective, while the derivational word captivity

functions as a noun.

"How are you going to save me?" asked Wilbur, whose curiosity was very strong

on this point. (P63, L8)

The word curiosity is a derivational word. It is derived from the word curious +

suffix -ity. The word curious is an adjective, while the derivational word curiosity

functions as a noun.

Adjectives-forming suffix

Adjectives forming suffix are the derivational suffixes which change the word or

morpheme to adjectives. The affixes that make adjective found in Charlotte’s Web

novel are suffix –less, -ful, -able, -ion. Example: beauty (noun) beautiful

(adjective) here, suffix –ful has the function as adjective because it changes the

part of speech non to be adjective.

Based on finding above, researcher knows that suffix –ful mostly used in words as

an adjective. Here, an adjective gives those sentence clear explanations. It will be

clearly explained as follows:

Suffix –able:

"There!" said Charlotte. "Now I knock him out, so he'll be more comfortable."

(P38, L2)

The word comfortable is a derivational word. It is derived from the word comfort

+ suffix -able. The word comfort is a noun, while the derivational word

comfortable functions as an adjective.


The fame of this unique animal has spread to the far corners of the earth,

attracting many valuable tourists to our great State..(P157, L2)

The word valuable is a derivational word. It is derived from the word value +

suffix -able. The word value is a noun, while the derivational word valuable

functions as an adjective.

"I beg everyone's pardon," whispered Wilbur. "I didn't mean to be objectionable."

(P35, L2)

The word objectionable is a derivational word. It is derived from the word

objection + suffix -able. The word objection is a noun, while the derivational

word objectionable functions as an adjective.

Suffix –ful:

No one had ever had such a friend--so affectionate, so loyal, and so skilful.

(P173, L1)

The word skilful is a derivational word. It is derived from the word skill + suffix -

full. The word skill is a noun, while the derivational words skilful functions as an


She just sat and stared out of the window, thinking what a blissful world it was

and how lucky she was to have entire charge of a pig. (P7, L3)

The word blissful is a derivational word. It is derived from the word bliss + suffix

-full. The word bliss is a noun, while the derivational word blissful functions as an


"Terrific! " breathed Zuckerman, in joyful admiration. (P96, L1)


The word joyful is a derivational word. It is derived from the word joy + suffix -

full. The word joy is a noun, while the derivational word joyful functions as an


Suffix –less:

Hour by hour she sat motionless, deep in thought.(P66, L1)

The word motionless is a derivational word. It is derived from the word motion +

suffix -less. The word skill is a noun, while the derivational word motionless

functions as an adjective.

Suddenly Wilbur felt lonely and friendless.(P27, L3)

The word friendless is a derivational word. It is derived from the word friend +

suffix -less. The word friend is a noun, while the derivational word friendless

functions as an adjective.

Suffix –al:

"Yes," she replied in her sweet, musical voice, "I always give them an anaesthetic

so they won't feel pain.(P48, L3)

The word musical is a derivational word. It is derived from the word music + suffix -

al. The word music is a noun, while the derivational word musical functions as an


You're my best friend, and I think you're sensational.(P91, L4)

The word sensational is a derivational word. It is derived from the word sensation

+ suffix -al. The word sensation is a noun, while the derivational word

sensational functions as an adjective.


Wilbur heard the trill of the tree toad and the occasional slamming of the kitchen

door. (P62, L1)

The word occasional is a derivational word. It is derived from the word occasion

+ suffix -al. The word occasion is a noun, while the derivational word occasional

functions as an adjective.

Suffix –ary:

Wilbur had been feeling dizzier and dizzier through this long, complimentary

speech.(P 159, L1)

The word complimentary is a derivational word. It is derived from the word

compliment + suffix -ary. The word compliment is a noun, while the derivational

word complimentary function as an adjective.


You're carrying on in a childish way. (P51, L8)

The word childish is a derivational word. It is derived from the word child + suffix -

ish. The word child is a noun, while the derivational word childish functions as an


Suffix –ous:

There was the web, sagging dangerous under the weight of the fish."(P103, L1)

The word dangerous is a derivational word. It is derived from the word danger +

suffix -ous. The word danger is a noun, while the derivational word dangerous

functions as an adjective.

"Don't be ridiculous," said Charlotte.(P165, L10)


The word ridiculous is a derivational word. It is derived from the word ridicule +

suffix -ous. The word ridicule is a noun, while the derivational word ridiculous

functions as an adjective.

"But we have received a sign, Edith-a mysterious sign. (P80, L4)

The word mysterious is a derivational word. It is derived from the word mystery +

suffix -ous. The word mystery is a noun, while the derivational word mysterious

functions as an adjective.

Verb-forming suffix

Verb –forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes which change the words or

morphemes to verbs. The affixes what found in Charlotte’s Web novel that make

a verb in this research are is –en, -ify, -ize. Example: fast (adjective) – fasten

(verb). Here, suffix –ize has the function as verb marker because it changes the

part of speech adjective to be verb.

Based on finding above, researcher know that suffix –ize is mostly used in a

words as an verb. Here, a verb marker gives those sentence clearer explanations. It

will be clearly explained as follows:

Suffix –en:

Then Templeton bared his long ugly teeth and began snipping the threads that

fasten the sac to the ceiling.(P169, L2)

The word fasten is a derivational word. It is derived from the word fasten + suffix

-en. The word fast is an adjective, while the derivational words fasten functions as

a verb.

Adverb- forming suffix


Adverb-forming suffixes are the derivational suffixes which change the words or

morphemes to adverb. The affixes that make an adverb found in Charlotte’s Web

novel is –ly as suffix. Example: slow (adjective) -slowly (adverb). Here, suffix –ly has

the function as adverb because it changes the part of speech adjectives to be adverb.

Based on the finding above, researcher knows that suffix –ly mostly used in words

as an adverb. Here, an adverb gives those sentence clearer explanations. It will be

clearly explained as follows:

Suffix –ly:

Suddenly Wilbur felt lonely and friendless.(P27, L1)

The word suddenly is a derivational word. It is derived from the word sudden +

suffix (-ly). The word sudden is an adjective, while the derivational word suddenly

functions as a adverb.

He still worried some about the future, as he could hardly believe that a mere

spider would be able to save his life. (P 115, L 1)

The word hardly is a derivational word. It is derived from the word hard + suffix -

ly. The word hard is an adjective, while the derivational word hardly functions as

a adverb.

"Have you heard about the words that appeared in the spider's web?" asked Mrs.

Arable nervously.(P108, L2)

The word nervously is a derivational word. It is derived from the word nervous +

suffix -ly. The word nervous is an adjective, while the derivational word nervously

functions as a adverb.

Her heart was not beating as strongly as usual and she felt weary and old, but she

was sure at last that she had saved Wilbur's life, and she felt peaceful and

contented. (P153, L1)

The word strongly is a derivational word. It is derived from the word strong +

suffix (-ly). The word strong is an adjective, while the derivational words strongly

functions as a adverb.

Based on the explanation above, it can see be seen that there is one of suffix,

which forms adverb, found in Charlotte’s Web novel .that is suffix –ly

The Application of Derivational Affixes in Charlotte’s Web Novel in Teaching


Novel is one of the media that can be used to explain the material to student.

Commonly, if the teacher explains the material using interesting media, his/her

students will be interested. Media especially novel student can interest. The

application of derivational affixes found in Charlotte’s Web novel focused on

English teaching senior high school. The result of the analysis is new word or

vocabulary in narrative text that included on the part of speech: verb, adverb,

adjective, and noun.

Every good teacher should make a lesson plan. Lesson plan is a detailed guide for

teaching lesson. The form of the application in this sub-chapter is lesson plan.


School : SMA N 2 Purworejo

Subject : English

Grade :X

Topic learning : Narrative text

Time allocation : 2 x 45 minutes

Standards of competence

Living and practicing the religious teachings that he embraces

Living and practicing honest, disciplined, responsible, caring.

Understanding, apply, analyze factual, conceptual, procedural knowledge

Processing, reasoning, and recruiting in the realm of concrete and abstract realms

related to the development of the self-study in schools independently, and capable

of using methods according to scientific rules.

Basic competencies

The students are able to analyze linguistic elements in narrative text in which as a

noun, verb, adjectives and adverb and understand the meaning.


The students know how to analyze the words derivationally


The students expected are able to analyze linguistic elements in narrative text in

which as a noun, verb, adjectives and adverb and understand the meaning.

Learning Material.

The following will be provided reading narrative text read and understand the

contents of reading.

Charlotte’s Web Novel page 31-34

The night seemed long. Wilbur's stomach was empty and his mind was full. And
when your stomach is empty and your mind is full, it's always hard to sleep.
A dozen times during the night Wilbur woke and stared into the blackness,
listening to the sounds and trying to figure out what time it was. A bam is never
perfectly quiet. Even at midnight there is usually something stirring.
The first time he woke, he heard Templeton gnawing hole in the grain bin.
Templeton's teeth scraped loudly against the wood and made quite a racket. "That
crazy rat!" thought Wilbur. "Why does he have to stay up all night, grinding his
clashers and destroying people’s property? Why can't he go to sleep, like any
decent animal? "
The second time Wilbur woke, he heard the goose turning on her nest and
chuckling to herself.
"What time is it? " whispered Wilbur to the goose.
"Probably-obably-obably about half-past eleven, “said the goose. "Why aren't
you asleep, Wilbur? "
"Too many things on my mind," said Wilbur.
"Well," said the goose, "that's not my trouble. I have nothing at all on my mind,
but I've too many things under my behind. Have you ever tried to sleep while
sitting on eight eggs?"
"No," replied Wilbur. "I suppose it is uncomfortable. How long does it take a
goose egg to hatch?"
"Approximately-oxirnately thirty days, all told," answered the goose. "But I cheat
a little. On warm afternoons, I just pull a little straw over the eggs and go out for
a walk."
Wilbur yawned and went back to sleep. In his dream she heard again the voice
saying, "I'll be a friend to you. Go to sleep--you'll see me in the morning."
About half an hour before dawn. Wilbur woke and listened. The barn was still
dark. The sheep lay motionless. Even the goose was quiet. Overhead, on the main
floor, nothing stirred: the cows were resting, the horses dozed. Templeton had
quit work and gone off some whereon an errand. The only sound was a slight
scraping noise from the rooftop, where the weather-vane swung back and fonh.
Wilbur loved the barn when it was like this-calm and quiet, waiting for light.
"Day is almost here," he thought.

Through a small window, a faint gleam appeared. One by one the stars went out.
Wilbur could see the goose a few feet away. She sat with head tucked under a
wing. Then he could see the sheep and the lambs. The sky lightened.
"Oh, beautiful day, it is here at last! Today I shall find my friend."
Wilbur looked everywhere. He searched his pen thoroughly. He examined the
window ledge, stared up at the ceiling. But he saw nothing new. Finally he
decided he would have to speak up. He hated to break the lovely stillness of dawn
by using his voice, but he couldn’t think of any other way to locate the mysterious
new friend who was nowhere to be seen. So Wilbur cleared his throat.
"Attention, please!" he said in a loud, Finn voice.
"Will the party who addressed me at bedtime last night kindly make himself or
herself known by giving an appropriate sign or signal!"
Wilbur paused and listened. All the other animals lifted their heads and stared at
him. Wilbur blushed. But he was determined to get in touch with his unknown
"Attention, please!" he said. "I will repeat the message. Will the party who
addressed me at bedtime last night kindly speak up. Please tell me where you are,
if you are my friend!"
The sheep looked at each other in disgust.
"Stop your nonsense, Wilbur!" said the oldest sheep.
"If you have a new friend here, you are probably disturbing his rest; and the
quickest way to spoil a friendships to wake somebody up in the morning before he
is ready. How can you be sure your friend is an early riser? "
"I beg everyone's pardon," whispered Wilbur. "I didn't mean to be
objectionable."He lay down meekly in the manure, facing the door. He did not
know it, but his friend was very near. And the old sheep was right-the friend was
still asleep.
Soon Lurvy appeared with slops for breakfast. Wilbur rushed out, ate everything
in a hurry, and licked the trough. The sheep moved off down the lane, the gander
waddled along behind them, pulling grass. And then, just as Wilbur was settling
down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him
the night before.
"Salutations!" said the voice.
Wilbur jumped to his feet. "Salu-what?" he cried.
"Salutations!" repeated the voice.
"What are they, and where are you? " screamed Wilbur."Please, please, tell me
where you are. And what mare salutations? "
"Salutations are greetings," said the voice. "When Isay 'salutations,' it's just my
fancy way of saying helloor good morning. Actually, it's a silly expression, and
Charlotte'sWeb I am surprised that I used it at all. As for my whereabouts, that’s
easy. Look up here in the corner of the doorway! Here I am. Look, I'm waving!"

Exercise I

After reading the texts, look at the unknown word in the text bellow and decide its

part of speech whether it’s a noun, a verb, an adjectives or an adverb.

Word Part of speech

Blackness Noun
Perfectly Adverb
Usually Adverb
Loudly Adverb
Probably Adverb
uncomfortable Adjective
Approximately Adverb
Motionless Adjective
Beautiful Adjective
Mysterious Adjective
Attention Noun
Kindly Adverb
Signal Noun
Unknown Adjective
Actually Adverb
Exercise II

After reading the text draw, line form words on the left side to those which are

closely related in meaning on the right slide.

Words Formation Derivational process

Movement noun move+suffix(-ment)

Swedish adverb Swed+suffix(-ish)

Directly adjectives direct+suffix(-ly)

Injustice noun justice+preffix(-in)

Slowly noun Slow+suffix(ly-)

Dislike verb like+prefix(dis-)

Beautiful noun beauty+suffix(-ful)

Darkness adjective Dark+suffix(-ness)

Unknown adjective known+prefix(un-)


Generally noun general+suffix(-ly)

Learning method:

Communicative learning

Teaching and learning

Pre- activity

Opening : greeting, praying, and cheeking students attendance

Introducing the material

Whiles activity :


Students read a variety of narrative texts in English from various sources.

Students observe about background knowledge about vocabulary


Teacher asks the students to read the text and mention the words which aren’t



Teacher tells to students how to analyzed the vocabulary

Teacher asks students to decide that as verb, noun, adverb, and adjective


Students decide that as verb, noun, adverb, and adjective


Teacher and students together decide verb, noun, adverb, and adjective

Post- activity

Teacher gives a comment about their task also evaluate their task

Teacher asks the students opinion about activity

Teacher closes the meeting


Charlotte’s Web Novel by E.B White



Find the derivational word

Try to find the meaning of derivational found

Classify the derivational word into the following table

No Derived Noun Verb Adverb adjective


Purworejo, ......July 2017


Kepala sekolah Guru Bahasa Inggris

(Prayitno S.Pd) (Diyah Dwi S.Pd.)




In this chapter, the researcher presents the outcomes of the study involving the

conclusion and the suggestion. It is useful to present some information concerning

with the study as the lead on better comprehension to the conclusion and



From the results of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that there are two

forms of derivational affixes in Charlotte’s Web novel prefix and suffix. Then,

based on the analysis of data at the previous chapter, the conclusion can be

formulated as follows:

There are 355 words containing derivational affixes found in the Charlotte’s Web

novel. There are two types of prefix (11%) and suffix (89%). Therefore, the

researcher can see that the dominated by suffix (89%)

The application of derivational affixes found in Charlotte’s Web novel is focused

in English language teaching in senior high school. Focused in narrative text

analysis is a new word or vocabulary that included on the part of speech: verb,

adverb, noun, and adjective.



In relation to the conclusion above, the researcher puts forward suggestion. The

suggestion will be addressed to the students, the teacher, and other researcher.

For students

The students should learn derivational affixes because by learning derivational

affixes, it can improve their vocabulary.

For teachers

Teachers should apply the derivational affixes by separating the roots and the

affixes clearly

For other researcher

Other researcher should conduct a research in similarly topic clearly and deeply in

order that it can be applied in English teaching learning process



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E.B. White - Writer - on Sunday,April 30th, 2017 at 7.05


caan%20B.Zee.htm. access on Sunday,April 30th, 2017 at 7.05 a.m on
Sunday, April 30th, 2017 at 7.05 a.m


No Derived words Types of Affixes

Prefixes Suffixes
un- in- re- dis- - - -ion -ity - -ful - -al -ary -ish -ous -en -ly -ize P,L
me ness able less
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
1 Probably √ 1,7
2 Unfair √ 2,1
3 Unfair √ 3,2
4 Injustice √ 3,4
5 Certainly √ 3,5
6 Foolishness √ 4,2
7 Untimely √ 4,2
8 Slowly √ 4,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
9 Absolutely √ 4,3
10 Heavily √ 4,4
11 Injustice √ 5,3
12 Promptly √ 5,3
13 Blissful √ 7,3
14 Beautiful √ 7,3
15 Quickly √ 7,3
16 Specially √ 8,2
17 Disappeared √ 9,3
18 Completely √ 9,3
19 Weakly √ 9,3
20 Suddenly √ 10,1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
21 Smoothly √ 10,1

22 Slowly √ 10,1
23 Peaceful √ 11,1
24 Pleasantly √ 13,2
25 Wonderful √ 13,2
26 Comfortable √ 14,1
27 Directly √ 14,2
28 Quickly √ 14,2
29 Lonely √ 16,2
30 Slowly √ 17,4
31 Wonderful √ 17,4
32 Actually √ 17,8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
33 Immediately √ 18,1
34 Wonderful √ 18,1
35 Rapidly √ 19,2
36 Really √ 20,1
37 Nicely √ 21,1
38 Captivity √ 22,7
39 Instruction √ 22,8
40 Really √ 22,9
41 Lazily √ 23,9
42 Slowly √ 23,9
43 Slowly √ 23,9
44 Innocently √ 23,9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
45 Peaceful √ 24,2
46 Really √ 24,3
47 Suggestion √ 24,4
48 Slowly √ 25,1
49 Perfectly √ 26,1
50 Gloomily √ 27,2

51 Suddenly √ 27,1
52 Lonely √ 27,3
53 Honestly √ 27,4
54 Beautifully √ 27,4
55 Friendless √ 27,4
56 Nothingness √ 28,6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
57 Certainly √ 28,5
58 Absolutely √ 28,7
59 Sadly √ 29,1
60 Hardly √ 29,4
61 Sourly √ 29,6
62 Stealthily √ 30,1
63 Friendless √ 30,2
64 Cautious √ 30,2
65 Disappeared √ 30,2
66 Loneliness √ 31,1
67 Spoonful √ 31,1
68 Darkness √ 31,3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
69 Usually √ 32,2
70 Probably √ 32,1
71 Blackness √ 32,1
72 Certainly √ 32,1
73 Perfectly √ 32,3
74 Loudly √ 33,7
75 Motionless √ 33,4
76 Uncomfortable √ 33,5
77 Approximately √ 33,4
78 Immediately √ 34,2
79 Mysterious √ 34,3

80 Signal √ 34,3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
81 Unknown √ 34,3
82 Beautiful √ 34,3
83 Probably √ 35,1
84 Meekly √ 35,4
85 Actually √ 35,10
86 Objectionable √ 35,2
89 Eagerly √ 37,6
90 Clearly √ 37,6
91 Furiously √ 37,9
92 Beautiful √ 37,9
93 Hardly √ 38,1
94 Comfortable √ 38,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
95 Entirely √ 39,6
96 Naturally √ 39,6
97 Gloomily √ 39,7
98 Really √ 39,7
99 Friendly √ 39,8
100 Quietly √ 41,1
101 Congratulation √ 41,1
102 Inheritance √ 41,1
103 Quietly √ 41,1
104 Quietly √ 41,2
105 Innocently √ 41,2
106 Wakeful √ 41,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
107 Discover √ 41,2
108 Calmly √ 41,2
109 Conversation √ 42,3

110 Position √ 42,3

111 Calmly √ 42,3
112 Wakeful √ 42,3
113 Excitement √ 43,1
114 Wonderful √ 43,1
115 Rudely √ 43,1
116 Early √ 43,1
117 Desperately √ 44,2
118 Shamelessly √ 44,5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
119 Announcement √ 44,3
120 hapiness √ 44,3
121 Congratulation √ 44,4
122 Nearness √ 44,5
123 Cautious √ 45,4
124 Collection √ 45,7
125 Management √ 45,6
126 Unusual √ 46,1
127 Kindness √ 46,1
128 Consideration √ 46,1
129 Disappeared √ 47,6
130 Untenable √ 47,6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
131 Hardly √ 48,1
132 Particularly √ 48,2
133 Musical √ 48,2
134 Certainly √ 49,3
135 Conversation √ 50,1
136 Briskly √ 51,4
137 Certainly √ 51,4
138 Comfortable √ 51,7

139 Immediately √ 51,8

140 Beautiful √ 51,8
141 Certainly √ 51,8
142 Childish √ 51,9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
143 Vaguely √ 53,6
144 Expression √ 53,6
145 Lively √ 54,4
146 Perfectly √ 54,7
147 Imagination √ 54,7
148 Awfully √ 55,2
149 Conversation √ 55,3
150 Dearily √ 56,6
151 Softly √ 56,7
152 Deeply √ 56,7
153 Attachment √ 56,8
154 Goodness √ 56,8
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
155 Truly √ 57,8
156 Smelly √ 57,8
157 Cheerfully √ 58,1
158 Disappeared √ 58,2
159 Quietly √ 58,2
160 Lazily √ 60,2
161 Badly √ 60,2
162 Goodness √ 61,7
163 Sharply √ 61,8
164 Rudely √ 61,8
165 Embarrassment √ 61,8
166 Congratulation √ 61,9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

167 Creation √ 61,9

168 Wonderful √ 61,9
169 Occasional √ 62,2
170 Comfortable √ 62,3
171 Vaguely √ 63,8
172 Curiousity √ 63,8
173 Wonderful √ 63,8
174 Definitely √ 63,8
175 Slowly √ 65,1
176 Carefully √ 66,1
177 Motionless √ 66,1
178 Surely √ 67,1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
179 Expression √ 67,2
180 Suddenly √ 69,1
181 Softly √ 69,2
182 Slowly √ 70,10
183 Hardly √ 70,10
184 Discourage √ 70,9
185 Lazily √ 72,2
186 Greatly √ 73,1
187 Wisely √ 74,3
188 Slowly √ 75,3
189 Spoonful √ 75,3
190 Rapidly √ 75,3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
191 Neatly √ 77,1
192 Loveliness √ 77,2
193 Unusual √ 79,7
194 Silently √ 79,7
195 Directly √ 79,8

196 Solemnly √ 79,8

197 Actually √ 80,4
198 Unusual √ 80,5
199 Closely √ 80,5
200 Mysterious √ 80,5
201 Quickly √ 81,6
202 Unusual √ 81,6
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
203 Patiently √ 81,6
204 Conversation √ 81,6
205 Punishment √ 84,2
206 Wonderful √ 84,2
207 Miraculous √ 84,2
208 Attraction √ 84,2
209 Nicely √ 89,1
210 Unusual √ 89,2
211 Suggestion √ 90,1
212 Advertisement √ 97,3
213 Gruffly √ 97,4
214 Mouthful √ 97,5
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
215 Sweetly √ 97,6
216 Quietly √ 97,6
217 Attachment √ 98,2
218 Suddenly √ 98,2
219 Neatly √ 98,4
220 Weekly √ 98,6
221 Usually √ 98,6
222 Advertisment √ 99,2
223 Admiration √ 99,4
224 Quietly √ 100,3

225 Slowly √ 100,4

226 Satisfication √ 101,3
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
227 Nicely √ 101,3
228 Disappeared √ 101,4
229 Comfortable √ 101,5
230 Actually √ 101,6
231 Quietly √ 101,6
232 Beautiful √ 102,2
233 Wildly √ 102,2
234 Hardly √ 102,2
235 Bravely √ 102,3
236 Mercilessly √ 102,3
237 Dangerously √ 103,1
238 Eagerly √ 103,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
239 Mercilessly √ 103,3
240 Wildly √ 103,3
241 Lonely √ 104,4
242 Silently √ 105,1
243 Wildly √ 106,1
244 Finally √ 106,4
245 Vaguely √ 106,7
246 Simply √ 106,7
247 Cautiously √ 106,7
248 Mericlessly √ 106,7
249 Comfortable √ 107,1
250 Lonely √ 107,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
251 Disappeared √ 108,2
252 Nervously √ 108,3

253 Miraculous √ 109,2

254 Uneasily √ 109,3
256 Quickly √ 109,4
257 Instruction √ 111,2
258 Brightly √ 111,7
259 Sadness √ 111,8
260 Slightly √ 114,7
261 Discover √ 115,9
262 Deeply √ 115,9
263 Uneasy √ 115,9
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)11
264 Attraction √ 115,2
265 Hardly √ 115,6
266 Childish √ 116,8
267 Certainly √ 116,9
268 Moodily √ 170,2
269 Amazement √ 116,7
270 Inconvenient √ 117,3
271 Possibly √ 180,2
272 Management √ 120,11
273 Congratulation √ 120,1
274 Slowly √ 120,2
275 Suddenly √ 120,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
276 Probably √ 120,4
277 Weakly √ 120,5
278 Announcement √ 120,2
279 Cautiously √ 121,1
280 Quietly √ 122,5
281 Softly √ 125,6

282 Partially √ 123,1

283 Fragment √ 123,2
284 Slowly √ 125,7
285 Personality √ 124,8
286 Slowly √ 125,3
287 Handful √ 125,4
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
288 Certainly √ 126,1
289 Careful √ 126,2
290 Immediately √ 127,8
291 Goodness √ 128,2
292 Excitement √ 130,2
293 Politely √ 134,7
294 Personality √ 135,1
295 Unattractive √ 135,1
296 Dislike √ 135,2
297 Weakly √ 135,2
298 Quietly √ 136,6
299 Favourable √ 136,7
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
300 Slowly √ 136,2
301 Advertisment √ 136,3
302 Disappeared √ 136,6
304 Suddenly √ 139,2
305 Helpful √ 140,3
306 Darkness √ 140,4
307 Unrolling √ 141,1
308 Neatly √ 141,2
309 Slowly √ 143,7
310 Peacefully √ 144,1
311 Forkful √ 145,6

312 Perfectly √ 145,6

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
313 Desperation √ 145,6
314 Quetly √ 145,6
315 Simply √ 146,6
316 Livingly √ 146,6
317 Congratulation √ 146,7
318 Cheerfully √ 147,2
319 Slowly √ 147,2
320 Announcement √ 151,1
321 Suddenly √ 151,3
322 Promptly √ 151,5
323 Strongly √ 153,1
324 Exactly √ 153,10
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
325 Kindly √ 155,11
326 Slowly √ 156,1
327 Management √ 156,3
328 Announcement √ 157,1
329 Announcement √ 157,1
330 Valuable √ 157,2
331 Perfectly √ 158,2
332 Smoothness √ 159,6
333 Witness √ 158,5
334 Appreciation 158,6
335 Needless √ 159,1
336 Fondness √ 159,1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
337 Disappeared √ 159,1
338 Complimentary √ 159,1

339 Deeply √ 160,2

340 Happiness √ 160,2
341 Immediately √ 161,4
342 Goodness √ 161,7
343 Slowly √ 162,3
344 Appreciation √ 162,3
345 Discover √ 162,4
346 Specially √ 163,1
347 Gladly √ 163,6
348 Fasten √ 169,2
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)
349 Ridiculous √ 165,10
350 Skillful √ 173,4
351 Protection √ 174,2
352 Sameness √ 183,5
353 Absolutely √ 189,1
354 Lazily √ 190,2
355 Joyful √ 196,1



Kelas : X
Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif
dan pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan
sosial dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam pergaulan dunia
KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu
pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab
fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk
memecahkan masalah.
KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah
secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan Teks lisan dan tulis untuk
Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 1 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dapat mempelajari mengucapkan dan
bahasa Inggris sebagai merespon ajakan melakukan  Siswa mendengarkan/menonton interaksi  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi sosial  SUARA
bahasa pengantar suatu tindakan. ungkapan ajakan melakukan suatu mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan GURU
komunikasi internasional tindakan. melakukan suatu tindakan
Fungsi sosial  Koran/
yang diwujudkan dalam
Menjaga hubungan  Siswa mengikuti interaksi mengucapkan  Tingkat kelengkapan dan majalah ber
semangat belajar.
interpersonal dengan guru, ungkapan ajakan melakukan suatu keruntutan struktur teks
2.2. Menunjukan perilaku  www.dailyengl
teman dan orang lain tindakan. mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan
jujur, disiplin, percaya
melakukan suatu tindakan
diri, dan bertanggung  Siswa menirukan model interaksi
 http://america

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
jawab dalam Struktur teks mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan  Tingkat ketepatan unsur nenglish.state.
melaksanakan melakukan suatu tindakan. kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa gov/files/ae/re
Mengucapkan ungkapan
komunikasi kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, source_files
ajakan melakukan suatu  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
transaksional dengan intonasi
tindakan. mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri interaksi  http://learneng
guru dan teman.
Let’s play game! , Why don’t mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan CARA PENILAIAN: lish.britishcou
3.1 Menganalisis fungsi melakukan suatu tindakan (fungsi sosial,
you join the contest? Shall I Unjuk kerja
sosial, struktur teks, dan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan).
finish this job? Shall we have
unsur kebahasaan pada  Bermain peran (role play) dalam
dinner tonight?
ungkapan ajakan Mempertanyakan (questioning) bentuk interaksi yang berisi
melakukan suatu Unsur kebahasaan pernyataan dan pertanyaan
Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
tindakan, serta Kosa kata, tata bahasa, tentang ungkapan ajakan
mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar
responnya, sesuai ucapan, tekanan kata, dan melakukan suatu tindakan.
berbagai ungkapan mengucapkan ungkapan
dengan konteks intonasi. ajakan melakukan suatu tindakan dalam  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
Topik bahasa inggris perbedaan ungkapan dengan menggunakan struktur dan unsur
4.1 Menyusun teks lisan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia, kebahasaan dalam
dan tulis untuk Berbagai hal terkait dengan kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain, menyampaikan ungkapan ajakan
mengucapkan dan interaksi antara guru dan dsb. melakukan suatu tindakan serta
merespon ajakan siswa selama proses responnya
melakukan suatu pembelajaran, di dalam Mengeksplorasi
tindakan, dengan maupun di luar kelas. Pengamatan (observations):
Siswa mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan
memperhatikan fungsi melakukan suatu tindakan dengan bahasa Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
sosial, struktur teks, dan Inggris dalam konteks simulasi, role-play, dan tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
unsur kebahasaan, kegiatan lain yang terstruktur. Sasaran penilaian:
yang benar dan sesuai
konteks.  Upaya menggunakan bahasa
Mengasosiasi Inggris untuk mengajak
 Siswa membandingkan ungkapan ajakan melakukan suatu tindakan dan
melakukan suatu tindakan yang telah responnya ketika muncul

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
dipelajari dengan yang ada di berbagai kesempatan.
sumber lain.
 Kesungguhan siswa dalam
 Siswa membandingkan antara ungkapan proses pembelajaran di setiap
ajakan melakukan suatu tindakan dalam tahapan.
bahasa Inggris dan dalam bahasa siswa.
 Kesantunan dan kepedulian
Mengkomunikasikan dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

 Siswa mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya

melakukan suatu tindakan dengan bahasa diri, dan bertanggung jawab
Inggris, di dalam dan di luar kelas. dalam melaksanakan komunikasi

 Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam

menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
mengucapkan ungkapan ajakan
melakukan suatu tindakan dalam jurnal
belajar (learning journal).

1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan Teks lisan dan tulis untuk

Mengamati Kriteria penilaian: 1 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dapat mempelajari mengucapkan dan
bahasa Inggris sebagai merespon ungkapan  Siswa mendengarkan/menonton interaksi  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi sosial
bahasa pengantar simpati, mengucapkan simpati. mengucapkan rasa simpati  SUARA GURU
komunikasi internasional
Fungsi sosial  Siswa mengikuti interaksi mengucapkan  Tingkat kelengkapan dan  Koran/ majalah
yang diwujudkan dalam
rasa simpati. keruntutan struktur teks berbahasa
semangat belajar.. Menjaga hubungan mengucapkan rasa simpati Inggris
2.1. Menunjukkan perilaku interpersonal dengan guru,  Siswa menirukan model interaksi
santun dan peduli dalam teman dan orang lain mengucapkan rasa simpati.  Tingkat ketepatan unsur  www.dailyenglis
melaksanakan kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
 Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
Komunikasi Ungkapan mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri interaksi kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,  http://americane
interpersonal dengan mengucapkan rasa simpati (fungsi sosial, intonasi
I am sorry to hear that. Poor
guru dan teman. struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan). files/ae/resource
you! Cara Penilaian:
3.2. Menganalisis fungsi _files
sosial, struktur teks, dan Unsur kebahasaan Unjuk kerja
unsur kebahasaan pada Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa  http://learnenglis
Kosa kata, tata bahasa,  Bermain peran (role play) dalam h.britishcouncil.
ungkapan simpati dan mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar
ucapan, tekanan kata, dan bentuk interaksi yang berisi org/en/
responnya, sesuai dengan berbagai ungkapan simpati dalam bahasa
intonasi. pernyataan dan pertanyaan
konteks penggunaannya Inggris perbedaan ungkapan dengan yang ada
Topik tentang ungkapan rasa simpati
dalam bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan
4.2. Menyusun teks lisan
Berbagai hal terkait dengan menggunakan ungkapan lain, dsb.  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
dan tulis untuk
interaksi antara guru dan menggunakan struktur dan unsur
mengucapkan dan Mengeksplorasi
siswa selama proses kebahasaan dalam
merespon ungkapan
pembelajaran, di dalam Siswa mengucapkan ungkapan simpati menyampaikan ungkapan rasa
simpati, dengan
maupun di luar kelas. dengan bahasa Inggris dalam konteks simpati
memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan simulasi, role-play, dan kegiatan lain yang Pengamatan (observasi)
unsur kebahasaan, terstruktur.
Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
yang benar dan sesuai
Mengasosiasi tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
Sasaran penilaian:
 Siswa membandingkan ungkapan simpati
yang telah dipelajari dengan yang ada di  Upaya menggunakan Bahasa
berbagai sumber lain. Inggris untuk menyatakan rasa
simpati ketika muncul
 Siswa membandingkan antara ungkapan kesempatan.
dalam bahasa Inggris dan dalam bahasa
 Kesungguhan siswa dalam proses
pembelajaran dalam setiap

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
Mengkomunikasikan tahapan
 Siswa mengucapkan ungkapan simpati  Perilaku santun dan peduli dalam
dengan bahasa Inggris, di dalam dan di melaksanakan Komunikasi
luar kelas.
 Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
mengucapkan rasa simpati dalam jurnal
belajar (learning journal).
1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 2 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dapat mempelajari
menyatakan, menanyakan VCD/DVD
bahasa Inggris sebagai  Siswa mendengarkan dan membaca  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
tentang keharusan
bahasa pengantar banyak kalimat should dengan simple, sosial ungkapan tentang tentang  SUARA GURU
melakukan suatu
komunikasi internasional continous, perfect tense, dalam berbagai keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kegiatan pada  Koran/ majalah
yang diwujudkan dalam konteks. tindakan/kejadian pada waktu
waktu yang akan datang, berbahasa
semangat belajar.. yang akan datang, saat ini, atau
saat ini, atau waktu lampau  Siswa mengikuti interaksi tentang Inggris
akan waktu lampau
2.2. Menunjukkan perilaku keharusan melakukan suatu
Fungsi sosial  www.dailyenglis
jujur, disiplin, percaya tindakan/kejadian pada waktu yang akan  Tingkat kelengkapan dan
diri, dan bertanggung Menyatakan dan menanyakan datang, saat ini, atau akan waktu lampau keruntutan struktur teks
jawab dalam keharusan untukmenyarankan selama proses pembelajaran, dengan  http://americane
melaksanakan dan mengingatkan.  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
bimbingan guru.
komunikasi kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
Struktur teks  Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh kalimat kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, files/ae/resource
transaksional dengan _files
guru dan teman. You should take a rest should dengan simple, continous, perfect intonasi
because you will have a test tense  http://learnenglis
3.3. Menganalisis fungsi CARA PENILAIAN:
tomorrow. Anggi should have  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa h.britishcouncil.
sosial, struktur teks, dan booked the ticket in advance… Pengamatan (observations): org/en/
unsur kebahasaan mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat should
dengan simple, continous, perfect tense  Upaya menggunakan bahasa

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
untuk menyatakan dan Unsur kebahasaan (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur Inggris untuk menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang kebahasaan). menanyakan keharusan
Kata kerja modal should
keharusan melakukan melakukan suatu
dengan simple, continuous, Mempertanyakan
suatu tindakan/kegiatan tindakan/kejadian pada waktu
dan perfect tense; tata
pada waktu yang akan Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa yang akan datang, saat ini, atau
bahasa, ucapan, tekanan kata,
datang, saat ini, atau mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan akan waktu lampau
intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca,
waktu lampau, sesuai kalimat should dengan simple, continous, dan
tulisan tangan dan cetak yang
perfect tense dalam bahasa Inggris,  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
dengan konteks
jelas dan rapi. proses pembelajaran di setiap
penggunaannya. perbedaan ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris
Topik dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia, tahapan.
4.3. Menyusun teks lisan
kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain,  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
dan tulis untuk Berbagai hal terkait dengan
dsb. diri, dan bertanggung jawab
menyatakan dan interaksi antara guru dan
menanyakan tentang siswa selama proses Mengeksplorasi dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
keharusan melakukan pembelajaran, di dalam
 Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan
suatu tindakan/kegiatan maupun di luar kelas.
keharusan melakukan suatu
pada waktu yang akan
tindakan/kejadian pada waktu yang akan
datang, saat ini, atau
datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau dalam
waktu lampau, dengan
bahasa Inggris dalam konteks simulasi,
memperhatikan fungsi
role-play, dan kegiatan lain yang
sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang
benar dan sesuai  Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan
konteks. keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kejadian pada waktu yang akan
datang, saat ini, atau waktu lampau dalam
bahasa Inggris dalam proses

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
 Siswa membandingkan kalimat should
dengan simple, continous, perfect tense
yang telah dipelajari dengan ungkapan-
ungkapan lainnya.
 Siswa membandingkan antara kalimat
keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kejadian pada waktu yang akan
datang, saat ini, atau akan waktu lampau
dalam bahasa Inggris dengan ungkapan
keharusan dalam bahasa ibu atau bahasa
 Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan
keharusan melakukan suatu
tindakan/kejadian pada waktu yang akan
datang, saat ini, atau akan waktu lampau,
di dalam dan di luar kelas.
 Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
menyatakan dan menanyakan keharusan
dalam jurnal belajarnya
1.1. Mensyukuri kesempatan
Teks lisan dan tulis tentang Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 2 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dapat mempelajari
menyatakan dan
bahasa Inggris sebagai  Siswa mendengarkan dan membaca  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi  SUARA
menanyakan kecukupan
bahasa pengantar banyak pernyataan kecukupan untuk sosial pernataan kecukupan GURU
untuk dapat/tidak dapat

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
komunikasi internasional melakukan sesuatu sesuai dapat/tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu, untuk dapat/tidak dapat  Koran/
yang diwujudkan dalam dengan konteks dalam berbagai konteks. melakukan sesuatu majalah ber
semangat belajar. penggunaannya.
 Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh  Tingkat kelengkapan dan  www.dailyengl
2.3. Menunjukkan perilaku Fungsi sosial pernyatakan kecukupan untuk dapat/tidak keruntutan struktur teks
jujur, disiplin, percaya
Menjaga hubungan dapat melakukan sesuatu pernyataan kecukupan untuk
diri, dan bertanggung
dapat/tidak dapat melakukan  http://america
jawab dalam interpersonal dengan guru,  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, nenglish.state.
teman dan orang lain sesuatu
melaksanakan siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri pernyatakan gov/files/ae/re
komunikasi Struktur teks kecukupan untuk dapat/tidak dapat  Tingkat ketepatan unsur source_files
transaksional dengan melakukan sesuatu (fungsi sosial, struktur kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
guru dan teman. Dewi is too weak to walk teks, dan unsur kebahasaan). kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,  http://learneng
alone. Munandar is qualified intonasi lish.britishcou
3.4. Menganalisis struktur enough to have that job. Mempertanyakan
teks dan unsur CARA PENILAIAN:
Unsur kebahasaan Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
kebahasaan untuk
mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar Pengamatan (observations):
menyatakan dan (1) Kata penghubung sebab berbagai pernyatakan kecukupan untuk
menanyakan kecukupan akibat (cause & effect)  Upaya menggunakan bahasa
dapat/tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu yang
untuk dapat/tidak dapat Too and enough, Inggris untuk menyatakan dan
ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan kalimat
melakukan sesuatu, menanyakan kecukupan untuk
(2) ucapan, tekanan kata, dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam
sesuai dengan konteks dapat/tidak dapat melakukan
intonasi, bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan
penggunaannya. sesuatu
menggunakan kalimat lain, dsb.
4.4. Menyusun teks lisan (3) ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan
Mengeksplorasi  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
dan tulis untuk tangan dan cetak yang proses pembelajaran di setiap
menyatakan dan jelas dan rapi.  Siswa menyatakan kecukupan untuk tahapan.
menanyakan tentang
dapat/tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu
kecukupan untuk Topik  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
bahasa Inggris dalam konteks tanyajawab,
dapat/tidak dapat diri, dan bertanggung jawab
Berbagai hal terkait dengan dan kegiatan lain yang terstruktur.
melakukan sesuatu, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi
dengan memperhatikan interaksi antara guru dan  Siswa berusaha menyatakan kecukupan
siswa selama proses

Kompetensi Dasar Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Sumber Belajar
fungsi sosial, struktur pembelajaran, di dalam untuk dapat/tidak dapat melakukan
teks, dan unsur maupun di luar kelas. sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris selama
kebahasaan, yang proses pembelajaran.
benar dan sesuai
 Siswa membandingkan pernyatakan
kecukupan untuk dapat/tidak dapat
melakukan sesuatu yang telah dipelajari
dengan bentuk pernyataan lainnya.
 Siswa membandingkan antara pernyatakan
kecukupan untuk dapat/tidak dapat
melakukan sesuatu dalam bahasa Inggris
dengan ungkapan keharusan dalam
bahasa ibu atau bahasa Indonesia.
 Siswa menyatakan kecukupan untuk
dapat/tidak dapat melakukan sesuatu
dengan bahasa Inggris, di dalam dan di
luar kelas.
 Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
menyatakan kecukupan untuk dapat/tidak
dapat melakukan sesuatu dalam jurnal

Teks tulis iklan barang, jasa,

1.1. Mensyukuri Mengamati Kriteria penilaian: 3 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dan kegiatan (event) di media
kesempatan VCD/DVD
massa  Siswa membaca/membacakan teks iklan  Pencapaian fungsi sosial
mempelajari Fungsi sosial
barang, jasa, dan kegiatan (event) di media  Kelengkapan dan keruntutan  SUARA GURU
massa dari berbagai sumber dengan struktur teks
bahasa  Koran/ majalah
Membujuk orang lain untuk memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,  Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan:
Inggris berbahasa
membeli/memakai barang/jasa unsur kebahasaan, maupun format tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan,
sebagai Inggris
dan menonton/mengikuti penyampaian/penulisannya. tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
kegiatan (event) dan tulisan tangan  www.dailyengli
pengantar  Siswa mencoba menirukan pengucapannya dan
komunikasi Struktur Teks menuliskan teks yang digunakan.  Kesesuaian format penulisan/
International penyampaian
Ungkapan yang lazim digunakan  Siswa belajar membaca cepat untuk mendapat  http://american
yang Cara Penilaian english.state.g
dalam teks iklan barang, jasa, gambaran umum dari teks melalui proses
diwujudkan dan kegiatan (event) di media Pengamatan (observations): ov/files/ae/reso
dalam skimming dan scanning untuk mendapatkan
massa secara urut dan runtut. informasi khusus. urce_files
belajar Unsur kebahasaan Sasaran penilaian adalah  http://learnengli
Mempertanyakan sh.britishcounc
2.3 Kosa kata , tata bahasa,  kesantunan saat melakukan
Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
Menunjukkan ucapan, rujukan kata, tekanan tindakan
perilaku kata, intonasi, ejaan, dan tanda mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar  perilaku tanggung
tanggung jawab, baca yang tepat, dengan berbagai iklan barang, jasa, dan kegiatan (event) jawab,peduli, kerjasama, dan
peduli, pengucapan yang lancar dan dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan ungkapan cinta damai, dalam
kerjasama, dan penulisan dengan tulisan tangan dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia, melaksanakan Komunikasi
cinta damai, atau cetak yang jelas dan rapi  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain, dsb.
dalam proses pembelajaran di setiap
melaksanakan Multimedia: Mengeksplorasi tahapan
komunikasi Layout, dekorasi, yang  Siswa membaca berbagai teks tulis iklan  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
fungsional membuat tampilan teks lebih barang, jasa, dan kegiatan (event) dari berbagai menggunakan strategi dalam
3.5. Menganalisis menarik sumber dengan menerapkan strategi yang membaca
fungsi sosial, sesuai.

struktur teks,  Siswa berlatih membacakan teks iklan barang,  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
dan unsur jasa, dan kegiatan (event) dari media massa belajar membuat iklan barang,
kebahasaan dengan pengucapkan dan intonasi yang tepat jasa, dan kegiatan (event)
dari teks kepada teman.  Kumpulan karya siswa yang
iklan barang, mendukung proses pembuatan
jasa, dan iklan barang, jasa, dan kegiatan
kegiatan  Siswa menganalisis teks iklan barang, jasa, dan (event) berupa: draft, revisi,
(event) di kegiatan (event) dari media massa dengan editing sampai hasil terbaik
media memperhatikan format penulisannya melalui untuk dipublikasi
massa, strategi yang digunakan.
sesuai  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
dengan  Siswa membandingkan teks iklan barang, jasa,
Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
konteks dan kegiatan (event) dibaca/dibacakan guru
penggunaan dengan yang dipelajari dari berbagai sumber
nya. lain.  Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format
khusus, komentar, atau bentuk
4.5. Menangkap  Secara berkelompok siswa mendiskusikan teks
penilaian lain
makna iklan barang, jasa, dan kegiatan (event) yang
dalam iklan mereka temukan dari sumber lain.
barang, jasa,  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru
dan dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur
peristiwa kebahasaan yang sampaikan dalam kerja
(event) dari kelompok.
massa. Mengkomunikasikan

4.6. Menyusun  Siswa membuat teks iklan barang, jasa, dan

teks tulis kegiatan (event) dalam kerja kelompok
iklan barang,  Siswa menyampaikan iklan barang, jasa, dan
jasa, dan kegiatan (event) secara tertulis dengan
peristiwa memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan
(event), unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai

dengan dengan konteks

 Membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)
an fungsi
struktur teks,
dan unsur
yang benar
dan sesuai
1.1. Mensyukuri Teks recount, lisan dan tulis 2 x 3 JP
Mengamati Kriteria penilaian:  Audio CD/
kesempatan berbentuk laporan kerja dan
 Siswa membaca/mendengarkan/menonton VCD/DVD
dapat uraian peristiwa bersejarah.  Pencapaian fungsi sosial
berbagai macam laporan kerja dan uraian
mempelajari  Kelengkapan dan keruntutan  SUARA GURU
Fungsi sosial peristiwa bersejarah dari berbagai sumber.
bahasa struktur teks recount berbentuk
Inggris  Koran/ majalah
Menguraikan langkah-langkah  Siswa memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur laporan kerja dan uraian
sebagai berbahasa
tindakan dan kejadian dalam teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun format peristiwa bersejarah
bahasa Inggris
bentuk laporan kerja dan penyampaian/penulisannya.  Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan:
pengantar tentang peristiwa bersejarah, tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan,  www.dailyenglis
komunikasi  Siswa belajar membaca cepat untuk mendapat
untuk mempertanggung- tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
internasiona gambaran umum dari teks melalui proses
jawabkan, meneladani, dan dan tulisan tangan
l yang skimming dan scanning untuk mendapatkan  http://americane
mendapatkan pelajaran informasi khusus.  Kesesuaian format penulisan/
berharga. penyampaian
dalam Mempertanyakan files/ae/resource
Cara Penilaian: _files
semangat Struktur teks
belajar.  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa Unjuk kerja
mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar  http://learnenglis
2.3. Menghargai (1) Orientasi: menyebutkan h.britishcouncil.
tujuan dan langkah-langkah laporan kerja dan uraian peristiwa bersejarah  Melakukan monolog dalam
perilaku bentuk laporan kerja dan uraian org/en/
tanggung jawab, tindakan dan kejadian yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan
secara umum teks dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada peristiwa bersejarah

kerjasama, dan (2) Uraian tindakan/kejadian dalam bahasa Indonesia,.  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
cinta damai, secara berurut dan runtut dalam menggunakan struktur
 Siswa mempertanyakan mengenai gagasan
dalam dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
(3) Penutup (seringkali ada): pokok informasi rinci dan informasi tertentu
melaksanakan teks recount
komentar atau penilaian dalam laporan kerja dan uraian peristiwa
umum. bersejarah Pengamatan (observations):
Unsur kebahasaan Tujuan memberi balikan. Sasaran
3.6. penilaian adalah
Menganalisis (1) Kata-kata terkait dengan  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan beberapa  kesantunan saat melakukan
fungsi sosial, kegiatan siswa dan laporan kerja dan uraian peristiwa bersejarah tindakan
struktur teks, kejadian bersejarah yang dengan strategi dari berbagai sumber.
dan unsur banyak dibicarakan.  perilaku tanggung jawab,
kebahasaan dari  Siswa membacakan laporan kerja dan uraian peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta damai,
(2) Past: Simple, Continuous, peristiwa bersejarah kepada teman dengan dalam
teks recount Perfect tense
berbentuk menggunakan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat melaksanakan Komunikasi
laporan kerja (3) Adverbial dan frasa  Siswa secara berkelompok menuliskan laporan  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
dan uraian presposisional yang kerja dan uraian peristiwa bersejarah dengan proses pembelajaran di setiap
peristiwa menyatakan waktu, cara, memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan tahapan
bersejarah, dsb. unsur kebahasaan  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
sesuai dengan (4) Ucapan, rujukan kata menggunakan strategi dalam
konteks tekanan kata, intonasi, Mengasosiasi membaca
penggunaannya ketika mempresentasikan
.  Secara berpasangan siswa saling menganalisis Portofolio
secara lisan. laporan kerja dan uraian peristiwa bersejarah  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
4.7. Menyusun Topik dengan strategi membaca, yang ditulis dengan belajar berupa catatan atau
teks recount fokus pada fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur rekaman monolog teks recount.
lisan dan Kegiatan siswa dalam proses kebahasaan.
tulis pembelajaran, termasuk dalam  Kumpulan karya siswa yang
berbentuk mata pelajaran lain, dan  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru mendukung proses penulisan
laporan peristiwa sejarah, dengan dan teman tentang hasil analisis yang teks recount berupa: draft, revisi,
kerja dan memberikan keteladanan disampaikan dalam kerja kelompok. editing sampai hasil terbaik
uraian tentang perilaku kewirausahaan, untuk dipublikasi

peristiwa daya juang, percaya diri,

Mengkomunikasikan  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
bersejarah, tanggung jawab, disiplin.
Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
dengan  Siswa menyampaikan laporan kerja dan uraian
memperhati peristiwa bersejarah kepada teman dan guru
kan fungsi Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,
 Siswa membuat laporan kerja dan uraian
sosial, komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain
peristiwa bersejarah melalui 5 tahapan menulis
teks, dan  Siswa membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)
, yang
benar dan
1.1. Mensyukuri
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk Mengamati Kriteria penilaian:
menyatakan dan menanyakan 3 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
dapat  Siswa mendengarkan dan membaca banyak  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
tentang VCD/DVD
mempelajari pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang sosial ungkapan tentang
bahasa tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang akan, sedang, tindakan/kejadian yang terjadi  SUARA
yang akan, sedang, dan telah
Inggris dan telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu yang akan diwaktu yang akan datang GURU
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu
sebagai datang, dalam berbagai konteks.
yang akan datang (Will  Tingkat kelengkapan dan  Koran/
dengan Simple, Continuos,  Siswa mengikuti interaksi untuk menyatakan keruntutan struktur teks majalah
Perfect Tense). dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kegiatan ungkapan tentang berbahasa
Fungsi sosial /kejadian yang akan, sedang, dan telah tindakan/kejadian yang terjadi Inggris
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu yang akan datang diwaktu yang akan datang
l yang Menyatakan  www.dailyengl
selama proses pembelajaran, dengan
diwujudkan tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
bimbingan guru.
dalam akan, sedang, dan telah kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
semangat  Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh pernyataan dan kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,  http://america
dilakukan/terjadi di waktu yang nenglish.state.
belajar. akan datang pertanyaan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian intonasi
2.2. Menunjukka yang akan, sedang, dan telah dilakukan/terjadi gov/files/ae/re

n perilaku Struktur teks di waktu yang akan datang Pengamatan (observations): source_files
You will meet her soon. She will  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,  http://learneng
be waiting for you there, .My mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri penyataan dan tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan. lish.britishcou
percaya diri,
classmate will have been here pernyataan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian Sasaran penilaian:
by the time you arrive. yang akan, sedang, dan telah dilakukan/terjadi
bertanggun  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
di waktu yang akan datang (fungsi sosial,
g jawab Unsur kebahasaan diri, dan bertanggung jawab
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
dalam dalam melaksanakan
melaksanak (1) Will dengan simple, komunikasi
continuous, dan perfect Mempertanyakan
tense Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar proses pembelajaran dalam
transaksion (2) ucapan, tekanan kata,
berbagai pernyataan dan pertanyaan tentang setiap tahapan
al dengan intonasi
guru dan tindakan/kejadian yang terjadi diwaktu yang akan
(3) ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan Portofolio
teman. datang yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan
tangan dan cetak yang jelas ungkapan dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada  Kumpulan karya siswa yang
3.7. Menganalisi dan rapi. dalam bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan mencerminkan hasil atau
s fungsi
menggunakan ungkapan lain, dsb. capaian belajar berupa
sosial, Topik
struktur rekaman penggunaan
Berbagai hal terkait dengan Mengeksplorasi ungkapan dan skrip percakapan
teks, dan
unsur interaksi antara guru dan siswa  Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan keharusan  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
kebahasaan selama proses pembelajaran, di dalam bahasa Inggris dalam konteks
untuk dalam maupun di luar kelas. tanyajawab dan kegiatan lain yang terstruktur.  Catatan atau rekaman penilaian
menyatakan diri dan penilaian sejawat,
 Siswa berusaha menyatakan dan menanyakan berupa komentar atau cara
tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang akan, penilaian lainnya.
sedang, dan telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu
n tentang
yang akan datang dalam bahasa Inggris Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
selama proses pembelajaran. Sejawat
ian yang Mengasosiasi Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,

akan,  Siswa membandingkan ungkapan tentang komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain
sedang, tindakan/kejadian yang terjadi diwaktu yang
dan telah akan datang yang telah dipelajari dengan
dilakukan/te ungkapan-ungkapan lainnya.
rjadi di
waktu yang  Siswa membandingkan antara pernyataan dan
akan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian
datang, yang akan, sedang, dan telah dilakukan/terjadi
sesuai di waktu yang akan datang dalam bahasa
dengan Inggris dengan pernyataan dan pertanyaan
konteks dalam bahasa ibu atau bahasa Indonesia.
penggunaa Mengkomunikasikan
 Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang
4.9. Menyusun tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang akan, sedang,
teks lisan dan telah dilakukan/terjadi di waktu yang akan
dan tulis datang dengan bahasa Inggris, di dalam kelas.
menyatakan  Siswa menuliskan learning jurnal
n tentang
ian yang
dan telah
rjadi di
waktu yang

kan fungsi
teks, dan
, yang
benar dan

1.1. Mensyukuri
Teks narrative lisan dan tulis Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 4 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
berbentuk cerita pendek.
dapat  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan/menonton  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi  SUARA
mempelajari Fungsi Sosial berbagai macam cerita pendek berbahasa sosial penggunaan cerita GURU
bahasa Memperoleh hiburan, menghibur Inggris dari berbagai sumber. pendek
Inggris  Koran/
dan mengajarkan nilai-nilai  Siswa memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur  Tingkat kelengkapan dan majalah ber
sebagai moral melalui cerita pendek teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun format keruntutan struktur cerita
bahasa  www.dailyengl
Struktur teks penyampaian/penulisannya cerita pendek. pendek
komunikasi (1) Orientasi: menyebutkan  Siswa belajar membaca cepat untuk mendapat  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
internasiona tempat dan waktu dan gambaran umum dari cerita pendek melalui kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa  http://america
l yang memperkenalkan tokoh- proses skimming, scanning dan inferencing, kata, ucapan, tekanan kata, nenglish.state.
diwujudkan tokohnya untuk mendapatkan informasi khusus. intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan gov/files/ae/re
dalam (2) Evaluasi: terhadap tangan source_files
masalah yang dihadapi Mempertanyakan
semangat  http://learneng
 Tingkat kesesuaian format

belajar. tokoh penulisan/ penyampaian lish.britishcou

Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
(3) Komplikasi: muncul krisis
mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar CARA PENILAIAN:
2.3. Menghargai (4) Resolusi: krisis berakhir
berbagai cerita pendek yang ada dalam bahasa
perilaku secara baik atau tidak baik Unjuk kerja
Inggris, perbedaan cerita pendek dalam bahasa
tanggung jawab, bagi tokoh
Inggris dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia,  Bercerita (Story telling)
peduli, Unsur kebahasaan
kerjasama, dan  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
(1) Will dengan simple,
cinta damai, Mengeksplorasi dalam menggunakan struktur
continuous, dan perfect
dalam teks dan unsur kebahasaan
tense  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan beberapa
melaksanakan dalam bercerita
(2) Adverbia penghubung cerita pendek dari berbagai sumber.
waktu. Pengamatan (observations):
fungsional.  Siswa membacakan cerita pendek kepada
(3) Adverbia dan frasa Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
teman dengan menggunakan unsur
preposisional penujuk tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
3.8. Menganalisi kebahasaan yang tepat
s fungsi  Kesantunan dan kepedulian
(4) Ucapan, rujukan kata,
sosial, Mengasosiasi saat melakukan tindakan
tekanan kata, intonasi,
ketika mempresentasikan  Secara berpasangan siswa saling menganalisis  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
teks, dan
secara lisan. cerita yang ditulis dengan fokus pada fungsi diri, dan bertanggung jawab
Topik sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan. dalam melaksanakan
Cerita yang memberikan komunikasi
dari teks  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru
naratif lisan keteladanan tentang perilaku dan teman tentang hasil analisis yang
dan tulis peduli, percaya diri, cinta damai, disampaikan dalam kerja kelompok.
berbentuk bertanggung jawab.  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
cerita menggunakan strategi dalam
Mengkomunikasikan membaca
sesuai  Menceritakan kembali cerita pendek yang Portofolio
dengan dibaca kepada teman dan guru
konteks  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
 Siswa membuat kliping cerita pendek dengan belajar berupa catatan atau
penggunaa menyalin dan beberapa sumber. rekaman monolog cerita pendek.

nnya.  Siswa membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)  Kumpulan karya siswa yang
mendukung proses penulisan
4.10. Menangka cerita pendek berupa: draft,
p makna revisi, editing sampai hasil
jenis teks terbaik untuk dipublikasi
berbentuk  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan
cerita Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
pendek, Sejawat
lisan dan
tulis. Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,
komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain

Teks lisan dan tulis tentang MENGAMATI KRITERIA PENILAIAN

1.1. Mensyukuri 1 x 3 JP
menyatakan keterkaitan/sebab  Audio CD/
kesempatan  Siswa mendengarkan dan membaca  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
akibat sesuai dengan konteks VCD/DVD
dapat pernyatakan keterkaitan/sebab akibat, dalam sosial pernyataan
mempelajari berbagai konteks. keterkaitan/sebab akibat  SUARA
bahasa Fungsi sosial GURU
 Siswa mengikuti interaksi tentang pernyataan  Tingkat kelengkapan dan
keterkaitan/sebab akibat selama proses keruntutan struktur teks  Koran/
Menjaga hubungan pembelajaran, dengan bimbingan guru. ungkapan tentang menyatakan majalah
bahasa interpersonal dengan guru, keterkaitan/sebab akibat berbahasa
pengantar teman dan orang lain  Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh kalimat yang
komunikasi Inggris
menyatakan keterkaitan/sebab akibat.  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
internasiona Struktur teks kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa  www.dailyengl
l yang  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa
Farid didn’t go to school kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,
diwujudkan mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri pernyataan
because of the rain. Jehan can intonasi
dalam keterkaitan/sebab akibat (fungsi sosial, struktur  http://america
speak English well do to teks, dan unsur kebahasaan). Pengamatan (observations): nenglish.state.
semangat learning contextually. Please
belajar. MEMPERTANYAKAN gov/files/ae/re
say thank to your manager. Untuk tujuan memberi balikan. source_files
2.2. Menghargai Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa Sasaran penilaian:
 http://learneng

perilaku Unsur kebahasaan mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar  kesantunan saat melakukan lish.britishcou
jujur, berbagai pernyataan keterkaitan/sebab akibat yang tindakan komunikasi
(1) Kata penghubung sebab
disiplin, ada dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan ungkapan
akibat (cause & effect)  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
percaya diri, dalam bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam
(Becuase of ..., due to ..., diri, dan bertanggung jawab
dan bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan menggunakan
thanks to...) dalam melaksanakan
bertanggun ungkapan lain, dsb.
g jawab (2) tata bahasa, ucapan, komunikasi
dalam tekanan kata, intonasi  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
melaksanak (3) ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan  Siswa menyatakan keterkaitan/sebab akibat proses pembelajaran dalam
an tangan dan cetak yang bahasa Inggris dalam konteks simulasi, role- setiap tahapan
komunikasi jelas dan rapi. play, dan kegiatanlain yang terstruktur.
transaksion Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
 Siswa berusaha menyatakan keterkaitan/sebab
al dengan Topik Sejawat
akibat dalam bahasa Inggris dalam proses
guru dan
Berbagai hal terkait dengan pembelajaran. Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,
interaksi antara guru dan siswa komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain
3.9. Menganalisi selama proses pembelajaran, di
s fungsi dalam maupun di luar kelas  Siswa membandingkan pernyatakan
social, keterkaitan/sebab akibat yang telah dipelajari
struktur dengan ungkapan-ungkapan lainnya.
teks, dan
unsur  Siswa membandingkan antara pernyatakan
kebahasaan keterkaitan/sebab akibat dalam bahasa Inggris
pada dengan yang ada dalam bahasa ibu atau
ungkapan bahasa Indonesia.
untuk Mengkomunikasikan
keterkaitan/  Siswa menyatakan keterkaitan/sebab akibat
sebab dengan bahasa Inggris, di dalam dan di luar
akibat, kelas.
sesuai  Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam

dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyatakan

konteks keterkaitan/sebab akibat dalam jurnal
penggunaa belajarnya.
4.11. Menyusun
teks lisan
dan tulis
n dan
an tentang
/ sebab
teks, dan
n, yang
benar dan

1.1. Mensyukuri Teks explanation lisan dan

Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 6 x 3JP  Audio CD/
kesempatan tulis tentang gejala alam
dapat  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan/menonton  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
Fungsi Sosial
mempelajari berbagai macam teks explanation tentang sosial penggunaan teks  SUARA GURU
bahasa Menjelaskan terjadinya gejala gejala alam dari berbagai sumber. explanation
Inggris alam dan sosiokultural secara  Koran/ majalah
ilmiah  Siswa memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur  Tingkat kelengkapan dan berbahasa
teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun format keruntutan struktur teks Inggris
bahasa Struktur teks penyampaian/penulisannya teks explanation. explanation
pengantar (1) Pernyataan umum yang  www.dailyenglis
komunikasi meyakinkan tentang  Siswa belajar membaca cepat untuk mendapat  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
internasiona gejala alam atau gambaran umum dari teks melalui proses kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
l yang skimming , scanning , untuk mendapatkan kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,  http://americane
diwujudkan (2) Serangkaian penjelasan informasi tertentu,. dan inferencing untuk intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan
dalam mengetahui informasi rinci. tangan files/ae/resource
tentang mengapa dan _files
semangat bagaimana gejala yang
Mempertanyakan  Tingkat kesesuaian format
dimaksud terjadi. penulisan/ penyampaian  http://learnenglis
Unsur kebahasaan  Dengan pertanyaan pengarah dari guru, siswa h.britishcouncil.
2.3. Menghargai mempertanyakan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan CARA PENILAIAN: org/en/
perilaku (1) Kata-kata dan ungkapan unsur kebahasaan dari teks explanation.
terkait dengan gejala Unjuk kerja
tanggung jawab,
peduli, alam dan gejala  Siswa mempertanyakan kemungkinan lain dari
 Melakukan monolog dalam
kerjasama, dan sosiokultutal pada sturuktur dan unsure bahasa yang digunakan
bentuk explanation
cinta damai, umumnya, biasanya juga
dalam bukan tentang orang  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
melaksanakan (2) Berisi serangkaian dalam menggunakan struktur
komunikasi tindakan dan deskripsi  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan beberapa teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam
fungsional. benda-benda yang terlibat explanation dari berbagai sumber. teks explanation
(3) Kata kerja dalam present  Siswa membacakan teks explanation kepada Pengamatan (observations):
3.10. Menganali tense dan past tense: teman dengan menggunakan unsur
sis fungsi simple, conitnuous, Untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
kebahasaan yang tepat Sasaran penilaian:
sosial, perfect.

struktur (4) Passive Voice sering  Siswa mengedit sebuah teks explanation yang  Kesantunan saat melakukan
teks, dan digunakan belum tepat struktur dan unsur kebahasaannya tindakan
unsur (5) Adverbia dan frasa
kebahasaa preposisional penujuk  Siswa secara berkelompok menuliskan teks  Perilaku tanggung jawab,
n dari teks waktu dan sebab akibat. gejala alam, terkait dengan mata pelajaran lain peduli, kerjasama dan cinta
explanatio (6) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan di Kelas X dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, damai dalam melaksanakan
n tentang dan cetak yang jelas dan struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan komunikasi
gejala rapi.  Siswa melakukan revisi terhadap teks  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
alam, (7) Ucapan, rujukan kata, explanation yang ditulis berdasarkan masukan proses pembelajaran dalam
terkait tekanan kata, intonasi, dari teman dan guru. setiap tahapan
dengan ketika mempresentasikan
mata secara lisan.  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
pelajaran Topik dalam menuliskan teks
lain di  Secara berpasangan siswa saling menganalisis explanation
Gejala alam dan gejala teks explanation yang ditulis dengan fokus pada
Kelas X,  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
sosiokultural yang lterkait fungsi sosial, struktur, dan unsur kebahasaan.
sesuai menggunakan strategi dalam
dengan mata pelajaran lain di
dengan  Siswa menyunting teks eksplation yang belum membaca
Kelas X, dengan memberikan
konteks sesuai struktur dan unsur kebahasaan.secara
keteladanan tentang perilaku Portofolio
pengguna individu.
peduli, percaya diri, cinta damai,
annya.  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
bertanggung jawab.  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru
4.12. Menangka belajar berupa catatan atau
p makna Multimedia dan teman tentang hasil analisis yang
rekaman monolog teks recount.
dalam teks disampaikan dalam kerja kelompok.
Foto, gambar, dekorasi, yang  Kumpulan karya siswa yang
explanatio membuat tampilan teks lebih
n lisan Mengkomunikasikan mendukung proses penulisan
menarik teks explanation berupa: draft,
dan tulis.  Siswa menyampaikan catatan (Note Taking)
4.13. Menyuntin revisi, editing sampai hasil
saat membaca
g teks terbaik untuk dipublikasi
berbentuk  Siswa mempulikasikan hasil editing di Mading
 Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan
explanatio kelas
n dengan Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
 Siswa membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)

memperha Sejawat
Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,
komentar, atau bentuk penilaian lain
teks, dan
n teks
4.14. Menyusun
n lisan dan
lain di
Kelas X,
teks, dan

n, yang
benar dan
Teks lisan dan tulis untuk MENGAMATI Kriteria penilaian:
1.1. Mensyukuri
menyatakan dan menanyakan 2 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
kesempatan  Siswa mendengarkan dan membaca banyak  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
keterkaitan antara dua benda VCD/DVD
dapat kalimat untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan sosial pernyataan keterkaitan
atau tindakan
mempelajari keterkaitan antara dua benda atau tindakan, antara dua benda atau tindakan  SUARA
bahasa Fungsi sosial dalam berbagai konteks. GURU
 Tingkat kelengkapan dan
Inggris Menyatakan hubungan satu  Siswa mengikuti interaksi untuk menyatakan keruntutan struktur pernyataan  Koran/
sebagai dengan yang lain dan menanyakan keterkaitan antara dua benda keterkaitan antara dua benda majalah
atau tindakan selama proses pembelajaran, atau tindakan berbahasa
pengantar Struktur teks dengan bimbingan guru. Inggris
komunikasi  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
internasiona Both Andi and Joko have come  Siswa menirukan contoh-contoh kalimat kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa  www.dailyengl
l yang to join the contest. Deni is not menyatakan keterkaitan antara dua benda atau kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,
diwujudkan only good person but also tindakan intonasi
dalam generous. Either Roni or Iwan  http://america
semangat will participate in the game…….  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa Pengamatan (observations): nenglish.state.
belajar. mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri kalimat menyatakan Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes, gov/files/ae/re
Unsur kebahasaan keterkaitan antara dua benda atau tindakan tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan. source_files
2.2. Menghargai (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
(1) Kata penghubung (pair Sasaran penilaian  http://learneng
perilaku jujur, kebahasaan).
disiplin, percaya conjunction) Both ... and;  Upaya menggunakan bahasa lish.britishcou
diri, dan not only ... but also; either Mempertanyakan
Inggris untuk menyatakan
bertanggung ... or; neither ... nor., Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa keterkaitan antara dua benda
jawab dalam (2) tekanan kata, intonasi, mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar atau tindakan
melaksanakan berbagai pernyataan keterkaitan antara dua benda
(3) ejaan, tanda baca, tulisan  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya

komunikasi tangan dan cetak yang atau tindakan yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, diri, dan bertanggung jawab
transaksional jelas dan rapi. perbedaan pernyataan dalam bahasa Inggris dalam melaksanakan
dengan guru dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia, komunikasi
dan teman. kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain, dsb.
Berbagai hal terkait dengan  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
3.11. dalam menyampaikan dan
interaksi antara guru dan siswa Mengeksplorasi
Menganali menulis kalimat keterkaitan
selama proses pembelajaran, di
sis fungsi  Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan keterkaitan antara dua benda/tindakan
dalam maupun di luar kelas
sosial, antara dua benda atau tindakan bahasa Inggris
struktur dalam konteks menyampaikan informasi atau  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
teks, dan pendapat dan kegiatanlain yang terstruktur. proses pembelajaran dalam
unsur setiap tahapan
 Siswa melengkapi kalimat dengan kata
sambung yang tepat untuk menyatakan Portofolio
n untuk
keterkaitan antara dua benda atau tindakan.  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
n dan belajar
menanyak  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
an tentang  Siswa membandingkan kalimat menyatakan dan
keterkaitan menanyakan keterkaitan antara dua benda atau  Catatan atau rekaman penilaian
antara dua tindakan yang telah dipelajari dengan kalimat- diri dan penilaian sejawat,
benda kalimat lainnya. berupa komentar atau cara
atau penilaian lainnya
 Siswa membandingkan antara kalimat
sesuai menyatakan dan menanyakan keterkaitan Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
dengan antara dua benda atau tindakan dalam bahasa Sejawat
konteks Inggris dengan kalimat dalam bahasa ibu atau
bahasa Indonesia.  Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format
pengguna khusus, komentar, atau bentuk
annya. Mengkomunikasikan penilaian lain
4.15. Menyusun  Siswa menyatakan dan menanyakan keterkaitan  Siswa diberikan pelatihan
teks lisan antara dua benda atau tindakan dengan bahasa sebelum dituntut untuk
dan tulis

untuk Inggris, di dalam dan di luar kelas. melaksanakannya.

 Siswa menuliskan permasalahan dalam
n dan
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
menyatakan keterkaitan antara dua benda atau
an tentang
tindakan dalam jurnal belajarnya.
antara dua
teks, dan
n yang
benar dan

1.1. Mensyukuri 4 x 3JP

Perbedaan dan persamaan Mengamati Kriteria penilaian:  Audio CD/
teks deskriptif dan teks VCD/DVD
dapat  Siswa membaca/mendengarkan/menonton  Pencapaian fungsi sosial
mempelajari berbagai macam teks deskriptif dan teks  Kelengkapan dan keruntutan  SUARA GURU
bahasa Fungsi Sosial explanation dari berbagai sumber. struktur teks
 Koran/ majalah

Inggris Menentukan perbedaan dan  Ketepatan unsur kebahasaan: berbahasa

 Siswa memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur
sebagai persamaan berbagai jenis teks tata bahasa, kosa kata, ucapan, Inggris
teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun format
bahasa tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan,
Struktur teks penyampaian/penulisannya teks deskriptif.dan  www.dailyenglis
pengantar dan tulisan tangan
(1) Perbedaan fungsi social, teks explanation
komunikasi  Kesesuaian format penulisan/
internasiona struktur dan unsur Mempertanyakan penyampaian  http://americane
l yang kebahasaan Pengamatan (observations):
 Dengan pertanyaan pengarah dari guru, siswa
diwujudkan (2) Persamaan dalam unsur files/ae/resource
mempertanyakan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
dalam bahasa _files
unsur kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif dan teks tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
belajar. Unsur kebahasaan explanation  http://learnenglis
 Perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
2.3. (1) Keterkaitan antara dua  Siswa mempertanyakan tentang perbedaan kerjasama, dan cinta damai,
Menghargai benda/kegiatan dan persamaan teks deskriptif.dan explanation dalam melaksanakan
perilaku (Both…and, Neither…nor) komunikasi
tanggung Mengeksplorasi
jawab, (2) Kalimat sederhana.  Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
 Siswa membandingkan sebuah teks deskriptif dalam menyampaikan presentasi
peduli, (3) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dengan teks explantion dari berbagai sumber.
kerjasama, dan cetak yang jelas dan  Kesungguhan siswa dalam
dan cinta rapi  Siswa mengelompokan unsur kebahasaan proses pembelajaran dalam
damai, yang yang digunakan setiap tahapan
dalam Topik kalimat
 Siswa secara berkelompok menuliskan Portofolio
melaksanak Diri sendiri, orang tua, kakak,
an perbedaan dan persamaan antara teks
adik, famili, tetangga, dan orang deskriptif dan teks explanation dengan  Kumpulan pekerjaan siswa dan
komunikasi terdekat lainnya. catatan kemajuan belajar yang
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur, dan
fungsional. mendukung proses belajar
unsur kebahasaan
3.12. Menganali  Kumpulan catatan kemajuan
sis Mengasosiasi belajar
fungsi  Secara berpasangan siswa saling menganalisis  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
sosial, teks deskriptif dan teks explanation yang
dengan fokus pada fungsi sosial, struktur, dan  Catatan atau rekaman penilaian

struktur unsur kebahasaan. diri dan penilaian sejawat,

teks, dan berupa komentar atau cara
 Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru
unsur penilaian lainnya
dan teman tentang hasil analisis yang
disampaikan dalam kerja kelompok. Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
n dari teks
dan teks  Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format
explanatio  Siswa mempresentasikan hasil analisis khusus, komentar, atau bentuk
n, sesuai kelompok tentang persamaan dan perbedaan penilaian lain
dengan dari teks deskripsi dan teks explanation.
 Siswa membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)
4.16. Menyebutk
n teks
dan teks
n, dilihat
dari fungsi
teks, dan

1.1. Mensyukuri
Ungkapan Proverb tulis dan Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 3 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
lisan. VCD/DVD
dapat  Siswa mendengarkan penggunaan ungkapan  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
mempelajari Fungsi sosial proverb dari berbagai sumber dengan sosial penggunaan teks proverb  SUARA GURU
bahasa Menyatakan kebenaran dan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan riddle
Inggris unsur kebahasaan, maupun format  Koran/ majalah
memberi kan nasehat atau  Tingkat kelengkapan dan berbahasa
sebagai pesan moral dan teka teki . penyampaian/penulisannya.
keruntutan struktur teks proverb Inggris
Struktur teks  Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru siswa dan riddle
pengantar  www.dailyenglis
mengidentifikasi ciri proverb dan riddle
komunikasi Ungkapan baku dari sumber-  Tingkat ketepatan unsur
internasiona sumber otentik. kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa
Mempertanyakan  http://americane
l yang kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,
diwujudkan Unsur kebahasaan Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan
dalam mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan berbagai tangan files/ae/resource
(1) Kata, ungkapan, dan tata _files
semangat bahasa yang baku dalam proverb dan riddle dalam bahasa Inggris,
belajar. perbedaan proverb dan riddle dengan yang ada  Tingkat kesesuaian format
proverb penulisan/ penyampaian  http://learnenglis
2.2. Menunjukka (2) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan dalam bahasa Indonesia, kemungkinan h.britishcouncil.
n perilaku dan cetak yang jelas dan menggunakan ungkapan lain dsb. CARA PENILAIAN: org/en/
jujur, rapi. Mengeksplorasi Pengamatan (observations):
disiplin, (3) Ucapan, rujukan kata, Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
percaya diri, tekanan kata, intonasi,  Siswa mencari proverb dan riddle dari berbagai
dan tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
ketika mempresentasikan sumber..
bertanggun secara lisan  Kesantunan dan kepedulian
g jawab  Siswa berlatih mengidentifikasi proverb dan
Topik saat melakukan tindakan
riddle dengan teman
melaksanak Keteladanan tentang perilaku  Perilaku jujur, disiplin, percaya
 Siswa membacakan proverb dan riddle kepada
an santun, peduli, dan disiplin. diri, dan bertanggung jawab
komunikasi melaksanakan tugas
Multimedia Mengasosiasi
transaksion  Kesungguhan siswa dalam

al dengan Layout dan dekorasi yang  Siswa menganalisis ungkapan proverb dengan proses pembelajaran dalam
guru dan membuat tampilan teks lebih mengelompokannya berdasarkan penggunaan. setiap tahapan
teman. menarik.
3.13. Menganali  Siswa membandingkan ungkapan proverb yang
sis fungsi digunakan guru dengan yang dipelajari dari Portofolio
sosial, berbagai sumber lain.
 Kumpulan pekerjaan siswa dan
struktur  Secara berkelompok siswa mendiskusikan catatan kemajuan belajar yang
teks, dan ungkapan proverb yang mereka temukan dari mendukung proses belajar
unsur sumber lain atau budaya lain.
kebahasaan  Kumpulan hasil tes, ujian, nilai,
dari proverb  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru latihan.
dan riddle, dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur
kebahasaan yang sampaikan dalam kerja  Catatan atau rekaman penilaian
kelompok. diri dan penilaian sejawat,
berupa komentar atau cara
konteks Mengkomunikasikan penilaian lainnya
nnya.  Siswa mempresentasikan beberapa proverb
dan riddle yang mereka sukai Penilaian Diri dan Penilaian
4.17. Menangka
p pesan  Siswa membuat klipping tentang proverb
dalam dalam kerja kelompok Bentuk: diary, jurnal, format khusus,
proverb berupa komentar, checklist,
dan riddle.  Membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal) penilaian

1.1. Mensyukuri Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN: 3 x 3 JP  Audio CD/
kesempatan Fungsi sosial VCD/DVD
 Siswa mendengarkan lagu dari berbagai  Tingkat ketercapaian fungsi
Menghibur, mengungkapkan sumber dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, sosial penggunaan teks  SUARA GURU
perasaan, mengajarkan pesan struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan, maupun
bahasa  Tingkat kelengkapan dan  Koran/ majalah
moral format penyampaian/penulisannya.
Inggris keruntutan struktur teks berbahasa
sebagai Unsur kebahasaan  Siswa mencoba menirukan pengucapannya dan Inggris
 Tingkat ketepatan unsur

bahasa (1) Kata, ungkapan, dan tata menuliskan lagu yang digunakan. kebahasaan: tata bahasa, kosa  www.dailyenglis
pengantar bahasa dalam karya seni kata, ucapan, tekanan kata,
komunikasi berbentuk lagu. intonasi, ejaan, dan tulisan
internasiona (2) Ejaan dan tulisan tangan  Dengan pertanyaan pengarah dari guru, siswa tangan  http://americane
l yang dan cetak yang jelas dan terpancing untuk mempertanyakan fungsi
 Tingkat kesesuaian format files/ae/resource
diwujudkan rapi. sosial, ungkapan, dan unsur kebahasaan yang
penulisan/ penyampaian _files
dalam (3) Ucapan, rujukan kata, digunakan.
semangat tekanan kata, intonasi, CARA PENILAIAN:  http://learnenglis
 Siswa memperoleh pengetahuan tambahan
belajar. ketika mempresentasikan h.britishcouncil.
tentang fungsi sosial, ungkapan, dan unsur Pengamatan (observations):
secara lisan org/en/
2.3. Menghargai kebahasaan dari lagu.
Topik Bukan penilaian formal seperti tes,
Mengeksplorasi tetapi untuk tujuan memberi balikan.
tanggung Keteladanan tentang perilaku
Sasaran penilaian:
jawab, yang menginspirasi.  Siswa mencari lagu dari berbagai sumber..
peduli, - Perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli,
kerjasama,  Siswa berlatih memahami isi lagu dengan kerjasama dan cinta damai
dan cinta teman dalam melaksanakan
damai, Mengasosiasi Komunikasi
 Siswa menganalisis lagu dengan - Ketepatan dan kesesuaian
mengelompokannya berdasarkan jenis lagu. dalam pengucapan dalam
menyanyikan lagu
komunikasi  Siswa membandingkan lagu yang disajikan
fungsional. guru dengan yang dipelajari dari berbagai - Kesungguhan siswa dalam
sumber lain. proses pembelajaran dalam
3.14. Menganali
setiap tahapan
sis fungsi  Secara berkelompok siswa mendiskusikan lagu
sosial dan yang mereka temukan dari sumber lain atau Portofolio
unsur budaya lain.
kebahasaa  Kumpulan kemajuan siswa
n dari  Siswa memperoleh balikan (feedback) dari guru berupa kumpulan lagu yang
dalam dan teman tentang fungsi sosial dan unsur disalin dengan tulisan tangan
lagu, kebahasaan yang sampaikan dalam kerja

sesuai kelompok. beserta kesan terhadap lagu

Mengkomunikasikan  Kumpulan hasil tes dan latihan.
pengguna  Siswa menyanyikan lagu dalam kerja kelompok  Catatan atau rekaman penilaian
annya. diri dan penilaian sejawat,
 Siswa menyanyikan lagu dalam kegiatan
4.18. Menangka berupa komentar atau cara
bermain peran
p pesan penilaian lainnya
dalam  Siswa menyanyikan dalam konteks komunikasi
lagu. yang wajar di dalam kelas, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, ungkapan, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
dengan konteks
 Membuat jurnal belajar (learning journal)

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