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Revit Families Cheat Sheet

Formulas & Syntax

Syntax Name
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponentiation
sqrt(x) Square Root
sin(x) Sine
cos(x) Cosine
tan(x) Tangent
asin(x) Arcsine
acos(x) Arccosine
atan(x) Arctangent
pi() π (Pi)

exp(x) e Raised to an exponent

ln(x) Natural Logarithm

log(x) Logarithm

abs(x) Absolute value

round(x) Round

roundup(x) Round up

rounddown(x) Round down

IF(x,y,z) Conditional statement

AND(a,b,c,…) And statement

OR(a,b,c,…) Or statement
NOT(a,b,c,…) Not statement
= Equal

< Less than

> Greater than

Not(a>b) Less than or equal

Not(a<b) Greater than or equal

Revit Families Cheat Sheet
Formulas & Syntax

Description Note
Adds values together
Subtracts one value from another
Multiplies values together
Divides one value from another
Raises a value to another
Finds the square root of a value
Finds the sine of an angle
Finds the cosine of an angle
Finds the tangent of an angle
Finds the inverse sine of a value
Finds the inverse cosine of a value
Finds the inverse tangent of a value
Mathematical constant π
Mathematical constant e raised to the x
Logarithm of a number to the base value of
mathematical constant e

The power to which a fixed number (the

base) must be raised to produce a given
number A base of 10 is assumed
The magnitude of a real number without
regard to its sign

Rounds a value to the nearest whole number

Rounds a value to a whole number grater
than or equal to the value
Rounds a value to a whole number less than
or equal to the value

When you have a yes/no parameter, the true

Gives different values based on whether a and false results are implied. You do not use
given condition is true or false: If(condition, the IF(x,y,z) formula, you simply write the
result if condition is true, result if condition is condition. If the condition is true, the box is
false) checked, if false, the box is unchecked

Two or more conditions must all be true:

AND(condition 1, condition 2, condition3,

One of two or more conditions must be true:

OR(condition 1, condition 2, condition3, etc.)
Two or more conditions much all be false:
NOT(condition 1, condition 2, condition3,
Compares equal values

Compares value which is less than another

Compares value which is greater than
Compares value which is less than or equal to Revit does not have a ≤ function, so this is how
another to accomplish the same logic
Compares value which is greater than or Revit does not have a ≥ function, so this is how
equal to another to accomplish the same logic
Right Triangle Relationship Equation Lookup Chart
What you want to find
a b c A B
ab sqrt(a^2+b^2) atan(a/b) atan(b/a) ca
ac sqrt(c^2-a^2) asin(a/c) acos(a/c) cr
What you know

aA a/tan(A) a/sin(A) 90-A ch

What you know

aB a*tan(b) a/cos(B) 90-B cd
bc sqrt(c^2-b^2) acos(b/c) asin(b/c) ar
bA b*tan(A) b/cos(A) 90-A ah
bB b/tan(B) b/sin(B) 90-B ad
cA c*sin(A) c*cos(A) 90-A rh
cB c*cos(B) c*sin(B) 90-B rd
Circular Segments Relations
What you
s c
(a/180)*pi()*r 2*r*sin((pi()*a)/360)
-((pi()*a*h)/(180*(cos((pi()*a)/360)-1))) 2*(-(h/(cos((pi()*a)/360)-1)))*sin((pi()*a)/360)
(1/180)*pi()*a*d*(1/cos((pi()*a)/360)) 2*d*tan((pi()*a)/360)
2*r*acos(1-(h/r)) 2*sqrt(-h*(h-2*r))
2*r*acos(1-(d/r)) 2*sqrt(r^2-d^2)
2*(d+h)*acos(d/(d+h)) 2*sqrt(h*(2*d+h))
Circular Segments Relationship Equation Lookup Chart
What you want to find
a r h
(1/2)*c*(1/sin((pi()*a)/360)) (1/2)*c*(CSC((pi()*a)/360)-COT((pi()*a)/360))
(360/pi())*asin(c/(2*r)) r-(sqrt(r^2-(c^2/4)))
(360*asin((4*c*h)/(c^2+4*h^2)))/pi() (h/2)+(c^2/(8*h))
(360/pi())*atan(c/(2*d)) (1/2)*d*sqrt(c^2/d^2+4) sqrt(d^2+((1/2)*c)^2)-d
d*(1/cos((pi()*a)/360)) d*((1/cos((pi()*a)/360))-1)
(360/pi())*acos(d/r) r-d
(360*acos(d/(d+h)))/pi() h+d


Given the relationship established by the equatins below, fill in the rest of the chart
What you want to find
s c a r h d

ca (1/360)*PI()*a*c*(1/SIN((PI()*a)/360)) (1/2)*c*(1/SIN((PI()*a)/360)) (1/2)*c*(CSC((PI()*a)/360)-COT((PI()*a)/360)) (1/2)*c*(1/TAN((PI()*a)/360))

cr 2*r*ASIN(c/(2*r)) (360/PI())*ASIN(c/(2*r)) r-(SQRT(r^2-(c^2/4))) (1/2)*r*SQRT(4-(c^2/r^2))

ch ASIN(c/(h+(c^2/(4*h))))*(h+(c^2/(4*h))) (360*ASIN((4*c*h)/(c^2+4*h^2)))/PI() (h/2)+(c^2/(8*h)) (SQRT((c^2-4*h^2)^2/(c^2+4*h^2)^2)*(c^2+4*h^2))/(8*h)

cd d*SQRT((c^2/d^2)+4)*ATAN(c/(2*d)) (360/PI())*ATAN(c/(2*d)) (1/2)*d*SQRT(c^2/d^2+4) SQRT(d^2+((1/2)*c)^2)-d

What you know

ar (a/180)*PI()*r 2*r*SIN((PI()*a)/360) r*(1-COS((PI()*a)/360)) r*COS((PI()*a)/360)

ah -((PI()*a*h)/(180*(COS((PI()*a)/360)-1))) 2*(-(h/(COS((PI()*a)/360)-1)))*SIN((PI()*a)/360) -(h/(COS((PI()*a)/360)-1)) -(h/(COS((PI()*a)/360)-1))-h

ad (1/180)*PI()*a*d*(1/COS((PI()*a)/360)) 2*d*TAN((PI()*a)/360) d*(1/COS((PI()*a)/360)) d*((1/COS((PI()*a)/360))-1)

rh 2*r*ACOS(1-(h/r)) 2*SQRT(-h*(h-2*r)) (360/PI())*ACOS(1-(h/r)) r-h

rd 2*r*ACOS(1-(d/r)) 2*SQRT(r^2-d^2) (360/PI())*ACOS(d/r) r-d

hd 2*(d+h)*ACOS(d/(d+h)) 2*SQRT(h*(2*d+h)) (360*ACOS(d/(d+h)))/PI() h+d

What you want to find

a b c A B
ab sqrt(a^2+b^2) atan(a/b) atan(b/a)
ac sqrt(c^2-a^2) asin(a/c) acos(a/c)
aA a/tan(A) a/sin(A) 90-A
What you know

aB a*tan(b) a/cos(B) 90-B

bc sqrt(c^2-b^2) acos(b/c) asin(b/c)
bA b*tan(A) b/cos(A) 90-A
bB b/tan(B) b/sin(B) 90-B
cA c*sin(A) c*cos(A) 90-A
cB c*cos(B) c*sin(B) 90-B

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