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Talking about my personal experience as a spectator at a sporting event, there are

several sports that I have watched live. Firstly, futsal. The first time I watched
futsal was when I was in high school, at that time an inter-class competition was
held at my school called the futsal cup activity, where participants from all classes
within the school community played against each other between classes, our class
also took part in it. This activity was because the committee asked all classes to
participate in this sports activity to support the event being held at school at that
time. everyone supports their respective classes, we are also spectators and a team
of supporters to support our class by making supporting tools to make it look more
attractive, whether it is a gallon that is hit, words written on paper and sentences
with a full tone. enthusiasm when supporting our class when playing. even the
color of the shirts we agreed to wear on match day so we could differentiate
between the support team and our class. During the competition for days on end we
always support our class. We didn't really hope that we could win this match,
because I realized that our class was not very skilled at playing futsal. And it's true
that our class has fallen even though they only played twice, but in a match
winning and losing is a normal thing, the most important thing is that we
participate in the events held at our school. Second, basketball is a sport that is
very popular with both men and women. In fact, of all the existing sports matches,
I like watching basketball matches the most. because I have always wanted to be
able to play basketball. At my school there is a basketball extracurricular and it is
not uncommon for my school to hold events related to the sport of basketball, my
school even hosted the Voll III basketball invitational fire competition event,
where the participants came from various regions in South Sulawesi, this activity
was held on my school's basketball court for one week, during one school week I
had many guests from schools from other areas either coming to support the team
from their school or just to watch. During this match, I and all my school friends
supported the team from our school, which at that time was divided into two teams,
namely the men's and women's teams, even though this match was held every day
for a period of one week, it did not reduce our conducive learning time. , we
always make time during our breaks to watch and also support the team from our
school. During one week the game really entertained me and the other friends
because we could watch a really cool basketball game so that during the break
schedule it wasn't boring. After several days of these activities being carried out,
the day arrived when the final would be held and my school's women's team
qualified for the final round against a women's team from a school which is quite
famous for its great women's basketball team. During the final the women's team
and the opposing team always scored goals, I was worried to see the scores
differing only slightly. It's different from the men's team which fell in the top 6 but
it makes us proud that the men's team was able to show their best and get to a
pretty far point. According to my friends and I's initial predictions, it was true that
my school's women's team won first place in this event, not because they were the
hosts, but I admit that they were great basketball players, this was supported
because they had often participated in basketball competitions. in every region and
not infrequently they bring trophies and the good name of the school, making our
school proud. Third, volleyball, I watched volleyball when I was in elementary
school, but the most memorable experience of watching volleyball was when there
was an event held in the district on the occasion of my region's birthday, by
holding a sports match. one of which is women's volleyball, where participants in
this sport are from various office agencies. This match was held in the evening, I
watched with my family, with quite a lot of other spectators filling the side of the
volleyball court, during this match it was very exciting, plus the players were very
excited so that the atmosphere did not get bored during the match. Actually, I also
want to watch live tennis. because I really want to play tennis, but until now my
wish has not been achieved.

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