It's A Houseplant!

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Book Outline

● What is the book about?

First-time Plant owners who don’t know where to start so we help them figure out what
kind of Plant Parent they can be. They really need direction of where to go, know what
they could face on this journey, and be well-equipped to handle hurdles as they come
● What is the main message of the book?
You can grow thriving plants, it may seem a bit scary but no worries I’ll make it simple. I
got your back and I have tips to make it easier. This book should feel like a supportive
● How does it benefit the readers?
This will be a book they can always turn back to for reference. If they are ever unsure of
what their plants need, or if they think their plant isn’t doing great, they’ll feel confident
that that answer is in this book, and they know they can find the answer in this book
faster than they could on google.
● How is your book different from others on the market:
This book should give you the answers that other books are skimming past without
boring them with too many details. Please show them the options, and not just tell them
a way to do it, tell them there’s a preference/consensus, but say why.

Title: It’s a Houseplant!

Subtitle: The Beginner’s Guide to Houseplant Parenting
Emotion of reader: Readers are a bit nervous, most likely unknowledgeable, but want to do
well and are willing to hit the ground running.

Bad reviews from similar books:

1. “I was hoping this book would give me some good insight into taking care of my plants. I'm
not a botanist, but other than telling me to water them and give them some sunlight, there
wasn't much to learn here. Worse, the book is compiled as a tome of endless cut-and-paste
repetition of insightless "advice". My advice? If you have ever watered a plant, you can
probably skip this and move on to something more comprehensive.”
2. “Greatest disappointment is that the author recommends testing soil moisture via finger in
soil, irrespective of the depth of the pot. The first 1 or 2 inches of soil is not an accurate
measure of the moisture at a depth of say the first 6 inches. Author probably should
recommend using a soil moisture meter with a long probe for plants in large, deep pots. (Soil
moisture meters are less expensive than the book.) Only after using a soil moisture meter did
my large crotons come back to life - I was drowning them by assessing moisture within only
the first 1 or 2 inches.”
3. “The cons:
• Fluff versus useful information. For example, telling us that plant X is “very vocal about her
needs” without specifically explaining what the needs are, or what this “vocalization” will look
like and what to do when the plant shows this or that symptom. Plant info sometimes feels a
bit like a general page filler and less like useful information for the plant’s care.
• Lack of information. For example, “If the plant does XYZ, it’s a sign of a watering issue.”
Well, what watering issue? Is it underwatering, or overwatering?…

I checked the directory for the plants I already own, and found that sometimes (what I
thought was) crucial info was missing, and/or some info didn’t match what my online
research had brought up.”

What to avoid:
● Avoid being too general, This audience is looking for spoon-fed information. Think of it
as a more entertaining and easier-to-read houseplant for dummies.
● We also want to avoid too much detail, we’re not writing an all-encompassing
encyclopedia. We’re just teaching them well so that they don’t feel lost on their own.

What to include:
● Toxicity level of plants for animals and children:
● This should read in an upbeat slightly funny tone. An easy to read what to expect when
you’re expecting for plants
● Product Comparisons
● Ch 3: Plant family, Common quirks, Pro tips, Water requirements, Fertilizing
requirements, Lighting requirements, avg size, and toxic to who.
● Ch 4: What does this look like, why it happens, how to fix it, and how to prevent it in the

Book Table of Contents:

● Introduction
● Ch 1: Plant Parenting 101
● Ch 2: Choosing a Plant
● Ch 3: Beginner Plant Dictionary
● Ch 4: Sick Plant Diagnostics

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