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The main objective of this research is to explore the proportion of left-handed students in a group of 50
students through multiple random samples of size 20, repeated 10 times.

Binomial distribution summarizes the number of trials, or observations, when each trial has the same
probability of attaining one particular value. Binomial distribution determines the probability of observing
a specific number of successful outcomes in a specified number of trials.

Secondly, proportion refers to the relationship between two or more quantities or parts in relation to
the whole or to each other. It indicates the how much one quantity or part compares to the total to another
quantity. Proportions are often expressed as ratios or fractions. Besides, probability is a measure of the
likelihood that an event will occur. It is a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents impossibility
which the event will not happen, and 1 represents certainty which the event will definitely happen. The
higher the probability, the more likely the event will occur.

Thirdly, the use of measures of central tendency is a statistical concept employed to describe and
understand the central or typical value of a dataset. Measures of central of tendency provide a single value
that represents the ‘center’ of the data distribution. They are used to summarize the data and make it more
manageable, giving insights into the typical value around which the data points tend to cluster. The three
main measures of central tendency are mean, mode and median.
Lastly, the normal approximation to the binomial distribution is a statistical approximation method that
allows us to estimate the probabilities of events in a binomial distribution using the properties of the
normal distribution. The binomial distribution describes the number of successes in a fixed number of
independent Bernoulli trials where the experiments with two possible outcomes which is success and
failure, with a constant probability of success on each trial.
Lastly, the binomial distribution arises when I have a fixed number of independent trials, in this case,
the number of students sampled, which is 20 and each trial has only two possible outcomes which is left-
handed or not left-handed. Additionally, the probability of success (p) for each trial remains constant
across all trials. In my case, the probability of selecting a left-handed student from the group is the same
for each sample. The Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution becomes more reliable when the
sample size (n) is large and the probability of success (p) is not too close to 0 or 1. As a general rule, for
the Normal approximation to be reasonably accurate, np ≥ 5 and n(1-p) ≥ 5.

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