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Choice of Venue:

Munich with the penalty clause: 10 points

Milan: 3 points
Any other venue: 0 points
Munich without the penalty clause: Lose 10 points
€310,000: 0 points
Below €310,000: Add 1 point for every €1,000 below €310,000
Above €310,000: Deduct 1 point for every €1,000 above €310,000
Open Book Policy:
Secure open book policy: 5 points
Not secure open book policy: Lose 2 points
Date of Signature:
Within 1 week: 0 points
Between 1 and 2 weeks: Add 1 point
Later than 2 weeks: Add 3 points
Visibility for FabEvents:
No visibility at all: Add 4 points
Visibility throughout the conference: Deduct 1 point
Business story + praising quote on website: Deduct 1 point
Now, let's strategize your negotiation approach based on these scoring criteria:
Choice of Venue:
Advocate for Munich with the penalty clause to secure the highest score of 10 points.
Use the information about the renovation works in Munich as leverage to negotiate favorable
terms or concessions from FabEvents.
Be prepared to justify the penalty clause as a measure to protect MacroTough's interests and
ensure a flawless event.
Aim to negotiate a budget below €310,000 to score additional points.
Highlight the cost-effectiveness and value proposition of MacroTough's event to justify a lower
Prepare to present detailed cost breakdowns and demonstrate cost-saving measures to support
your budget proposal.
Open Book Policy:
Attempt to secure the open book policy to earn 5 points.
Emphasize the importance of transparency and accountability in the partnership between
MacroTough and FabEvents.
Highlight the benefits of shared information for better decision-making and risk management.
Date of Signature:
Aim to sign the deal within 1 to 2 weeks to score additional points.
Express MacroTough's commitment and readiness to move forward swiftly with the agreement.
Address any concerns or delays that may arise and proactively work towards a timely signature.
Visibility for FabEvents:
Preferably negotiate for no visibility at all to maximize your score with an additional 4 points.
Emphasize the exclusivity and executive nature of MacroTough's event, aligning with the
limited visibility request.

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