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Reading 30 minutes READING EXAM ~ 20 minutes

1 Read the text in exercise 2 2 Read the newspaper article about Tile Big Issue magazine.
quickly, and put the Five sentences have been removed from the text. Put the
following points in order to correct se n ten ce from A-F below in ea ch space to form a
fo rm a summary o f the logic al , cohere n t a n d co rrect text. There is one extra
a rticle. se ntence you are n o t going to n eed.
a Thousa n ds live o n the
b Tile Big Issue is a financial
success, an d it generates
From Rags To Riches
huge a mo unts of money t the southern end of Waterloo Bridge in Londo n, by the banks of
to be spe n t o n good
c Cu lt ural landmarks stan d
A the River Thames, stand the Royal .Nationa l Theatre, the Nation al
Film Theatre and the Royal Festival Hall. 1 _ _ They have
become a mecca for the homeless. The place is littered with the cardboard
boxes and old mattresses that they use as beds. It became so popu lar there in
n ext to te m porary she lters
the 1980s that each person had their own, much-prized space that they would
for pe op le slee p ing rough .
guard carefully. 2 _ _ This was also the name of a theatr e play directed by
d In the 1980s, many people
the now famous Oscar-winner (for American Beauty) Sam Mendes.
arr ived in the ca pita l in The 1980s saw an enormous increase in people sleeping rough in
sea rch of a home and a Brita in, as many unemployed came to cities in the south, espec ially London.
job. where j obs were easier to f ind. 3 _ _ They ended up with no work and
e The Big Issu e is n ow an nowhere to live. Today the housing charity Shelter estimates there are around
internati on al initiative. 100,000 homeless people in London alone, who are eith er in tempo rary
f Th e life of h omeless acco mmodation or simply living on the streets. These people ofte n hang
people o n the Sout h Bank around ra ilway stations and other public places asking for money.
was im mo rta lised in a The British public are asked by their government not to give money to
t heatre play. street beggars. 4 _ _ Another way you can help is to buy a copy of The Big
g People can offer suppor t Issue weekly magazine.
Run for the homeless, The Big Issue is a success on many levels. Its first
t hrough special
issue was published in 199 1, it won the Magazine of the Year award in 1993,
o rgan isatio ns a nd by
and sells 270,000 copies week ly, which means a readership of over one
bu ying Tile Big Issue. million. s_ _ The maga zine is actually sold by the homeless themse lves,
1 which gives them a chance to earn money and retain a sense of dignity.
2 Encourag ed by its succ ess in Brita in. The Big Iss ue has beco me
3 international. and now seventeen titles thro ug ho ut Euro pe are being
4 published.
7 A But it's virt ua lly im possibl e to get a job in Brita in wit ho ut a
pe rma ne nt ad d ress, and it 's very diffi cu lt to get so mew h ere
EXAM TIP to live if you don 't have a job, so most of th ose people got
Before yo u fill in t he gaps, read trapped .
through the text to ge t a ge neral B Peop le sym path eti c to the h o m eless are bein g to ld to donate
sense of what each paragraph is m oney to ch arities who spec ia lise in car ing fo r th e poor o r to
about. This will help you decide offer beggars gifts of foo d or clo thes ins tead of mone y.
which extracts belong to which C It gave th em a sense of secur ity an d became so permanent
part of th e text. that the locals ga ve t h e area a n ickname - Card board City.
D The Lab ou r Party admin istration cla ims th at many of t he se
people are h omeless by choice, and that there are many d rug
ad dicts among t hem .
E All profits are reinvested into t h e m agazine or diverted to
The Big Issue Foun da tion, a charity t hat runs m an y soc ial
sup po rt programmes for th e homeless.
F In stark co ntrast t o this centre of London 's cu ltu ral activity,
are the subways close by, which offer so me relief from the
cold at ni ght.
Answ e rs on p ag e 163

24 PEOPLE AND SOCIETY Smart answer key on page 163

Reading ~ 25 minutes EXAM TIP
Reme mber to mark a sente nce as
1 Read the questions below and fin d answers to them in the
true only if it fully, and not only
article in exercise 2. Try to do this within four minutes.
partly, matches the informat ion in
1 What secto r o f the Jap an ese m arket is the text about? the text.
2 W hat grou p of cus to mers d o es it co ncern?
3 W hat m ak es this gro u p exceptio nal?

READING EXAM ~ 15 minutes

2 Read the article a bout shopping trends in Ja p an, and d ecide which of se ntences
1-8 are true (T) and which are false (F), a c cord in g to the text.


It's a typ ical Sunday afternoon at Tokyo's Girl Is Total financial d ep enden ce on their parents
Girl store and cus tome rs crow d into thi s mecca of w ould seem to be a se rious strike aga ins t these
ja pane se teen fashion. Ll-year-old Chihiro hold s junior shop pers. But it's not a problem , say
up a lem on yellow sh irt w ith hearts and stars and anal ysts. A girl often has a fashionable mum and
says lon gingl y, 'This is so cute. The next time I'll two set s of doting grandpare nts. Bubble mums,
come wi th Mum .' Her two friends nod in unlike those o f ea rlie r ge ne ra tions, a re
agreement. comfortable spe nding a fortune on ou tfits that
C hih iro and her fri ends are no ordinary might be w orn for only one season.
shop pe rs; they are abo ut the only d ynamic Industr y insiders are betting that the bubble-
consumers left in the slug gish Japanese economy junior craze can be exported elsewhe re in Asia. So
Mark eters call them 'bubble juniors': the 9- to 14- far th e signs look good . Nicola, a monthly
year-old dau ghters of japanese women who spent magazine that is the bible for bubble juni ors,
lavi shly as ca ref ree twentysomethings during pr inted 10,000 copies of an issue in Shang ha i,
jap an 's 'bubble' years of the 1980s. They are the China, and im mediately sold out. The affluent
potential trendsett ers , like college girls in the midd le class in China's coas tal cities offers more
1980s and high-school girl s in the 1990s. yo ung cus tomers. Their increasing in teres t in
Since Japan entered its reces sion , th e retail- fashion and the culture in which the y take good
clothing industry ha s been in a tailspin. Clothes care of their children is promisin g.
sales at jap an 's department stores have shru nk by Ad apted from Newsweek
almos t 10% in th e last five year s. All th e
traditional market sectors - men's, women 's and
children's - have suffered. Only recently did
jap anese clothing lines aw aken to the purchasing j
1 ' Bu b ble ju niors' are a ll Japa nese children
fro m a certain age group. T / F
power of the bubble juniors.
The girls are a unique and profitable nich e. 2 Young girls have been known to set fas h ion
They d on't w an t to wear what's in the kid s' trends in Japan before. T / F
section . Rather, they mix mature styles with bright 3 Clot h es sa les in Ja p an have increased by
colours and child like frills . Last March an entire 10% in recent yea rs. T / F
floor of one of Tokyo's biggest fashi on sho pping 4 Japanese 9- to 14-year-ol d girls choose
centres w as ren ovated to serve the jun ior girls. clothes tha t give them a mature loo k . T / F
Sales have since jumped 30%. 5 Analys ts estimate t h e number of 'bubble
The m arke t expa ns ion is all th e more juniors' in Jap an w ill shrink. T / F
impressive given that the target age group is 6 Young girls ' m others today ar e less w illing
shrinking. While it may not be an endless supply t han their grandparents to spen d on thei r
o f co ns u me r en ergy, thi s bright sp o t in th e
children's clothes. T / F
nati onal economy is enough to excite ev erybody
7 Nicola magazine se lls 10,000 copies ea ch
from clothing de signer s to magazine publishers.
month. T / F
J 8 Ma rket t rends emerging in Ch in a are similar
to those in Japa n . T / F

34 SHOPS AND SERVICES Smart answer key on page 166

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