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Name: Chrisyl Bea E.

Paculanan Subject and Section: PSY116-PQ

Professor: Nor-Ain Esmail Date: 03-13-2024

Reflection Paper Chapter 3

As I learned in the video lecture that I watched, enculturation is the process

through which children pick up and embrace the customs and behaviors of their

particular culture. It works like a mirror, reflecting back to people the customs, values,

and conventions of society, which affects how they see the world and relate to other

people. Enculturation is a dynamic process that allows for adaptability and change as

civilizations evolve, but it also gives us a shared view of reality. knowledge social

dynamics and human diversity requires a knowledge of identity since it serves as both a

source of belonging and a prism through which we interpret our experiences.

Growing up, I faced significant challenges that have shaped my perception of

socialization and self-esteem. My parents separated when I was just a few months old,

and my mother worked away from home to support us. With an older brother eight years

my senior, we grew apart over time. Fortunately, my extended family, particularly my

grandparents, provided crucial support and helped me develop into a somewhat

extroverted individual. However, the culture I lived in employed verbal and physical

discipline, which left its mark on me. Additionally, I experienced bullying from peers due

to my weight, which further eroded my self-esteem. These experiences have made me

apprehensive about being judged by others. Despite these challenges, I acknowledge

that seeking support from friends, family, or professionals can aid in overcoming these

obstacles and building confidence.

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