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RCAMES Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System

WORKSHEET No. 3 - Third Quarter

NAME: Gabrielle Duane R. Carmona DATE: J a n u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 2 4

GRADE & SECTION: 9 - 4 TEACHER: M r . J a s o n B r o z o
I. MELC: Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruption.
II. CONTENT/TOPIC: Types of Volcanoes
Three types of Volcanoes
1. Cinder Cone volcanoes- not very high but has a narrow base and steep sides. It is
formed from pyroclastic materials. Example is Paricutin volcano in Mexico.
2. Composite volcano- is built by alternating layers of rock particles and lava. Example
is Mayon Volcano in Albay, Bulusan volcano in Sorsogon and Mount Fuji in Japan.
3. Shield volcano- has built large area from accumulated basaltic lava flows. Example is
Taal volcano in Batangas


Mini-Task #1
Volcanic Eruption
1. The class will be divided into 7 groups based on the 7 continents of the world.
2. Each student will identify a volcano from the assigned continent to the group.
3. From your chosen volcano, you will create replicate it using low-cost materials
available at home.
4. The constructed volcanic model should have the following criteria: it should erupt
accurately using the standard materials listed below. And should think of an
engineering solution to help the nearby community mitigate from impending
volcanic disaster.
5. Ensure to take a video while performing the activity.
a. In creating your model
b. While your volcano is erupting
c. Mitigation Plan

Standard Materials: Baking soda, Vinegar, Food Color (Red or Orange)
Complete Materials used of crating your own model (mention specific measurement
used in the mini-task, especially the usage of baking soda, vinegar and food color.

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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System

Image of the Chosen Volcano

PROFILING (Input your references for every information provided)

a. Name of the Volcano
Eyjafjallajökull Volcano
b. Shape of the Volcano
The shape of the volcano is cone shaped.
c. Volcanic Activity
The volcanic activity of the volcano is dormant.
d. Last Eruption of the Volcano
March – May 2010
e. Number of casualties base on the last eruption
Fortunately, the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull did not result in any direct casualties.
f. Volcanic Explosivity Index
The VEI is 4.
g. Volcanic Engineering Mitigation Plan applied to your model (you may use the
space under the rubric if this is not enough)

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Roman Catholic Archbishop of Manila Educational System

None yet.

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Criteria 5 4 3 2 1
Materials The materials used The materials are The students used The materials are The materials are
are accurate and somewhat accurate some inaccurate incomplete to not appropriate.
appropriate base an appropriate but materials in their make the
on the teacher’s used other materials prototype. prototype work.
instruction. that are not
instructed by the
Construction Construction was Construction was Construction of Construction of Construction was
of the done with great done with accuracy, the prototype is the prototype is done carelessly.
Final care. The final result but one-two parts or slightly not not effective for it
is sturdy and neat. details could be effective for it to to function and
The procedures refined for a better function but tried asked others to fix
were followed result. to fix it. it.
Creativity Output showed Output showed Output showed Output is very Output showed
creativity with creativity and some not much of ordinary and no creativity.
attention to details attention to details creativity and not lacked attention
focused on the to details
Engineering The mitigation The mitigation The mitigation The mitigation The mitigation
Solution techniques techniques techniques techniques techniques
implemented are implemented are implemented are implemented are implemented
feasible, relevant quite feasible, somehow feasible, feasible and are feasible, but
and cost-effective. relevant and relevant and relevant, but relevant and
cost- cost- not cost- not cost-
effective. effective. effective. effective.
Total /20

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