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H0: There is no difference in average sales force performance.
H1: There is a significant difference in average sales force performance.

2. Statistical Test:
One Sample t-test

3. Desired Level of Significance: 5% LOS

4. Output table:

One-Sample Statistics

N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Sales performance 20 2.9500 1.19097 .26631

One-Sample Test

Test Value = 0

t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean 95% Confidence

Difference Interval of the

Lower Upper

11.077 19 .000 2.95000 2.3926 3.507

Sales performance

5. Interpretation:
T calculated value is 11.77
Degree of freedom (n-1) is 19
 It is observed from the above One Sample test result that P value= 0.00000 is
less than 0.05 at 5% LOS. Hence, we accept H1 and reject H0.

6. Conclusion:
It can be concluded that there is a significance difference in average Sales force
performance at 5% LOS.
1. Hypothesis:
H0: There is no difference in sales force performance in Market 1 and Market 2.
H1: There is a significant difference in average sales force performance in Market 1
and Market.

2. Statistical Test:
One Sample t-test

3. Desired Level of Significance: 5% LOS

4. Output table:

Group Statistics

Type of Market N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Sales performance in Market 1 20 2.9500 1.19097 .26631

Markets Market 2 20 4.2000 .76777 .17168

Independent Samples

Levene's Test for Equality of Variances

F Sig. t

Equal variances assumed 4.522 .040 -3.945

Sales performance in Markets
Equal variances not assumed -3.945

5. Interpretation:
It is observed from the independent sample t test that P value= 0.40 is more than 0.05 at
5% LOS. Hence, we reject H0 and accepts H1.

6. Conclusion: It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in Sales

performance in Market 1 and Market 2 at 5% LOS.

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