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Activity in Module 9

1. What do you think is the main reason the people in Baseco compound to sell their
• The people in Baseco Compound are one of the biggest barangays in Manila.
There are people who sell their kidneys due to poverty and financial desperation;
they are individuals who struggle to afford basic needs. Selling their kidneys
provides a sum of money in a short period of time, but some of the donors regret
it afterwards.
2. Who is the agent that sells kidneys to the recipients, and what are the qualifications
that were set to become a kidney donor?
• Dalmasio Zeta, also known as Mang Jun, and Lin are the brokers who sell
kidneys to the recipients and the donor, and the recipient should match the blood
and tissue type. Plus, the donor should be healthy and not 39 above in order to
become qualified as kidney donor.
3. What are the most common complications faced by kidney donors?
• Some of the kidney donors regret donating their kidneys because of the
complications they feel afterwards, such as shortness of breath and pain. Because
of that, the donors can’t work properly like before.
4. What is the difference between "Related kidney transplant" and "Unrelated kidney
• An unrelated kidney transplant involves the donation of a kidney from a non-
biological relative, such as a friend or spouse, and relies on compatibility testing
to ensure a successful match. On the other hand, a kidney from a recipient's
biological relative such as a parent, sibling, or child is donated in a related kidney
5. Who is Juanita Torres, and what is her story? How did she help other patients
through her daughter?
• Juanita Torres is the mother of Corazon Torres E. Xavier, who was declared
brain dead in Madrid, Spain. Through a cadaver kidney transplant and Corazon,
Juanita was able to help the other patients who needed organs. and Juanita
Torres also built an organ transplant foundation.
6. How would you stop the selling of kidneys?
• If I had the means to build a foundation just like Juanita Torres did, I would do
that too, but instead I could work towards raising awareness about the ethical
and health risks associated with kidney trafficking. Additionally, I would
advocate for stricter laws and penalties for those involved in the illegal organ
trade. Education and empowerment of vulnerable populations, such as those
living in poverty, can also help prevent them from being exploited and coerced
into selling their kidneys. Collaboration with local and international
organizations, as well as governments, can also help in effectively combating the
sale of kidneys.

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