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T code = FBL3N

2. Apply filter for type= WE and doc no. = 5000038931

3. Double click to Document no. 5000038931 , click on display document

Double click on reference key

Double click to Purchase order = 4600010464

Click on = Purchase order history

Double click Service entry sheets = 1000032463
Output Result
After execution above selection screen, below output screen appear.

GL Account No. : *Print GL Account No.* (BSIS - HKONT) = 5501011031

Comp Code : *Print Comp Code* ( BSIS - BUDAT) = 1050

Comp Assign- Order GL Document no. BusA Cost Typ Doc. Pstng Perio Fiscal Amount in doc.
Code ment Accou center e Date Date d Year curr. (LC amnt)
nt (Year)

1050 55010 5000038931 Z851 BHI851 WE 03.01. 30.01.20 10 2022 39,754.00

BHI8510 VEND 11031 0408 2023 23
408 OR_EX

Amount in Curr Text Refere Object Key User Mat.Docume Short Text Quantity Gross Price Unit
local cur. . nce nt No.

39,754.00 INR EBU 1059 5000388123 S0069 5000388123 Kiran Mungase 1 16,668.00 AU
Service 2023

Akash Shende 1 10,200.00 AU

Kiran Mungase 1 6,723.00 AU

Akash Shende 1 6,163.00 AU

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