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Notes on Prof.

Anthony Noerpel (AN) Lectures: Part 2

Date : Wednesday 24th April, 2024

1 Lecture 4
Prof. AN, through the fourth lecture, conveys a message that our current economical systems –
capitalism, socialism, communism – and many of the economics theories on which they are based,
with the exception of the ecological economics, are ill-suited to solve the environment problems.
The three economical systems are reviewed in Appendix 4.1, followed by an introduction to
several “schools” (i.e., theories) of economics in Appendix 4.2. In Appendix 4.2, we also see how
the conventional theories of economics compare against the ecological economics and the circular
economy models.
Prof. AN identifies several problems with the market-driven, profit-oriented, models of economy.

1. Neoclassical economists have a wrong model.

ˆ For example, a circular flow model by Paul Samuelson assumes that the firms produce
and sell goods and services which the households buy and consume. The households
in turn provide the labor, land and capital that the firms purchase. The firms get
the revenue from the households as they purchase the goods and the services, and the
households get the revenue from the firms as they purchase the labor and the capital.

2. Their models are energy blind (e.g., a plastic bottle of water requires a large amount of energy
to produce and get disposed off, and a high amount of environment resources).

3. These models are overly reliant on the free markets that are based on an interplay between the
supply and the demand. They assume that the markets are superior devices for planning, and
that the price signals and innovation will solve all (e.g., the environment related) problems.
However, the free markets are exacerbating, instead of alleviating, the environment problem
the humankind is facing

4. The markets cause inequality. A mathematical model, called the yard sale model, has shown
that the market-based model of economics (on which capitalism is based) leads to inequality.
Also, it endangers the democracy since those in the power (the politicians) enter into im-
plicit collaboration with the rich. A positive feedback is created between the wealth and the
power and this feedback loop destroys the democracy (a common man ceases to have power.
“Swaraj” is lost – most of the power is concentrated among the rich and the politicians).

5. Capitalism – as discussed in Appendix 4.1 – is an economic system based on the private

ownership of the means of production, and their operation for profit. Capitalism encourages
dishonesty, rewards greed and promotes people on the psychopath spectrum. The famous
Dred Scott decision (see Appendix 4.3) made by the American Supreme Court about 170
years ago is cited as an example. Another example is given of the large corporations (such
as Exxon Mobil, Shell, etc.) in the domain of fossil-fuel based energy generation. These
corporations – in their pursuit of the maximization of the profits – have resorted in the past

to unethical and dishonest tactics to promote denial of the climate changes occurring due to
the burning of fossil fuels. These companies propgate denial of the global warming and climate
change due to humankind’s burning of the fossil fuels even when the scientists employed by
these corporations in their internal communications acknowledge that “the scientific basis for
the greenhouse effect and the potential impact of human emissions of greenhouse gases such as
CO2 on climate is well established and cannot be denied,” or that “the potential for a human
impact on climate is based on well-established scientific fact, and should not be denied.”

6. Economics is not science; it is an ideology instead. See Page 33 of Lecture 4. The difference
between science and ideology was made clear by Prof. AN in his Lecture 1.

7. The human economical systems are causing a wide-spread extinction of different species and
wrecking a havoc on the Earth’s environment. The economists have no clue on how to solve
this problem.

8. The neoclassical and other economical systems are focused on maximizing consumerism, flow
of money, profit, GDP, etc. Their goals are not aligned with the environmental conservation
or even the human welfare (e.g., the 17 SDGs that we have studied earlier).

2 Lecture 5
In Lecture 5, Prof. AN considers alternatives to the fossil fuels and rules them out one-by-one!

ˆ The chart on Page 6 shows clearly that the three non-clean, non-green, fossil-fuel-based energy
sources, i.e., the coal, the oil and the natural gas, are still the dominant sources of energy
production and consumption in the human society. In contrast, the green sources of energy,
i.e., the solar, the wind, the hydropower and the nuclear, make a much smaller fraction.

ˆ The chart on Page 7 shows that – to meet the worldwide energy demand of 252 PWh1 in
2050, even after accounting for ∼ 30 PWh sourced from the fossil fuels – the green energy
generation (which was 10.3 PWh in the year 2020) would need to increase to 212 PWh by
the year 2050. This is needed to meet the net zero target2 by the year 2050. A requirement
is that the fossil fuel emissions have to decline by 5% on a per year basis.

ˆ The next three pages (Pages 8 to 10) show why this goal may be difficult to attain. The wind
and the solar, including the battery backup infrastructure needed, are 21% more expensive
than the natural gas, 44% more expensive than the coal, and 144% more expensive than the
nuclear fuel.

ˆ Efficiency in the energy production (recall the concept of Carbon Intensity (CI) in the IPAT
equation) may not be the solution.

→ “It is wholly a confusion of ideas to suppose that the economical use of fuel is equivalent
to a diminished consumption. The very contrary is true.” - William Stanley Jevons,
The Coal Question, 1865
→ See Appendix 4.7.
“P” here refers to “Peta”, i.e., 1015 .
The term “net zero” means that the amount of GHG emissions released into the atmosphere is balanced by the
amount removed or offset through various means, such as carbon capture and storage, reforestation, and technological

ˆ Is Hydrogen a feasible source of clean energy? Prof. AN implies on Page 31 that this may
not be the case. See Appendix 4.4.

ˆ Energy demand for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): See Page 35 of Lecture 5.

ˆ Page 36 provides a calculation of enhanced oil recovery (EOR)3 for CCS,4 which is the only
mature and commercially available technology for CCS:

→ In trying to store (i.e., sequester) 50 Mt (mega-tonnes) of CO2 through EOR, there is

an additional 91.25 million barrels of oil extracted per year.
→ All this extra oil that gets extracted produces 29 Mt of CO2 (at the rate of 1 t CO2 per
3.15 barrels of oil).
→ However, only about 24.5 Mt of CO2 out of 50 Mt gets sequestered in the deep wells of
the oil mine (the rest 25.5 Mt comes back up with the oil). Thus, there is a fundamental
problem. In trying to sequester 50 Mt of CO2, we, first of all, succeed in sequestering
only about half of it (24.5 Mt) and also end up emitting additional 29 Mt of CO2 that
would not have been generated otherwise. Thus, there is a net of 4.5 Mt (29 − 24.5) of
additional CO2 release in the Earth’s atmosphere. The math is backward – instead of a
net sequestration, there is a net emission of CO2!
→ In addition, there is a net energy of 15 Mt required to pull out 50 Mt of CO2 from the
atmosphere. The energy that we get back from the 91.25 million barrels of new oil that
we get through this EOR technique is, however, 13.7 Mt. Thus, in this calculation also,
there is a deficit of 1.7 Mt of energy and the environment would be better off if the EOR
is not attempted.
→ As mentioned above, the clean sources of energy would need to generate 212 PWh of
energy by the year 2050. The following are the capacities of several renewable sources
of energy today:
▷ An example nuclear power plant with a capacity P = 1.15 GW
▷ The largest wind farm (Jiuquan wind farm in China) has a capacity of 20 GW, but
the utilization factor is only 22%. The net is therefore, P ≈ 4 GW.
▷ The largest solar farm (Bhadia solar park in India) has a capacity of 2.245 GW. The
utilization factor is 20% and there is a conversion loss of ∼ 15%. The net capacity
is P = 2.245 × 0.2 × 0.85 ≈ 0.38 GW.
▷ MIT SPARC fusion reactor has a capacity of P = 0.25 GW, but it produces 4 m3
of radioactive solid waste per year
→ The total energy produced per year in TWh in these four cases equals E = P ×365×24×
10−3 TWh (where the factor of 10−3 is because P is taken to be in GW). Substituting
the four values of P , the energy per year generated by the four power plants mentioned
above equals E ≈ {10, 38.6, 3.3, 2.2} TWh.
Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) refers to a set of techniques used to increase the amount of crude oil that can
be extracted from an oil reservoir beyond what can be achieved through primary and secondary recovery methods.
Primary recovery typically involves the natural pressure of the reservoir or artificial lift methods to bring oil to the
surface, while secondary recovery involves injecting water or gas into the reservoir to maintain pressure and displace
additional oil. The EOR methods are employed in mature oil fields where primary and secondary recovery techniques
have become less effective at extracting remaining oil.
CO2 gas is injected into the oil reservoir to increase pressure and reduce oil viscosity, making it easier to flow
towards production wells. Gas injection can also lead to the displacement of oil through miscible or immiscible

→ Thus, to generate the required amount of 212 PWh of energy per year by the year 2050
by these renewable sources, each renewable source would need to have N = 212000/E
number of plants, where E is in TWh. This requires that the mankind, by the year
2050, has to build:
▷ N = 21200 new nuclear power plants each of capacity of at least P = 1.15 GW (at
the rate of more than two plants per day over the next 24 years)
▷ N = 5300 wind farms with a capacity of at least 20 GW (at least one such plant
every two days over next 24 years)
▷ N = 212000/3.3 ≈ 64242 new solar farms (which would occupy an area bigger than
that of India), or
▷ N = 212000/2.2 new SPARC fusion reactors (but they would generate 1.5 Giga
tonnes of nuclear waste over 100 years, and the problem of where to store this
radioactive waste may still not have been solved).
Although the calculated numbers would need to be divided at least by four,5 the difficulty
of meeting the target of generating 212 PWh of renewable energy per year by 2050 is
evident. The mankind is currently nowhere close to building these many renewable
energy power plants at the rate at which they have to be built (e.g., on a per day or on
a per year bases).6

ˆ Page 41 has a rough calculation that shows why the EVs (electric vehicles) may not be sus-
tainable as environmentally friendly way to commute. The current expectation is that there
will be 2 billion light vehicles (two wheelers, small-sized cars) worldwide by 2035. Suppose
each of this is an electric vehicle (EV). The battery pack of an EV requires 56 to 70 kg Nickel.
Suppose the average is 66 kg. Therefore, the total demand for nickel by the year 2035 will be
2 × 66 × 109 ≈ 112 Mega tonnes, which exceeds the total worldwide Nickel reserves that are
estimated to be 89 Mega tonnes.

3 Lecture 6
In Lecture 6, Prof. AN continues debunking several alternatives to the fossil fuels in meeting the
humankind’s demand for the energy.

ˆ Prof. AN cites a critical piece by Art Berman that examines (unrealistic) projections by EIA
(Energy Information Administration) and IEA (International Energy Agency) regarding how
the renewables will replace the fossil fuels.


ˆ On Page 29 of Lecture 6, Prof. AN disregards various green alternatives of the fossil fuel:

→ BECCS (Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage; see Appendix 4.5): requires land
which has to come from wildlife or agriculture. Also there is no scalable engineering
solution to “storage” of the carbon.
These numbers assume that each renewable source is to be deployed individually in meeting the target of 212
PWh of energy per year by 2050. When all four types of power plants are simultaneously built, the required number
per a type of power plant gets divided by four.
A crude analogy is that of the RRR – Required Run Rate – in the IPL or the ODI cricket matches. If the team
batting second is dealt with a high RRR when it starts its inning and its CRR (current RR) is well below the RRR,
the chances that it would meet the target diminish over by over as the match progresses.

→ Biofuels (e.g., ethanol); requires land and water and synthetic fertilizer.
→ Geo-engineering by reducing solar energy inputs: reduces net primary productivity
(NPP)7 thereby negatively impacting the biodiversity
→ DACCS (Direct Air Capture and Carbon Storage; see Appendix 4.6): to capture 1
MtCO2/year requires a 300 to 500 MW power plant. Not a workable proposition!
→ Efficiency gains: cannot be relied upon due to the Jevon’s Paradox (see Appendix 4.7)
→ Carbon market offsets: a strange dieting plan to reduce the weight where you freely eat
the cake but then pay somebody else to starve!
→ Nuclear Fusion: this technology is always 35 years in the future!

The plan that Prof. AN offers for environmental preservation is summarized on Pages 34 to 39
of Lecture 6.

ˆ Better government regulations that prevent the environment degradation

ˆ Eliminate the spending by the department of defense and increase the tax on the rich

ˆ Break up large corporations

ˆ Replace the aeroplanes by high-speed rail

ˆ Redefine economics, reinvent capitalism and communism and stop teaching neo-classical eco-
nomics. Strike a moderate balance between capitalism and communism, globalization and

ˆ Control the human population

ˆ Eliminate single-use plastic

ˆ Reduce consumption

ˆ Strong central democratic government (government is not the problem; the government is
for the people and by the people), which regulates and prevents environmentally destructive
business activities

ˆ Focus on degrowth instead of growth!

Prof. AN summarizes on Page 40:

ˆ What will not work:

→ Billionaires, capitalism, markets, neoclassical economics

→ Technology, General Artificial Intelligence
→ Gods, aliens, spirituality, hope, etc.

ˆ What will work:

→ Always ask “what could possibly go wrong?”

→ Be curious
NPP is the rate at which all the plants in an ecosystem produce net useful chemical energy (biomass) through
photosynthesis, after accounting for the energy they use during respiration.

→ Care; Be kind, be kind, be kind (I’d add: be honest and truthful. As Gandhiji has shown
us, kindness (Ahimsa) and truthfulness are two sides of a coin. You cannot pick up one
side without picking also the other side of the coin.)
→ Adopt critical scientific way of thinking, steer clear of dogmas and closed mindedness:
be willing to be wrong. Be open to change your mindset, your pre-conceived notions,
based on the experimental evidence.8

4 Appendix
4.1 Economical Systems
Capitalism Capitalism is an economic system (not a theory or a school) characterized by private
ownership of the means of production, where goods and services are produced and distributed
primarily through market exchange. In a capitalist system (which we in India have, and the
one that most of the European countries, the USA, the Canada, the Australia, etc. follow),
the individuals, rather than the state, own and control capital (such as factories, businesses,
and resources) and make decisions about production, investment, and consumption based on
market forces.
Key features of capitalism include:

ˆ Private Property: Capitalism emphasizes the right to private property, where individuals
and businesses have legal ownership and control over resources, goods, and assets. This
includes both physical property (land, buildings, equipment) and intellectual property
(patents, copyrights, trademarks).
ˆ Market Economy: Capitalism relies on market mechanisms, such as supply and demand,
competition, and prices, to allocate resources and coordinate economic activity. Markets
determine what goods and services are produced, how they are produced, and who
receives them based on consumers’ preferences and producers’ decisions.
ˆ Profit Motive: In capitalism, the pursuit of profit serves as a primary incentive for
economic activity. Individuals and businesses seek to maximize their profits by producing
goods and services that consumers demand and by minimizing costs and maximizing
ˆ Competition: Capitalism is characterized by competition among businesses and en-
trepreneurs, which drives innovation, efficiency, and productivity. Competition incen-
tivizes firms to improve their products and services, reduce prices, and adapt to changing
market conditions.
ˆ Limited Government Intervention: While capitalism allows for some government reg-
ulation and intervention (such as enforcing contracts, protecting property rights, and
regulating markets), it generally advocates for minimal government involvement in eco-
nomic affairs. Capitalist economies tend to prioritize free markets and individual freedom
over state control.
ˆ Wage Labor: In capitalist economies, most workers sell their labor to employers in
exchange for wages or salaries. This relationship between labor and capital is a funda-
mental aspect of capitalist production, where workers contribute their labor to produce
goods and services owned and controlled by capitalists.
Recall the Bayesian decision theory we studied in CT216 if that helps you!

As mentioned above, the capitalism has been the dominant economic system in many parts
of the world. It has been associated with economic growth, innovation, and prosperity, but
it has also been criticized for fostering inequality, exploitation, and environmental degrada-
tion. Various forms of capitalism exist, ranging from laissez-faire capitalism with minimal
government intervention to mixed economies with a combination of market mechanisms and
government regulation.
Socialism Socialism is an economic and political system based on social ownership and control of
the means of production, with the goal of ensuring an equitable distribution of wealth and
meeting the needs of the community rather than generating profits for private owners. Here
are some key features of socialism:
ˆ Social ownership: In socialism, the means of production (e.g., factories, farms, natural
resources) are owned and controlled by the community or the state, rather than by
private individuals or corporations.
ˆ Centralized planning: Economic decisions, such as what to produce, how much to pro-
duce, and how to allocate resources, are typically made through centralized planning by
the government or a collective decision-making process.
ˆ Redistribution of wealth: Socialism aims to reduce economic inequality by redistributing
wealth and resources from the more affluent segments of society to the less privileged,
often through progressive taxation and social welfare programs.
ˆ Workers’ control: In theory, socialism advocates for workers to have a significant degree
of control and decision-making power over the means of production and the management
of enterprises.
ˆ Collective ownership: Instead of private ownership, socialism promotes collective or
cooperative ownership of economic resources and the means of production.
ˆ Elimination of exploitation: Socialists believe that capitalism inherently leads to the
exploitation of workers by those who own the means of production. Socialism aims to
eliminate this exploitation by transferring ownership and control to the workers or the
There are different interpretations and variations of socialism, ranging from democratic so-
cialism, which seeks to achieve socialist goals through democratic processes, to revolutionary
socialism, which advocates for the overthrow of capitalism through revolution. Historically,
socialist systems have been implemented in countries like the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, and
several Eastern European nations, with varying degrees of success and criticism.
Communism Communism is closely related to socialism as a socio-economic ideology, but they
have distinct characteristics and goals. While both advocate for collective ownership and
control of the means of production, they differ in their approaches to achieving a classless,
egalitarian society. Here are some key differences between socialism and communism:
ˆ Role of the State: In socialism, the state plays a significant role in the economy, of-
ten owning or controlling key industries and resources. Socialism may involve a mix
of public and private ownership, with the state providing social welfare programs and
regulating the economy to ensure equitable distribution of wealth. In contrast, commu-
nism envisions a stateless society where government and coercive institutions have been
transcended. True communism aims to abolish the state altogether, replacing it with
voluntary cooperation and collective decision-making by the people.

ˆ Path to Communism: Socialism is often seen as a transitional stage between capitalism
and communism. Socialists seek to gradually transition from a capitalist economy to
a socialist one through reforms, nationalization of key industries, and the expansion of
social welfare programs. Communists, on the other hand, advocate for a more revo-
lutionary approach to achieving communism. They believe that capitalism cannot be
reformed and must be overthrown through revolutionary struggle to establish a classless
society based on common ownership and cooperation.
ˆ Economic Organization: Socialism may involve a variety of economic models, including
state socialism, market socialism, and democratic socialism. In state socialism, the state
owns and controls the means of production, while in market socialism, there is still pri-
vate ownership of small businesses, but key industries are publicly owned and managed.
Democratic socialism combines elements of socialism with democratic political institu-
tions, advocating for worker-owned cooperatives and public ownership of key industries
within a democratic framework. In contrast, communism envisions a centrally planned
economy where production, distribution, and exchange are organized and managed col-
lectively by the community or society as a whole, without the need for private property
or market mechanisms.
ˆ Attitude Toward Class Struggle: Socialists often emphasize the importance of class strug-
gle and reform within the existing capitalist system to achieve social justice and equality.
They may work within existing political institutions to enact progressive policies and
advocate for workers’ rights. Communists, while also recognizing the importance of
class struggle, tend to advocate for more radical and revolutionary methods to over-
throw capitalism and establish a communist society based on common ownership and

Overall, while socialism and communism share similar goals of achieving a classless, egalitarian
society, they differ in their approaches to achieving this goal and the role of the state in the
transition process. Socialism encompasses a broader range of ideologies and practices, while
communism represents a more specific vision of a stateless, classless society.

4.2 Several Theories of Economics

Neoclassical and Austrian Economics place emphasis on the subjective nature of value, and
in the efficiency of competitive markets.

ˆ Neoclassical9 economists argue that value is determined by individual preferences and

utility. This in contrast to the classical labor theory of value, which posits that the value
is determined by the amount of labor required to produce a good or service. Austrian
school of economics also places a strong emphasis on subjective value theory, which
holds that value is determined by individuals’ preferences and perceptions rather than
objective measures such as labor inputs.
ˆ Neoclassical economists generally believe in the efficiency of competitive markets. They
argue that under conditions of perfect competition, markets will allocate resources ef-
ficiently, maximizing social welfare. Austrian economists similarly argue that economic
order emerges spontaneously from the interactions of individuals in a decentralized mar-
ket system. They emphasize the role of market prices as signals that convey information
The term “neo-x” means a refined vesion or a newer and more modern version of “x”.

about scarcity, preferences, and opportunities, leading to the coordination of economic
ˆ Neoclassical economics assumes that individuals are rational actors who seek to maximize
their utility or satisfaction. This rationality is expressed through the choices they make
in the marketplace.
ˆ Neoclassical economics often employs equilibrium analysis to understand market behav-
ior. Equilibrium occurs when the quantity demanded equals the quantity supplied, and
prices adjust to balance supply and demand.
ˆ Neoclassical economics focuses on the behavior of individual agents, such as consumers
and firms, rather than aggregate phenomena. This approach allows for the analysis of
economic interactions at the microeconomic level. This is similar to Austrian School of
Economics which also analyzes the actions and choices of individuals rather than aggre-
gates such as groups or classes. They argue that understanding individual preferences,
incentives, and subjective values is crucial for understanding economic behavior.
ˆ Austrian economists generally advocate for free markets and limited, or no, government
intervention in the economy. They argue that government interventions, such as price
controls and regulations, distort market signals and hinder economic coordination. In-
stead, they emphasize the importance of property rights, contracts, and the rule of law
in facilitating voluntary exchange.

Keysian Economics The Keynesian school of economics is a macroeconomic theory based on the
ideas of the British economist John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). The main principles of
Keynesian economics are:

ˆ Government intervention: Keynesian economists believe that the government should

play an active role in the economy through fiscal and monetary policies to maintain full
employment and economic growth.
ˆ Demand-side economics: Keynes emphasized the importance of aggregate demand (total
spending by households, businesses, and the government) in driving economic growth. He
believed that inadequate demand could lead to prolonged periods of high unemployment.
ˆ Deficit spending: During economic downturns, Keynesians advocate for deficit spending
by the government to stimulate aggregate demand and boost employment. This can be
achieved through increased government spending on public works or tax cuts.
ˆ Multiplier effect: Keynes believed that an increase in government spending or tax cuts
could have a multiplier effect on income and employment, as the initial increase in
spending would lead to further increases in consumption and investment.
ˆ Liquidity preference: Keynes argued that people have a preference for holding cash
(liquidity) during times of economic uncertainty, which can lead to a lack of investment
and economic stagnation.

The Keynesian school of thought challenged the classical economic theory that free mar-
kets would automatically achieve full employment and optimal output without government

Marxism Economics Marxist economics, rooted in the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels,
provides a critical analysis of capitalism and offers an alternative perspective on economic
theory and practice. Here are the key principles of Marxist economics:

ˆ Historical Materialism: Marxists analyze economic systems through the lens of historical
materialism, which posits that the mode of production (how goods are produced and
distributed) shapes the rest of society, including politics, culture, and social relations.
They view history as a series of class struggles driven by conflicts over control of the
means of production.
ˆ Labor Theory of Value: Marxists adhere to the labor theory of value, which suggests
that the value of a commodity is determined by the amount of socially necessary labor
time required for its production. This theory contrasts with the subjective theory of
value embraced by neoclassical economics.
ˆ Exploitation and Surplus Value: Marxists argue that capitalist economies are charac-
terized by the exploitation of labor. They contend that workers are paid less than the
value they produce, with capitalists extracting surplus value—the difference between the
value of labor power (wages) and the value created by labor.
ˆ Capital Accumulation and Crisis: Marxist economics emphasizes the tendency of capi-
talism to accumulate capital and produce economic crises. Capitalist competition leads
to technological innovation and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few cap-
italists. Over time, this can lead to overproduction, underconsumption, and financial
ˆ Class Struggle and Revolution: Marxists view class struggle as inherent to capitalism,
with conflicts between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class) and the proletariat (working
class) driving historical change. They advocate for the overthrow of capitalism through
revolution and the establishment of a classless society based on common ownership of
the means of production.
ˆ Socialism and Communism: Marxist economics ultimately aims for the transition from
capitalism to socialism and eventually to communism. In a socialist society, the means
of production are owned and controlled by the working class, leading to the abolition of
class distinctions and the establishment of a more equitable and democratic economic

Ecological Economics Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field that seeks to integrate

ecological principles and knowledge with economic theory and analysis. It emerged in response
to the recognition that conventional economics often neglects the ecological limits of the planet
and fails to adequately address environmental issues and sustainability concerns. Ecological
economics aims to develop a more holistic and sustainable approach to economic theory,
policy, and practice. Here are some key features of ecological economics:

ˆ Recognition of Ecological Limits: Ecological economics recognizes that the economy is

embedded within the broader ecosystem and is subject to ecological constraints and
limits. It emphasizes the finite nature of natural resources, the interconnectedness of
ecological systems, and the importance of maintaining ecological integrity for human
well-being and long-term sustainability.
ˆ Systems Thinking: Ecological economics adopts a systems perspective, viewing the econ-
omy as a complex adaptive system that interacts with the natural environment. It
considers feedback loops, nonlinear dynamics, and emergent properties in analyzing eco-
nomic and ecological phenomena.
ˆ Integration of Ecological and Economic Values: Ecological economics seeks to integrate
ecological values, such as biodiversity, ecosystem services, and resilience, into economic

decision-making and policy analysis. It recognizes the intrinsic value of nature and the
importance of preserving ecological integrity for future generations.
ˆ Sustainability and Resilience: Ecological economics emphasizes the goals of sustainabil-
ity and resilience, aiming to meet the needs of current generations without compromising
the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It advocates for policies and
practices that promote sustainable resource use, equitable distribution, and ecological
ˆ Interdisciplinary Approach: Ecological economics draws on insights from ecology, en-
vironmental science, sociology, anthropology, and other disciplines to inform economic
analysis and policy formulation. It recognizes the multidimensional nature of sustainabil-
ity challenges and the need for interdisciplinary collaboration to address them effectively.
ˆ Policy Implications: Ecological economics advocates for a range of policy instruments to
promote sustainability and address environmental degradation, including market-based
mechanisms, regulations, incentives, and public investments. It emphasizes the impor-
tance of aligning economic incentives with ecological goals and integrating environmental
considerations into decision-making at all levels.

Ecological economics has influenced various fields, including environmental policy, natural
resource management, and sustainable development, by providing a framework for integrating
ecological and economic considerations into decision-making processes.

Circular Economy A circular economy is a specific instance of the larger body of ecological
economics, and it is an economic system that aims to minimize waste and make the most
of resources by keeping products, components, and materials in use for as long as possible,
through strategies such as recycling, reusing, remanufacturing, and repairing. The goal is
to decouple economic growth from resource consumption and environmental degradation,
while promoting sustainable development and addressing the challenges of climate change
and resource scarcity.
Key features of a circular economy include:

ˆ Resource Efficiency: Circular economy principles emphasize the efficient use of resources
by designing products and production processes to minimize waste and maximize the
value of materials throughout their lifecycle. This involves strategies such as product
design for longevity and durability, resource recovery and recycling, and the use of
renewable and recyclable materials.
ˆ Closed-Loop Systems: In a circular economy, resources are kept in closed-loop systems,
where products and materials are continuously reused, recycled, or repurposed at the
end of their life cycle, rather than being disposed of as waste. This reduces the need for
raw materials extraction and minimizes environmental pollution and waste generation.
ˆ Collaboration and Innovation: Circular economy approaches require collaboration among
stakeholders across the value chain, including businesses, governments, consumers, and
civil society organizations. Innovation plays a key role in developing new technologies,
business models, and policies that support the transition to a circular economy and
promote sustainable consumption and production patterns.
ˆ Economic Opportunities: Circular economy strategies can create economic opportunities
by stimulating innovation, fostering entrepreneurship, and generating new markets for
sustainable products and services. By shifting towards a circular economy, businesses

can reduce costs, increase resource efficiency, and enhance their resilience to supply chain
disruptions and environmental risks.

4.3 Dred Scott Decision

The Dred Scott decision was a landmark ruling by the United States Supreme Court in 1857. The
case involved Dred Scott, an enslaved African American man who had lived in free states and
territories where slavery was prohibited, along with his wife Harriet.
Scott sued for his freedom, arguing that his residence in free territories should have made him a
free man. The case made its way through the courts, eventually reaching the U.S. Supreme Court.
In the infamous decision, Chief Justice Roger B. Taney delivered the majority opinion, which
had several key points:
ˆ Citizenship: The Court held that African Americans, whether enslaved or free, could not
be considered citizens of the United States and therefore had no right to bring a lawsuit in
federal court. Taney wrote that African Americans, even if free, were not intended to be
included in the “people” referred to in the USA Constitution.
ˆ Property Rights: The Court declared that slaves were property protected by the Constitution,
and Congress had no authority to deprive individuals of their property rights, including the
right to hold slaves, in any territory of the United States.
ˆ Missouri Compromise Unconstitutional: The Court further ruled that the Missouri Compro-
mise of 1820, which prohibited slavery in certain territories north of the 36°30’ latitude, was
unconstitutional. The decision effectively invalidated the ability of Congress to prohibit slav-
ery in the territories and heightened tensions between North and South over the expansion
of slavery.
The Dred Scott decision was widely condemned by abolitionists (i.e., the anti-slavery advocates) for
its defense of slavery and its implications for the status of African Americans. It exacerbated the
already tense relations between the Northern and the Southern states of the USA (the former were
against the slavery and the latter were pro-slavery) and contributed to the lead-up to the American
Civil War. After the Civil War, the decision was effectively overturned by the passage of the 13th
and 14th Amendments to the Constitution, which abolished slavery and granted citizenship and
equal protection under the law to all persons born or naturalized in the United States.

4.4 Hydrogen as Clean Energy Source

Hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel in various applications, offering a potential solution to decar-
bonize energy systems and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some ways hydrogen can be
utilized as a clean fuel:
ˆ Hydrogen Fuel Cells: One of the most promising uses of hydrogen is in fuel cell technology.
Hydrogen fuel cells generate electricity through an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen
and oxygen, producing water vapor as the only byproduct. Fuel cells can power a range of
applications, including vehicles (such as hydrogen fuel cell cars, buses, and trucks), stationary
power generation (for buildings and remote areas), and portable electronics.
ˆ Transportation: Hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel for transportation, offering zero-
emission alternatives to conventional vehicles powered by internal combustion engines. Hy-
drogen fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) have longer driving ranges and shorter refueling times com-
pared to battery electric vehicles (BEVs), making them suitable for long-distance travel and

heavy-duty applications. FCVs emit only water vapor and heat, reducing air pollution and
greenhouse gas emissions.

ˆ Energy Storage: Hydrogen can be used as a means of energy storage to complement inter-
mittent renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. Excess electricity generated
from renewable sources can be used to produce hydrogen through electrolysis, splitting water
molecules into hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen can then be stored for later use and con-
verted back into electricity when needed, through fuel cells or combustion, to balance supply
and demand and support grid stability.

ˆ Industrial Applications: Hydrogen is widely used in various industrial processes, such as

petroleum refining, ammonia production, and chemical manufacturing. Switching from fossil
fuels to hydrogen in these applications can help reduce carbon emissions and improve air
quality. Hydrogen can also serve as a feedstock for the production of synthetic fuels, chemicals,
and materials, enabling the decarbonization of sectors that are difficult to electrify.

ˆ Heating and Power Generation: Hydrogen can be used as a clean fuel for heating and power
generation in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Hydrogen boilers and fuel
cells can provide space heating, hot water, and electricity with zero emissions at the point
of use. Hydrogen can also be blended with natural gas in existing infrastructure or used in
dedicated hydrogen networks to decarbonize heat and power systems.
Overall, hydrogen offers a versatile and environmentally friendly alternative to fossil fuels, with
the potential to play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy and the achievement of
climate goals. However, widespread adoption of hydrogen as a clean fuel will require investments in
infrastructure, technology development, and supportive policies to overcome technical, economic,
and regulatory challenges. The following are several limitations and challenges that need to be
addressed for its widespread adoption:

ˆ Production Challenges: The majority of hydrogen is currently produced from fossil fuels
through a process called steam methane reforming (SMR), which emits carbon dioxide (CO2)
as a byproduct. Alternative methods of hydrogen production, such as electrolysis using
renewable electricity, are more environmentally friendly but can be expensive and energy-
intensive. Scaling up renewable hydrogen production to meet demand will require significant
investments in infrastructure and technology.

ˆ Storage and Transportation: Hydrogen has a low energy density by volume compared to
traditional fuels like gasoline and diesel, which means it requires large storage tanks or high-
pressure containers for transportation and storage. Liquid hydrogen has higher energy density
but requires cryogenic temperatures (-253°C), posing additional challenges and costs. De-
veloping safe, efficient, and cost-effective storage and transportation solutions for hydrogen
remains a key challenge.

ˆ Distribution Infrastructure: Unlike natural gas or electricity, hydrogen does not have an
extensive distribution infrastructure in place. Building a hydrogen infrastructure, including
pipelines, refueling stations, and storage facilities, will require substantial investments and
coordination among stakeholders. The initial costs of developing hydrogen infrastructure can
be prohibitive, particularly in regions with limited demand or low population density.

ˆ Carbon Emissions from Production: While hydrogen itself is clean-burning and produces no
emissions when used in fuel cells, the carbon footprint of hydrogen production depends on the

method used. Hydrogen produced from fossil fuels (such as SMR) generates CO2 emissions,
offsetting its environmental benefits. Transitioning to low-carbon or renewable hydrogen
production methods is essential to maximize the environmental benefits of hydrogen as an
energy source.

ˆ Technology Maturity: While hydrogen fuel cell technology has advanced significantly in re-
cent years, it is still relatively new compared to conventional combustion engines and battery
electric vehicles. Further research and development are needed to improve the efficiency, dura-
bility, and cost-effectiveness of hydrogen fuel cells, as well as to address technical challenges
such as fuel cell degradation and hydrogen purity requirements.

ˆ Cost Competitiveness: The cost of hydrogen production, storage, and distribution remains a
significant barrier to its widespread adoption as an energy source. While the cost of renewable
hydrogen is expected to decline as technology advances and economies of scale are realized,
it currently remains more expensive than fossil fuel-based alternatives in many applications.
Policies and incentives to promote hydrogen adoption, such as carbon pricing, renewable
energy subsidies, and research funding, can help drive down costs and accelerate market

4.5 Bio-energy with CCS

The BECCS is considered a form of negative emissions technology because it removes CO2 from
the atmosphere while generating energy. It comprises

ˆ Biomass Production: Biomass, such as plants or organic waste, is grown or collected.

ˆ Energy Generation: The biomass is converted into energy through processes like combustion
or gasification. This energy can be used for electricity generation, heating, or other purposes.

ˆ Carbon Capture: The CO2 emissions produced during the energy generation process are
captured before they are released into the atmosphere.

ˆ Carbon Storage: The captured CO2 is then transported and stored in underground geological
formations, preventing it from entering the atmosphere and contributing to climate change.

Direct Air Capture and Carbon Storage (DACCS) is a process designed to reduce the concentration
of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere by capturing CO2 directly from the ambient air and
then storing it in geological formations or converting it into useful products. Here’s how the process
typically works:

ˆ Direct Air Capture (DAC): DAC involves using chemical processes to capture CO2 directly
from the air. Various technologies are being developed for this purpose, including chemical
absorption, adsorption, and chemical looping systems. These technologies often utilize sorbent
materials or chemical reactions to selectively capture CO2 while allowing other components
of the air to pass through.

ˆ Carbon Storage or Utilization: Once the CO2 is captured, it can be stored underground in
geological formations such as deep saline aquifers, depleted oil and gas reservoirs, or unmine-
able coal seams. This prevents the CO2 from re-entering the atmosphere and contributing to

global warming. Alternatively, the captured CO2 can be utilized in various ways, such as in
enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations or in the production of synthetic fuels, chemicals, or
building materials.

DACCS is considered a form of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology and is seen as a potential
tool for mitigating climate change by actively removing CO2 emissions from the atmosphere.

4.7 Jevon’s Paradox or the Rebound Effect

Jevons’s Paradox, also known as the Jevons Paradox or the rebound effect, is an economic phe-
nomenon named after the 19th-century British economist William Stanley Jevons. It describes the
counterintuitive observation that improvements in the efficiency of resource use can sometimes lead
to an increase in the overall consumption of that resource, rather than a decrease.
In the context of energy, Jevons’s Paradox suggests that as technological advancements make
energy use more efficient (for example, by improving fuel efficiency in vehicles or energy efficiency
in appliances), the overall demand for energy may actually increase rather than decrease. This
occurs because the reduced cost or effort of using the resource encourages greater consumption,
often offsetting any gains in efficiency.
For example, if cars become more fuel-efficient, people may be inclined to drive more or buy
larger vehicles, thus increasing overall fuel consumption. Similarly, if energy-efficient appliances are
developed, consumers might use them more frequently or purchase additional appliances, leading
to higher energy consumption overall.
Jevons’s Paradox underscores the complexities of resource management and the importance
of considering both technological advancements and human behavior in efforts to address issues
such as energy consumption and environmental sustainability. It suggests that simply relying on
efficiency improvements may not be sufficient to achieve significant reductions in resource use and
environmental impact.


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