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The chart illustates the porpotion of people engaging news via various social

platforms in a country in 3 years 2013, 2015 and 2017.

In conclusion, most of the foundations were decreased except internet, the
only social networking platform that had an upsurge and reached the same rank
as the most popular media technique.
In 2013, the most popular social platform was television with 80%, while the
rate peole use newspaper just 40% and platform like Radio and Internet were
both reached 30%. 2 years later, means 2015, there was not much changed,
television still kept up with first place with 70%, but the internet passed the
newspaper to came up with 40% and left 2 media platform left with 30% for
each. In 2017, there was a dramatic increase of people using internet, so we can
see the percentage of it approached the zenith of all media platforms, and stand
the same place with the television which still reached 70% of population. Radio
remained in the same proportion, while the newspaper dropped to 20% touched
the lowest point of all media in all time.

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