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ISSUE 1: Working for the good of society

Topic: Principles shaping governance Part 2

Name: __________________ ( ) Class: ________ Date: _____________

What you will be learning: Principles shaping governance

Last lesson, you have learn the importance of leadership and qualities of
a good leader. You have examined how choosing a leader during
election has an impact on the country.


Qualities of a good leader Example of a good leader and

actions taken.

We will be exploring 3 other principles of governance.

Anticipate change and stay relevant

Thinking cap:

What are some of the jobs that What are some of the future
may be lost in the future? possible jobs in the future?

What do you think the government can do to help prepare for the

Main idea:
• Government _________________________ to meet the future
• Open to ___________________ and be willing to

Why important?
• To remain _______________________ as Singapore is a country
that lacks natural resources
• We need to be proactive in searching for ____________________
and encourage ______________________.

How does this principle lead to Singapore development?

• Ensures that the government constantly thinking of ways to stay
competitive and overcome future challenges.

Other examples:


Main idea:
• System that distributes opportunities to enable future success.
• Reward based on


Why is it important?
• Encourage people to put in ______________________________.
• Prevents internal _____________________ and ensure

How does this principle lead to Singapore’s development?

• Encourages every citizens to __________________________ and
play a part in the country’s growth.
• ______________________________ also promotes peace which
is important for progress.

Food for thought: Is meritocracy always good for a diverse


Good? Bad?

Providing a stake for everyone

Main idea:
• People have a say in _____________________________.
• No racial or religious groups are given special rights.

Why is it important?
• _____________________; prevent internal insecurity.
• Promotes ________________________________________.


How does this principle lead to Singapore’s development?

• Able to meet the people’s basic _______________________.
• With a strong sense of belonging to Singapore, the people will be
more motivated to contribute to the development of the country.

Thinking cap: How did the government address concerns by

Singaporeans during COVID-19 outbreak? How is it related to this

What government did. How is it related to the principle of

providing a stake for everyone.

SRQ practice question:

Explain whether the principle of “Anticipate change and stay
relevant” is more important than “practicing meritocracy” in ensuring
Singapore’s development. [8m] (Apply SDE for each point)

S – Statement
D – Describe the point with examples
E – Explain and link back to the question

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