Willie Ellis

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Willie Ellis

Senior Software Engineer

(760) 995-2578 willie.ellis119@gmail.com Buffalo, NY LinkedIn

Highly skilled Software Engineer with more than 9+ years of hands-on development experience specializing in
backend development using C#, Javascript, Typescript, Cloud services, and DevOps with a proven track record of
successful leadership.
Adept at architecting and developing scalable cloud-based solutions while incorporating industry best practices.
Demonstrated ability to lead cross-functional teams, mentor junior developers, and deliver high-quality software
Highly motivated and adaptive professionals committed to continuous learning and growth, consistently seeking to
explore and embrace new technologies and environments to drive innovation and stay at the forefront of industry
Excels in fast-paced environments, delivering results through a combination of technical expertise, collaboration,
and problem-solving acumen.

University of Southern California
Bachelor of Computer Science , 4 years
Los Angeles, CA


● Language: C#, C/C++, Python, Typescript, Javascript, PHP

● Backend Frameworks: ASP.NET, .NET Core, Apache, Express, Xamarin, ADO.NET
● Frontend Frameworks: Angular 8+, React, .NET Web/Windows Forms, jQuery, Blazor
● Paradigms: Microservices
● Storage: SQL/NoSQL, Redis, Oracle, Hibernate, Cassandra, MS SQL, SSIS, LINQ, PowerBI
● Cloud: Microsoft Azure (Integration Services | Logic Apps | Data Factory | Directory | Portal | DevOps |
Functions | Services Bus | SQL | Active Directory)
● Monitoring: OpenTelemetry, Loki, Grafana
● IaC: Ansible, Terraform
● DevOps: Docker, Gitlab CI/CD, Kubernetes, Azure DevOps, GitOps
● VCS: Git, SVN, Bitbucket, TFS
● Testing: Mockito, JUnit, Jest, Cypress, Jasmine, Enzyme, Mocha, Chai, Nunit, Selenium, JMeter
● Operating System: Linux, Unix & Mac, Windows
● Familiar with: SOA, WebRTC, Web Logic, WCF, Jira, XSD, XSLT, Tomcat, Progressive Web Apps,
Nginx, Apache2, Jest, OpenVPN, Web Scraping, MVC & MVVM Software Architecture, XML, Dependency
injection, Scrum/SAFe, FastAPI, GraphQL, OAuth, JWT, TFS, SOAP, OOP, Microsoft Access
Work Experience
Infosys | Buffalo, NY (Remote) | Aug 2019 – Sep 2023
● As a part of a consulting business, applied technical prowess across various domains, including Mortgage, E-commerce,
Healthcare, and more, showcasing adaptability and a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges and requirements.

● Spearheaded the design and implementation of a robust microservices architecture, optimizing system scalability,
maintainability, and flexibility.

● Led a team of engineers to ensure successful integration and deployment.

● Conducted in-depth performance tuning to streamline system efficiency, leveraging multi-threading and advanced code
organization skills, resulting in significantly improved application responsiveness.

● Implemented design patterns to ensure good code organization, enhance maintainability, and achieve optimal
system performance and demonstrated proficiency in design pattern implementation.

● Showcased expertise in .NET framework, including C#, ASP.NET, ASP.NET Web API, and REST API/JSON, ensuring
efficient backend development and RESTful web services.

● Implemented robust data security measures to protect sensitive information and ensure data integrity, adhering to
best practices and industry standards.

● Leveraged LINQ and Microsoft SQL Server to design, develop, and maintain databases and crafted complex queries and
optimized database performance using T-SQL and PL/SQL for efficient data retrieval.

● Actively contributed to agile development methodologies, including Scrum and SAFe, to enhance team productivity and
project delivery.

● Designed and managed cloud solutions on both AWS and Azure platforms, leveraging high-level skills in architecture,
deployment, and optimization to drive operational efficiency and business scalability.

● Maintained clear and open communication channels with stakeholders, effectively translating technical concepts into
understandable terms to ensure alignment with business objectives.

● Led comprehensive code reviews and refactoring, ensuring code quality and alignment with architectural vision.

● Mentored junior developers, promoting a knowledge-sharing environment.

● Orchestrated the complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process, from requirements gathering and design to
coding, testing, deployment, and maintenance.

● Developed automated test scripts with Selenium for web application testing and employed JMeter for load testing,
significantly enhancing software quality and performance.

● Implemented Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) methodologies to ensure
code quality and reliability.

● Utilized a wide range of Azure services, including App Service, Storage, SQL Database, Cognitive Services, and IoT
Hub, to architect and deploy scalable, cloud-based solutions.

● Employed C# and JavaScript, XML to create automatic documentation generator tools, facilitating validation, rating, and
updating of documentation for customer integration with third-party services.

● Implemented real-time and bi-directional communication using WebRTC and WebSocket technologies, enhancing
user experiences and application interactivity.

● Leveraged ELK/Splunk for log analysis and visualization, extracting valuable insights from large datasets to enhance
troubleshooting and identify optimization opportunities.

Technologies: RabbitMQ, MS SQL, T-SQL, PL/SQL, LINQ, MongoDB, C#, ASP.NET, .NET Core, ADO.NET, Entity Framework,
Web Forms, WebRTC, WebSocket, Xamarin, Angular 13+, Windows Forms, Bash, Git, Grafana, Docker, Kubernetes, Oracle,
Azure, Selenium, JMeter, SOAP, SOA, Terraform, Blazor, Crystal Reports
TheGuarantors | New York, NY | Nov 2017 – Jul 2019
● Developed a web application using ASP.NET, Azure IoT Hub and C# that allows users to monitor KPIs of bottle
production plants. Application collects data of machine sensors over Azure IoT Hub, applies grouping, segregation, and
filtration to present it in human readable format over the website.

● Successfully engineered scalable and modular applications by implementing design and architectural principles such as
MVC, MVVM, Object-Oriented design, SOLID principles, and DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) practices.

● Designed and implemented robust authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring secure access control and
safeguarding sensitive data across applications.

● Built and maintained continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines using Github Actions,
streamlining the development, testing, and deployment processes.

● Leveraged AWS and Azure service operators to streamline continuous deployment (CD) from Github to Kubernetes,
enhancing application deployment efficiency.

● Utilized integration expertise and developed tools and services in C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and .NET Core
to integrate different solutions using technologies like Echo, MongoDB, and Redis.

● Documented REST APIs using Swagger for clear communication.

● Increased database connectivity by utilizing Entity Framework and LINQ to Entities to connect to databases and
perform various database transactions, ensuring efficient data management.

● Employed XSD and XSLT to transform and validate XML data, enhancing data interchange and ensuring compatibility
across systems for Data Transformation and Validation.

● Implemented RESTful APIs and GraphQL to communicate with content management systems and data pipelines,
enabling data retrieval and manipulation.

● Enhanced testing and reliability by writing automated tests at the unit and environment levels, achieving 95% test
coverage, ensuring system reliability and correctness.

● Utilized state-of-the-art frontend optimization techniques, including code splitting, lazy loading, and image
optimization, to improve page load times, enhance user experiences, and boost search engine rankings.

● Implemented Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in Angular applications, enhancing performance and SEO by delivering
server-generated content to clients.

● Demonstrated expertise in state management using tools like Redux, NgRx, Context API, and React Hooks, ensuring
efficient data flow and application scalability in both React.js and Angular.

● Developed responsive and visually engaging web interfaces by leveraging the Bootstrap framework, custom CSS, SCSS,
and theming techniques.

● Leveraged Angular's built-in styling capabilities, Angular Material, and Blazor to seamlessly integrate dynamic styling
and JavaScript logic within Angular and Blazor components, respectively.

● Addressed critical memory leaks in the system, optimizing page load times by transitioning from SASS to styled-
components, effectively managing resource utilization.

● Implemented and customized MS CRM Dynamics solutions, including workflows, plugins, and custom entities, to meet
specific business needs.

● Analyzed performance by conducting comprehensive unit and integration testing of Angular components using testing
frameworks such as Jest, Jasmine, and Karma.

● Analyzed JMeter test results to identify bottlenecks and optimize application performance.
Technologies: Bootstrap, C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, WCF, Tomcat, Entity Framework, Node, AWS, Redis, LINQ, Apache Kafka,
Ngnix, Web Logic, Kubernetes, PostgreSQL, Hadoop, Terraform, Github Actions, Distributed Systems, Docker, APIs, JSON REST
APIs, Angular, Material UI, Azure Storage, Microsoft Access, Crystal Reports
Intel Corporation | New York, NY | Jun 2014 – Jun 2017
● Led the migration of various back-end PHP systems to C# services, transforming a significant monolithic application
into a microservices architecture, emphasizing expertise in .NET and Java stack.

● Proficiently clustered MongoDB with ~20GB live data into PostgreSQL using Kafka.

● Demonstrated advanced DevOps skills with container orchestrations like Kubernetes and managed CI/CD operations in
Jenkins and Gitlab, streamlining software deployment in Microsoft ecosystem.

● Employed Angular for web-based client-side interfaces and integrated secure real-time communication with Django and
WebSocket technologies on the backend, illustrating full-stack expertise.

● Integrated Elasticsearch, Postgres, and PostGIS to develop a location-based search engine.

● Developed REST APIs using Python Django Rest Framework and MongoDB for robust data management.

● Configured uWSGI to handle high connection loads, enabling real-time communication between a Python web server and the
JavaScript-based frontend, which aligns with full-stack development.

● Utilized Scrapy to extract data from social platforms, showcasing data handling skills within the Microsoft stack.

● Enhanced the frontend development process, including coding guidelines and code quality tools, promoting best practices
for JavaScript in frontend development within the Microsoft technology stack.

● Employed Node.js and Redux to interact with DatoCMS for Headless CMS, emphasizing full-stack development with
Microsoft technologies for API integration.

● Designed, built, and conducted unit testing of software in a collaborative environment, showcasing teamwork and software
development skills within the Microsoft technology ecosystem.

Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Angular JS, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, ASP.NET, Django, Java, PHP, JSP, J2EE,
JBOSS, Jenkins, Gitlab, Scraping, SASS, Docker, React, Redux, GraphQL, PostCSS, Webpack, Jest, Docker, Node.js, CMS, Zeplin,
Agile, Kanban

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