Akanksha - Ratios Assignment

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As at

Particulars (INR in crores): As at 31.03.2019 As at 31.03.2020


Non-Current Assets
Property, Plant and Equipment 316031 302115 435920
Right of Use Assets 20802 29285 50010
Capital work-in-progress 166,220.00 150,178.00 59,096.00
Goodwill 5813 11997 10259
Other Intangible Assets 82041 84262 86479
Investments in Associates
Financial Assets
Investments 25,259.00 164,612.00 203,852.00
Trade Receivables
Loans 2,668.00 5,452.00 21,732.00
Other Financial Assets
Deferred Tax Assets (Net) 5075 4776 2900
Current Tax Assets (Net)
Other Non-Current Assets 8653 17676 37407
Total Non-Current Assets 632,562.00 770,353.00 106,074.95
Current Assets
Inventories 60,837.00 67,561.00 73,903.00
Financial Assets
Investments 57603 71023 72915
Trade Receivables 17555 30089 19656
Cash and Cash Equivalents 4255 11081 30920
Other Balances with Banks
Loans 2327 545 669
Other Financial Assets 8448 10283 27434
Other Current Assets 32761 36804 32763
Current Tax Assets (Net) - -
Total Current Assets 183,786.00 152,829.00 258,260.00
Total Assets 816,348.00 1,002,406.00 1,165,915.00
Equity Share Capital 5,922.00 5,926.00 6,339.00
Other Equity 287,584.00 381,186.00 442,827.00
Equity Attributable to Owners 293,506.00 387,112.00 449,166.00
Non-controlling Interests 3,539.00 8,016.00 12,181.00
Total Equity 297,045.00 395,128.00 461,347.00
Non-Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 144175 207506 197631
deferred payment liabilities 20,210.00 18,139.00 18,839.00
Other Financial Liabilities 181,469.00 245,685.00 254,078.00
Provisions 2906 2856 1790
Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net) 29618 49923 54123
Other Non-Current Liabilities 548.00 465.00
Total Non-Current Liabilities 205,451.00 286,692.00 526,926.00
Current Liabilities
Financial Liabilities
Borrowings 37,429.00 64,436.00 93,786.00
Lease Liabilities
Trade Payables 106,861.00 108,309.00 96,799.00
Total Outstanding Dues of MSEs
Total Outstanding Dues of Creditors except MSEs
Other Financial Liabilities 125,151.00 87,051.00 144,778.00
Other Current Liabilities
Provisions 1,232.00 1,326.00 1,890.00
Current Tax Liabilities (Net) 43,179.00 52,901.00 75,663.00
Total Current Liabilities 583,293.00 573,819.00 748,279.00
Total Equity and Liabilities 1085789 1,002,406.00 1,736,552.00
Ratios for the
As at 31.03.2021 As at 31.03.2022
year 2018

1.Liquidity ratios
451066 500454
54782 104454 CURRENT RATIO = CA/CL
71,717.00 68,052.00 = 183786/583298
10212 13009 = 0.31:1
79980 114335 QUICK RATIO = QA/CL
= 81750/583298
= 0.14:1
212,382.00 286,146.00 2.Profitability ratios

1,117.00 1,588.00 GROSS PROFIT = G.P*100/NET SALES

1,367.00 2,377.00 =
1147 1043

64977 6188
108,964.67 116,950.35

81,672.00 107,778.00

152446 0
19014 23640
17397 36178

65 130
61124 23896
41293 47279

373,011.00 347,019.00
1,321,212.00 1,499,665.00

6,445.00 6,765.00
693,727.00 772,720.00
700,172.00 779,485.00
99,260.00 109,499.00
799,432.00 888,984.00
163683 187699
18,837.00 37,184.00
218,700.00 261,938.00
2625 1853
37001 49644

244,212.00 302,019.00

88,128.00 78,606.00

108,897.00 159,330.00

43,639.00 44,544.00

2,504.00 1,936.00
33,034.00 21,584.00
519,598.00 593,804.00
1,563,242.00 1,784,807.00
ParticularNotes: FY 2017-18 FY 2018-19 FY 2019-20
Revenue from Sale of Products 411,105.00 585,540.00 519,778.00
Revenue from Sale of Services 19,626.00 39,672.00 68,219.00
Other Operating Revenue 430,731.00 625,212.00 659,997.00
Other Income 9,949.00 8,386.00 13,164.00
Total Income (I) 418,214.00 591,480.00 625,601.00
Cost of Materials Consumed 207448.00 275237.00 260621.00
Purchases of Stock-in-trade 68628.00 123930.00 149667.00

es of
trade &
(8610.00) (4680.00) (5048.00)
Employee Benefits Expenses 9,523.00 12,488.00 14,075.00
Other Expenses 50,512.00 78,067.00 89,211.00
Total Expenses (II) 368,847.00 536,356.00 567,658.00
EBITDA (I-II) 49,367.00 55,124.00 57,943.00
Finance Costs 8,052.00 16,495.00 22,027.00
Depreciation & Amortization Expe 16,706.00 20,934.00 22,203.00
PROFIT BEFORE SHARE OF PROFIT 49,367.00 55,124.00 57,943.00
SHARE OF PROFIT IN ASSOCIATE 59.00 55,330.00 53,713.00
PROFIT BEFORE TAX 49,426.00 55,227.00 53,606.00
Tax Expense
(1) Current Tax 10,098.00 11,683.00 8,630.00
(2) Short tax provision for earlier 16,588.00 13,885.00 14,902.00
(3) Deferred Tax 3,248.00 3,707.00 5,096.00
Total Tax Expense 29,934.00 29,275.00 28,628.00
(Loss)/Profit before tax from discounted operations
Tax (benefit)/expense of disconti 934.00 177.00 1180.00
PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 36075.00 39588.00 39354.00
OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 52663.00 53473.00 55173.00
Items that will not be reclassified t 495.00 77470.00 222286.00
Income tax relating to items that wi (11.00) (16705.00) (1088.00)
Share in Other Comprehensive inco (1635.00) 58765.00 15293.00
Total other comprehensive income/(loss)
TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME 34436.00 98361.00 54665.00
(1) Basic & diluted EPS from conti 60.89 66.82 70.19
(2) Basic & diluted EPS from disco 60.98 66.80 63.06
FY 2020-21 FY 2021-22

467,669.00 696,972.00
71,569.00 95,784.00
539,238.00 792,756.00
16,327.00 14,947.00
502,653.00 736,581.00

199915.00 360784.00
101850.00 135585.00

(9064.00) (21457.00)
14,817.00 18,775.00
78,669.00 95,815.00
453,350.00 655,555.00
49,303.00 81,026.00
21,189.00 14,584.00
26,572.00 29,797.00
49,303.00 81,026.00
55,461.00 84,418.00
55,461.00 84,142.00

2,205.00 3,161.00
19,402.00 21,672.00
(483.00) 13,136.00
21,124.00 37,969.00

(378.00) 526.00

49128.00 60705.00
87537.00 82377.00
37517.00 27533.00
(4605.00) (3215.00)
33798.00 22260.00
82977.00 82890.00

67.60 87.71
75.21 90.85

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