UNIT 1 - Reading 2

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After years of hard work and dedication, Sarah was finally able to __________ to the position of manager.

A. appreciate

B. demonstrate

C. lead to

D. get promoted


The new software update aims to __________ users by introducing several exciting features.

A. create

B. impress

C. include

D. appear


It's essential to __________ a positive attitude even during challenging times.

A. maintain

B. select

C. engage in

D. get stuck


Sarah's exceptional performance at the meeting managed to __________ her colleagues and superiors alike.

A. appreciate

B. impress

C. develop

D. get promoted


The new policy is expected to __________ a significant decrease in production costs.

A. lead to

B. maintain

C. select

D. demonstrate


John's innovative approach to problem-solving never fails to __________ his peers.

A. impress

B. create
C. engage in

D. appear


The company decided to __________ new employees based on their qualifications and experience.

A. select

B. develop

C. include

D. appreciate


It's important to __________ in activities that you enjoy to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

A. get promoted

B. engage in

C. compliment

D. appear


The new product is designed to __________ a wider range of customers.

A. get stuck

B. impress

C. develop

D. include


James always takes the time to __________ his colleagues on their accomplishments.

A. appreciate

B. demonstrate

C. lead to

D. maintain


The company's decision to cut costs may __________ a decrease in product quality.

A. create

B. compliment

C. lead to

D. impress

Susan's dedication to her work never fails to __________ her supervisors.

A. get promoted

B. demonstrate

C. engage in

D. impress


The new project aims to __________ new opportunities for growth and development.

A. maintain

B. select

C. lead to

D. get stuck


It's crucial for leaders to __________ a clear vision for their team.

A. appear

B. develop

C. engage in

D. appreciate


The teacher will _______________ the experiment in class tomorrow.

A. appreciate

B. demonstrate

C. select

D. engage in


Regular exercise is an _______________ way to stay healthy.

A. awkward

B. effective

C. elevate

D. create


Don't talk to _______________ on the street.

A. strangers

B. degrees
C. deals

D. compliments


Poor diet can _______________ health problems.

A. impress

B. maintain

C. lead to

D. offend


She worked hard and eventually _______________ to manager.

A. got stuck

B. got promoted

C. included

D. appeared


Trust is the foundation of any healthy _______________.

A. complement

B. ground

C. impression

D. relationship


Finding _______________ is essential for effective communication.

A. common interests

B. negative

C. degrees

D. offensive


The package will _______________ a free gift.

A. impress

B. maintain

C. include

D. create

Students are encouraged to _______________ extracurricular activities.

A. deal

B. engage in

C. select

D. get stuck


She's an _______________ in her field of study.

A. expert

B. elevator

C. awkward

D. appear


After his __________ remarks during the meeting, John had to apologize to his colleagues.

A. effective

B. offensive

C. awkward

D. negative


Sarah's __________ communication style helped her gain the trust of her team.

A. effective

B. offensive

C. honest

D. awkward


The __________ joke made everyone in the room feel uncomfortable.

A. effective

B. offensive

C. negative

D. honest


It's important to give __________ feedback to help others improve.

A. effective

B. awkward
C. negative

D. honest


The manager's __________ leadership style motivated the team to achieve their goals.

A. effective

B. negative

C. honest

D. awkward


Providing __________ feedback is essential for fostering a healthy work environment.

A. effective

B. negative

C. honest

D. offensive


The candidate's __________ response to the interviewer's questions impressed the hiring panel.

A. effective

B. awkward

C. negative

D. honest


It's best to avoid __________ language when discussing sensitive topics.

A. effective

B. honest

C. offensive

D. awkward


The team's __________ attitude towards the project hindered their progress.

A. effective

B. negative

C. honest

D. offensive

Sarah's __________ apology helped repair the relationship with her colleague.

A. effective

B. negative

C. awkward

D. honest


The feedback from the client was unexpectedly __________.

A. offensive

B. negative

C. honest

D. effective


It's important to have an __________ strategy in place to achieve your goals.

A. awkward

B. honest

C. effective

D. negative


1. Accomplishment
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: Something that has been achieved successfully; a feat or attainment.
• Pronunciation: /əˈkʌmplɪʃmənt/
• Example: "Graduating from college was her greatest accomplishment."
• Vietnamese translation: Thành tựu
2. Authentic
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Genuine; not counterfeit or copied; true to one's own personality, spirit, or
• Pronunciation: /ɔːˈθentɪk/
• Example: "The painting was confirmed to be authentic by experts."
• Vietnamese translation: Chân thật
3. Consider
• Word form: Verb
• Definition: To think about carefully; to take into account; to regard or treat in a particular way.
• Pronunciation: /kənˈsɪdər/
• Example: "We need to consider all the options before making a decision."
• Vietnamese translation: Xem xét, cân nhắc
4. Expect
• Word form: Verb
• Definition: To anticipate or look forward to the occurrence of something; to believe or
assume that something will happen.
• Pronunciation: /ɪkˈspekt/
• Example: "I expect him to arrive by noon."
• Vietnamese translation: Mong đợi, dự kiến
5. Professional
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Relating to or characteristic of a profession; displaying competence or skill
expected of a professional.
• Pronunciation: /prəˈfɛʃənl/
• Example: "She always maintains a professional demeanor at work."
• Vietnamese translation: Chuyên nghiệp
6. Punctual
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Being on time; prompt or timely in attendance or action.
• Pronunciation: /ˈpʌŋktʃuəl/
• Example: "He's known for being punctual to all his appointments."
• Vietnamese translation: Đúng giờ
7. Research
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: Systematic investigation or inquiry aimed at discovering new facts, reaching new
conclusions, or confirming or refuting a hypothesis.
• Pronunciation: /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/
• Example: "The scientist conducted research on the effects of climate change."
• Vietnamese translation: Nghiên cứu
8. Responsible
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Having an obligation to do something; accountable for one's actions; reliable and
• Pronunciation: /rɪˈspɒnsəbl/
• Example: "She is responsible for managing the project."
• Vietnamese translation: Có trách nhiệm
9. Slang
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: Informal language consisting of words and phrases that are not considered
standard in formal speech or writing, often specific to a particular group or subculture.
• Pronunciation: /slæŋ/
• Example: "Teenagers often use slang when communicating with their peers."
• Vietnamese translation: tiếng lóng
10. Weakness
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: The state or condition of lacking strength or being vulnerable; a flaw or limitation
in character, ability, or skill.
• Pronunciation: /ˈwiːknəs/
• Example: "Public speaking was always his weakness."
• Vietnamese translation: Điểm yếu
11. Counselor
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: A person trained to give guidance on personal, social, or psychological problems;
an adviser or consultant.
• Pronunciation: /ˈkaʊnslər/
• Example: "She works as a school counselor, helping students with their academic and
personal issues."
• Vietnamese translation: Tư vấn viên
12. Résumé
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: A brief document summarizing one's education, work experience, skills, and
accomplishments, typically used when applying for a job.
• Pronunciation: /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/
• Example: "She updated her résumé before applying for the position."
• Vietnamese translation: Sơ yếu lý lịch
13. Social media
• Word form: Noun phrase
• Definition: Websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or
participate in social networking.
• Pronunciation: /ˈsoʊʃəl ˈmidiə/
• Example: "Many businesses use social media to promote their products and interact with
• Vietnamese translation: Mạng xã hội
14. Real
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Genuine; not imaginary, artificial, or imitation; actual or true.
• Pronunciation: /riːl/
• Example: "Is that a real diamond?"
• Vietnamese translation: Thật, thực
15. Employer
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: A person or organization that employs people; a person or company that pays
people to work for them.
• Pronunciation: /ɪmˈplɔɪər/
• Example: "The company is a major employer in the region."
• Vietnamese translation: Nhà tuyển dụng
16. Profile
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: An outline of something, especially a person's face, as seen from one side; a brief
biography or summary of a person's qualities, career, or social media presence.
• Pronunciation: /ˈproʊ.faɪl/
• Example: "She updated her online dating profile."
• Vietnamese translation: Hồ sơ
17. Candidate
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: A person who applies for a job or is nominated for election.
• Pronunciation: /ˈkændɪdət/
• Example: "There are several candidates running for mayor in the upcoming election."
• Vietnamese translation: Ứng viên
18. President
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: The elected head of a republic, especially the highest official of a country or
• Pronunciation: /ˈprez.ɪ.dənt/
• Example: "The president addressed the nation in a televised speech."
• Vietnamese translation: Tổng thống
19. Goal
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: The object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
• Pronunciation: /ɡoʊl/
• Example: "Her goal is to become a doctor."
• Vietnamese translation: Mục tiêu
20. Take seriously
• Word form: Verb phrase
• Definition: To consider or treat something as important or significant; not to dismiss or
ignore something.
• Pronunciation: /teɪk ˈsɪriəsli/
• Example: "You need to take your studies seriously if you want to succeed."
• Vietnamese translation: Làm một cách nghiêm túc
21. Point
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: An idea or opinion, especially one that is expressed or intended; the purpose or
aim of something.
• Pronunciation: /pɔɪnt/
• Example: "What's the point of arguing about it now?"
• Vietnamese translation: Ý, điểm
22. Record
• Word form: Verb
• Definition: To capture on film or video; to make a record or documentation of something
using a camera or recording device.
• Pronunciation: /ˈrekɔːrd/
• Example: "She recorded the entire concert on her phone."
• Vietnamese translation: Ghi âm
23. Keep in mind
• Word form: Verb phrase
• Definition: To remember or consider something; to bear something in memory or
• Pronunciation: /kiːp ɪn maɪnd/
• Example: "When traveling, always keep safety in mind."
• Vietnamese translation: Nhớ, lưu ý
24. Time
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: The indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and
future, regarded as a whole.
• Pronunciation: /taɪm/
• Example: "I have been here many times."
• Vietnamese translation: lần
25. Ability
• Word form: Noun
• Definition: The capacity to do something; talent, skill, or proficiency in a particular area.
• Pronunciation: /əˈbɪləti/
• Example: "Her ability to learn languages quickly is impressive."
• Vietnamese translation: Khả năng
26. In person
• Word form: Adverb phrase
• Definition: Directly, without the involvement of any intermediary or representation; face to
• Pronunciation: /ɪn ˈpɜː.sən/
• Example: "I prefer to discuss important matters in person."
• Vietnamese translation: Trực tiếp
27. Whole
• Word form: Adjective
• Definition: Entire; complete; not divided or broken into parts.
• Pronunciation: /hoʊl/
• Example: "He ate the whole pizza by himself."
• Vietnamese translation: Toàn bộ, nguyên

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