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18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.

F.4 BIO - A
Tin Ka Ping
Secondary School Number

2018-2019 F.4 First Term Examination


Section A: Multiple Choice Question Book

Date: Jan 9, 2019.

Time allowed: 1½ hours
8:30 am – 10:00 am

This paper must be answered in English

(1) Write your Name, Class and Class Number in the spaces provided
on this cover.

(2) There are TWO sections, A and B, in this Paper. Section A carries
30 marks and Section B carries 70 marks.

(3) Section A consists of multiple-choice questions in the question

book. Section B contains conventional questions printed separately
in Section B: Question–Answer Book.

(4) Answers to Section A should be marked on the Multiple-choice

Answer Sheet while answers to Section B should be written in the
spaces provided in Question-Answer Book (Section B). The M.C.
Answer Sheet for Section A and the Question-Answer Book for
Section B must be handed in separately at the end of the

(5) Answer ALL questions.

(6) The diagrams in this paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.

(7) Supplementary answer sheets will be provided on request. Write

your Name, Class and Class Number on each sheet. Tie them
loosely but securely with a string provided.
P.2 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A

Section A (30 marks)

Answer ALL questions in this section and write answers in the MC answer sheet
Directions: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following photomicrograph of an animal cell.

1. What is/are the function(s) of structure X?

(1) protein synthesis
(2) energy production
(3) provide support to the cell
A. (1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

2. Structure X is the most abundant in which of the following human cells?

A. red blood cells
B. heart muscle cells
C. pancreas cells
D. neurones

3. The cells are observed under a microscope at x100. If you switch from x100 to x400,
which of the following steps should be taken?
(1) focus with the 40x objective until a sharp image is obtained
(2) adjust the condenser, the iris diaphragm and the mirror to increase the illumination
of the slide
(3) rotate the slide until an upright image is observed
A. (1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.3

4. Which of the following allow(s) us to differentiate a eukaryotic cell from a prokaryotic


(1) Mitochondria are present in the cytoplasm.

(2) Cell wall is present.
(3) Ribosomes are lying free in the cytoplasm.

A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (3) only
D. (1) and (2) only

Directions: Questions 5 and 6 refer to the graph below, which shows the change in the ratio
of initial mass to final mass of a potato strip after it is immersed in a liquid.

5. Which of the following correctly shows the liquid and a description of the liquid?
Liquid Description of the liquid
A. distilled water hypotonic to the potato cells
B. distilled water hypertonic to the potato cells
C. concentrated sucrose solution hypotonic to the potato cells
D. concentrated sucrose solution hypertonic to the potato cells

6. Which of the following shows the appearance of the potato cells after 2 hours?
A. B. C. D.

7. The transport of which of the following substances across the cell membrane requires
channel or carrier proteins?
(1) water
(2) amino acids
(3) glucose
(4) oxygen

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (1), (2) and (3) only
C. (1), (3) and (4) only
D. (2), (3) and (4) only
P.4 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A

Directions: Questions 8 and 9 refer to the set-up below, which is used to demonstrate the
action of amylase.

8. The test tube in the control set-up for this experiment should contain

Volume of starch solution Volume of amylase Volume of distilled

solution water
A 4 cm3 1 cm3 1 cm3
B. 0 cm3 1 cm3 4 cm3
C. 4 cm3 0 cm3 0 cm3
D 4 cm3 0 cm3 1 cm3

9. To find out when the reaction is completed, a drop of the reaction mixture is taken from
the test tube every minute to test for its composition. What test should be used and what
would be observed when the reaction is completed?

A. Benedict’s test, brick-red precipitates would be formed

B. Benedict’s test, the solution would remain blue
C. Iodine test, the solution would turn blue-black
D. Iodine test, the solution would remain brown

10. In an experiment, a type of animal cells are put in two different types of solutions, X and
Y. The graph below shows the percentage changes in their masses over 10 minutes.

Which of the following statements about the experiment is/are correct?

(1) Both X and Y are hypertonic solutions.
(2) The water potential of X is higher than that of Y.
(3) X contains non-polar solutes while Y contains polar solutes.
A. (1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.5

C. (1) and (3) only

D. (2) and (3) only
11. The photomicrograph below shows some epidermal cells of a leaf. The leaf has been
immersed in a 20% sucrose solution for 20 minutes. The vacuole of the cells contains red

space Y



Which of the following combinations correctly describes the state of cell X and the
content of space Y?

State of cell X Content of space Y

A. plasmolysed water
B. plasmolysed air
C. plasmolysed sucrose solution
D. turgid sucrose solution

12. When making a low power drawing of a transverse section of a dicotyledonous leaf, which
of the following should not be included?
A. cuticle on the upper epidermis
B. palisade mesophyll layer
C. stoma
D. xylem vessel

13. Which of the following descriptions about an anabolic reaction is/are correct?

(1) Anabolic reactions are building up processes.

(2) The energy level of the products is higher than that of the reactants in an anabolic
(3) The structure of products is usually simpler than that of reactants.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
P.6 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A
18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.7

Directions: Questions 14 and 15 refer to the following graph which shows the rate of
uptake of magnesium ions into the root hair cells. The root hair cells are
immersed in solutions of varying concentrations of magnesium ions. The
absorption rates under aerobic (Curve A) and anaerobic conditions (Curve B)
are recorded as follows:

Curve A (solution with oxygen)


Rate of uptake
of magnesium Curve B (solution without
ions oxygen)


Concentration of magnesium ions in solution

14. Which of the following is the possible explanation for the rate of uptake of magnesium
ions between P and Q under aerobic condition?
A. The root hair cells die as they cannot obtain enough magnesium ions from the
B. The root hair cells absorb magnesium ions by simple diffusion.
C. The root hair cells actively uptake magnesium ions against the concentration
gradient from the surroundings.
D. There is excretion of excess magnesium ions from the root hair cells to the

15. Adding which of the following substances to the solution can produce similar results as
curve B?
A. excess magnesium ions
B. sodium hydrogencarbonate
C. potassium hydroxide
D. cyanide

16. The table below shows the nutritional values of 4 different foods.
Carbohydrate (g) Lipid (g) Protein (g)
Food W 16 14 17
Food X 174 2 12
Food Y 0 5 19
Food Z 1 0 1

Which food is most suitable for a person who is going to run a marathon the next day?

A. food W
B. food X
C. food Y
D. food Z
P.8 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A

17. The diagram below shows a set-up designed to investigate the presence of catalase in
potato tissue. Which of the following modifications to the set-up can give a more obvious

rubber cap

diluted hydrogen peroxide
potato pieces

(1) Use a larger syringe.

(2) Cut the potato pieces into thin discs.
(3) Put the set-up in a 40 oC water bath.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)

18. Study the diagram below. Which teeth are absent in a 3-year-old boy?


A. teeth 3, 4 and 5
B. teeth 4, 5 and 7
C. teeth 4, 5 and 8
D. teeth 6, 7 and 8

19. Which of the following combinations of food substances and the sites of chemical
digestion in the human body is correct?
Food substance Site of chemical digestion
A. proteins mouth cavity
B. lipids stomach
C. disaccharides small intestine
D. dietary fibres large intestine
18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.9

20. The graph below shows the change in air pressure in the lungs of a person.


Air pressure in
760 Time
the lungs (mm


During which period does inhalation take place?


21. The diagram below shows the change in the human thoracic cavity during ventilation.

Which of the following events occurred during this change?

(1) Air rushed into the lungs because the air pressure inside the lungs was lower than the
atmospheric pressure.
(2) The diaphragm muscles contracted to pull up the diaphragm.
(3) The intercostal muscles relaxed and caused the rib cage to move downwards and

A. (1) only
B. (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D (1), (2) and (3)
P.10 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A

Directions: Questions 22 and 23 refer to the diagram below, which shows some cells in the
lining of a part of the human breathing system. X is a structure on one type of

22. In which part(s) of the human breathing system can these cells be found?
A. trachea only
B. trachea and bronchi only
C. trachea, bronchi and bronchioles only
D. trachea, bronchi, bronchioles and air sacs only

23. Chemicals in cigarette smoke inhibit the function of X. How would this affect the
A. The oxygen content of the inhaled air would decrease.
B. The carbon dioxide content of the exhaled air would increase.
C. The smokers would get lung infections more easily.
D. Mucus secretion would increase.

24. The diagram below shows two set-ups used to study gas exchange in plants.
Hydrogencarbonate indicator is red when the experiment starts. The set-ups are put under
sunlight for 3 hours.

What is the colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator in the set-ups after 3 hours?
Set-up X Set-up Y
A. yellow purple
B. red yellow
C. purple red
D. purple yellow

25. Under normal conditions, which of the following blood vessels will have the largest drop
in blood pressure?
A. capillary
B. venule
C. artery
D. arteriole
18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A P.11

Directions: Questions 26 and 27 refer to the diagram below, which shows a set-up used by a
student to investigate whether carbon dioxide is given off by a potted plant in

to suction
air in potted bell jar pump

potassium hydroxide flask P with hydrogen- flask Q with hydrogen-

solution carbonate indicator carbonate indicator

26. Which of the following steps is not necessary in this experiment?

A. Place the potted plant in the dark for one day before the experiment.
B. Enclose the pot in a sealed plastic bag.
C. Put a black cover over the bell jar during the experiment.
D. Use freshly prepared hydrogencarbonate indicator.

27. If the necessary steps are carried out by the student and the set-up is workable, which of
the following correctly states the colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator in flasks P
and Q after 1 hour?

Flask P Flask Q
A. red yellow
B. purple yellow
C. red purple
D. yellow red

28. Which of the following processes involve(s) active transport?

(1) absorption of glucose in the small intestine

(2) absorption of minerals in the roots
(3) gas exchange in unicellular organisms

A. (1) only
B. (1) and (2) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3)
P.12 18-19 - F.4 BIO First Term Exam – Section A

Directions: Questions 29 and 30 refer to the diagram below, which shows the passage of
fluid between the capillary and the intercellular spaces in a tissue.

fluid X

capillary red blood cell

fluid Y
body cells

29. Which of the following is not a characteristic of capillaries that facilitate the exchange of

A. The lumen of the capillary is very small and allows only one red blood cell to pass
B. The wall of the capillary is made up of one layer of cells.
C. Capillaries are highly branching in the tissue.
D. Muscle is present and therefore can constrict and dilate.

30. Which of the following substances are present in fluid X but absent in fluid Y?

(1) white blood cells

(2) red blood cells
(3) plasma proteins
(4) lipids

A. (1) and (2) only

B. (2) and (3) only
C. (1), (2) and (4) only
D. (1), (3) and (4) only

~ End of Section A ~

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