Strategic Management First 2024 and Marking Guide

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Assess the value of competitor analysis to organisations in retail sector in Zimbabwe. Refer to
Porter's Four Corners model in your answer. 15 marks

Business environment affect company performance. Discuss 15 marks

Using two models of your choice outline how they can be used for strategy formulation and
implementation 15 marks


Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12

Length: 6 pages in total

Criteria for Evaluation

Scholarly Articulation: Ensure that arguments are backed by academic sources and empirical
evidence, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the theoretical concepts.

Presentation: Assignments must be well-presented, with clear organization, proper formatting, and
coherent structure.

Originality and Creativity: Demonstrate original thinking and creativity in addressing the assignment
prompt, offering unique insights or perspectives.

Marking Guide

QUESTION 1: Assessing the Value of Competitor Analysis in the Retail Sector in Zimbabwe 15

Understanding of Competitor Analysis and Its Value (5 marks)

- Definition of Competitor Analysis: Clear explanation of what competitor analysis entails and its
significance in the retail sector in Zimbabwe.
- Application of Competitor Analysis: Demonstrates understanding of how competitor analysis can
provide strategic insights and competitive advantage for organizations in the retail sector in

Reference to Porter's Four Corners Model (5 marks)

- Explanation of Porter's Four Corners Model: Clear explanation of the key components and purpose
of Porter's Four Corners model as it relates to competitor analysis.

- Relevance to the Retail Sector in Zimbabwe: Demonstrates how the Four Corners model can be
specifically applied to the retail sector in Zimbabwe, considering the unique market dynamics and
competitive landscape.

Critical Analysis and Insight (5 marks)

- Insightful Analysis: Provides critical analysis and insights into the potential impact of competitor
analysis, particularly with reference to Porter's Four Corners model, on organizational strategy and
decision-making in the retail sector in Zimbabwe.

- Consideration of Limitations: Acknowledges any limitations or challenges associated with

competitor analysis and the application of the Four Corners model in the context of the retail sector
in Zimbabwe.

Clarity and Structure (5 marks)

- Clarity of Writing: Clear and coherent presentation of ideas with well-structured arguments and

- Logical Flow: Demonstrates a logical flow of ideas and connections between competitor analysis,
the Four Corners model, and the retail sector in Zimbabwe.

Overall Presentation (5 marks)

- Overall Quality: Overall quality of the response, including coherence, depth of analysis, and
relevance to the given topic.

- Use of Examples: Use of relevant examples or case studies to illustrate the value of competitor
analysis and the application of the Four Corners model in the retail sector in Zimbabwe.

Note to Students:

- Ensure that your response provides a comprehensive understanding of competitor analysis and its
value to organizations in the retail sector in Zimbabwe.

- Clearly articulate the relevance and application of Porter's Four Corners model in the context of
competitor analysis for the retail sector in Zimbabwe.
- Provide critical analysis and insights, considering the specific challenges and opportunities within
the retail sector in Zimbabwe.

- Maintain a clear and well-structured presentation of ideas, supported by relevant examples or case
studies where applicable.

QUESTION 2:Business Environment on Company Performance

Marking Guide

Introduction (2 marks)

Clear articulation of the topic and its significance.

Provides context for understanding the relationship between the business environment and
company performance.

Understanding of Business Environment (3 marks)

Explanation of key components of the business environment such as economic, social, technological,
legal, and political factors.

Demonstrates awareness of the dynamic and interconnected nature of these factors.

Provides relevant examples or case studies to illustrate the influence of each component.

Company Performance Metrics (2 marks)

Identification and explanation of key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to assessing company

Examples of quantitative and qualitative metrics used to evaluate performance.

Discussion of how different industries may have varying KPIs.

Impact Analysis (4 marks)

Thorough examination of how different aspects of the business environment directly affect company

Discussion of both positive and negative impacts on performance.

Consideration of short-term and long-term effects.

Incorporation of scholarly literature and empirical evidence to support arguments.

Strategic Response (3 marks)

Evaluation of strategies companies can employ to mitigate negative impacts and capitalize on
positive influences from the business environment.

Discussion of adaptation, innovation, and risk management techniques.

Analysis of successful case studies or examples of companies navigating challenging business

Conclusion (1 mark)

Summary of key findings regarding the relationship between the business environment and
company performance.

Suggestions for further research or areas of exploration.

Clarity and Structure (15 marks)

Organization of ideas in a logical manner with clear transitions between sections.

Coherent and concise expression of ideas.

Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Use of appropriate academic language and tone.


Using two models of your choice outline how they can be used for strategy formulation and
implementation 15 marks

Utilizing Balanced Scorecard and McKinsey 7S for Strategy Formulation and Implementation

Marking Guide

Introduction (2 marks)

Clear introduction to the Balanced Scorecard and McKinsey 7S models.

Explanation of their relevance and significance in strategy formulation and implementation.

Balanced Scorecard Model (6 marks)

Explanation of the Balanced Scorecard framework, including its four perspectives: financial,
customer, internal processes, and learning and growth.

Discussion of how the Balanced Scorecard can be used for strategy formulation:

Identification of strategic objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for each perspective.

Alignment of objectives across different perspectives to ensure a balanced approach.

Illustration of how the Balanced Scorecard can facilitate strategy implementation:

Monitoring and tracking performance against established KPIs.

Linking performance measures to strategic initiatives and resource allocation.

Examples or case studies demonstrating the application of the Balanced Scorecard in real-world
strategic planning.
McKinsey 7S Model (6 marks)

Explanation of the McKinsey 7S framework, which includes strategy, structure, systems, shared
values, style, staff, and skills.

Discussion of how the McKinsey 7S model can be used for strategy formulation:

Analysis of the alignment and coherence among the seven elements.

Identification of areas of strength and areas needing improvement.

Explanation of how the McKinsey 7S model aids in strategy implementation:

Ensuring that changes in strategy are supported by corresponding adjustments in structure, systems,
and other elements.

Assessing the impact of strategy implementation on organizational culture and capabilities.

Examples or case studies showcasing the utilization of the McKinsey 7S model in strategic planning
and organizational change initiatives.

Integration with Strategy Implementation (1 mark)

Discussion of how the Balanced Scorecard and McKinsey 7S models can be integrated to enhance
strategy implementation effectiveness.

Consideration of how insights from one model can inform decisions made using the other model.

Conclusion (1 mark)

Summary of key points regarding the application of the Balanced Scorecard and McKinsey 7S models
in strategy formulation and implementation.

Reflection on the complementary nature of these models in guiding strategic decision-making


Clarity and Structure (15 marks)

Logical organization of ideas with clear transitions between sections.

Coherent and concise expression of concepts.

Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Use of appropriate academic language and tone.

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