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Pune, Maharashtra||8830468502|LinkedIn | My Portfolio | GitHub

Motivated Data Analyst with experience in mining, interpreting and presenting large datasets to improve speed efficiency across
organizations. Led the implementation of new analysis system and achieved a 34% increase in learner engagement, an
18% rise in student retention in 6 months

Bachelor of Technology –MKSSS’s Cummins College of Engineering–Pune July 2017 - May 2021
Majors: Electronics and Telecommunication

BRILLIO TECHNOLOGIES - CRM Analyst September 2021 - July 2023
 Oversee data entry processes for university ad-campaigns and ensure accurate and timely updates in CRM Account
 Tracking down campaign performance metrics such as conversion rates, CTRs, engagement levels, identified top marketing
campaigns and generated meaningful insights boosting campaign performance by 15%
 Performed predictive analytics, generated models forecasting future enrollment numbers leading in increase in enrollment
numbers by 38%
 Created insightful reports highlighting deeper understanding of target audience, lead to 21% increase in campaign
GAMAKA AI TECHNOLOGIES - Data Analytics Intern September 2023 - Present
 Assisted in redefining and tracking KPIs surrounding Academic & Operational Analytics using Tableau and SQL
 Improved learners engagement rate by 34%, student retention rate by 18% and corporate placement rate by 12%
 Worked on people analytics, reward analytics, recruitment & selection performance, reducing employee retention by 15%
 Designed reports and automated dashboards streamlining operations by 3-4 hours everyday
1)Supply Chain Analysis (Beauty Product Industry) -- [Tableau | SQL | Excel] Project |Sept 2023
 Performed data cleaning and data validation using advanced Excel functions on 10,000+ records
 Utilized SQL queries like CTE’s, JOINS, Subqueries to standardize & normalize the big data
 Built Tableau reports highlighting market trends, competitors, providing insights for strategic decision-making and forecasting
2) Flipkart Mobile Sales Web Scrapping Project -- [Python | Power BI] Project |October 2023
 Carried out web scrapping on 8000+ rows of data from Flipkart's Mobile Phones category using Beautiful Soup
 Integrated the scraped data to Power BI, utilized DAX and Power Query functions to improve data quality and accuracy.
 Analysed important mobile features influencing high sales and designed Power BI dashboard conveying insights effectively
3) Content Recommender System -- [Python | Machine Learning] Project | Mar 2024
 Implemented end to end movie recommendation machine learning model that suggests top movies based on user’s interests
 Well-designed entire website for relevant movie recommendations with movie title’s & poster’s based on user’s movie choice
and deployed it using Heroku
4) Hand Gesture Recognition System using Webcam -- [Python | Deep Learning] Project | Apr 2024
 Created hand gesture prediction system that can convert sign language to text and help dumb & deaf community
 Developed own sign language dataset using webcam with 80K+ records & hand detection libraries in python
 Designed robust model using CNN with 93% accuracy & trained it accurately to identify dynamic hand gestures captured by
webcam & convert to speech

 Data Analytics & Visualization using Excel, SQL, Python, Tableau and Power BI
 Machine Learning using Python


 Microsoft Excel  SQL  Python  Tableau  Power BI
 Machine Learning  Deep Learning  NLP  Statistical Modelling  Agile Framework

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