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There are four main parts to a plant: Roots, Stem, Leaves and Flowers
• Make food for the plant using
water and minerals from the soil
• Carbon dioxide from the air
• Sunlight

• Make seeds which make new

• Carries water and minerals from
the roots to the leaves
• Carries food to all parts of the

• Take water and minerals from
the soil
• Hold the plant in the ground
• Store some food
PLANT FOOD (Fertilizer)
The three main foods for plants are:
− Nitrogen (N) – for stems and leaves – from compost,
manure, leaf mould
− Phosphorus (P) – for roots, flowers, fruits – from rock,
bone (bonemeal)
− Potassium (K) – for strong plants (especially root crops) –
from wood ashes

You can buy organic or chemical fertilizers or you can make

your own organic fertilizer call compost.
Why Plants Are Important
Do you know how important plants are to us? If there were no plants on Earth, we wouldn’t be able to
survive. The diagram below shows how plants provide the oxygen we breathe through the process of

Through a process
called photosynthesis,
plants use energy in
sunlight to turn a gas
called carbon dioxide
and water into sugar.
Plants then use this
sugar to grow. At the
same time, plants
produce a gas called
oxygen as a waste
product, which is lucky
for us and other
animals because we
need oxygen to

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