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Liceo de Cagayan University

Senior High School Department

RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


(Individual Task)

Subject: Academic Reading and Writing

Topic: Fundamentals of Thinking and Reading Skills

Patterns of Development
Fundamentals of Writing

Name: _______________________________ Date Given: _______________

Explain critical reading as a form of reasoning.

Evaluate a written text based on its properties (organization, coherence and cohesion, language use,
and mechanics).

Enabling Competencies
1. Distinguish between patterns of development in writing, namely, comparison and contrast,
cause and effect, problem–solution, and process analysis.
2. Differentiate the uses of those patterns in writing across disciplines.


Instructions: Read critically the passage below and summarize it in your own words. (5 points)

Listening to music is a popular pastime, but it may surprise some people to learn that
music can heal. In music therapy, a trained therapist uses music to help clients improve or regain
their health and quality of life. People with learning disabilities, physical disabilities, brain
injuries, or substance abuse problems can all benefit from this unique type of therapy. Some
people think they can't participate in music therapy because they don't play a musical instrument or
they only like a certain kind of music, but this is not the case. Anyone can become involved in
music therapy because therapists tailor each program to their client's individual preferences and
personal challenges. In order to become a music therapist in the United States, a person must earn
a bachelor's and master's degree in music therapy. Students will learn music theory, music history,
health care, and counseling skills, and they will practice reading music, playing instruments, and
singing. The next step is to become board-certified. A music therapist must successfully complete
coursework and an internship at an American Music Therapy Association program and pass the
Certifying Board Examination. After finishing their education, certified music therapists can work
in hospitals, daycare centers, senior centers, hospice programs, schools, and private practices.


Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City



Instructions: Read carefully the passage below. Subsequently, paraphrase it, ensuring that all the key ideas
found will be included in the paraphrased material. (5 points)

Students frequently overuse direct quotations in taking notes, and as a result, they overuse
quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as a
directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source
materials while taking notes.



Instructions: Read and analyze the passage below. Then, write the main idea of the passage. (5 points)

The rules of conduct during an examination are clear. No books, calculators or papers are allowed in the
test room. Proctors will not allow anyone with such items to take the test. Anyone caught cheating will be asked to
leave the room. His or her test sheet will be taken. The incident will be reported to the proper authority. At the end
of the test period, all materials will be returned to the proctor. Failure to abide by these rules will result in a failing
grade for this test.


Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


Instructions: Read and analyze the passage below. Subsequently, determine what event is likely to occur next.
Explain your answer using textual evidence. (5 points each)

Rex sat at the mouth of the alley and chewed the bone that he had found by the dumpster. It was a
meaty bone that had belonged to a larger animal, perhaps a state fair prize-winning pig. Rex was attracted to
the bone by its strong scent. Apparently, he was not the only one who could smell it. He heard the jangle of
tags behind him and turned to see a larger dog. Rex released the bone and began growling at the other dog.
The other dog began growling at Rex. The two dogs inched toward one another, maintaining eye contact.
Each began growing louder as the other approached within striking distance…

1. What event is most likely to occur next?

2. What evidence from the text supports your inference?


Instructions: Identify the pattern of development in each paragraph and justify your answer in 2-3 sentences.
(5 points each)

Paragraph 1
Deinstitutionalization is a mental health policy that emerged in the 1960s. The policy re-directed
care of persons with severe mental disorders from state mental hospitals to community-based treatment
settings. Based on the policy of deinstitutionalization, many state hospitals were closed and replaced by
community mental health centers or residential treatment facilities.

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

The earliest box camera had four essential parts—shutter, lens, box, and film—and three essential
steps. When a picture was taken, the shutter opened, allowing light to enter. Then the lens, a circular piece
of glass, focused the light so it passed through the box. In the third and final step, the light-sensitive film at
the back of the box received and recorded the image.

Paragraph 2

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 3
Sunset is the time of day when our sky meets the outer space solar winds. There are blue, pink, and
purple swirls, spinning and twisting, like clouds of balloons caught in a whirlwind. The sun moves slowly to
hide behind the line of horizon, while the moon races to take its place in prominence atop the night sky.
People slow to a crawl, entranced, fully forgetting the deeds that must still be done. There is a coolness, a
calmness, when the sun does set.

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 4
The animal kingdom is divided up into groups called phyla (phylum is the singular.) Single-celled
animals like amoeba, for instance, belong to the phylum called Protozoa while sponges belong to the
category labeled Porifera, and round worms are classified as Nemanthelminthes. Clams and snails belong to
the category called Mollusca, and insects are grouped under the heading Arthropoda. And what category are
humans in? Humans, along with fish, birds and reptiles, belong to the category Chordata.

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 5
Congresswoman Barbara Jordan’s life was punctuated by a long list of personal and professional
achievements. Born in Houston, Texas in 1936, Jordan made history in 1966 when she became the first
African American to serve in the Texas senate since 1883. On March 21, 1967, she became the first African
American to preside over the state senate. In 1972, Jordan ran for Congress and won. She gained national
prominence during the televised Watergate proceedings of 1974, when her eloquence impressed a national
audience. In 1976, she became the first African American to give a keynote address before the Democratic
National Convention. Jordan retired from politics in 1979 due to ill health. She died in 1996.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Drug abuse cause multiple problems for countries and communities. The medical and psychological
effects are obvious. Addicts cannot function as normal members of the community. They neglect or abuse
their families, and eventually require expensive treatment or hospitalization. The second effect is on crime.
Huge police resources are needed to fight smuggling and dealing. Criminal gangs and mafia underworlds
develop with the money from drugs. However, the menace of drugs can be fought. Education is the first
battle. Children need to be told at home and in school about drugs. People need to be aware of the effects so
that they can avoid this problem. A second approach is to increase police manpower and create effective laws
to stop dealers.
Paragraph 6
Pattern of Development: ____________________
Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Before you go camping in Florida, plan. Don’t wind up in the wilds when you want to be near
Disney World, and don’t wind up on a concrete RV pad when you really want the forest primeval. Find out
what parks are available, and what they are like. Get good information on what to expect, and what your
options are. This can make all the difference in the quality of your vacation.

Paragraph 7
Pattern of Development: ____________________
Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 8
In 2001 Abdel Baset al-Megrahi, who took part in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over
Lockerbie, Scotland, was released from prison. Megrahi’s act had resulted in the death of all 259 people on
board, and he had been sentenced to life. However, because he was suffering from incurable prostate cancer
the Scottish Judge Kenny MacAskill decided Megrahi was deserving of compassionate release. According to
MacAskill, Megrahi’s condition obliged the court to show mercy, especially since the man would soon be
judged by a “higher power.”

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 9

Aristotle taught that examples are a type of logical proof called induction. That is, a series of
specific examples leads to a general conclusion. If you believe, for example, that hip-hop culture has gone
mainstream, you might cite a series of examples that leads to that conclusion. For example, you could discuss
hip-hop music in chain-store advertising, the language of hip-hop gaining widespread acceptance, and
entertainers from many different backgrounds integrating elements of hip-hop into their music.

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 10
Forest and river dominate O’Leno State Park. By contrast, Lloyd Beach State Recreation Area,
near Fort Lauderdale, is dominated by the oily bodies of sun-worshippers who crowd into it every summer
weekend. Where O’Leno gives you so much quiet you can hear the leaves whispering, Lloyd Beach is a
place of boisterous activity. You can walk a few yards in O’Leno and pass beyond every sign of human
civilization. When you walk at Lloyd Beach, you have to be careful to step over the picnic baskets,
umbrellas, jam boxes, and browning bodies. At night, O’Leno wraps itself with the silence of crickets and
owls. Lloyd Beach is busy with fishermen till well past midnight. If you want to fish near town, or dive into
the busy bustle of an urban beach, Lloyd Beach is the place to go. But if you want to stand at the edge of
civilization and look across time into an older natural world, O’Leno is the park to visit.

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 11

There are three ways to ruin even the best friendship. Best friends tell each other secrets they
would be unlikely to tell anyone else. Betray that confidence, and the friendship can end overnight. If a best
friend’s romance goes down in flames, don’t date the ex. No matter what your friend says, he or she will not
be happy about the two of you getting together. Finally, if your best friend confides in you about a problem,
don’t immediately come up with a solution. Sometimes friends just want a listener, not a problem solver.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Pattern of Development: ____________________

Justification: _______________________________________________________________________________


Instructions: Read carefully the paragraph below. Evaluate the material by answering the questions written.
(5 points each)

The K to 12 Program was introduced in the Philippines with the aim of providing sufficient
time to master concepts and skills, prepare graduates for higher education, produce lifelong learners,
and prepare students for middle level skills development, entrepreneurship, and employment (Republic
of the Philippines Official Gazette). Hence, the program added two years of Senior High School (SHS).
The courses that can be learned from SHS include accounting, welding, machinist work, agriculture,
music, medical technology, and culinary and hospitality work.

Although the intention of adding SHS is commendable, some critics claim that there is still a
mismatch between our schooling system and working system. As regards the implementation of SHS,
some people are concerned about the lack of learning materials provided to the schools. For example,
during the school year 2013-2014, learning materials for one school in Tondo arrived during the last
two quarters of the school year. The lack of sufficient facilities, such as classrooms, chairs, and
computer laboratories, is also a problem. Moreover, more students require more teachers, but there
seems to be a lack of teachers as well. Colleges and universities also assert that they will be losing
revenues with the implementation of SHS since there will be no enrollees for the first year in 2016.

Despite these observations, DepEd is optimistic that these shortages and problems will be
overcome as they claim that these are being addressed. Meanwhile, the Coordinating Council of Private
Educational Associations (COCOPEA) lauds DepEd’s implementation of the K to 12 Program.
According to its chairman, additional two years of education should not be seen as a burden.

1. What do you think is the stand of the author? Is he/she for or against the implementation of
SHS? Justify your answer.


2. What is the central claim of the text?


3. Who do you think is the target reader of the text? Why?

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


4. What was currently happening when the text was written? What prompted the author to write
the text?


5. Do you think there is sufficient and valid evidence against and for SHS? Justify your answer.


6. Based on your own experience, should SHS continue to be implemented?



Instructions: Get 5 different advertisements that contain logical fallacies. Analyze these ads carefully
by identifying the fallacious statements and their types. If there are multiple fallacies in one ad, choose
the most glaring. Use the following table as your format. You may use a separate sheet of paper for
your answers.

Product/Brand Fallacious Statement Type of Logical Fallacy

1. 1.


2. 1.


3. 1.

Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:
Liceo de Cagayan University
Senior High School Department
RNP Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


4. 1.


5. 1.


Tel. No. (088) 858-4086, 858-4093 to 95, (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 PABX local (President) – 112 & 126, (Registrar) – 109
Tel. Fax No. (01163) (088) 858-3123 (8822) 72-7044, 71-4253 local 111 [email: [website:

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