Met Session 03 Regular 2022 Question Paper

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Q1.For mountain waves to form the wind speed for large

mountain should be at least?

Q2.Ice pallets on ground indicates?

(a)Freezing rain occours at higher altitudes
(b)A cold front has passed

Q3.Temperature is 16C, Dew point temperature is 6C DPLP is

0.3C DALR is 3C/1000ft, Cloud base is at ?

Q4.CI,CS,AS,NS,ST In sequence are associated with the front?


Q5.At warm front

(a)Warm air overtakes cold air
(b)Cold air undercuts warm air

Q6.During approach of a warm front wind?


Q7.During Final/Approach the easiest way to detect Windshear

(a)If Aircraft heading is changing from intended path
(b)If Continuous Power Change is required to maintain glideslope

Q8.Wind shear is due to?

(a)Strong winds is same direction

Q9.Two aircraft, both have 1013hpa set on altimeter subscale and

indicated altitude is same,one aircraft is over cold air mass and
other over warm air mass,which aircraft have more actual
(a)Aircraft over cold airmass
(b)Aircraft over Warm airmass

Q10.QNH 1008 elevation 1200ft, what altimeter read with 1013hpa

pressure setting?(a)1200ft

Q11.Which pressure is mentioned on surface weathee charts?


Q12.What pressure setting shows aerodrome elevation


Q13.A cold pool of air is-

Q14.Aircraft flying from delhi to kolkata in winter at 06km wil

(a)Starboard drift
(B)Port drift

Q15.Aircraft flying from chennai to kolkata in winters at 12km will

get winds-

Q16.FZRA and FZFG occur…………..of a warm front?


Q17.What is virga?
(A)Steaming rain,evaporating before reaching ground
Q18.QNH=1000 QFE =980 find elevation?

Q19.Why winds are southerly at surface and South

westerly/easterly over 5000ft?
(A)Due to Friction
(B)Coriolis Force

Q20.What Causes Convection in sea breeze?

(a)Due incoming Solar radiation Water heats faster than land
(B)Due incoming solar radiation and heat,land heats up faster
than water

Q21.VIDP 260030Z 00000KT 0800

what ”00000” means here?
(a)Winds not reported
(B)Winds calm

Q22.Difference in AS ans NS cloud?

(A)NS cloud has lower than AS and precipitation,if any is more
than AS
(B)base of NS is higher than AS

Q23. Corona occur in ………cloud


Q24.As per ISA weather conditions,temperature at 20000ft will


Q25.Snow Reflects around……….of sunlight?


Q26.Geostrophic Wind is due to balance between the forces?

(A)coriolis and frictional
(B)pressure gradient and cyclostrophic
©Pressure gradient and coriolis force

Q27.Coriolis Force is strongest at?


Q28.Geostrophic winds depends upon?

(B)Centripetal,Laditude,earths rotation
(C)earths rotation,centripetal force and height

Q29.In a depression the wind speed is


Q30.TS at cumulus stage produces?

(A)Updrafts only
(B)Updrafts and downdrafts

Q31.TS at sea occurs most in?

(A)Early morning

Q32. The actual amount of water vapour contained in a given

volume of air at a given temperature is termed as?
(A) Relative humidity
(B) Specific humidity
(C) Absolute humidity

Q33.When minimum temperature is reached,when sky is clear?

(a)At night
(B)½ hour before dawn
(c)½ hour after dawn
Q34.When RVR is reported at 50ft interval?
(a)When 800-1500meter
(B)when rvr is less than 800meter

Q35.WD causes
(A)DS over Punjab and rajasthan

Q36.Technical Term for rise in temperature with height?

(a)Lapse rate

Q37.Warm season is from?


Q38.Norwester normally occur during?


Q39.Airborne Weather radar is showing severe TS ahead, how

should fly away from weather by atleast?
Q40.How warm front approaches cold front

Q41.How to airmasses behave over a cold airmass

(A)Cold air slides over warm airmass
(B)warm airmass pushes over cold airmass
©cold airmasses pushes under warm airmass

Q42.What can reduce radiation fog or make it a startus?

(A)Strong winds

Q43.In a metar 1013hpa pressure is rounded of from range?

(A)1012.5 to 1013.5
(B)1013.1 to 1013.9

Note-Questions meaning is same but words may differ than that

of actual exam-
Options and it’s squence will differ than that of actaul exam..

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