Strength and Drainage Characteristics of Poor Soils Stabilized With Construction Demolition Waste

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Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Strength and Drainage Characteristics of Poor Soils

Stabilized with Construction Demolition Waste
Abhishek Sharma . Ravi Kumar Sharma

Received: 17 November 2019 / Accepted: 27 April 2020 / Published online: 12 May 2020
 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020

Abstract This paper presents a laboratory investi- Keywords Soil stabilization  Unconfined
gation on the use of construction demolition waste in compressive strength  California bearing ratio 
poor clayey soil to improve its strength and drainage Permeability  Regression analysis
characteristics. Various laboratory tests such as dif-
ferential free swell, Atterberg’s limits, compaction,
unconfined compressive strength (UCS), California
bearing ratio (CBR), and permeability have been 1 Introduction
conducted on un-stabilized and Construction Demo-
lition Waste (CDW) stabilized clayey soil. The Expansive soils are considered as poor soils due to
outcomes revealed that the addition of CDW in poor their very high swelling and shrinkage potential on
soil reduced both maximum dry density and optimum altering water content. Cracks are often observed on
moisture content. The UCS, CBR, and permeability the structures resting over these types of soils which
got improved on adding optimum content of CDW in lead to instability of structures and induce large
poor clayey soil. The secant modulus also increased on settlements in structures. Due to scarcity of land and
addition of the CDW in virgin soil. The regression rapid development in construction sector, engineers
analysis performed for different tests showed good are forced to construct the structures over these soils.
agreement of laboratory results with predicted values. The construction of bridges, subways, retaining walls
Thus, it can be revealed that using CDW in stabiliza- and embankments on poor soil is a very challenging
tion of poor clayey soil will not only solve the problem task. These sites require soil stabilization by using
of its disposal but will also be cost effective and different additives to improve the sub-grade and
protect the environment. strength characteristics of poor soils. The soil stabi-
lization can be accomplished by using physical and
chemical alteration techniques. The physical alter-
ation technique comprises sand cushions (Satya-
narayna 1966; Phanikumar and Suri 2009) and the
cohesive non-swelling (CNS) layer technique (Katti
A. Sharma (&)  R. K. Sharma
National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur,
1978). The chemical alteration technique comprises
Himachal Pradesh, India mixing of chemicals such as Portland cement, fly ash,
e-mail: lime, CaCl2 and construction demolition waste (Rao
R. K. Sharma 1984; Hunter 1988; Sankar 1989; Petry and Little

4754 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760

1992; Kumar 1996; Rolling and Rolling 1996; Desai 2 Material Used
and Oza 1997; Rolling et al. 1999; Phanikumar 2000;
Cocka 2001; Phanikumar and Reddayya 2001; 2.1 Soil
Phanikumar and Sharma 2004; Hoyos et al. 2004;
Acosta et al. 2003; Priyadarshee et al. 2015; Sharma The soil used in the laboratory study was brought from
and Hymavathi 2016; Sharma and Sharma 2019). Alipur village, Haryana, India and was classified as
Due to growth in construction sector and in order to CH confirming to Unified Soil Classification System
provide modern aesthetic appearance to old structures, (USCS) according to ASTM D2487-11.The gradation
dismantling of the old buildings generates a lot of curve for clayey soil is given in Fig. 1.The geotech-
waste in the form of construction demolition waste. nical properties of soil used in the study are given in
This waste is dumped in the dumping sites or in unused Table 1.
land or disposed of haphazardly along road sides. This
involves transportation expenditure thereby increasing 2.2 Construction and Demolition Waste
the overall cost of the project and also creates
environmental issues. If this material is used in soil The construction demolition waste used in the present
stabilization for improving strength and drainage study for stabilizing the poor clayey soil was procured
characteristics of poor soils, then its disposal problem from dismantled columns of an old building nearby
will be solved besides being eco-friendly. The con- Hamirpur city, HP. The material was packed in jute
struction demolition waste (CDW) is a cost-free bags and transported to laboratory for further process-
material and contains different types of construction ing. In the laboratory, CDW was dried out in oven at a
materials such as concrete, bricks, tile waste, steel, temperature of 105 C and then pulverized till the
floor waste etc. and it must be segregated before using resulting material reaches particle size range of
it in soil stabilization. Some of the researchers have 4.75–0.075 mm. The CDW waste was kept inside
studied the applications of CDW as aggregates in tightly closed polythene bags to avoid any changes in
pavements (Da Conceição et al. 2011; Ransinchung moisture content. The gradation curve for CDW used
et al. 2012; Brook and Cetin 2012; Sharma and in the experimental study is presented in Fig. 1. The
Hymavathi 2016). Ransinchung et al. (2012) revealed properties of CDW used in the study are given in
that addition of cement and fine crushed concrete Table 1.
cubes in clayey soils, decreased the plasticity index of
the composite whereas the unconfined confined
strength (UCS), California bearing ratio (CBR) and
split tensile strength (STS) was increased. (Brook and
Cetin 2012) reported a reduction in thickness of
pavement on adding CDW and cement kiln dust in
poor local soils thereby improving the performance of
sub-grade and sub-base layers of highway. (Sharma
and Hymavathi 2016) conducted a laboratory com-
90 Clay
parative study on the use of fly ash, CDW and lime CDW
which showed that MDD and differential free swell
Percentage finer (%)

decreased whereas pH value, UCS and CBR increased.
The present study is an attempt to improve the 50
geotechnical properties of poor clayey soils by adding 40
CDW. Different geotechnical based laboratory tests 30
have been carried out on virgin soil and mixture of soil 20
and CDW. 10
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Particle size (mm)

Fig. 1 Gradation curve for different materials

Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760 4755

Table 1 Geotechnical properties of materials used 60

DFS = 0.0027 (CDW)3-0.0764 (CDW)2-1.8506 (CDW) + 50.454

Property Clay CDW 50

Specific gravity, G 2.65 2.54 40

DFS (%)
Max. dry density, MDD (g/cc) 1.67 1.53
Optimum moisture content, OMC (%) 20.00 13.00
Liquid limit (%) 53.20 – 20
Plastic limit (%) 27.80 –
Plasticity index (%) 25.40 –
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu – 0.86 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Coefficient of curvature, Cc – 1.534
Percentage of CDW (%)
Classification CH SP
DFS (%) 49.90 – Fig. 2 Differential free swell index of various mixes

differential swell value on increasing the percentage of

CDW is due presence of more coarser particles in soil
3 Results and Discussion
with increasing CDW content which resulted in
reduction in surface activity, thus reducing differential
3.1 Gradation Curve
free swell. The reduction in differential free swell
index on addition of CDW is also noticed by earlier
The gradation curve for soil has been obtained by
investigators (Sharma and Hymavathi 2016).
conducting wet sieve and hydrometer analysis con-
firming to ASTM standards. The gradation curve for
3.3 Atterberg’s Limit Tests
CDW has been obtained by performing dry sieve
analysis. It can be seen from gradation curve of virgin
Crushed construction demolition waste is added to the
soil that about 90% particles are finer than 0.075 mm
clayey soil in various percentages of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20,
and around 20% particles are finer than 0.002 mm.
24 and 28% and tests have been conducted to
The activity of the soil has been obtained by dividing
determine the Atterberg’s limits. Figure 3 shows the
plasticity index with percentage of particles finer than
graph for various consistency limits and correspond-
0.002 mm size. It has been observed that the plasticity
ing CDW percentages added to the clayey soil. With
index of soil is 25.40% revealing that soil is of high
the increase in CDW percentage in virgin soil, the
plasticity (Table 1). The activity of the soil has been
liquid limit of various composites decreased. The
obtained as 1.27 which shows soil is active in nature
and contains expansive minerals. The gradation curve
of CDW reveals that the coefficient of uniformity and 60
coefficient of curvature is 1.76 and 0.86 respectively Liquid limit

which designates CDW as poor graded in nature with 50 Plastic limit

Consistency limits (%)

particles almost lying in the range of fine sand. Plasticity index


3.2 Differential Free Swell Tests 30

The differential free swell has been determined 20

according to IS:2720-40 (1977) for virgin soil alone
and soil mixed with varying percentages of CDW. The 10

free swell index of virgin soil is 49.9% (Fig. 2). With

the addition of CDW to the virgin soil, the differential 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
free swell decreased continuously and attained zero CDW (%)
value at 24% CDW proportion. The decrease in
Fig. 3 Atterberg’s limit tests

4756 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760

liquid limit of virgin soil is 53.2% which reduced to a 25.00

value of 38.4% on addition of 24% CDW in virgin soil. 20.00
The plastic limit of the CDW mixed soil increased

MDD (g/cm3)
OMC (%)
constantly on increasing the percentage of CDW up to 15.00 1.00

24% and further addition of CDW beyond 24% OMC

10.00 MDD
decreased plastic limit of the composite slightly. The 0.50
plasticity index of CDW mixed clay composite at 24% 5.00

CDW content is 7.6% which lies in the range of 6- 8% 0.00 0.00

considered to be appropriate for sub grade soils. The 0.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 25.00 30.00
CDW (%)
reduction in liquid limit on addition of crushed
construction demolition waste to poor soils is mainly Fig. 5 OMC and MDD variation for varying CDW percentage
due to the non- plastic nature of crushed demolition
particles. The decrease in liquid limit and plasticity optimum moisture content decreased from 20 to 16%
index on increasing CDW content has been experi- as shown in Fig. 5. The decrease in MDD value may
enced by a few researchers (Sharma and Hymavathi be due to lower value of specific of CDW in
2016). comparison to virgin soil and due to the aggregation/
flocculation of un-reacted cement as it offers resis-
3.4 Compaction Characteristics tance to densification. The reason for decrease in OMC
value on addition of CDW is the presence of sand
The compaction tests carried out for determin- particles possessing lower specific area when com-
ing MDD and OMC of virgin soil, construction pared to virgin soil. The decrease in MDD and OMC
demolition waste, and various mixes of virgin soil value with increasing content of CDW has been
and CDW are presented in Fig. 4. The maximum dry reported by (Sharma and Hymavathi 2016).
density of virgin soil and corresponding optimum
moisture content is found to be 1.672 g/cc and 20% 3.5 Unconfined Compressive Strength Tests
respectively; the maximum dry density of CDW and
corresponding optimum moisture content is found to The results of varying percentages of CDW on stress-
be 1.534 g/cc and 13% respectively. On increasing strain characteristics of soil after 28 days are pre-
percentage of CDW in virgin soil, there is decrease in sented in Fig. 6. The UCS value of virgin soil after
the value of both optimum moisture content and 28-days is 476.55 kPa; the UCS value of CDW
maximum dry density as shown in Fig. 5. On increas- stabilized soil after 28-days curing is 709.03 kPa for
ing CDW content up to 24%, the maximum dry 4% CDW content, 832.62 kPa for 8% CDW content,
density decreased from 1.672 to 1.565 g/cc and the 922.07 kPa for 12% CDW content, 1034.36 kPa for
16% CDW content, 1191.39 kPa for 20% CDW

1800 Clay: CDW:: 76: 24

Maximum dry desnity (kN/m3)

16.5 Clay: CDW:: 80: 20

Clay: CDW:: 84: 16
Clay: CDW:: 88: 12
Clay: CDW:: 92: 8
1200 Clay: CDW:: 96: 4
Stress (kPa)

15.5 Clay:: 100

Clay:: 100
Clay: CDW:: 96: 4
Clay: CDW:: 92: 8 600
Clay: CDW:: 88: 12
Clay: CDW:: 84: 16
14.5 300
Clay: CDW:: 80: 20
Clay: CDW:: 76: 24
CDW:: 100
14 0
5 10 15 20 25 30 0.000 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.040 0.050 0.060
Water content (%) Strain

Fig. 4 Compaction characteristics Fig. 6 Stress–strain curve for 28 days curing period

Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760 4757

content and 1352.68 kPa for 24% CDW content. Thus, 6

from the above results it is revealed that the addition of 5

Predicted CBR value

CDW in virgin soil increased the UCS value of the 4
composite. The increase in the UCS value on mixing
CDW at various percentages may be attributed to the
pozzolanic reaction among virgin soil and CDW 2

particles. Similar behaviour indicating the increase in 1

UCS values with increasing construction demolition 0
waste content in clayey soil is observed by (Ransinch- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Observed CBR value
ung et al. 2012; Sharma and Hymavathi 2016).
Fig. 8 Observed and predicted CBR values curve
3.6 California Bearing Ratio Tests
values and predicted CBR values plotted in Fig. 8
Soaked California bearing ratio tests have been show good validation of results.
conducted on virgin soil and soil mixed with various
proportions of CDW. The curves for load versus CBR ¼ 1:480 þ 13:74CDW ð1Þ
penetration values of different composites are shown where CDW is construction demolition waste.
in Fig. 7. The CBR value of virgin soil is 1.62; the
CBR value is 2.07 for soil stabilized with 4% CDW 3.7 Permeability Tests
content; 2.60 for soil stabilized with 8% CDW
content; 2.92 for soil stabilized with 12% CDW Permeability tests have been performed to assess the
content; 3.38 for soil stabilized with 16% CDW drainage characteristics of virgin soil and various
content; 4.26 for soil stabilized with 20% CDW composites of virgin soil and CDW. The coefficient of
content and 5.04 for soil stabilized with 24% CDW permeability of virgin soil is 3.65 9 10–8 cm/sec. On
content. It is revealed from the above results that on adding construction demolition waste to the virgin
adding CDW in virgin soil, the CBR values increased. soil, the coefficient of permeability goes on increasing.
This increase in CBR value may be attributed to the For Clay: CDW mix in the ratio 96: 4, the coefficient
presence of fine sand particles in CDW which helped of permeability is found to be 4.23 9 10–8 cm/sec;
in mobilizing angle of shearing resistance thus result- 5.09 9 10–8 cm/sec for composite mix of 92:8;
ing in improved strength of the composite. The 5.98 9 10–8 cm/sec for composite mix of 88: 12;
regression analysis has been performed to validate 6.67 9 10–8 cm/sec for composite mix of 84: 16;
the results of experimental CBR values obtained in the 7.45 9 10–8 cm/sec for composite mix of 80: 20;
laboratory. The coefficient of determination, R2 is 8.02 9 10–8 cm/sec for composite mix of 76:24 as
found to be 0.9745 for Eq. 1. The observed CBR shown in Fig. 9. The increase in coefficient of
permeability on addition of CDW is due to coarser

Clay: CDW:: 76: 24
Coeffiecent of permeabilty × 10-8 (cm/sec)

Clay: CDW:: 80: 20 9

Clay: CDW:: 84: 16
160 Clay: CDW:: 88: 12 8
Clay: CDW:: 92: 8
Clay: CDW:: 96: 4 7
Clay:: 100 6
Load (kg)


80 4
0 0% 4% 8% 12% 16% 20% 24%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 CDW (%)
Penetration (mm)
Fig. 9 Coefficient of permeability for varying CDW
Fig. 7 Load versus penetration curve for various mixes percentages

4758 Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760

particles of CDW and its higher coefficient of 6000

Clay: CDW:: 76: 24
Clay: CDW:: 80: 20
permeability compared to that of soil. The validity of 5000 Clay: CDW:: 84: 16
Clay: CDW:: 88: 12
results of permeability tests obtained from laboratory

Secant modulus (MPa)

Clay: CDW:: 92: 8
Clay: CDW:: 96: 4
testing have been checked through the regression 4000 Clay:: 100

analysis. The observed values and the predicted values 3000

are found to be nearly same as shown in Fig. 10. The
coefficient of determination is found to be 0.9968 for
Eq. 2. 1000

k ¼ 3:61 þ 0:189CDW ð2Þ 0

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05

3.8 Variation of Secant Modulus with Strain Fig. 11 Secant modulus versus strain curves for varying CDW
Secant modulus versus strain curves (obtained from
UCS plots) for virgin soil and soil modified with 7000

Observed Secant Modulus (MPa)

crushed construction demolition waste are depicted in 6000
Fig. 11. For a specific strain value, secant modulus 5000
increased with increase in CDW content in virgin soil. 4000
The secant modulus for virgin soil is 2621.05 kPa for a
strain of 0.006 which increased to a value of
5190.53 kPa with increasing strain to 0.0086. The
percentage increase in secant modulus of virgin soil on
addition of CDW is 21.58% for 4% CDW content; 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
51.92% for 8% CDW content; 61.23% for 12% CDW Predicted Secant Modulus (MPa)

content; 62.14% for 16% CDW content; 67.81% for

Fig. 12 Predicted and observed secant modulus values
20% CDW content and 98.03% for 24% CDW content
respectively. values. The choice of a suitable model greatly depends
Figure 12 presents the regression analysis per-
on the findings of the investigators, comprising
formed to validate the results of secant modulus
incorporation of applicable concept and familiarity
obtained from laboratory test data with predicted with the subject under consideration, and vigilant
values. The relation developed between secant mod-
inspection of scatter plots, residual plots and regres-
ulus, strain and CDW in Eq. 5 gives coefficient of
sion diagnostics (Dielman 2001). The formation of
determination, R2 as 0.954 which revealed that the scatter plots matrix will provide a relevant information
observed values are in good agreement with predicted
about the dependent and independent variables of the
equation (Dielman 2001).
The generalized equation for results of secant
modulus can be written as:
Y ¼ C1  X1C2  C3X2
Predicteed values

5 This nonlinear regression model can be trans-
4 formed to linear model as:
log10 Y ¼ log10 C1 þ C2 log10 X1 þ X2 log10 C3 ð4Þ
1 By analyzing the scatter plot matrix obtained from
0 the laboratory data, a non-linear multivariable power
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Observed values model is chosen to express the secant modulus as:

Fig. 10 Predicted and observed coefficient of permeability Es ¼ 2467:59ðeÞ0:31  1:03CDW ð5Þ


Geotech Geol Eng (2020) 38:4753–4760 4759

• The above results reveal that CDW can be used as

where Es is the secant modulus, e is the strain, CDW is
stabilizer to improve strength and drainage char-
construction demolition waste.
acteristics of poor soils. The use of CDW will not
only prove to be economical but will also lead to
healthy environment.
4 Conclusions
It can be inferred from the obtained results that the
The geotechnical properties have been evaluated by inclusion of 24% CDW content in poor soils is an
performing various tests on virgin soil and soil mixed efficient method to improve their geotechnical char-
with varying percentages of crushed construction acteristics and thus can be effectively used in low
demolition waste. The various conclusions drawn density roads, sub-base pavements, shallow founda-
from the present study are summarized as below: tions etc.
• The addition of 24% crushed construction demo- Compliance with Ethical Standards
lition waste decreases the differential free swell to
zero. Addition of CDW beyond 24% does not Conflict of interest The author confirms that there no conflict
of interest to declare for this publication.
cause any change in DFS.
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