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Saurabh Singh

Phone: 248-370-5927
EMAIL: LinkedIn

 I am Certified in Designing and implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution, MS Azure AI Fundamentals, Certified
Angular JS Developer & having 17+yrs of Solid experience in developing and designing the web application &
desktop-based applications by using the ASP .NET Core, ASP .NET MVC,, C#, VB.Net, ASP.Net, ASP.Net
Core 2.2/3.0/3.1, XML, XSLT, XAML, MVC, Web API, ADO.Net, Web Services, WCF, LINQ, IIS, Entity Framework,
Dapper, Swagger, Web Application, Visual Studio, SQL Server
 I have developed application by the JavaScript, Angular 15/17, React, Typescript 3/4, jQuery, and HTML, CSS,
JavaScript. Worked with RESTful API’s, design patterns.
 Have expertise in Securing Azure Resources and implementing Security in Azure: Security Center, Key Vault,
Azure Active Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Multi-factor Authentication, Azure Dev-ops
 Currently, he working as a Project Lead/Senior Developer at HCSC & also worked lead/architect for various
variety of domains viz FinTech, Healthcare, desktop virtualization service, and paperless manufacturing system
 Have Strong communication skills, facilitating effective knowledge sharing and collaboration among team
 Proven track record of collaborating with cross-functional teams, including medical professionals, UX/UI
designers, and stakeholders.
 Proficient in designing secure, scalable, and cloud-based solutions using Microsoft Azure services.
 Adept in Agile methodologies, ensuring adaptive and efficient project execution. Thorough understanding of web
technologies, databases, and version control systems.
 Exceptional problem-solving skills, fostering innovative solutions to complex technical challenges. Dedicated to
continuous learning, staying updated with evolving industry trends and technologies.
 Recognized for contributions to the development and enhancement of critical software applications.
 Strong communication skills, facilitating effective knowledge sharing and collaboration among team members.
 Very proficient in .Net Core, Web API, Entity Framework. Strong working knowledge of different databases like
Oracle, SQL Server, SQLite etc. Can do all database operations using LINQ as well as work with database IDEs.
Extensive experience in SQL Queries.
 Fluent in Angular UI framework, typescript, NGRX, HTML5, CSS and able to do UI development and guide the
 Used SharePoint online extensively.
 Experienced in TDD (Test Driven Development), unit testing and mocking frameworks. Experienced with source
controls like GitHub, SVN etc.
 Strong knowledge of design patterns and understanding of software architecture including Micro Services.
Experienced with CI/CD, Unit Testing, Linting, and Code Coverage.
 Proficient in providing production support. Proficient in Organizing the work by breaking down feature epics into
stories and tasks.
 Good knowledge of Sprint Demo's and Sprint retrospective. Experience in building POC's based on business
 Knowledge of cloud platforms viz Azure, AWS, and Google Cloud. Experienced with containerization technologies
like Docker and Kubernetes.
 Microsoft Identity Platform: Specializes in integrating and managing authentication and authorization solutions
using Microsoft Identity Platform. Responsibilities included designing, implementing, and maintaining secure
authentication mechanisms for applications.
 B2B (Business-to-Business): Focused on developing solutions tailored for interactions between businesses.
Responsibilities may include designing and implementing APIs, data exchange mechanisms, and secure
communication channels to facilitate B2B interactions.
 Azure App Service: Expert in deploying, managing, and scaling applications on Azure's Platform as a Service
(PaaS) offering, Azure App Service. Responsibilities include application architecture design, deployment
automation, performance optimization, and monitoring.
 Azure Active Directory (AAD): Proficient in leveraging Azure Active Directory for identity and access management
in cloud-based applications. Responsibilities include configuring AAD tenants, implementing single sign-on (SSO),
managing user identities, and enforcing security policies.
 Building Deployment Pipelines: Specializes in setting up continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD)
pipelines for automating application deployment processes. Responsibilities include configuring build and
release pipelines, integrating with version control systems, and ensuring reliable and efficient deployment
 B2C (Business-to-Consumer): Expert in developing applications and services tailored for interactions between
businesses and consumers. Responsibilities include designing user-friendly interfaces, implementing secure
authentication and authorization mechanisms, and integrating with third-party identity providers for customer
 Hands on experience in Azure development, worked on Azure web application, Azure storage, Azure SQL
Database, Virtual machines, Fabric controller, and Azure AD.

 Advanced Full Stack Development Skills: Expertise in AI and Machine Learning
 Seamless Integration of AI Solutions: Robust Database Management
 Proficient in Version Control and DevOps: Strong Leadership and Mentorship
 Backend Development Mastery: Frontend Development Proficiency.
 Comprehensive Testing and Debugging: Effective Communication and Collaboration
 Cloud Services Management: Strategic Problem Solving.
 Languages: C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL
 .NET Technologies: ASP.NET, .NET Core, Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Blazor
 Web Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript ES6+, AJAX, RESTful APIs, SPAs
 Database Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Entity Framework Core
 Development Tools: Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code
 XML Technologies: XML, XSD, XSLT
 Software/Tools: Postman, Fiddler, Swagger/OpenAPI
 Modelling Tools: UML (Visual Paradigm, Enterprise Architect)
 Cloud: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
 Testing Tools: NUnit, Xunit, Selenium, Jest (for JavaScript)
 Version Control Tools: Git, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket
 Packages: NuGet, NPM
 Operating Systems: Windows, Linux (depending on deployment)

Client: HCSC, Edison, New Jersey Nov 2022 to
.NET Full Stack Lead/Developer
 Implemented azure functions using typescript to use custom code snippets in azure logic app. Created
automation azure builds and development process to react with Azure DevOps Rest Api.
 Securing Azure Resources and implementing Security in Azure: Security Center, Key Vault, Azure Active
Directory, Azure Active Directory B2C, Multi-factor Authentication.
 Registered Webapps using identity and access management for active directory.
 Data ingestion to one or more azure services (Azure data lake, Azure storage, Azure SQL) and processing the data
in azure data bricks.
 Created and manipulated large data using azure factories (pipelines, dataflows) to process data to business
 Improved UI using Angular 15, Angular material, Bootstrap. Worked on Single Page Applications using Angular
(TypeScript), jQuery, JavaScript, CSS 3, HTML 5.
 Used Angular services and implemented input, output and view child to do components communication.
 Develop Micro Front-End with Module Federation Architecture using Angular 15. Started using Jasmine tool for
unit testing angular.
 Create Azure Functions using. NetCoreapp 3.1. Also Implemented Azure Blazor application using. net core.
Created Workflow of api’s using Azure logic app from scratch.
 Performing design and development of Net core 6.0 application using C# and separate user interface logic from
the business logic. Utilized Services and Factories with dependency injection (DI) ASP.NET MVC.
 Used Web services (SOAP and RESTful) for transmission of large blocks of XML/JSON.
 Designing and developing various abstract classes, interfaces, classes using object-oriented principles to
construct the business logic using C#. Created the models, views and controllers using ASP.NET MVC5, C#.NET.
 Develop backend business logic/Server-side applications using C# language in .NET Framework 4.7.2.
 Created comprehensive API documentation using tools like Swagger, ensuring clarity and ease of integration for
external developers.
 Used Entity Framework Code First Approach and issued queries using LINQ, then retrieve and manipulate data as
strongly typed objects and adapted an automated mechanism for accessing and storing the data in the database.
 Performing design and development of Asp.Net 4.5 web application using c# and separate user.
 Implemented and maintained secure key management practices to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of
sensitive data in cloud applications.
 Extensive experience integrating Azure Key Vault into applications to centralize and manage cryptographic keys
and secrets securely.
 Designed and developed a .Net MVC5 Test Suite application to test both SOAP and REST services.
 Implemented role-based access control (RBAC) for Azure Key Vault to ensure proper authorization and limit
access to sensitive data.
 Used Typescript to write Azure functions to allow event-triggered code without explicitly provisioning or
managing infrastructure.
 Designed, Modeled Multi-threaded enterprise n-tier software agent using WCF webservices hosted in IIS.
 Created workflows diagrams of all the features using vision. Created all development overview of azure durable
function flow and backend order processing in Visio for the better creation of enablers.
 Migrated legacy web applications to Azure functions .net core and deployed as microservice in azure.
 Extensively used Moq and Xunit framework for azure .net core app for unit test framework.
 Worked on Azure functions to integrate with logic app flow. Written C# Azure Functions Api HTTP, Service Bus,
Queue, Event Hub Triggers and implemented Unit test cases for all functions.
 Created Azure data factory pipeline, Data flows and Datasets trigger to manipulate SQL data and transfer Excel
data to on premises servers on schedule bases.
 Worked on the spike stories to reduce the call rate for Restful web Api’s. Create an endpoint in the API gateway.
 Experienced in following safe agile kaban rules. Created Azure appinsights for logging webapi endpoints in detail.
 Worked on store procedure, functions, views and few DML operations.
 Created all API endpoints in specified products as per application in Azure APIM Portal using Azure active
 Worked azure DevOps for CI/CD process. Automated CI/CD in azure DevOps using terraform.
 Enabled required App registrations for tokenization of application in Azure active directory and enabled required
Api permission.
 Worked on migration application of Azure Logic app flow to Azure durable functions using .net core.
 Created a pipeline and scheduled a job to extract data from Azure cosmos database using Azure data factory
 Worked with automation/configuration management using ansible create playbooks to automate dev processes.
 Worked with ansible playbooks for virtual and physical instance provisioning management, patching and
software development.
 Incorporated azure Application insights logging in webapi project for detail logging.
 Worked on migration of data from Azure SQL data to Azure Cosmos database to create unstructured format for
documents in JSON.
 Enhanced to change connection policy for document client to use direct connection and TCP protocol to reduce
the Call rate of webapi when calling Azure cosmos DB.
 Extensively using Ajax applications for reduction of round tripping of data using the update panel controls.
 Utilized JavaScript for Client-side validations that greatly decreased processing time and resource consumption,
freeing resources for use by other applications and speeding up processing times.
 Using Angular JS to split the app into MVC components which manages and serves as the pipeline that connects
the components.
 Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET Core, React, Angular, Docker, Azure
Kubernetes Services (AKS), Azure DevOps.

Client: BAE, Delhi, India May 2018 – Nov

Sr. .Net Developer
 Gathering/Analyzing and Involved in client meetings of Customer requirements and understanding SDLC Life
 Work on C#, Web Api’s, restful services. Also work on SQL server database for insert/delete operations.
 Used SVN as a source control to commit the changes and created versioning of branchs based on the releases.
 Applied multithreaded techniques for creating high performance applications. Multithreading was used to
process data in chunks to improve performance.
 Provide support for business and functional acceptance testing which involves ensuring technical specifications
meet business requirements.
 Integrated Azure Key Vault into CI/CD pipelines to automate the deployment and management of secrets in a
secure and scalable manner.
 Involved in developing Asynchronous Web service calls using Azure cloud Components such as Service Bus, Event
Hubs, Queues, Subscriptions and Topics for connecting across different services and applications.
 Develop backend business logic/Server-side applications using C# language in .NET Framework 4.7 and .NET Core
 Used the Node.js and Angular JS MVC Frameworks in the development of the web applications.
 Established monitoring and logging procedures to track the integration's health, promptly identifying and
addressing any anomalies for continuous data consistency.
 Involved in migrating an application from .net MVC to Angular9 and WEB API as backend.
 Developed and enhanced client-side management portals User interfaces using C#, Angular 6, jQuery, HTML,
Bootstrap, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript and AJAX.
 Used Entity objects such as Data Reader, Dataset and Data Adapter, for consistent access to SQL source using
store procedures.
 Develop multi-tiered solution using .net and Design Patterns like Singleton, Repository, Factory, Adapter and
Unit of work Pattern for software architecture.
 Developed Data Access Layer of C# web applications using Microsoft Entity Framework Database First approach.
 Conducted regular audits and key rotation procedures to maintain a high level of security and compliance within
the Azure Key Vault environment.
 Used typescript to use Metadata annotation for various building blocks of angular applications.
 Develop database objects such as packages, stored procedures, functions etc. to process the data into database
and to retrieve the data from database as per business requirements.
 Design implemented and deployed existing Azure Cloud (AzureServiceManagement) applications to Azure Cloud
(Azure Resource Management) using power sell scripts. Applied DNS mapping for Webapp’s and integrated
deployed APi’s to azure API management.
 Implemented SQL data purging scheduler job using Azure Logic apps. Responsible of handling production
support on azure applications.
 Involved in solving Asynchronous deadlocks occurring in database because of indexing.
 Implementing Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) techniques to support
production code.
 Implementing solutions leveraging Azure storage solutions such as Blob, Tables, and SQL Azure.
 Write various design patters such as Dependency Injection, Unit of Work and Repository Pattern to reduce the
complexity of the code
 Building highly scalable and reliable cloud services leveraging Web and Worker roles, Service Bus and Event Hub
and other PAAS components in Azure.
 Follow Day to Day Tasks on the agile development. Strong expertise in Object Oriented Programming (OOPS)
concepts including Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation and Polymorphism.
 Environment: : Microsoft Visual Studio, C#, Microsoft Azure, ASP.NET Core, React, Angular, Docker, Azure
Kubernetes Services (AKS), Azure DevOps.

Client: Credit Suisse, Mumbai, Pune June 2011 – Apr 2018

Application Architect and Developer
 Involved in the SDLC phase of requirement analysis, design, and development of the web-based intranet
application tool using ReactJS, D3JS, SaaS, HTML5, CSS3, Web API, and C#.
 Participated in Agile methodologies, daily scrum, and other sprint meetings; developed and prioritized product
backlogs and the sprint burnt-down charts, etc. to meet the daily deliverables and timelines.
 Creation of services through C# and .NET that could be used as standalones or integrated into a Job Manager and
treated as tasks.
 Leveraged TDD and DDD methodologies to design and develop applications, focusing on testability,
maintainability, and scalability.
 Develop a .Net Core middleware process to manage application group roles. Develop a .Net Core middleware
that allows receiving in the header a request from the tenant and allowing or rejecting authorization.
 Developed an ASP.NET Core Web API based on departmental requirements and specifications. Worked with
advanced concepts of ASP.NET Core MVC such as models, providers, and filters used for developing backend
 Implemented Client-side validations using jQuery, AngularJS, and server-side validation using Javascript, Angular
 Developed the user interface using ASP.NET, C# .NET and designed UI using CSS, AngularJS, HTML, and
 Working on Front-end technologies like CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Angular 9, Typescript, and jQuery to make AJAX
calls to retrieve data from Rest Services.
 Created forms to collect and validate data from the user in HTML and Angular 9. Made C# code changes to
address the issues in product maintenance as part of a production support team.
 Analyze user requirements as well as product architecture/design to derive testing performance, scalability, and
durability testing.
 Implemented a data access layer using ADO.NET to connect and retrieve or manipulate database information.
Involved in writing queries and stored procedures in MS-SQL server as a backend.
 Working on creating forms with MVC controllers using Client-side validation and partial MVC views.

Client: Appulse Technologies, Gurugram, Haryana Feb 2008 – June 2011

Sr. .Net Developer
 Developed and maintained software modules for integrated operating room solutions.
 Utilized C#, ASP.Net, WCF services, Web Services, React.js, XML, SQL Server, etc.
 Implemented real-time data integration, visualization, and communication within operating rooms.
 Collaborated with hardware engineers to integrate medical devices and imaging equipment.
 Conducted thorough testing, validated functionality, and maintained data security.
 Collaborated with cross-functional teams and quality assurance.
 Environment: C#, ASP.Net, WCF services, Web Services, MS Visual Studio, SQL Server, React.js, JavaScript, etc.

Client: SMX iExplore Software Services, Delhi, India Dec 2006 – Dec 2008
Sr. .Net Developer
 Developed SSH pipeline for secure data transfer, collaborated with hardware engineers.
 Developed RSync pipeline, reverse-engineered Java RDP client, created website and RDP connection page.
 Collaborated with cross-functional teams, validated software functionality, and security measures.
 Environment C#, ASP.Net, web services, web API, XML, SQL Server, Oracle, JavaScript, etc.

Client: Oswal Infotech, Delhi, India Sept 2004 – Nov 2006

Module Lead/Developer
 Developed modules for an ERP system for a textile industry.
 Collaborated with stakeholders, designed, and developed software components.
 Developed user interfaces, integrated physical devices, and maintained software modules.
 Conducted testing, implemented security measures, and optimized performance.
 Environment: C#, ASP.Net, ADO.Net, Web Services, MS Visual Studio, Oracle, JavaScript, etc.

 DOEACC B-Level (Equivalent to Masters in Computer Application) from CDAC Delhi, India - 2004.
 Bachelor in Science (Mathematics, Physics) from CSJM University Kanpur, India - 2002.

 AI-900: MS Azure AI Fundamentals.
 AI-102: Designing and implementing a Microsoft Azure AI Solution.
 VS-1251: Certified Angular JS Developer.

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