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On December 12 2005 in Las Cruces, New Mexico.

A child named Tobias Trujillo was born,

his family was an immigrant from Mexico that moved because economic demands and feels
Mexico isn’t safe place for them, his father was Hector Trujillo and his mother was Loreta.
Hector worked as a cashier at one of restaurant in Las Cruces while Loreta worked as an
ordinary seamstress and also Tobias got an older brother named Borja that 3 years older
from him.
At the age of 5 years old, his family moved from New Mexico to Los Santos. They lived in an
area called East Los Santos, a dangerous area where there were a lot of shootings and drug
trafficking. Tobias then went to school at Los Santos Elementary where he grew up to be a
naughty student, when he was in 5th grade he and his friends ganged up on child who bullied
one of Tobias' friends which ultimately resulted in him and his friends being suspended from
school. When he was passed from Elementary School, Tobias then continued his studies at
Los Santos Middle School, at that time Tobias often gathered with Borja's friends and almost
every day he always skipped school and chose to hang out with his older brother's friends
which ultimately made him even more carried away and participated in distributing an item
called blue paradise.
When Tobias was in 8th grade, he started to dare to distribute these items at his school
secretly until one day there was a locker check at school and a teacher found the items in
his locker which made him dropped out and be expelled from school. Luckily at that time his
teacher did not inform it to the police, but Tobias was not sad, instead he was happy
because he could continue to focus on carrying out his illicit business. At one time Borja,
Tobias, and their friends received an order worth of $10.000 and of course at that time
Borja and his friends were happy to get this very large order, but not for Tobias because he
was suspicious that the buyer was a policeman because it’s not usual a regular civillian buy
their items with a large value, he had tried to warn Borja and their friends but they didn't
listen and instead scolded him because they felt he’s wasted the opportunity.
Tobias did not take part in the transaction and decided to stay at home and it turned out
that his hunch was right. The buyer was an intelligence officer who had been monitoring
Borja's movements for a long time. His friends were arrested and Borja died at the hands of
the police because he tried to shoot the police using the gun he had. Tobias was very sad
and couldn't forgive himself for his brother's death, in fact since Borja's death his mother
fell sick and his father was arrested by the police because he tried to kill a policeman who
was suspected of killing Borja, since then Tobias has really hated the police and now after
few years since Borja’s death and his father thrown into the jail, Tobias has rarely gets
together with his friends and decides to work and earn money for his living and also pays for
his mother treatment.

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