A3: Introduction: What Does It Mean by Regulation?

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Introduction: what does it mean by regulation?

Regulation is a rule or directive made and maintained by authority. This is needed in media
because they have to maintain certain standards in the provision of public service
broadcasting to protect the audience against harmful and offensive material. In the media
there are different types of regulations: self-regulation, statutory- regulation and Co-
Regulation. Self- Regulation is a type of system of self-regulation where the media has
come up with their own regulations and will take full responsibility of monitoring
compliance with the regulations through a council. A statutory regulation is the rules that
are laid down by the public authorities, this means that they have been creating by the
goversnment. Co- regulation is a hybrid form of self-regulation that is back –stopped by
statutory regulation.


Media Regulation in the UK (media-studies.com)

Paragraph 1: Ofcom:

Ofcom is a regulator for the government to prevent the viewers and listeners from
harmful and offensive material on the TV, radio and on-demand. This is so that they make
sure that people/ viewers don’t get scammed and are protected from the bad practices
that companies can produce to harm people. Ofcom also deals with broadband, home phone
and mobile services so that people are able to use these different communications services
and get the best out of them and for them to work to their best abilities. Even though
they are looking after the broadbands, home phone and mobile services they are also
looking after Tv and Radio so that people can get the best out of it and not have anything
harmful on the platform. Ofcom also regulates the universal postal service, meaning that
Royal Mail has to deliver and pick up letters six days a week and parcels five days a week
at an affordable price within the Uk. Even though Ofcom handles all that stuff they don’t
handle the individual disputes between you and the home phone, Broadband or mobile
provider as that is dealt with by the Alternative Dispute Resolution scheme. They also
don’t handle the BBC and all their services such as the BBC World Service and the BBC
license fee. The reason we need to place a complaint is because if the shows are shown at
the wrong times or with the wrong content then this could be inappropriate for the people
that could be watching at this time. Reporting this helps for these to be made right and so
there is no copycat behavior or destination to what is happening with in these programs.
Watershed is a strict rule about what type of TV shows that can be shown as this contact
is not subtitled for children as the tv shows that are shown after watershed involve sexual
content, violence, graphic and distressing imagery and swearing. The watershed starts at
9pm and ends at 5:30 am. The reason why we need watershed to help protect the children
from this type of material that might be unsuitable or harmful to them. In 2022 the list
of the most complained about programs was Love Island and I am a celebrity, get me out
of here. Within love island the complaints relate to alleged misogoistic and bullying
behavior, Ofcom did assess every one of these complaints, but Ofcom concluded that the
program didn’t warrant a formal investigation. People complain due to the fact that they
think that the program is inappropriate for them or someone younger that could possibly
be watching it. The reason for the complaints might be because they are hurt or getting
distress by the content of the program. This program of regulation is effective as they
have many complaints about shows so therefore it means that the public knows about
them, this means that the Ofcom program is effective as there has been program that
have been lots of reports of various watershed incidents or inappropriate content that has
been on tv that people haven’t agreed with.

What is Ofcom? - Ofcom


Cause for complaint – a look back at TV complaints during 2022 - Ofcom

Paragraph 2: ASA

ASA is a UK code of broadcasting Advertising this means that all advertisement (this
means all promotional television channels and programme sponsorship credits on radio and
television. the ASA responds to concerns and complaints from consumers and businesses,
they also take action if needed to ban Ad if they are misleading, offensive or
irresponsible. They also monitor Ads so that they can keep tabs on them to make sure they
are following the correct rules. The ASA does a public opinion test so they can give their
opinions on whether they think the ASA needs to ban an Ad or just protect the customers.
We need a place to complain as there are many things that aren’t monitored by the ASA
due to the fact that there are too many programs and Ads to monitor. The place that we
have to complain about also helps to show to ASA what the customers don’t like or what
they don’t want to see at a certain time. Most ads that the ASA works with are just
complained about them being misleading. It is Roughly 73% of cases are misleading claims,
16% is offence, 6% is harm and 5% is misc. In 2017, the most complained about ad was a
KFC advert called the dancing chicken. This advert consisted of a chicken dancing to a rap
soundtrack, this received complains as it was supposedly disrespectful to chicken and
distressing for vegans and vegetarians, also there was complaints about how the ad
depicted the chicken heading for slaughter. After 755 complains from the public, the ASA
had to look in to the ad to see if it was disrespectful or distressing, a result of this led to
the video being unlikely that it would cause this type of feeling and there is no explicit
refences to animal slaughter. another Ad that got lots of complaints was a Ad from 2014,
this ad was called News UK and Ireland LTD t/a The Sun. In this ad they sent a email to
subscribers of the Sun’s dream team fantasy football competition featured a prize draw
to win a date with a page 3 model. Over 1,711 complains, many of which was submitted as
part of a campaign by SumOfUs.org, the reason for these complaints belived that the as
was sexist and objectifed women. ASA looked in to this and upheld the the complaints and
came to the conclusion that the email was offensive and irresponsible for presenting
women as objects to be won.

About the ASA and CAP - ASA | CAP

Top 10 most complained about ads from 2017 - ASA | CAP

2014's most complained about ads - ASA | CAP

Paragraph 3: product placement:

Product placement is a form of advertising in which branded goods and services are
featured in a production that targets a large audience. Product placement can be also
known as embedded marketing or embedded advertising. It is also often found in movies,
tv shows, music videos and radio performances. This is an effective way since they
integrate something seamlessly within a show and market consumers in less direct ways.
Companies do this because it is almost an indirect way of advertising, as the audience will
see that characters in the movie use it therefore, they will want to use it. Therefore, it
will increase the sales of that product that is in the movie. Product placement is also good
for the movie production company as the company that wants the product in the movie will
be paying the production company therefore, they will be able to gain a possible profit for
this movie. An example of product placement within a movie is the James Bond franchise
as in the Reboot Casino Royale, automaker Ford paid $14 million to feature the character
James bond driving one of their models for about 3 minutes of screen time. Another
example is the Product placement of Audi in Avenger Endgame where Audi Automaker
sponsored the movie so that the Audi R8 would be in the movie. This has led to Audi and
Marvel having a partnership. With this partnership and the feature of R8 in Avenger's
Endgame, it has helped them get a 30% increase in brand awareness and sales. Using this
in a short film will mean that the product will be in the film for a very short time so
therefore the audience will not get the need to have it due to the fact that it is not a
massive part of the movie and there will be no attachment to the product. Product
Placement is effective due to the fact that the sales of products did increase and it does
help the brand more adverting as the movie will be watched by Mutiple people.

Product Placement: Definition, How It Works, Examples (investopedia.com)

Product Placement: Definition & 40 Famous Examples (marketsplash.com)



Paragraph 4: BBFC:

The BBFC stands for the British board of film classification, there focus is to help
children and families choose movies, with the right guidance with the age rating to help
them choose what is right for them. The BBFC controls and puts the age ratings on movies
and all media content. Their mission is to be able operate transparent, consistent and
trusted co-regulatory and self-regulatory classification and labelling systems in the Uk.
They want to protect the public and children from things of harm, having this labeling
system means that it will help the members of the public decide what is appropriate for
them or their children to watch. We need a regulator for the TV shows and movies so that
generations don’t get damaged or that watching the tv shows and movies leads them to
copycat behavior and desensitization. With the different platforms such as Netflix,
amazon prime they all have applied the BBFC classification guidelines to the standard films
and tv shows. This is so that people can trust what the age classification is on Netflix and
amazon prime as they are all confirmed by the BBFC. An example of a film with an age
rating is the new Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes. This film has been
rated a 12A by the BBFC because of the moderate violence, threats and drug misuse. This
rating means that the child should be 12 or above it is appropriate for them to watch, the
A part to this rating means that they can go and watch it in the cinema if they are
accompanied by an adult. Another example of an Age rating is the SAW X film which has
been rated an 18 due to the fact that it has strong bloody violence and gore as it is a
horror movie. for this movie the rating is clearly needed as parents will not want their
kids watching something that has some violence and as gory as this therefore it has an age
rating of 18 to protect the younger children from this type of horror. The human
centipede 2 was rejected for classification by the BBFC in 2011 so therefore banned, but
that same year the distributor appealed the decision and was certificated an 18 after
2m37s of the movie was cut. The film was originally banned because of the sexual violence
and potentially obseasne features in the movie. There was also some unacceptable material
that had graphic depletions of body horror. So therefore, to be able to release this movie
they had to remove some of these scenes and put it at an age rating of 18. I think it was
good for the BBFC to ban this movie originally if the horror and sexual violence was that
bad as just by watching something like that with that content could really harm people due
to the fact that they would find this film uncomftable and sickening. When it was
unbanned, I think for the BBFC to make it an 18 will mean people are less tempted to
watch it because they know that 18s are normally scary or horric so it would deter people
from watching it. This is effective to the public as it does deter most people away from
watching a movie or TV show that is above there age range as they will know that they
recommendation has been made for a reason.

BBFC Media Centre | BBFC



Films Refused Classification On Video By The BBFC Since The Video Recordings Act, a list
of films by Bram Toker • Letterboxd


Paragraph 5: PRS:

PRS is the performing right society. This means that it collects and distributes royalties
to music that is performed or played in public. PRS helps to protect the value of music and
ensures that the members are well represented. To help protect the value of music digital
technology has had a big impact on this since it is almost available to most people. A way
that PRS protects music is to license the music so therefore different producers will want
different licenses such as a EU-wide online license or an international license. The licenses
help to collect royalties through the licensing agreements with music users, these licenses
can cover all types of music such as online, performances or orcaustra etc. Companies need
to pay to use someone else songs due to the copyright law, this helps to protect the artists
original rights and it ensures that they will get the right fee for their creative property. A
movie that used an bands song was Top Gun: Maverick and they used the song I aren’t
worried. Although this song was made for this movie, they still sing it in concert and
things, the song was played during the beach scene and they used this song as it is quite up
beat and it refected the hot summers day on the beach. The song was sung and played by
one republic, and the record label is the Mosley Music and InterScope Records so they
would have been paied for the rights of this song. A flim that used another persons song
was the huntsman: winter’s war in 2016 and they used the song Castle by Halsey. the
reason why this song fitted so well is because of the beat that it has in it. It helped to
show the genre of the movie as it is a action and romance. Halsey was the person who sung
this song and the record label was capitol records. If this movie hadn’t have paied rights
on this movie it would have been blocked on youtube and would not be allowed to be
released in cinemas.



I Ain't Worried - Wikipedia

24 Of The Best Uses Of Music In Movie Trailers (buzzfeed.com)

Paragraph 6: BECTU

BECTU is the broadcasting, entertainment, cinematography and theatre union. They

represent over 40,000 staff, contract and freelance workers in the media and
entertainment industries. The union helps to support members if something goes wrong at
work. The union will help to protect their rights and jobs. They also help with winning
recognition agreements, improve pay and the conditions of the working environment. The
union is a necessary as it is important for a company to have a good workplace as well as
the right amount of pay. With this union in place, it means that they can help to make this
help to make this happen, which makes the employees happier and have better running
companies. We need the unions to help unionizes to enable media workers to negotiate
legally binding collective bargaining agreements with employers. The concerns that are
going on with in the media is the fact that most of the movies are getting made in America
and there is only 11% on the movies being made in the Uk by the British Media. Also, the
American film industry is so massive that it is now not contained by the US border as now
some companies are in the UK and are filming here. The reason for the American
competition in the UK is due to the introduction of a generous UK film relief scheme in
2007. Which meant that studios have be flocking to the UK, such as Disney who has
estimated to have spent $2.3 billion on Uk production since 2007. A British movie is Enola
Homes 2, the crew that helped to make the movie might have joined BECTU so that they
have the support of the union behind them so they get the right amount of pay and work in
the right conditions that they are allowed to work in.

Who are Bectu and what do we do? | Bectu

How the British Film Industry Became a Hollywood Backlot (screenrant.com)

Paragraph 7: UKCCS

The UKCCS is a copyright service. Copyright law originated in the UK from a concept of
common laws; the stature of Anna 1709. Then it became statutory with all the passing of
the copyright act 1911. Then the current act that is used is the copyright, design and
patents act 1988. This law helps to give creators of literacy, dramatic, musical, artistic
works, sound recordings, broadcast, films and typographical arrangement of published
editions, rights to control the way in which their material is used. Copyright is an
automatic right and comes up whenever someone or a company creates a work. A work
should be regarded as an original, and exhibit of a degree of labor, skill or judgement. The
people that own a piece of work, it is normally the individual or as a collective when made
the work and it is referred to as the ‘first owner of copyright’ under the 1988 copyright,
design and patents act. Within the media, films that have been copyrighted means that 70
years from the end of the calendar year in which the last principal director, author or
composer dies. Broadcasts and cable programs are from 50 years from the Calander year
in which the broadcast was made. We need Pact so they are able to mobilize and
incentivise all relent stakeholders to help upskill and reskill people of a working age. The
Pact trys and encourage diversity in the media industry by creating more diverse casts,
they do by encouraging Tv shows and movies to look vibrant, diverse and reflective of
modern Britain. Diversity is important in the media because it means that everyone is
represented and it means that no one will feel left out. AS the PSB requirements the BBC
is creating an inclusive workforce so that everyone is included. From the head of
workforce diversity and inclusion for the BBC stated that it is a global reach and
reputation to draw people from all around the world to work for the BBC. A British movie
that shows diversity is James Bond: No time to die, this is diverse because of the range of
different actors that come from different backgrounds. This is a positive because it
shows to the public any one of any ethnicity can be a hero, this might influence people of
that ethnicity to take up acting because they might like what they see in that movie. Pact
might have been involved so that the cast was diverse and to help the movie get the
regulation of it being diverse.

Copyright Registration - protect your work against infringement (copyrightservice.co.uk)

Diversity in Action (pact.co.uk)

Diversity & Inclusion Plan - Workforce Diversity & Inclusion (bbc.co.uk)

No Time to Die (2021) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb

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