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Throughout my educational level, I got various opportunities to show my leadership potential to

the society and myself. Recalling the recent one in my diploma studies, I was the class
representative. The top position in the class level where I successfully acted as a link between
students and the administration, struggled to help maintain discipline among students. Not only
that but also from that educational level, I got the opportunity to act as an accountant leader at
their supporting Christian community, whose main work was to oversee financial activities and
supervise financial control in the community. In addition to that, during my secondary education
and other lower education levels, due to my discipline and hardworking spirit I was selected as a
team leader for various discussions and projects.
, I got an award as an active member who successfully attended and completed business
training which was organized by Foundation Paraguaya in Iringa, Tanzania. That program aimed
in teaching how to do business and making various home made handcrafts.

As a hardworking and self-initiative student, I got a chance to receive various awards during my
studying journey. During my secondary education, I got an award as an active member who
successfully attended and completed business training which was organized by Foundation
Paraguaya in Iringa, Tanzania. That program aimed in teaching how to do business and making
various homemade handcrafts. In addition to that, during my primary education journey, I strived
to the fullest and landed the best student award in academic category. I can clearly recall
working so hard to fulfil my deepest desire at that time of being among the best in my final grade
seven year, wonderful enough, when there is hard work, success is also present.
From the very beginning of learning how to do math, any account related calculations have
captured my attention to the fullest. With time, I discovered that accounting was my passion. I
can clearly recall a grade five young me, who liked to just gaze in admiration at the work done
by the school accountant, and offering to help with my little math knowledge which was far from
sufficient. As I grew up and introduced to accounts as a topic taught in math, a burning desire to
keep doing it was set in me. Therefore,

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