O-Level Atomic ST Notes

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Structure of atom

Structure of Atom
Notes and Topical Past papers Questions
Prepared by S Z Bangash, Saint Mary Academy Rawalpindi

Atom: The smallest and indivisible particle of an element which cannot exist freely ( except
atoms of noble gases).
Parts of atom: (i) Nucleus : In the center. Small, massive and contains protons and neutrons.
(ii)Shell/Orbit: Circular, imaginary paths surrounding the nucleus, in which electrons
revolve around the nucleus.
Sub atomic Particles
Name Symbol Relative charge Relative mass ( amu)
Proton p +1 1
Neutron n 0 1
Electron e -1 1
/1840 or 5.49x 10-4

Atomic or Proton Number (Z) It is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.
In all atoms the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons, hence atoms are
electrically neutral.
Proton number is a fundamental entity (the code) of elements. Elements are positioned in the
periodic table on the basis of their increasing proton numbers.
Mass or nucleon number (A) : It is the sum of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of atoms.
The whole mass of an atom is concentrated/lies in the nucleus.
Mass/nucleon number and proton number written as:

Q: why are atoms electrically neutral, explain.

Q: Almost the whole mass of an atom lies in the nucleus, explain.

To calculate numbers of protons, electrons and neutrons in atoms, molecules and

polyatomic ions:
For atoms: p = e and both are equal to Z (the proton number) n = A - Z
Practice questions:
1) State the number of protons, electrons and neutrons in the following atoms and ions.
(i) Sodium atom,
p = 11, e = 11, n =12
(ii) Sodium ion Na+
p = 11, e =10, n = 12
(iii) Chlorine atom
p = 17, e = 17, n = 18
(iv) Chloride ion Cl1-
p = 17, e = 18, n = 18
Structure of atom

(v) Potassium atom

According v
p = 19, e =19, n = 20
(vi) Potassium ion K1+
p = 19, e =18, n = 20
Electronic configuration (arrangement and distribution of es in shells

Shells are filled with electrons according to 2n2

Where n= 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. representing the orbits or shells.
The electronic configuration in main energy levels or shells of first 20 elements
Thus each principal quantum shell can hold a maximum number of electrons:
shell 1 (K)– up to 2 electrons as 2n2 = 2 (12) = 2
shell 2 (L) – up to 8 electrons as 2n2 = 2 (22) = 8
shell 3 (M) – up to 18 electrons as 2n2 = 2 (32) = 18
shell 4 (N) – up to 32 electrons as 2n2 = 2 (42) = 32

The electronic configuration in main energy levels or shells of first 20 elements

Elements Proton 1st shell 2nd shell 3rd shell 4th shell Valency
Symbols number K-shell L-shell M-shell N-shell
H 1 1 1
He 2 2 0
Li 3 2 1 1
Be 4 2 2 2
B 5 2 3 3
C 6 2 4 4
N 7 2 5 3
O 8 2 6 2
F 9 2 7 1
Ne 10 2 8 0
Na 11 2 8 1 1
Mg 12 2 8 2 2
Al 13 2 8 3 3
Si 14 2 8 4 4
P 15 2 8 5 3
S 16 2 8 6 2
Cl 17 2 8 7 1
Ar 18 2 8 8 0
K 19 2 8 8 1 1
Ca 20 2 8 8 2 2
Valency: The combining power of an element is called its valency.
Valency of an element is equal to the number of electrons gained, lost or shared by its atoms to
complete the outer most (valence) shell.
Valence shell: It is the furthest shell from the nucleus
Electrons in this shell are the valence electrons
Structure of atom

Electronic structure/configuration and the periodic table

Elements are arranged, in the P.Table, in order of increasing proton number.
P.Table contains horizontal rows called the periods. These are seven in number.
The number of a period is equal to the number of electron shells in atoms of elements placed in
that period.
The vertical columns in the p.table are known as groups. There are eight (8) groups in the
Group number is equal to the number of valence electrons in atoms (elements) placed in that
Fig.5.11 in chemistry book
Write the electronic configuration of elements from hydrogen to calcium (use the proton
number of elements from the periodic table as number of electrons is equal to the number
of protons)
1H (1)
2He (2)
3Li (2, 1)
4Be (2, 2)
5B(2, 3)
6C (2, 4)
7N (2, 5)
8O (2, 6)
9F (2, 7)
10Ne (2, 8)
11Na (2, 8, 1)
12Mg (2, 8, 2)
13Al (2, 8, 3)
14Si (2, 8, 4)
15P (2, 8, 5)
16S (2, 8, 6)
17Cl (2, 8, 7)
18Ar (2, 8, 8)
19K (2, 8, 8, 1)
20Ca (2, 8, 8, 2)
Draw structures of atoms from Hydrogen to Calcium
Structure of atom

Summary of the electronic configuration of elements in the periodic table

Structure of atom

Ions: Positively or negatively charged atoms are group of atoms are called ions.
Positive ions formation: When atoms (metal atoms) lose valence electrons during bond
formation, they form positive ions (cation).
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+ etc.
Negative ions: Non-metal atoms gain electrons to complete the valence shell, and become
negatively charged, called anions.
e.g. Cl , F ̶ , Br ̶ , O2 ̶ , N3 ̶

Using the proton number from the periodic table deduce the number of protons, electros and
neutrons in the following ions.
Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Al3+
Cl , F ̶ , Br ̶ , O2 ̶ , N3 ̶

Q: Why are atoms unstable?

Ans: Atoms are unstable (except that of noble gases) because of incomplete outer electron
Q: How can atoms become stable?
Ans: Atoms become stable by gaining, losing or sharing electrons to complete their valence
shells and achieve the electronic configuration as that of the noble gases.
Q: How many electrons an atom must have in the outer-shell to complete and become stable?
Structure of atom

Ans: 2 electrons (duplet) in the first shell, when this is the last shell as well and 8 electrons
(Octet) in any outer shell from second shell onward.
This is called the duplet and octet rule.
Q: What is meant by the term isotope?
Isotopes: Atoms of the same element having the same proton number but different number of
neutrons or nucleon number.
Isotopes of hydrogen:
Hydrogen has three isotopes:

(i)Protium, (99.985%) (p = 1, e = 1, n = A-Z

n =1-1= 0)

(ii) Deuterium, (0.015%) (p =1, e =1, n =1)

(iii)Tritiam, (Artificial and radio active) (p =1, e =1, n = 2)

Isotopes of Chlorine

(i) Chlorine-35 or (75%) (p =17, e = 17, n = 18)

(ii) Chlorine-37 or (25%) (p =17, e =17, n = 20)

Uses of isotopes
Many isotopes emit radiation. These are called radioactive isotopes. There are important uses of
radioactive isotopes which are given as follows.
Where applied Name of isotopes Uses
Medical and treatment  Technetium-99 Tumours detection
 Iodine-131 Treatment of thyroid disorder
Safety  Californium-252 Explosive detection
 Americium-241 Smoke detection
Archaeology  Carbon-14 To estimate the age of very
old things containing carbon
Geology  Uranium-238 To find the age of rocks
Note that radioactive isotopes are dangerous, hence must be properly handled.
Structure of atom

Past papers questions

1. Which statement about an atom is true?

A All the elements have only one nucleon (mass) number.

B The nucleon (mass) number can be less than the proton (atomic) number.
C The nucleon (mass) number can be equal the proton (atomic) number.
D The number of neutrons never equals the number of electrons. [ans:C]
2. What is the definition of nucleon (mass) number?
A The mass in grams of an atom
B The number of electrons in an atom
C The number of nuclei in a molecule
D The total number of protons and neutrons in an atom
3. The atoms 3115P and 3216S have the same
A nucleon number.
B number of electrons.
C number of neutrons.
D number of protons.

4. An element X has two isotopes, 238X and 235X.

How does 238X differ from 235X?

A It has 3 more protons and 3 more electrons.
B It has 3 more protons, but no more electrons.
C It has 3 more neutrons and 3 more electrons.
D It has 3 more neutrons, but no more electrons.
5. An atom of element X is represented by 73X.
Which statement about an atom of X is correct?
A It is in Group III of the Periodic Table.
B It is in Group VII of the Periodic Table.
C The total number of protons and electrons is 6.
D The total number of protons and neutrons is 10.
Structure of atom

6 The letters X, Y and Z represent different atoms.

What can be deduced from the proton numbers and nucleon numbers of X, Y and Z?
A X and Y are the same element.
B X and Z are the same element.
C X has more protons than Y.
D Z has more neutrons than Y.
7 Which graph shows the number of electrons in the outer shell of an atom, plotted against
the proton (atomic) number for the first ten elements in the Periodic Table?


9. The formulae of the ions of four elements are shown below.

O2– F– Li+ Mg2+
Which statement about these ions is correct?
They all have

A the same number of electrons in their outer shells.

B the same electronic structure as a noble gas.
B the same number of protons in their nuclei.
D more electrons than protons.
Structure of atom

10. Which of the following contains the same number of electrons as an atom of neon?
A Cl– B Li C Li+ D O2–

11. Which ion has the most shells that contain electrons?
A Al3+
B Be2+
C N3–
D S2–

12. The diagram shows the arrangement of electrons in a particle.

What is the symbol for the particle?

A N3–
B O2–
C F–
D Ne
13. A researcher notices that atoms of an element X are releasing energy.
Why does this happen?
A The atoms are affected by light.
B The atoms are radioactive.
C The atoms react with argon in the air.
D The atoms are evaporating.

14. Which pair of substances are isotopes?

A C and 146C
B carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide
Structure of atom

C diamond and graphite

D C2H4 and C3H6
15 Which statement about the particles is correct?
A They all contain more electrons than protons.
B They all contain more neutrons than protons.
C They all contain the same number of electrons.
D They all contain the same number of protons.

16 7 Which definition of isotopes is correct?

A atoms of different elements which have the same number of electrons
B atoms of different elements which have the same number of neutrons
C atoms of the same element which have different numbers of electrons
D atoms of the same element which have different numbers of neutrons

17 Which ion has the most shells that contain electrons?

A Al3+ B Be2+ C N3– D S2–


X18 The diagram shows the relative mass and the relative charge of two particles, and ,
present in atoms and ions.

Which of these particles are present in a hydrogen atom and in a hydrogen ion?

[Ans:C] the solid black particle is electron and the blank one is neutron.
Structure of atom

A1. Helium-6 and Helium-7 are isotopes. The nucleon (mass) number of helium-6 is 6 and of
helium-7 is 7.
(a) What is the meaning of the term isotope?
……………………………………………………………………………………... [1]
(b) Compare the number of electrons, neutrons and protons in one atom of helium-6 and
one atom of helium-7.

i) Electrons ……………………………………………………………………
ii) Protons ……………………………………………………………………..
iii) Neutrons ……………………………………………………………………
(c) Explain why helium does not react with other elements to form compounds?
…………………………………………………………………………………….. [1]
(a) Complete the table.

Number of Number of Number of

Ion Formula
protons neutrons electrons

Potassium 19 K+
Oxide 8 O2–

A3. Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen.

An ion of tritium has the following structure.
Structure of atom

(a) Complete the following table to show the names and charges of the particles in this
tritium ion.

(b) Using the symbol T to represent tritium, give the formulae of
i) the ion shown above

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