Book 2 - Nqesh Practice Questions

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Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)

The Department of Education (DepEd) has issued an Order titled the National Adoption
and Implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH), in order
to fulfill their commitment of supporting school heads to enhance their performance in schools.
This initiative aims to improve the quality of teachers and consequently enhance the achievement
of learners.
The National Qualifying Examination for School Heads (NQESH), also known as the
Principal’s Test, serves as a mechanism for selecting school heads in the public education sector.
The Principal’s Test is open to all interested applicants for Principal I positions.
The DepEd recognizes the importance of professional standards in the continuing
professional development and advancement of school heads based on the principles of career-long
learning. The DepEd upholds that quality student learning is contingent upon quality teachers, who
are supported by quality school leaders.
The National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBSSH) need to be
reconsidered in light of the modifications resulting from national and global frameworks such as
the K to 12 Basic Education Program, ASEAN Integration, globalization, and the evolving nature
of 21st-century learners.
This policy institutionalizes the PPSSH as a public statement of professional accountability
for school heads to reflect on and assess their own practice as they aspire for and pursue
professional development. This policy is consistent with the implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers adopted through DepEd Order No. 42, s. 2017, the
transformation of the National Educators Academy of the Philippines pursuant to DO 011, s. 2019,
and the implementation of the Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS).
The development and validation work of the PPSSH, led by the Bureau of Human Resource
and Organizational Development (BHROD) and the National Educators Academy of the
Philippines (NEAP), in collaboration with the Philippine National Research Center for Teacher
Quality (RCTQ), has ensured that this set of standards is K to 12 aligned, internationally
comparable, and responsive to the career aspirations of school heads.
The PPSSH aims to:
a. set out clear expectations of school heads along well-defined career stages of
professional development from beginning to exemplary practice;
b. engage school heads to actively embrace a continuing effort to attain high levels of
proficiency; and
c. provide support for professional learning and development, help identify development
needs and facilitate uniform assessment of performance.

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National Adoption and Implementation of the Philippine
Professional Standards for School Heads
The role of school heads as stewards of educational institutions is crucial in creating a
conducive and supportive environment for effective teaching and learning. By providing effective
leadership and management, the Department of Education (DepEd) can foster competent teachers
and well-rounded students who possess 21st-century skills, strong values, and the ability to
contribute to the progress and development of the country. This aligns with DepEd’s vision of
producing “Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the nation” (DO
No. 36, s. 2013).
While teacher quality is crucial in enhancing learner achievement, effective leadership is
also necessary for significant changes to occur. According to the Organization for Economic Co-
operation and Development (OECD, 2018, p.20), an education system's quality relies on the
quality of its teachers, but the quality of teachers cannot exceed the quality of the policies that
shape their work environment in schools and guide their selection, recruitment, and development.
With the changes brought about by national and global frameworks such as the K to 12
Basic Education Program, ASEAN Integration, globalization, and the evolving nature of 21st-
century learners, it is imperative to reconsider the National Adoption and Implementation of the
National Competency-Based Standards for School Heads (NCBSSH) outlined in DO No. 32, s.
2010. This requires a review of the competency standards to ensure that they are responsive to the
new demands resulting from changes in the education environment.
The Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH) introduces a
continuum of professional practice that supports school heads to pursue career progression amid
various national and international reforms such as the K to 12 Basic Education Program and the
Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers, as well as ASEAN integration, globalization, and
the changing character of the 21st-century learners.
Scope of the Policy
This DepEd Order directs the adoption and implementation of the PPSSH in the
School heads or principals in private schools are highly encouraged to adopt the PPSSH.
Definition of Terms
For the purposes of this policy, the terms below shall be defined and understood as:
A broad conceptual sphere of school leadership practices defined by specific strands in the
Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads;

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Concrete, observable and measurable school head behavior/ practice covered in every
strand in the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads;
Professional Standards
Professional practice expected of quality professionals to achieve at every stage of their
School Head
Person “responsible for administrative and instructional supervision of a school or cluster
of schools” (Republic Act 9155, Section 4); and
A specific dimension of practice under a domain in the Professional Standards.
Policy Statement
The Department institutionalizes a set of professional standards for school heads, which
articulates the professional practice expected of a quality school head. The PPSSH shall be the
foundation of relevant human resource systems, policies, guidelines and mechanisms, including
the recruitment, selection and placement, performance appraisal, rewards and recognition and
talent management of school heads, and the basis for all their professional development programs.
Through the PPSSH, DepEd commits to:
a. support school heads in the performance of their mandates and roles in the regions,
schools divisions and/or schools, including the improvement of teacher quality, and, eventually,
learner achievement;
b. promote the continuing professional development and advancement of school heads
based on the principles of career-long learning; and
c. help school heads reflect on and assess their own practice as they aspire for and pursue
professional development.

The PPSSH Framework

The PPSSH Framework adheres to the following principles:
a. It is learner-centered;
b. It emphasizes building and strengthening a network of stakeholders for school and
people effectiveness;
c. It reflects the understanding of problems and issues at the school and the need to address

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d. It focuses on developing high-quality instruction, developing a strong school culture,
and ensuring job-embedded professional development for school personnel;
e. It reflects values and concepts in promoting school success;
f. It regards supervision as a crucial organizational behavior in school management;
g. It highlights the importance of accountability and transparency of school heads; and,
h. It is anchored on the principles of inclusivity.
The PPSSH defines professional standards that constitute a quality school head. It shall
serve as a public statement of professional accountability of school heads. It sets out what school
heads are expected to know, be able to do, and value as they progress in their profession. It provides
a common language for high-impact leadership expected of school heads to guide individual
professional reflections, as well as professional discussions among educational leaders and other
stakeholders, and to inform the provision of professional learning and development for school
The PPSSH Framework (Figure 1) depicts the synergy between maximizing school
effectiveness and ensuring people effectiveness through a broad sphere of instructional and
administrative practices stipulated in the five domains of the PPSSH:
a. Leading Strategically,
b. Managing School Operations and Resources,
c. Focusing on Teaching and Learning,
d. Developing Self and Others, and
e. Building Connections.
The five domains constitute a broad conceptual sphere of leadership practices for all school
heads. The placement of learners at the center of the framework emphasizes the important role of
school heads for the improvement of learner achievement.

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The PPSSH Framework

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The Bureau of Human Resource and Organizational Development
(BHROD) shall review and ensure that relevant human resource systems,
policies, guidelines, and processes, including the selection, hiring,
performance appraisal and promotion and talent management of school
heads are anchored on the professional standards as defined in the PPSSH.
The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) shall
review and ensure that the design of all professional development
interventions and programs for school heads, whether developed and
implemented by internal or external stakeholders, are anchored on the
professional standards.
The BHROD and NEAP shall promote and ensure wide
dissemination of the professional standards in DepEd through the conduct
of orientations and capability-building activities in all governance levels.
The Regional Offices through the NEAP in the Regions shall
facilitate and organize the conduct of orientations and capability-building
activities on PPSSH in all the schools divisions within their jurisdictions.
In addition, they shall supervise, monitor and evaluate the Schools
Division Offices as they cascade the PPSSH within their respective
Reporting of the conduct of orientations and capability-building
activities on the PPSSH and other related activities shall be done by the
Regional Offices to the Office of the Secretary through the BHROD and

Monitoring and Evaluation

The BHROD shall monitor and evaluate the achievement of the
professional standards among the school heads through the adoption and

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implementation of the PPSSH in human resource systems, policies,
guidelines, and mechanisms.

The NEAP shall monitor and evaluate the achievement of professional

standards through the implementation of all professional development
interventions and programs for school heads, whether developed and
implemented by internal or external stakeholders.

Ultimately, the BHROD and NEAP shall ensure that the school heads in
the Department embody the professional standards as defined in the

This DepEd Order shall take effect immediately after its publication
in the Official Gazette or in two newspapers of general circulation, and
registration with the Office of the National Administrative Register
(ONAR) at the University of the Philippines (UP) Law Center, UP
Diliman, Quezon City.

Transitory Provisions
Notwithstanding the issuance of this DepEd Order, existing policies
shall govern the Department’s human resource systems, mechanisms,
rules and regulations until implementing guidelines anchored on the
PPSSH are issued.

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Passing the NQESH: A Guide for Aspiring School Leaders
Purpose of the Test Reviewer
The purpose of this test reviewer is to provide aspiring school leaders with the necessary
guidance and resources to prepare for and pass the NQESH. The test reviewer includes practical
tips and strategies for effective exam preparation, as well as sample questions and study materials
to help you become familiar with the exam format.
Importance of Passing the NQESH
Passing the NQESH is an essential step towards becoming a school principal and a
significant accomplishment in one's career. The exam demonstrates that candidates have the
knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to lead a school effectively and ensure the best
possible education for students.
Tips for Passing the Exam
A. Develop a Study Plan
Developing a study plan is crucial for effectively preparing for the NQESH. Begin by
setting aside dedicated study time each day and scheduling study sessions around other
commitments. Identify the content areas that require the most attention and prioritize studying
those topics first. Consider working with a study group or seeking out a mentor to help guide your

B. Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format and Content

Familiarizing yourself with the test format and content is essential for achieving success
on the principal's certification exam. Review the exam's content areas and take practice tests to
gain familiarity with the types of questions and format of the exam. Pay attention to the instructions
and time limits for each section of the exam, and practice pacing yourself accordingly.

C. Utilize Study Materials and Resources

Utilizing study materials and resources is key to achieving a high score on the NQESH.
Study guides, textbooks, and online resources can provide valuable information and help reinforce
key concepts. Consider attending a test preparation course or workshop, or seeking out online
resources such as webinars or podcasts to enhance your understanding of the exam content.

D. Practice Time Management

Effective time management is crucial for success on the NQESH. Prioritize your study time
based on the content areas that require the most attention, and make sure to allocate time for breaks

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and self-care. During the exam, carefully read and prioritize questions and allocate time
accordingly, making sure to leave enough time to review and check your work.

E. Get Enough Rest and Proper Nutrition

Getting enough rest and proper nutrition is essential for maintaining focus and mental
clarity while studying for and taking the exam. Prioritize healthy sleep habits, such as getting seven
to eight hours of sleep each night, and make sure to eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of
fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

F. Manage Stress and Anxiety

Managing stress and anxiety is crucial for achieving success on the exam. Consider
incorporating relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or meditation into your daily routine to
help manage stress. Prioritize self-care and engage in activities that bring you joy and help you
relax, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time outdoors.
In conclusion, effective preparation is key to achieving success on the principal's
certification exam. Aspiring school leaders should develop a study plan, familiarize themselves
with the test format and content, utilize study materials and resources, practice time management,
get enough rest and proper nutrition, and manage stress and anxiety. By following these tips and
committing to a comprehensive study plan, you can increase your chances of achieving a passing
score and advancing your career in school leadership.
Preparation for the Exam
A. Study Materials and Resources
Preparing for the exam requires a thorough understanding of the exam content and format.
Utilizing a variety of study materials and resources can help you gain the knowledge and skills
needed to achieve a high score on the exam. Textbooks, study guides, online resources, and test
preparation courses can provide valuable information and help reinforce key concepts. When
selecting study materials, choose resources that are reputable, up-to-date, and aligned with the
content and format of the exam.
B. Study Techniques and Strategies
Effective study techniques and strategies can help you maximize your study time and
improve your chances of success on the NQESH. Active studying techniques, such as note-taking
and summarizing key concepts, can help you retain information more effectively. Practice test-
taking strategies, such as eliminating answer choices and using process of elimination, can help
you approach the exam with confidence and improve your chances of achieving a high score.

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C. Content Review
A thorough content review is essential for preparing for the exam. Begin by reviewing the
exam content areas and creating a study plan that prioritizes the areas that require the most
attention. Study each content area in depth, paying close attention to key concepts, theories, and
best practices. Consider creating flashcards or study aids to help reinforce key concepts and
memorize important information.
D. Practice Tests
Taking practice tests is a valuable tool for preparing for the exam. Practice tests can help
you gain familiarity with the format and types of questions on the exam, and can help you identify
areas where you need to focus your study efforts. Consider taking multiple practice tests to track
your progress and identify areas where you need to improve.
Effective preparation is essential for passing the exam. Aspiring school leaders should
utilize a variety of study materials and resources, employ effective study techniques and strategies,
engage in a thorough content review, and take practice tests to help prepare for the exam. By
committing to a comprehensive study plan and utilizing a variety of resources, you can increase
your chances of achieving a passing score and advancing your career in school leadership.

How to Review Efficiently

A. Schedule a Regular Study Time
One of the keys to efficient exam preparation is creating a regular study schedule. Set aside
a specific time each day or week to review material and stick to this schedule as much as possible.
This will help you stay on track and ensure that you are devoting enough time to exam preparation.

B. Take Breaks and Avoid Burnout

While it is important to maintain a regular study schedule, it is equally important to take
breaks and avoid burnout. Take frequent breaks to rest and recharge, and engage in activities that
you enjoy and that help you relax. This will help you maintain focus and avoid getting
overwhelmed by the demands of exam preparation.

C. Use Active Learning Strategies

Active learning strategies can help you review material more efficiently and effectively.
Consider using techniques such as summarizing, note-taking, and self-quizzing to reinforce key
concepts and improve your retention of information. Active learning can also help you identify
areas where you need to focus your study efforts.

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D. Test Yourself Frequently
Frequent self-testing can help you identify areas where you need to improve and track your
progress over time. Use practice tests, flashcards, and other study aids to test your knowledge and
understanding of key concepts. This will help you identify areas where you need to focus your
study efforts and improve your performance on the exam.

E. Seek Help from Others

Don't hesitate to seek help from others when preparing for the exam. Consider joining a
study group or working with a tutor to gain additional support and resources. Collaborating with
others can also help you identify new study techniques and strategies and gain a broader
perspective on exam content and format.
Efficient exam preparation requires a commitment to creating a regular study schedule,
taking breaks and avoiding burnout, using active learning strategies, testing yourself frequently,
and seeking help from others when needed. By implementing these strategies and developing a
comprehensive study plan, you can increase your chances of achieving a passing score on the
principal's certification exam and advancing your career in school leadership.
Summary of Key Points
Passing the NQESH requires diligent preparation, effective study strategies, and a clear
understanding of the exam format and content. This guide has provided an overview of the exam,
tips for passing the exam, preparation strategies, and efficient study techniques. By implementing
these strategies and developing a comprehensive study plan, you can increase your chances of
achieving a passing score on the exam and advancing your career in school leadership.
Final Thoughts
Becoming a school principal is an important and challenging role that requires a
commitment to student success, effective leadership, and ongoing professional development. The
NQESH is an important step in this process, providing a comprehensive assessment of your
knowledge and skills as a school leader. By preparing diligently and utilizing the resources
available to you, you can approach the exam with confidence and achieve success in this important
Best of Luck on the Exam!
We, at the NQESH Reviewer PH wishes you the best of luck on the exam. We hope that
this guide has provided valuable insights and strategies for your exam preparation, and we
encourage you to stay focused, stay positive, and stay committed to achieving your goals. With
hard work, dedication, and effective study techniques, you can pass the exam and take the next
step in your career as a school leader.
Happy Reviewing!

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Dear Lord,
As I prepare to take the NQESH, I come to you with a humble heart
and a spirit of gratitude. Thank you for the opportunity to serve as a
school leader and for the knowledge and skills that I have acquired
thus far. I ask for your guidance, wisdom, and strength as I
approach this important exam.
Please help me to remain calm and focused, to recall the
information that I have learned, and to apply it effectively to the
questions that are presented. Please help me to stay motivated and
confident, even in the face of challenges or difficult questions.
I trust in your divine guidance and provision, and I know that
whatever the outcome of the exam may be, you have a plan for my
life and my career as a school leader. Please help me to use the
knowledge and skills that I have gained to make a positive
difference in the lives of my students, teachers, and community.
I thank you for your love, your grace, and your mercy, and I pray
that you will be with me every step of the way as I take the NQESH.
In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

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1. Which of the following best describes the DepEd's vision statement?

A. To become a globally competitive Filipino nation
B. To provide quality basic education for all Filipinos
C. To foster patriotism and nationalism among the Filipino youth
D. To achieve universal access to education for all Filipinos

2. Which of the following best describes the DepEd's mission statement?

A. To provide quality basic education that is accessible to all Filipinos
B. To cultivate an environment of lifelong learning for the Filipino youth
C. To develop a globally competitive workforce that is responsive to the needs of the society
D. To foster the growth and development of the Filipino youth through education

3. Which of the following is NOT a core value of the DepEd?

A. Love of country
B. Professionalism
C. Respect for diversity
D. Individualism

4. Which of the following best describes the DepEd's core value of excellence?
A. Striving for the highest standards of quality and performance
B. Upholding the principles of honesty and integrity in all endeavors
C. Demonstrating respect for the dignity and worth of every individual
D. Cultivating a spirit of patriotism and nationalism among the Filipino youth

Rationalization: The DepEd's core value of excellence represents the department's commitment to
achieving the highest standards of quality and performance. The correct answer is A because it
accurately reflects this core value.

5. Which of the following best represents the DepEd's core value of integrity?
A. Demonstrating respect for the dignity and worth of every individual
B. Upholding the principles of honesty and transparency in all endeavors
C. Fostering a sense of responsibility and accountability among its stakeholders
D. Promoting cultural sensitivity and diversity in all aspects of education

6. Which of the following is NOT a strategy employed by the DepEd to achieve its goals?
A. Implementation of the K to 12 program
B. Integration of technology in education
C. Collaboration with private schools
D. Promotion of political ideology

7. Which of the following is a benefit of the K to 12 program implemented by the DepEd?

A. Increased opportunities for students to work abroad
B. Reduced years of basic education for students

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C. Decreased access to higher education for students
D. Reduced employment opportunities for graduates

Rationalization: The K to 12 program is a major reform initiative implemented by the DepEd to

enhance the quality of basic education in the country. The correct answer is A because one of the
benefits of this program is that it increases opportunities for students to work abroad due to the
alignment of the Philippine educational system with international standards.

8. Which of the following is a goal of the DepEd's Alternative Learning System (ALS)?
A. To provide basic education to out-of-school youth and adults
B. To reduce the number of students enrolled in formal education
C. To promote political awareness among the youth
D. To provide vocational training for high school graduates

Rationalization: The ALS is a parallel learning system implemented by the DepEd to provide basic
education to out-of-school youth and adults who were not able to complete formal education. The
correct answer is A because the primary goal of the ALS is to provide basic education to these

9. Which of the following is a key feature of the DepEd's Senior High School (SHS) program?
A. Integration of vocational and technical education
B. Reduction of the number of years in high school
C. Introduction of foreign languages as core subjects
D. Exclusion of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) tracks

Rationalization: The SHS program is the final stage of the K to 12 program and aims to provide
students with specialized skills and knowledge in preparation for higher education or employment.
The correct answer is A because a key feature of this program is the integration of vocational and
technical education, allowing students to gain practical skills in various fields.

10. Which of the following best describes the DepEd's role in addressing the challenges faced by
the education sector during the COVID-19 pandemic?
A. Ensuring the continuity of learning through the implementation of flexible learning modalities
B. Providing financial assistance to families affected by the pandemic
C. Conducting research on the development of a vaccine for COVID-19
D. Providing medical assistance to schools and students affected by the pandemic

11. What is the DepEd Vision statement?

A) "To become a globally competitive education system"
B) "To ensure access to equitable, quality, and inclusive education for all"
C) "To promote and protect the rights of learners and stakeholders in education"
D) "To enhance the 21st century skills of Filipino learners"

12. Which of the following best describes the DepEd Mission?

A) To provide quality education that is accessible to all
B) To ensure the holistic development of learners

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C) To develop globally competitive citizens
D) All of the above

13. What is the role of the DepEd in promoting Maka-Bansa (Patriotic) Core Value?
A) Promote national pride and identity among learners
B) Encourage learners to participate in community service activities
C) Foster a sense of social responsibility among learners
D) All of the above

14. What is the purpose of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?

A) To evaluate the performance of individual teachers
B) To provide a roadmap for school improvement
C) To determine the budget allocation for the school
D) To assess the school's compliance with DepEd policies

15. Who is responsible for leading the development of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A) The school head
B) The school's administrative staff
C) A committee composed of teachers and stakeholders
D) All of the above

16. Which of the following is NOT a component of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A) Learner performance targets
B) Teacher evaluation results
C) School improvement goals
D) Action plans and strategies

17. What is the role of teachers in the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A) To participate in the needs assessment process
B) To provide input in the development of the SIP
C) To implement the action plans and strategies outlined in the SIP
D) All of the above

18. How does school leadership contribute to the success of the School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A) By providing direction and support
B) By ensuring that resources are allocated effectively
C) By monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the SIP
D) All of the above

19. Which of the following should be considered when developing a School Improvement Plan
A) Student enrollment
B) Teacher workload
C) Community involvement
D) All of the above

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20. What should be the first step in developing a School Improvement Plan (SIP)?
A) Identify the school's strengths and weaknesses
B) Set specific and measurable goals
C) Develop action plans and strategies
D) Implement and monitor the SIP

Rationalization: Developing a School Improvement Plan (SIP) involves a step-by-step process.

The correct answer is A because the first step in developing the SIP is to identify the school's
strengths and weaknesses through a comprehensive needs assessment. For example, a school head
may conduct a survey or hold focus group discussions with teachers and stakeholders to gather
feedback and insights on the school's performance.

21. Which of the following is a potential challenge in implementing a School Improvement Plan
A) Lack of support from school leaders
B) Insufficient resources and funding
C) Resistance from teachers
D) All of the above

22. How can the School Improvement Plan (SIP) be evaluated and revised?
A) Through regular monitoring and evaluation
B) By implementing the SIP for at least five years
C) By comparing the school's performance with other schools in the area
D) None of the above

23. How can the School Improvement Plan (SIP) be communicated to teachers, parents, and other
A) Through regular meetings and updates
B) By posting the SIP on the school's website
C) By distributing copies of the SIP to all stakeholders
D) All of the above

24. What is the purpose of the School Report Card (SRC)?

A) To provide information about a school's performance
B) To rank schools based on their performance
C) To evaluate individual student performance
D) None of the above

25. Who is responsible for preparing the School Report Card (SRC)?
A) Teachers
B) School administrators
C) The Department of Education
D) All of the above

26. How often is the School Report Card (SRC) updated?

A) Every year

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B) Every two years
C) Every five years
D) Only when significant changes occur

27. Who can access the School Report Card (SRC)?

A) School administrators and teachers
B) Parents and guardians
C) The general public
D) All of the above

28. What is the benefit of using the School Report Card (SRC) to improve school performance?
A) It provides data-driven insights into the school's strengths and weaknesses
B) It allows for easy comparison with other schools
C) It promotes accountability and transparency
D) All of the above

29. Principal Hernandez wants to improve his school's performance in Math. Which section of the
School Report Card (SRC) can he use to identify areas of improvement?
A) Academic Performance
B) Resources
C) Achievements
D) None of the above

30. School A and School B are both located in the same district. Which section of the School
Report Card (SRC) can the district superintendent use to compare the two schools' performance?
A) Academic Performance
B) Resources
C) Achievements
D) None of the above

31. Principal Santos has noticed that her school's attendance rate has been declining over the past
year. Which section of the School Report Card (SRC) can she use to identify trends in attendance
A) Academic Performance
B) Resources
C) Non-Academic Performance
D) None of the above

32. School C has a high number of students with disabilities. Which section of the School Report
Card (SRC) can the school principal use to determine if the school is meeting the needs of these
A) Academic Performance
B) Resources
C) Non-Academic Performance
D) Achievements

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33. Principal Reyes is concerned about the high dropout rate in his school. Which section of the
School Report Card (SRC) can he use to identify potential factors contributing to this issue?
A) Academic Performance
B) Resources
C) Non-Academic Performance
D) None of the above

34. Principal Garcia wants to improve the school's facilities to support student learning. Which
step in the strategic planning process should she take first?
A) Identify the problem or opportunity
B) Conduct a needs assessment
C) Develop goals and objectives
D) Evaluate the plan

35. School A wants to improve student engagement and learning outcomes. Which step in the
strategic planning process should the school follow next after identifying the problem or
A) Conduct a needs assessment
B) Develop goals and objectives
C) Create an action plan
D) Evaluate the plan

36. Principal Santos has identified the need to improve the school's academic performance in Math.
Which step in the strategic planning process should she take after conducting a needs assessment?
A) Develop goals and objectives
B) Create an action plan
C) Implement the plan
D) Evaluate the plan

37. School B wants to implement a new technology program to enhance student learning. Which
step in the strategic planning process should the school follow next after creating an action plan?
A) Develop goals and objectives
B) Implement the plan
C) Evaluate the plan
D) Conduct a needs assessment

38. Principal Reyes wants to improve the school's communication with parents and the community.
Which step in the strategic planning process should he take after evaluating the plan?
A) Conduct a needs assessment
B) Develop goals and objectives
C) Create an action plan
D) Implement the plan

39. Which component of the BE-LCP aims to ensure that all learners have access to quality
learning resources, materials, and technologies?
A) Delivery of learning resources and materials

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B) Provision of health and safety measures
C) Implementation of blended learning modalities
D) Continuation of assessment and grading

40. What is the primary mode of instruction in the BE-LCP during the Covid-19 pandemic?
A) Face-to-face
B) Online
C) Modular
D) Hybrid

41. Which aspect of the BE-LCP focuses on the protection and promotion of the health and well-
being of learners, teachers, and personnel?
A) Delivery of learning resources and materials
B) Provision of health and safety measures
C) Implementation of blended learning modalities
D) Continuation of assessment and grading

42. Which of the following is a challenge in the implementation of the BE-LCP during the Covid-
19 pandemic?
A) Lack of learning resources and materials
B) Limited access to technology and internet connectivity
C) Insufficient funding from the government
D) Inadequate number of teachers

43. How can the BE-LCP support the continuity of learning during the Covid-19 pandemic?
A) By providing free vaccines to all learners
B) By implementing face-to-face classes in all schools
C) By ensuring access to quality learning resources and materials
D) By cancelling the academic year

45. What is the main goal of the Sulong Edukalidad program?

A) To improve the physical facilities of public schools in the Philippines
B) To promote the use of technology in teaching and learning
C) To enhance the competencies of teachers and school leaders
D) To increase the enrollment rate in public schools

46. Which school in the Philippines received support from the government through the Sulong
Edukalidad program in 2020?
A) Butuan City School of Arts and Trades in Agusan del Norte
B) Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School in Zamboanga City
C) Quezon City High School in Metro Manila
D) Mariano Marcos State University Laboratory High School in Ilocos Norte

47. What is the role of the Department of Education in the implementation of the Sulong
Edukalidad program in the Philippines?
A) To provide funding for the program

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B) To design the curriculum and learning materials
C) To provide technical assistance and support to schools and teachers
D) To manage the implementation and evaluation of the program

48. What are the Most Essential Learning Competencies?

A) The competencies that students must acquire in order to be promoted to the next grade level
B) The competencies that are deemed essential for students to learn given the limited time and
resources during the pandemic
C) The competencies that are required by law for all students to learn in the Philippines
D) The competencies that are prioritized by schools and teachers based on their own preferences

49. Which subject area in the Philippines has the most number of Most Essential Learning
A) English
B) Mathematics
C) Science
D) Filipino

50. How are the Most Essential Learning Competencies different from the regular curriculum
A) The Most Essential Learning Competencies are less important than the regular curriculum
B) The Most Essential Learning Competencies are more difficult than the regular curriculum
C) The Most Essential Learning Competencies are fewer in number and more focused than the
regular curriculum competencies
D) The Most Essential Learning Competencies are not required to be taught by teachers

51. What are the implications of the Most Essential Learning Competencies for teachers in the
A) Teachers must focus only on teaching the identified competencies and not teach other topics
B) Teachers must create their own curriculum and not follow the guidelines provided by the
Department of Education
C) Teachers must ensure that students learn the identified competencies while still following the
regular curriculum competencies
D) Teachers must prioritize their own teaching preferences and not follow the guidelines provided
by the Department of Education

52. How did the Most Essential Learning Competencies affect the assessment and evaluation of
students in the Philippines?
A) Students were not assessed based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies
B) Students were assessed based only on the Most Essential Learning Competencies and not on
the regular curriculum competencies
C) Students were assessed based on both the Most Essential Learning Competencies and the
regular curriculum competencies
D) Students were not assessed at all during the pandemic

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53. Principal Gomez of Central Elementary School is conducting a curriculum review to ensure
that the school is focusing on the most essential learning competencies. Which of the following is
an example of an MELC for Grade 5 Science?
a) Differentiate between natural and artificial magnets
b) Label the parts of the plant cell
c) Solve equations with one variable
d) Write an argumentative essay

54. In designing a lesson plan for English in Grade 8, which of the following is the most essential
learning competency that should be prioritized according to the DepEd MELC?
a) Analyze literary elements
b) Identify sentence types
c) Understand the elements of communication
d) Use appropriate punctuation marks

54. Which of the following is an MELC in Math for Grade 3?

a) Identify different regions of the Philippines
b) Read and write whole numbers up to 1,000
c) Understand the basic properties of multiplication
d) Understand the basic properties of light

55. Principal Santos of Roseville Elementary School is reviewing the school's curriculum to ensure
that it aligns with the DepEd's MELC. Which of the following is an MELC for Grade 7 Social
a) Discuss the different types of minerals
b) Understand the different kinds of maps
c) Memorize the regions and provinces of the Philippines
d) Identify the basic elements of a story

56. Ms. Cruz, a Grade 4 teacher at Westwood Elementary School, is creating a lesson plan for
Araling Panlipunan. Which of the following is an MELC for Grade 4?
a) Identify the major landforms in the world
b) Describe the different phases of the moon
c) Understand the importance of the Declaration of Independence
d) Explain the process of photosynthesis

57. What is the role of the principal in ensuring the implementation of the Most Essential Learning
Competencies in their school?
A) The principal is responsible for selecting which competencies to prioritize for their school
B) The principal is responsible for providing resources and support for teachers to deliver the
identified competencies
C) The principal is not involved in the implementation of the Most Essential Learning
D) The principal can choose to ignore the Most Essential Learning Competencies if they do not
align with their school's goals

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58. What is the importance of aligning the Most Essential Learning Competencies with the school's
goals and vision of the school?
A) The alignment ensures that students are not overburdened with too many competencies to learn
B) The alignment ensures that teachers have more freedom in choosing which competencies to
C) The alignment ensures that the competencies taught in the school are relevant and aligned with
the school's vision and goals
D) The alignment is not important in implementing the Most Essential Learning Competencies

59. Ms. Garcia, a teacher at Sunshine High School, is implementing blended learning for her Grade
10 students. Which of the following is an example of blended learning?
a) A classroom lecture with no digital component
b) A fully online course with no face-to-face interaction
c) A combination of in-person and online instruction
d) A self-paced online course with no teacher interaction

60. Principal Rodriguez of Laurel Elementary School is considering implementing distance

learning for the upcoming school year. Which of the following is an example of distance learning?
a) Traditional face-to-face instruction in the classroom
b) A blended learning approach with some online components
c) Fully online courses with no in-person interaction
d) Tutoring sessions outside of the classroom

61. Which of the following is an advantage of synchronous learning?

a) Students can complete assignments at their own pace
b) Students have more control over their learning experience
c) Students can interact with the teacher and other students in real time
d) Students have access to a wider range of learning materials

62. Principal Santos of Maple Elementary School is considering implementing asynchronous

learning for certain subjects. Which of the following is an advantage of asynchronous learning?
a) Students can interact with the teacher and other students in real time
b) Students have more structure and accountability in their learning
c) Students can complete assignments at their own pace
d) Students have access to a wider range of learning materials

63. Mr. Lee, a teacher at Oakridge High School, is using project-based learning for his Grade 11
history class. Which of the following is an example of project-based learning?
a) A traditional lecture-based classroom lesson
b) A fully online course with no face-to-face interaction
c) A student-led research project with real-world applications
d) A teacher-led discussion with no student participation

64. Ms. Gomez, a teacher at Vista High School, is designing self-learning modules for her Grade
12 students. Which of the following is an advantage of self-learning modules?

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a) Students have more opportunities for face-to-face interaction with the teacher
b) Students have more control over their learning experience
c) Students are provided with direct feedback from the teacher
d) Students have access to a wider range of learning materials

65. Principal Martinez of Sunrise Elementary School is considering using self-learning modules
as part of the school's distance learning plan. Which of the following is a potential challenge of
self-learning modules?
a) Difficulty in providing direct feedback to students
b) Limited access to technology for students
c) Inability to provide individualized instruction
d) Reduced student motivation to learn

66. Which of the following is a common feature of self-learning modules?

a) In-person instruction from the teacher
b) Real-time interaction with the teacher and other students
c) Pre-recorded video lectures by the teacher
d) Group discussion and collaboration among students

67. Principal Hernandez of Pinecrest Middle School is considering implementing self-learning

modules for certain subjects. Which of the following is an advantage of self-learning modules for
a) Increased opportunities for face-to-face interaction with students
b) Reduced workload in preparing and delivering classroom lessons
c) More control over students' learning experiences
d) Access to a wider range of learning materials

68. Mr. Kim, a teacher at Willowbrook High School, is using self-learning modules for his Grade
9 science class. Which of the following is an example of a self-learning module?
a) A traditional face-to-face classroom lesson
b) A teacher-led discussion with no student participation
c) A pre-recorded video lecture with accompanying study materials
d) A group project with real-world applications

69. Principal Reyes of Northville Elementary School is implementing a new policy on student
behavior. Which of the following is an important step in the policy implementation process?
a) Conducting a review of the policy before implementation
b) Communicating the policy to all stakeholders
c) Modifying the policy to address individual student needs
d) Enforcing the policy without exceptions

70. Ms. Garcia, a teacher at Southside High School, is reviewing the school's policy on student
attendance. Which of the following is a potential reason for reviewing a policy?
a) The policy is outdated
b) The policy has been successful in achieving its intended goals
c) The policy is too lenient and needs to be more strict

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d) The policy is universally accepted by all stakeholders

71. Which of the following is an important factor to consider when reviewing a policy?
a) The popularity of the policy among stakeholders
b) The cost of implementing the policy
c) The effectiveness of the policy in achieving its intended goals
d) The ease of enforcement of the policy

72. Principal Rodriguez of Oakwood Middle School is implementing a new policy on student dress
code. Which of the following is an important consideration when implementing a new policy?
a) Consistency in enforcing the policy
b) Adherence to the policy without exception
c) Limited communication with stakeholders
d) Rigid enforcement of the policy

73. Ms. Lee, a teacher at Maple Elementary School, is reviewing the school's policy on student
technology use. Which of the following is an example of a policy review process?
a) Modifying the policy to address individual student needs
b) Enforcing the policy without exceptions
c) Conducting a survey of stakeholders to gather feedback
d) Communicating the policy to all stakeholders

74. Principal Santos of Central High School is implementing a new research program for teachers.
Which of the following is an example of a research question?
a) How can teachers improve student engagement?
b) What is the best way to discipline students who misbehave?
c) What is the principal's favorite teaching strategy?
d) What is the best color for classroom walls?

75. Ms. Rivera, a teacher at Westwood Middle School, is conducting research on the effectiveness
of project-based learning. Which of the following is an example of a research methodology?
a) Interviewing students about their favorite subject
b) Observing teachers during class
c) Administering a survey to students and parents
d) Conducting a literature review on project-based learning

76. Which of the following is an important consideration when conducting research?

a) Using only primary sources
b) Following the scientific method
c) Avoiding all sources of bias
d) Ensuring that the research supports the researcher's preconceived ideas

77. Dr. Chen, the head of the research department at Northside University, is conducting a study
on the effectiveness of a new teaching method. Which of the following is an example of a research
a) Interviewing students about their study habits

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b) Observing teachers during class
c) Administering a survey to students and parents
d) Conducting a randomized controlled trial

78. Ms. Lee, a teacher at Eastwood Elementary School, is conducting research on the use of
technology in the classroom. Which of the following is an example of a research finding?
a) Many students enjoy using technology in the classroom
b) Teachers who use technology are better at their jobs
c) Students who use technology in the classroom perform better on tests
d) Using technology in the classroom is always a good idea

79. Ms. Perez, a teacher at Roosevelt High School, is conducting action research to improve
student reading comprehension. Which of the following is an example of an action research
a) How can I become a better teacher?
b) What is the best way to teach reading comprehension?
c) How do other teachers teach reading comprehension?
d) What is the history of reading comprehension instruction?

80. Which of the following is an important consideration when conducting action research?
a) Using only quantitative data
b) Conducting the research alone
c) Keeping the research confidential
d) Involving stakeholders in the research process

81. Ms. Rodriguez, a teacher at Hillcrest Elementary School, is conducting action research on the
use of classroom rewards. Which of the following is an example of a research methodology?
a) Observing students during class
b) Conducting a literature review on rewards
c) Administering a survey to students and parents
d) Interviewing other teachers about their use of rewards

82. Mr. Davis, the principal at Maplewood Middle School, is using action research to improve
teacher collaboration. Which of the following is an example of an action research finding?
a) Teacher collaboration is important
b) Teacher collaboration can be improved through communication and teamwork
c) Teacher collaboration is easy to achieve
d) Teacher collaboration is not important for student success

83. Ms. Jackson, a teacher at Riverdale High School, is conducting action research on the use of
technology in the classroom. Which of the following is an example of an action research plan?
a) Implementing a new technology program without any input from students
b) Surveying students and teachers about their current use of technology
c) Using technology in the classroom without any specific goals or objectives
d) Conducting a literature review on the use of technology in education

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84. Ms. Garcia, a high school English teacher, wants to improve her students' writing skills. She
plans to conduct an action research on the effectiveness of using peer editing as a writing strategy.
Which of the following is the first step she should take in conducting her action research?
a) Analyzing the data
b) Developing an action plan
c) Identifying the research problem
d) Conducting a literature review

85. Mr. Santos, a school principal, wants to improve the academic performance of his students. He
plans to conduct an action research on the effectiveness of using formative assessment as a
teaching strategy. Which of the following is the most appropriate method for Mr. Santos to collect
data for his study?
a) Surveys
b) Interviews
c) Focus group discussions
d) Classroom observations

86. Mrs. Reyes, a science teacher, wants to improve her students' critical thinking skills. She plans
to conduct an action research on the effectiveness of using case studies as a teaching strategy.
Which of the following is the most appropriate research design for Mrs. Reyes' study?
a) Experimental
b) Quasi-experimental
c) Descriptive
d) Correlational

87. Mr. Cruz, a math teacher, wants to improve his students' problem-solving skills. He plans to
conduct an action research on the effectiveness of using inquiry-based learning as a teaching
strategy. Which of the following is the most appropriate method for Mr. Cruz to analyze his data?
a) Descriptive statistics
b) Inferential statistics
c) Qualitative analysis
d) Mixed-method analysis

88. Ms. Gomez, a social studies teacher, wants to improve her students' reading comprehension
skills. She plans to conduct an action research on the effectiveness of using graphic organizers as
a reading strategy. Which of the following is the most appropriate way for Ms. Gomez to
disseminate the findings of her study?
a) Publish a research paper in a scholarly journal
b) Present the findings at a national conference
c) Share the findings with her colleagues in a professional development workshop
d) Upload the findings on the school website

89. What is innovation in education?

a) A new teaching method that has not been tried before
b) A method that is not yet widely known in the education community

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c) A novel approach that helps solve a problem or improve learning outcomes
d) A system that streamlines education processes

90. Which of the following is an example of an innovation in education in the Philippines?

a) Using chalk and blackboard to teach lessons
b) Conducting classroom sessions with no interaction or participation from students
c) Providing tablets or laptops to students for online learning
d) Using textbooks from the previous decade

91. Who is responsible for driving innovation in education?

a) Teachers
b) School administrators
c) Education policymakers
d) All of the above

92. What is the role of research in education innovation?

a) To validate the effectiveness of existing teaching methods
b) To generate new ideas and approaches to education
c) To identify potential problems that need to be solved
d) To ensure compliance with government regulations

93. How can schools encourage innovation in education?

a) By providing professional development opportunities for teachers
b) By creating a culture of experimentation and risk-taking
c) By investing in new technologies and resources
d) All of the above

94. What is benchmarking in education?

a) A method of setting student performance standards
b) A way to measure the effectiveness of schools
c) A process of comparing one school or program with others to identify best practices
d) A method of evaluating teacher performance

95. Why is benchmarking important in education?

a) It helps schools identify areas for improvement
b) It provides a way to evaluate teacher performance
c) It ensures compliance with government regulations
d) All of the above

96. What are best practices in education?

a) Proven approaches or strategies that have been demonstrated to improve learning outcomes
b) Innovative or experimental teaching methods
c) Standardized teaching methods used across all schools
d) Outdated or ineffective teaching methods

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97. How can schools identify best practices?
a) Through benchmarking and comparing their performance with other schools
b) Through trial and error
c) By following standardized teaching methods
d) By relying on individual teacher creativity

98. What is the role of innovation in best practices?

a) Innovation is not important in best practices
b) Best practices are only based on traditional and standardized teaching methods
c) Innovation can help schools identify new and more effective approaches
d) Innovation is not relevant to education

99. Principal Rodriguez of St. Mary's High School wants to improve the school's English program.
What can he do to identify best practices?
a) Consult with other English teachers in the school
b) Attend a workshop on English teaching
c) Benchmark with other schools that have successful English programs, such as Xavier School
d) Hire a consultant to evaluate the school's English program

100. Holy Trinity Academy is implementing a new STEM program. What is the role of
benchmarking in this process?
a) To measure the effectiveness of the new STEM program
b) To identify best practices in other schools' STEM programs
c) To ensure compliance with government regulations
d) To evaluate teacher performance

101. What is the advantage of benchmarking in education?

a) It allows schools to compare their performance with other schools
b) It ensures compliance with government regulations
c) It evaluates teacher performance
d) It focuses on standardized teaching methods

102. Principal Sanchez of San Pedro High School is interested in implementing a new assessment
system. What can she do to identify best practices?
a) Research different assessment methods online
b) Benchmark with other schools that have successfully implemented new assessment methods,
such as Ateneo de Manila University
c) Rely on individual teacher creativity to develop a new assessment method
d) Hire a consultant to develop a new assessment method

102. How can schools use best practices to improve student learning outcomes?
a) By adopting effective teaching methods and strategies
b) By focusing on standardized teaching methods
c) By evaluating teacher performance more rigorously
d) By relying on individual teacher creativity

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Answer: a) By adopting effective teaching methods and strategies

103. Which of the following is NOT a step in the program design process?
a) Identify the problem
b) Develop a program theory
c) Plan program implementation
d) Evaluate program effectiveness

104. Which of the following best describes a logic model?

a) A visual representation of program components and how they are related
b) A list of program goals and objectives
c) A description of program implementation steps
d) A report on program outcomes

105. When implementing a program, which of the following is NOT an important consideration?
a) Staffing and resources
b) Stakeholder engagement
c) Timeline and milestones
d) Cost-effectiveness

106. Which of the following is a key component of program sustainability?

a) Ongoing funding and resources
b) Short-term program goals
c) A focus on program outcomes
d) A large program staff

107. What is a logic model used for in program design and implementation?
a) To identify program goals and objectives
b) To develop a program theory
c) To evaluate program effectiveness
d) To provide a visual representation of program components and how they are related

108. Principal Santos of Kalibo Elementary School is planning to implement a new student
leadership program. What is the first step she should take in designing this program?
a) Establish the goals and objectives of the program
b) Decide on the program's budget
c) Assign teachers to run the program
d) Implement the program without any planning

109. Mr. Lim, a teacher at Dagupan National High School, wants to design a new English language
program that focuses on improving students' communication skills. Which of the following is the
most effective way for him to assess the success of his program?
a) Administering a written test at the end of the program
b) Conducting a survey of students' attitudes towards English language learning
c) Observing students' performance in group discussions and presentations
d) Comparing students' test scores from before and after the program

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110. Principal Garcia of Mandaluyong City High School wants to design a new program that
encourages student involvement in community service projects. Which of the following is the best
way to ensure that the program is sustainable?
a) Relying on volunteer teachers to run the program
b) Allocating funds from the school's budget for the program
c) Establishing partnerships with local organizations and agencies
d) Assigning students to lead and manage the program

111. Ms. Reyes, a teacher at Bacolod City Elementary School, wants to design a new program that
integrates technology into classroom instruction. Which of the following is the best way to ensure
that the program meets the needs of her students?
a) Providing students with the latest technology devices
b) Conducting a needs assessment to determine students' technology skills and access
c) Training teachers on the use of technology devices
d) Developing a set curriculum on technology instruction

112. Principal Lee of Davao City Science High School wants to design a new program that focuses
on building students' critical thinking skills. Which of the following instructional strategies is most
effective in achieving this goal?
a) Lecture-based instruction
b) Rote memorization
c) Inquiry-based learning
d) Standardized testing

113. Which of the following is the main goal of the DepEd Computerization Program?
a) To provide schools with access to internet connectivity and e-learning resources
b) To increase the number of computers in schools for administrative purposes
c) To replace traditional teaching methods with computer-based instruction
d) To train teachers on computer skills and software applications

114. Which of the following components is NOT included in the DepEd Computerization
a) Provision of computer packages to public schools
b) Provision of e-classroom packages to public schools
c) Capacity building for teachers and school administrators
d) Provision of free internet access to the public

115. Who is responsible for the implementation of the DepEd Computerization Program?
a) The DepEd Secretary
b) The DepEd Division Superintendents
c) The DepEd Regional Directors
d) The DepEd Bureau of Information and Communication Technology

116. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the DepEd Computerization Program?
a) Improved access to digital learning resources

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b) Increased teacher and student engagement with technology
c) Reduced workload for teachers and administrators
d) Reduced costs for public schools

117. Which of the following challenges is faced by the DepEd Computerization Program?
a) Limited funding and resources
b) Resistance from teachers and students to use technology
c) Limited availability of digital learning resources
d) Limited availability of electricity in public schools

118. Principal Jane wants to implement the DepEd Computerization Program in her school, but
she's having a hard time identifying the ICT needs of her school. Which step of the program
implementation is she currently in?
a. Planning
b. Procurement
c. Deployment
d. Monitoring

119. Teacher Maria wants to apply for the DepEd Computerization Program, but she's not sure if
her school is eligible. Which of the following schools is eligible for the program?
a. Private schools
b. Public elementary schools
c. Public secondary schools
d. Both b and c

120. Principal David submitted a proposal for the DepEd Computerization Program, but it was not
approved. What should he do next?
a. Reapply for the program in the next cycle.
b. Request for a reconsideration of his proposal.
c. File a complaint with the DepEd central office.
d. Look for alternative sources of funding.

121. Teacher Carla received computer units for her classroom through the DepEd Computerization
Program. How should she ensure that these units are properly maintained and utilized?
a. Assign a student to be in charge of the computers.
b. Implement a schedule for computer use.
c. Lock the computers in a secure cabinet.
d. All of the above.

122. Principal Alex wants to monitor the progress of the DepEd Computerization Program in his
school. Which of the following should he do?
a. Conduct an inventory of the computer units.
b. Conduct a survey of the teachers and students.
c. Monitor the usage of the computer units.
d. All of the above.

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123. What is the primary objective of inclusive education?
a) To segregate students with disabilities from their peers
b) To provide equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities
c) To limit the access of students with disabilities to mainstream schools
d) To promote exclusivity among students with disabilities

124. What is the role of teachers in inclusive education?

a) To segregate students with disabilities from their peers
b) To provide equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their abilities
c) To limit the access of students with disabilities to mainstream schools
d) To promote exclusivity among students with disabilities

125. What is the difference between integration and inclusion in education?

a) Integration involves separating students with disabilities from their peers, while inclusion
involves including them in regular classrooms and providing necessary support
b) Integration involves providing separate classrooms for students with disabilities, while inclusion
involves including them in regular classrooms without any support
c) Integration and inclusion are the same thing and can be used interchangeably
d) Integration and inclusion are both detrimental to the learning of students with disabilities

126. Which of the following is an example of an assistive technology device that can be used to
support students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms?
a) A pencil and paper
b) A calculator
c) A wheelchair ramp
d) A swimming pool

127. What is the benefit of inclusive education for students with disabilities?
a) It allows them to learn in segregated environments
b) It limits their opportunities to interact with their peers
c) It provides them with the necessary support to participate fully in educational activities
d) It promotes their exclusion from mainstream society
Answer: c) It provides them with the necessary support to participate fully in educational activities

128. What can Principal Santos do to ensure that students with disabilities are fully included in the
school's activities?
A. Provide specialized education in separate classrooms
B. Hire additional staff to work with students with disabilities
C. Provide necessary accommodations and modifications to meet students' needs
D. Exclude students with disabilities from certain activities

129. What is the role of the regular classroom teacher in inclusive education?
A. To refer students with disabilities to specialized schools
B. To differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students
C. To provide separate education for students with disabilities
D. To exclude students with disabilities from certain activities

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130. How can Teacher Garcia ensure that her classroom is inclusive for all students, including
those with disabilities?
A. By providing specialized instruction to students with disabilities in a separate classroom
B. By ignoring the needs of students with disabilities in order to focus on other students
C. By providing necessary accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of all students
D. By excluding students with disabilities from certain activities

131. What is the benefit of inclusive education for students with disabilities?
A. They receive specialized instruction in a separate classroom
B. They are excluded from certain activities
C. They have access to the same educational opportunities as their peers
D. They are not required to meet the same academic standards as their peers

132. How can Principal Rodriguez ensure that her school is fully inclusive for all students,
including those with disabilities?
A. By providing specialized education in separate classrooms
B. By excluding students with disabilities from certain activities
C. By providing necessary accommodations and modifications to meet the needs of all students
D. By hiring additional staff to work with students with disabilities

133. What law mandates the provision of special education services in the Philippines?
a) Republic Act No. 10533
b) Republic Act No. 7277
c) Republic Act No. 7610
d) Republic Act No. 10070

135. What is the term used to refer to the process of assessing and identifying the needs of learners
with disabilities?
a) Individualized Education Program
b) Assistive Technology
c) Functional Assessment
d) Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation

136. What is the term used to refer to the process of providing support and accommodations to
learners with disabilities in the classroom?
a) Differentiated Instruction
b) Individualized Education Program
c) Inclusion
d) Universal Design for Learning

137. Which of the following is NOT an example of Alternative Delivery Mode in education?
a) Online classes
b) Modular learning
c) Traditional classroom setup
d) Radio and TV-based instruction

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138. In what situation is Alternative Delivery Mode most useful?
a) During normal school operations
b) During times of crisis or disasters
c) When students are well-equipped with digital devices and stable internet connection
d) When teachers are not available for face-to-face classes

139. Which of the following is a disadvantage of Alternative Delivery Mode?

a) It allows students to learn at their own pace.
b) It requires minimal face-to-face interaction between students and teachers.
c) It may not be accessible to students who do not have access to digital devices or stable internet
d) It is more expensive than traditional classroom setup.

140. What is the role of teachers in Alternative Delivery Mode?

a) To monitor students' progress and provide feedback.
b) To create self-learning modules for students.
c) To deliver lessons through radio or TV-based instruction.
d) To rely solely on digital platforms for student interaction.

141. Which of the following is a key advantage of Alternative Delivery Mode?

a) It promotes social interaction and collaboration among students.
b) It allows for personalized and self-paced learning.
c) It is not affected by power outages and other technical issues.
d) It is less expensive than traditional classroom setup.

142. Principal Santos of ABC High School has decided to adopt alternative delivery mode due to
the pandemic. Which of the following is NOT a form of ADM?
A. Online learning
B. Modular distance learning
C. Traditional face-to-face learning
D. Radio and television-based instruction

143. Teacher Lim wants to ensure that her students will have access to learning materials even
without internet connectivity. Which ADM method is most suitable for this scenario?
A. Online learning
B. Modular distance learning
C. Radio and television-based instruction
D. Blended learning

144. Principal Rodriguez of Maharlika Elementary School wants to conduct a virtual school
assembly for the students. Which ADM method should he use?
A. Online learning
B. Modular distance learning
C. Radio and television-based instruction
D. Blended learning

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145. Learner Garcia wants to learn how to cook but does not have access to the internet or printed
materials. Which ADM method is most suitable for this scenario?
A. Online learning
B. Modular distance learning
C. Radio and television-based instruction
D. Blended learning

146. Teacher Tan wants to provide her students with a mix of online and offline activities. Which
ADM method is most suitable for this scenario?
A. Online learning
B. Modular distance learning
C. Radio and television-based instruction
D. Blended learning

147. What is the primary objective of the Alternative Learning System (ALS)?
a. To provide formal education to out-of-school youth and adults
b. To develop the skills and competencies of individuals who have not completed formal schooling
c. To promote the holistic development of learners through non-formal education
d. To enhance the employability and livelihood opportunities of learners

148. Who are the target learners of the Alternative Learning System (ALS)?
a. Out-of-school children and youth
b. Adults who have not completed formal schooling
c. Both A and B
d. None of the above

149. What are the delivery modes used in the Alternative Learning System (ALS)?
a. Face-to-face and online learning
b. Modular distance learning and blended learning
c. Peer teaching and group learning
d. All of the above

150. What is the certification given to learners who complete the Alternative Learning System
a. High School Diploma
b. Elementary School Diploma
c. Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Diploma
d. College Diploma

151. What is the role of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) Mobile Teachers in the
implementation of the program?
a. To teach learners in a classroom setting
b. To provide learners with individualized instruction and support
c. To develop and distribute learning materials to learners

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d. To coordinate with local government units and community organizations

152. What is the objective of the School-based feeding program of DepEd?

a. To provide free lunch to all students
b. To address undernutrition and malnutrition among school children
c. To increase the school attendance rate
d. To provide additional income to school teachers

153. Who is responsible for implementing the School-based feeding program?

a. The national government
b. The local government units
c. The school principals
d. The school children's parents

154. What is the frequency of feeding under the School-based feeding program?
a. Once a week
b. Twice a week
c. Thrice a week
d. Daily

155. What is the menu of the School-based feeding program?

a. Fried chicken and spaghetti
b. Hamburger and french fries
c. Rice, fish/meat, vegetables and fruit
d. Pizza and soda
Answer: c. Rice, fish/meat, vegetables and fruit

166. How does the School-based feeding program benefit the community?
a. It promotes good health and well-being among school children
b. It increases the income of the school teachers
c. It attracts more students to enroll in school
d. It provides additional income to the local government units

168. What is the primary objective of the School-based Feeding Program (SBFP)?
A. To provide free meals to all students in public schools
B. To improve the health and nutritional status of students
C. To increase enrollment in public schools
D. To reduce government spending on education

169. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of the School-based Feeding Program?
A. Improved academic performance
B. Increased attendance in schools
C. Reduced dropout rate
D. Decreased government spending on education

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170. Who is responsible for the implementation of the School-based Feeding Program in a school?
A. School principal
B. Teachers
C. Parents
D. Local government unit

171. How often are meals provided under the School-based Feeding Program?
A. Daily
B. Weekly
C. Monthly
D. Quarterly

172. Which of the following is a requirement for a school to be included in the School-based
Feeding Program?
A. High enrollment rate
B. Good academic performance
C. High incidence of malnutrition
D. High population density

173. What is the purpose of the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. To provide free education to senior high school students
B. To subsidize the tuition and other fees of qualified senior high school students
C. To give financial assistance to underprivileged senior high school students
D. To reimburse private schools for senior high school students' education

174. Who are the eligible beneficiaries of the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. All senior high school students in the Philippines
B. Only students from public schools
C. Only students from private schools
D. Students from both public and private schools

175. How does a student apply for the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. By filling out an online application form
B. By submitting the required documents to their school
C. By visiting the DepEd regional office
D. By contacting the program hotline

176. How much financial assistance does the Senior High School Voucher Program provide to
qualified students?
A. Full tuition and other fees
B. Half of the tuition and other fees
C. A fixed amount that varies by region
D. A percentage of the tuition and other fees based on the student's household income

177. What is the role of private schools in the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. To provide free education to qualified students

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B. To apply for the program on behalf of their students
C. To administer the program on behalf of the government
D. To receive government subsidies for qualified students' education

178. What is the primary objective of the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. To provide financial assistance to public high school students
B. To provide free tuition to senior high school students
C. To provide financial assistance to private high school students
D. To provide scholarships for college students

179. Who are eligible to apply for the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. All senior high school students
B. Only senior high school students from public schools
C. Only senior high school students from private schools
D. Only senior high school students from selected private schools

180. What is the process for applying for the Senior High School Voucher Program?
A. Submit an application form to the Department of Education
B. Submit an application form to the private school where the student wishes to enroll
C. Submit an application form to the local government unit
D. Submit an application form to the Commission on Higher Education

181. What are the requirements for a private school to participate in the Senior High School
Voucher Program?
A. The school must have a minimum of 10 students enrolled in the program
B. The school must be accredited by the Department of Education
C. The school must be located in an urban area
D. The school must have a high tuition fee rate

182. How much financial assistance does the Senior High School Voucher Program provide to
qualified students?
A. It covers 100% of the tuition fee and other school fees
B. It covers 50% of the tuition fee and other school fees
C. It covers a fixed amount depending on the region where the school is located
D. It covers a fixed amount depending on the grade level of the student

183. Which of the following is not a common form of campus journalism?

a) Editorial writing
b) News writing
c) Feature writing
d) Poetry writing

184. Who is responsible for overseeing the campus journalism program in a school?
a) The school principal
b) The English teacher
c) The guidance counselor

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d) The student council president

185. Which of the following is an important ethical principle in campus journalism?

a) Objectivity
b) Sensationalism
c) Bias
d) Plagiarism

186. How can students benefit from participating in a campus journalism program?
a) They can improve their writing and communication skills
b) They can gain a better understanding of school events and issues
c) They can develop critical thinking and research skills
d) All of the above

187. Which of the following is an example of a campus journalism activity?

a) Participating in a debate club
b) Conducting a survey of student opinions
c) Playing on a school sports team
d) Performing in a school musical

188. Principal Grace is implementing the comprehensive sexuality education program in her
school. She is concerned about how some parents may react to the program's content. What
approach can she take to address this concern?
A) Ignore the parents' concerns and proceed with the program
B) Conduct a parent orientation to explain the program's objectives and content
C) Cancel the program to avoid conflicts with parents
D) Consult with other school administrators to get their opinions

189. Ms. Rodriguez is a teacher who is tasked to teach the comprehensive sexuality education
program to her Grade 8 students. She is unsure of how to approach the topic of contraceptives.
What can she do to properly address this topic?
A) Avoid discussing contraceptives altogether to prevent controversy
B) Only discuss natural family planning methods to avoid any religious or cultural conflicts
C) Provide accurate information about different types of contraceptives and their proper use
D) Tell students to ask their parents about contraceptives instead of discussing it in class

190. Principal Hernandez wants to make sure that the comprehensive sexuality education program
is properly implemented in her school. Which of the following actions can she take to ensure its
A) Assign the task to a new teacher to avoid any issues with previous teachers' beliefs
B) Provide training and support for teachers who will teach the program
C) Ignore any concerns raised by parents or teachers to prevent conflicts
D) Avoid discussing sensitive topics to prevent controversies

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191. Ms. Santos is a teacher who is assigned to teach the comprehensive sexuality education
program to her Grade 10 students. She wants to make sure that the students are comfortable during
the discussions. What can she do to promote a safe and inclusive learning environment?
A) Use humor to lighten up the mood during discussions
B) Assign topics randomly to avoid grouping of friends
C) Encourage students to ask questions and participate in discussions
D) Ask students to keep their thoughts to themselves to avoid any conflicts

192. What is the primary goal of the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELLN) of
the DepEd?
A. To develop the reading, writing, and numeracy skills of young learners
B. To teach advanced language, literacy, and numeracy skills to high school students
C. To improve the English proficiency of college graduates
D. To train teachers on effective teaching strategies for language, literacy, and numeracy

193. What is the target age group of the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELLN)
of the DepEd?
A. Grades 1-3
B. Grades 4-6
C. Junior high school students
D. Senior high school students

194. What specific skills are taught in the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program
(ELLN) of the DepEd?
A. Reading, writing, and mathematics
B. Science, technology, and engineering
C. Social studies, history, and government
D. Physical education and health

195. How does the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program (ELLN) of the DepEd help
bridge the education gap?
A. By providing free books and learning materials to young learners
B. By hiring more teachers to reduce class sizes
C. By using modern technology and innovative teaching strategies
D. By providing financial assistance to underprivileged students

196. Who is responsible for implementing the Early Language, Literacy and Numeracy Program
(ELLN) of the DepEd?
A. School principals
B. Classroom teachers
C. Parents and guardians
D. All of the above

197. What does SBM-WINs stand for?

a. School-Based Management-Wide Implementation of Nutritional Supplements
b. School-Based Management-Wide Implementation of Nutrition and Sanitation

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c. School-Based Management-Wide Implementation of Nutritional Support
d. School-Based Management-Wide Implementation of Nutrient Supplements

198. Who are the target beneficiaries of SBM-WINs?

a. Teachers
b. School administrators
c. Parents
d. Students

199. What are the types of food supplements provided by SBM-WINs?

a. Vitamins and minerals only
b. High-calorie snacks
c. High-protein meals
d. Balanced meals

200. Who is responsible for the implementation of SBM-WINs in schools?

a. DepEd central office
b. Regional offices
c. Division offices
d. School heads

201. What is the ultimate goal of SBM-WINs?

a. To improve the academic performance of students
b. To promote healthy eating habits among students
c. To reduce absenteeism and dropout rates in schools
d. All of the above

202. As part of the SBM-WINs program, a school principal implemented the use of electronic
school forms to track student attendance and academic performance. What is the main goal of
using electronic school forms in this program?
a) To reduce paper usage in the school
b) To increase efficiency in school record-keeping
c) To provide students with access to their academic records
d) To promote the use of technology in the school

203. A teacher in a Burabod Elementary School implemented a program under SBM-WINs that
focuses on the use of collaborative learning strategies in the classroom. What is the main objective
of this program?
a) To promote independent learning among students
b) To increase student engagement in the learning process
c) To encourage competition among students
d) To reduce teacher workload

204. The Caranas Elementary School implemented the SBM-WINs program and focused on
improving the physical facilities of the school. Which of the following is a likely outcome of this

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a) Improved student discipline
b) Increased student enrollment
c) Improved student academic performance
d) Improved teacher retention

205. Mrs. Tecson, the school head of a Dancalan Elementary School implemented the SBM-WINs
program and focused on improving the school's nutrition program. What is the main objective of
improving the school's nutrition program under this program?
a) To reduce absenteeism among students
b) To promote healthy eating habits among students
c) To reduce the school's operating costs
d) To increase the school's revenue

206. Teacher Caren of Mangubat Elementary School implemented a program under SBM-WINs
that focuses on providing additional support to struggling students. What is the main objective of
this program?
a) To identify high-performing students for advanced academic programs
b) To provide additional learning opportunities to all students
c) To increase teacher workload
d) To provide targeted support to students who are struggling

207. What is the primary purpose of using the Results-Based Performance Management System
(RPMS) in DepEd?
a) To evaluate teachers' performance based on their outputs and outcomes.
b) To measure the effectiveness of school programs and initiatives.
c) To track the academic performance of students and identify areas for improvement.
d) To assess the level of satisfaction among parents and stakeholders.

208. What is the main benefit of using the School Monitoring and Evaluation System (SMES) in
a) To identify areas for improvement in the school's programs and services.
b) To measure the satisfaction of students and parents with the school's performance.
c) To evaluate the performance of individual teachers in the school.
d) To track the progress of the school's capital improvement projects.

209. What is the primary objective of the DepEd's Early Warning System (EWS)?
a) To track student attendance and tardiness.
b) To identify students who are at risk of dropping out or failing.
c) To monitor the performance of individual teachers in the school.
d) To measure the satisfaction of parents and stakeholders with the school's performance.

210. What is the main purpose of the DepEd's Learner Information System (LIS)?
a) To manage student information and records in a centralized database.
b) To evaluate the performance of individual teachers in the school.
c) To track the progress of the school's capital improvement projects.
d) To measure the satisfaction of parents and stakeholders with the school's performance.

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211. What is the main benefit of using the DepEd's Online IPCRF System?
a) To facilitate the submission of Individual Performance and Commitment Review Form (IPCRF)
of teachers.
b) To measure the satisfaction of students and parents with the school's performance.
c) To track the academic performance of students and identify areas for improvement.
d) To assess the level of satisfaction among parents and stakeholders.

212. Principal Juan is implementing a new monitoring and evaluation tool in his school to improve
the performance of his teachers and students. Which of the following is NOT an example of a
monitoring and evaluation tool used by DepEd?
a) School Improvement Plan
b) Results-Based Performance Management System
c) National Achievement Test
d) School Report Card

213. Teacher Maricel is conducting classroom observations as part of the monitoring and
evaluation process in her school. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of classroom
a) Helps teachers identify their strengths and weaknesses
b) Provides an opportunity for teachers to reflect on their teaching practices
c) Allows teachers to evaluate their students' performance
d) Enables teachers to improve their teaching techniques

214. Principal Jose is using the DepEd Results-Based Performance Management System to
monitor the performance of his teachers. What is the primary objective of this system?
a) To evaluate the academic performance of the students
b) To provide incentives for high-performing teachers
c) To identify and address areas of improvement for teachers
d) To rank the teachers based on their performance

215. Teacher Grace is using the School Improvement Plan as a monitoring and evaluation tool in
her school. Which of the following is NOT a component of the School Improvement Plan?
a) Vision, Mission, and Goals
b) Assessment and Evaluation
c) School Facilities and Resources
d) Curriculum and Instruction

216. Principal Miguel is using the National Achievement Test (NAT) as a monitoring and
evaluation tool in his school. What is the main purpose of the NAT?
a) To evaluate the academic performance of the students
b) To rank the schools based on their performance
c) To identify and address areas of improvement for teachers
d) To provide incentives for high-performing teachers

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217. Principal Garcia wants to improve the overall cleanliness and maintenance of the school
grounds. What department should he coordinate with to ensure that there are enough personnel
and resources to carry out this goal?
a) The School Supplies and Equipment Unit
b) The Administrative Services Unit
c) The School Health and Nutrition Unit
d) The Finance and Accounting Unit

218. Principal Hernandez wants to improve the security of the school premises by installing CCTV
cameras and security guards. What type of operations management strategy is the principal
a) Quality control
b) Capacity planning
c) Facility layout planning
d) Risk management

219. The school canteen generates a significant amount of revenue for the school, but it has been
receiving complaints about the quality and variety of food options. Principal Lim decided to
conduct a survey among the students to gather feedback and suggestions for improvement. What
type of evaluation process is the principal using?
a) Formative evaluation
b) Summative evaluation
c) Impact evaluation
d) Outcome evaluation

220. Teacher Tan has noticed that some of her students struggle with reading and comprehension.
She suggested to the principal that the school should invest in more reading materials and conduct
training for teachers on how to teach reading effectively. What type of resource management
strategy is the teacher proposing?
a) Human resource planning
b) Procurement planning
c) Inventory management
d) Financial management

221. Ms. Santos, the school principal, wants to ensure that all school records are organized and
easily accessible. Which of the following is the best practice for records management?
A. Keeping all records in one location
B. Allowing unauthorized personnel to access confidential records
C. Using a system of codes and labels to identify and track records
D. Keeping records in unlabeled boxes

222. What is the purpose of records retention schedules?

A. To keep records indefinitely
B. To dispose of records without any review
C. To ensure that records are kept for the appropriate amount of time
D. To keep all records, regardless of their importance

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223. Ms. Rodriguez, the school secretary, is responsible for maintaining school records. Which of
the following records should be kept confidential?
A. Student schedules
B. Student attendance records
C. Student report cards
D. Teacher lesson plans

Mr. Johnson, the school librarian, is responsible for maintaining library records. Which of the
following records should be kept indefinitely?
A. Overdue book records
B. Book inventory records
C. Borrower information records
D. Book purchase records

224. Mr. Garcia, the school IT specialist, is responsible for maintaining electronic records. Which
of the following is a best practice for electronic records management?
A. Allowing all users to have access to all electronic records
B. Storing electronic records on personal devices
C. Regularly backing up electronic records
D. Keeping electronic records in a single location without any backup

225. Principal Garcia wants to ensure that all important documents in his school are systematically
stored and readily accessible whenever they are needed. What is the first step he should take to
achieve this goal?
A. Hire a professional archivist
B. Develop a records retention schedule
C. Use a random filing system
D. Assign different staff members to handle different documents

226. Teacher Rodriguez needs to access a particular student's record. Which of the following
would be the most appropriate action for her to take?
A. Ask the student for their record
B. Search for the record in a pile of unorganized papers
C. Request for a copy of the record from the main office
D. Call the student's parents and request for the record

227. The school has recently undergone a major renovation, and the documents that were
previously kept in a particular storage room are now missing. Which of the following would be
the most appropriate action for the school to take?
A. Assume that the documents were destroyed during the renovation
B. Notify the authorities and file a police report
C. Conduct an inventory of the documents in the storage room
D. Re-create the documents from scratch

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228. Principal Reyes wants to ensure that all school records are stored securely and protected from
unauthorized access or damage. Which of the following would be the most appropriate action for
him to take?
A. Store all records in an unsecured location
B. Assign record-keeping responsibilities to all staff members
C. Develop a record-keeping policy and ensure all staff members are trained on it
D. Keep all records in the principal's office

229. Teacher Santos accidentally spilled coffee on a student's record. What should she do to
remedy the situation?
A. Discard the damaged record and create a new one
B. Keep the damaged record and cover up the coffee stain
C. Notify the main office and request for a new copy of the record
D. Try to erase the coffee stain with an eraser

230. What is the main objective of financial management in DepEd?

a. To generate revenue for the department
b. To ensure that all expenses are spent according to the budget
c. To provide financial reports to the government
d. To ensure that all expenses are legal and reasonable

231. Who is responsible for managing the financial resources of a school in DepEd?
a. The principal
b. The teachers
c. The students
d. The parents

232. What is a budget in the context of DepEd?

a. A plan for spending money
b. A plan for generating revenue
c. A plan for creating new programs
d. A plan for hiring new staff

233. What is the purpose of financial reporting in DepEd?

a. To show how much money the department has spent
b. To provide information on the financial health of the department
c. To justify the department's budget to the government
d. To show the public how their tax money is being spent

234. How can a school in DepEd ensure that it is using its financial resources effectively?
a. By hiring more staff
b. By spending all of its budget
c. By monitoring expenses regularly
d. By implementing new programs

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235. Ms. Smith is the principal of ABC School, and she is responsible for managing the school's
finances. Which of the following is an important step in financial management?
A) Creating a budget
B) Purchasing expensive equipment without approval
C) Not keeping any records
D) Ignoring financial reports

236. Mr. Johnson is a teacher at XYZ School. He wants to buy some materials for his class, but he
doesn't have the funds. What should he do?
A) Borrow money from a friend
B) Use his personal funds
C) Apply for a grant
D) Ignore the need for the materials

237. Ms. Davis is the principal of PQR School. She needs to purchase some new textbooks for the
school, but the funds are limited. Which of the following is the best option for Ms. Davis?
A) Purchase the textbooks without considering the cost
B) Look for cheaper alternatives
C) Delay the purchase
D) Ignore the need for textbooks

2238. Mr. Lee is a teacher at DEF School. He wants to organize a field trip for his class, but he is
not sure if there are enough funds available. What should he do?
A) Ignore the need for the field trip
B) Ask his students to contribute the funds
C) Ask the principal for assistance
D) Use his personal funds

239. Ms. Martinez is the principal of LMN School. She is responsible for managing the school's
finances, but she is not sure if the school is making progress towards its financial goals. Which of
the following is an effective way to measure financial progress?
A) Not keeping any records
B) Not reviewing financial reports
C) Comparing actual financial results to planned results
D) Ignoring financial policies

240. Principal John allocated the MOOE funds for the school year to purchase new chairs and
tables for the classrooms. Which of the following best describes this action?
a) Appropriate use of MOOE funds
b) Inappropriate use of MOOE funds
c) Neutral use of MOOE funds
d) No action was taken regarding MOOE funds

241. Teacher Maria requested an additional budget from the MOOE funds to purchase materials
for her classroom project. Which of the following is the best approach for Principal John to respond
to this request?

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a) Approve the request to encourage the teacher's initiative
b) Decline the request as it is beyond the scope of MOOE utilization
c) Provide partial funding for the request
d) Defer the request to the next school year

242. School Principal James received an anonymous complaint that the MOOE funds were being
mishandled. What is the best course of action for Principal James to take?
a) Ignore the complaint
b) Conduct an internal investigation
c) Report the complaint to the Department of Education
d) Refund the MOOE funds to the government

243. Teacher Ana was tasked by Principal Rina to manage the school's MOOE funds. What is the
best practice for Teacher Ana to ensure proper handling of MOOE funds?
a) Keep a written record of all transactions
b) Keep the MOOE funds in a personal bank account
c) Allocate the funds to a single expenditure item
d) Use the funds for personal expenses

244. School Principal Miguel received the MOOE funds for the first quarter but failed to utilize
them by the end of the quarter. What is the best course of action for Principal Miguel to take?
a) Use the funds in the succeeding quarter
b) Return the unused funds to the government
c) Spend the funds on unnecessary items
d) Allocate the funds to personal use

245. Principal Cruz allocated a portion of the school's MOOE to purchase new textbooks for the
students. What category of MOOE did she use for this purpose?
a) Maintenance and operating expenses
b) Traveling expenses
c) Supplies and materials
d) Communication expenses

246. Teacher Garcia, a teacher of Catarman National High School requested to use a portion of the
school's MOOE to attend a training seminar in Baguio City. What category of MOOE did she use
for this purpose?
a) Maintenance and operating expenses
b) Traveling expenses
c) Supplies and materials
d) Communication expenses

247. Principal Santos decided to allocate a portion of the school's MOOE to improve the school's
security system by installing CCTV cameras. What category of MOOE did she use for this
a) Maintenance and operating expenses
b) Traveling expenses

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c) Supplies and materials
d) Other services

248. Teacher Danica used a portion of the school's MOOE to buy a laptop for her use in creating
instructional materials. What category of MOOE did she use for this purpose?
a) Maintenance and operating expenses
b) Traveling expenses
c) Supplies and materials
d) Other services

249. The school's MOOE was used to pay for the salaries of utility personnel such as janitors and
maintenance staff. What category of MOOE did the school use for this purpose?
a) Maintenance and operating expenses
b) Traveling expenses
c) Supplies and materials
d) Other services

250. Which of the following is NOT a common use of MOOE in schools?

A. Purchasing school supplies and materials
B. Paying for utilities and maintenance costs
C. Funding field trips and educational excursions
D. Providing bonuses and incentives to teachers

251. Which of the following is an example of how MOOE can be used to support teachers?
A. Purchasing new laptops for the school office
B. Paying for the school's internet connection
C. Funding professional development opportunities for teachers
D. Providing incentives for students who perform well on exams

252. Which of the following best describes the purpose of MOOE in schools?
A. To fund the construction of new school buildings
B. To provide additional income for school administrators
C. To cover the costs of day-to-day school operations
D. To pay for the salaries of teachers and staff

253. How is the amount of MOOE allocated to a school determined?

A. It is based on the number of students enrolled in the school.
B. It is determined by the principal's personal preferences.
C. It is calculated based on the school's past expenditures.
D. It is set by the national government and varies by region.

255. Which of the following is a potential consequence of misusing MOOE funds?

A. The school may lose its accreditation.
B. The principal may face legal charges.
C. The school may be audited more frequently.
D. All of the above.

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256. Principal Rosales allocated a portion of their MOOE for the purchase of new sports equipment
for their school's upcoming intramurals. What is the primary purpose of MOOE used in this
A. Maintenance and other operating expenses
B. Capital outlay
C. Traveling expenses
D. Cost of services

257. Teacher Santos requested for funds from the MOOE to buy instructional materials for their
Science class. What is the primary purpose of MOOE used in this scenario?
A. Maintenance and other operating expenses
B. Capital outlay
C. Traveling expenses
D. Cost of services

258. How can MOOE be used for capital outlay?

A. Purchase of supplies and materials
B. Repair and maintenance of school equipment
C. Purchase of furniture and fixtures
D. Construction and renovation of school buildings

259. Principal Reyes used their MOOE to pay for the honorarium of the guest speaker during their
school's Nutrition Month celebration. What is the primary purpose of MOOE used in this scenario?
A. Maintenance and other operating expenses
B. Capital outlay
C. Traveling expenses
D. Cost of services

260. How can MOOE be used for maintenance and other operating expenses?
A. Purchase of land and buildings
B. Payment of salaries and wages
C. Purchase of vehicles
D. Payment of electricity and water bills

261. What are the benefits of having a well-equipped library in a school?

A. Encourages reading habits among students
B. Increases the value of the school
C. Boosts the academic performance of students
D. All of the above

262. What is the purpose of having a science laboratory in a school?

A. To conduct experiments
B. To teach students how to use equipment
C. To analyze data
D. All of the above

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263. What is the role of a school nurse in managing school facilities?
A. To ensure that all facilities are clean and well-maintained
B. To monitor and maintain the health of students
C. To manage the inventory of school equipment
D. To supervise the maintenance staff

264. Why is it important for schools to have a sports field or playground?

A. To provide students with opportunities for physical exercise
B. To encourage teamwork and cooperation among students
C. To provide a space for socializing and recreational activities
D. All of the above

265. How can a school ensure the safety of its students with regards to school facilities and
A. By conducting regular maintenance checks
B. By providing safety training to students and staff
C. By implementing strict security measures
D. All of the above

266. What type of educational facility is designed for students who need specialized support for
their physical or mental disabilities?
A. Special Education Center
B. Vocational School
C. Public School
D. Private School

267. What is the term for a room or space in a school specifically designed for science
A. Computer Laboratory
B. Library
C. Music Room
D. Science Laboratory

268. Which of the following is NOT an example of an educational facility?

A. Playground
B. Canteen
C. Classroom
D. School Bus

269. Which educational facility is designed to provide students with hands-on training in various
trades or vocations?
A. Technical-Vocational School
B. Music School
C. Science School
D. Language School

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270. Which of the following educational facilities is specifically designed for the practice and
performance of music?
A. Music Room
B. Library
C. Computer Laboratory
D. Science Laboratory

271. Principal Reyes wants to have a new library building in their school to accommodate more
books and provide a conducive learning environment for the students. What type of educational
facility does Principal Reyes want to have in their school?
a. Library building
b. Gymnasium
c. Laboratory
d. Auditorium

272. Teacher Rodriguez noticed that their classroom lacks proper ventilation, making it
uncomfortable for the students during hot weather conditions. What type of educational facility
does Teacher Rodriguez think is necessary for their classroom?
a. Comfort room
b. Canteen
c. Ventilation system
d. Laboratory equipment

273. School Head Garcia is planning to purchase new laboratory equipment for their school to
improve the quality of their Science instruction. What type of educational facility is School Head
Garcia planning to improve?
a. Classroom
b. Library
c. Laboratory
d. Gymnasium

274. Teacher Cruz noticed that some of their classroom chairs are already broken and need to be
replaced. What type of educational facility does Teacher Cruz need to address this issue?
a. Classroom chairs
b. Laboratory equipment
c. Computer laboratory
d. Audio-visual room

275. Principal Lim wants to install a new sound system in their school's auditorium for the
upcoming school play. What type of educational facility does Principal Lim want to improve?
a. Classroom
b. Gymnasium
c. Auditorium
d. Canteen

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276. What is the main purpose of school mapping?
a. To identify areas for school improvement
b. To determine the best location for a new school
c. To calculate the school's budget
d. To assess the academic performance of students

277. Which of the following is an example of data that can be collected for school mapping?
a. Number of students enrolled in each grade level
b. Names of school faculty members
c. Amount of funding received from the government
d. Brand of equipment used in the school

278. How can school mapping be used to promote equity in education?

a. By identifying areas where students may be at a disadvantage
b. By promoting competition between schools
c. By determining which students are the most intelligent
d. By allocating more resources to schools in affluent areas

279. What is the role of a school principal in school mapping?

a. To collect and analyze data
b. To create maps of the school's facilities
c. To make decisions about school funding
d. To ensure that school policies are followed

280. What is the benefit of using digital mapping tools for school mapping?
a. They are more cost-effective than traditional mapping methods
b. They allow for the visualization of data in real-time
c. They provide more accurate data than traditional mapping methods
d. They are less time-consuming than traditional mapping methods

281. Principal Hernandez wants to conduct a school mapping project in their school to identify the
areas that need improvement in terms of academic performance. What is the primary purpose of
conducting school mapping in their school?
a. To identify the areas that need improvement in academic performance.
b. To identify the areas where students come from.
c. To identify the areas that need improvement in school facilities.
d. To identify the areas where teachers come from.

282. Teacher Gomez wants to conduct a school mapping project in their school to identify the
resources available in their community that can be used to enhance their teaching strategies. What
is the primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case?
a. To identify the areas where students come from.
b. To identify the resources available in the community that can be used to enhance teaching
c. To identify the areas that need improvement in school facilities.
d. To identify the areas where teachers come from.

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283. Principal Santos wants to conduct a school mapping project to identify the areas where the
school can collaborate with other schools to enhance their programs and services. What is the
primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case?
a. To identify the areas where students come from.
b. To identify the resources available in the community that can be used to enhance teaching
c. To identify the areas that need improvement in school facilities.
d. To identify the areas where the school can collaborate with other schools to enhance their
programs and services.

284. Teacher Rodriguez wants to conduct a school mapping project to identify the areas where
students come from to plan for transportation and other logistical needs. What is the primary
purpose of conducting school mapping in this case?
a. To identify the areas where students come from to plan for transportation and other logistical
b. To identify the resources available in the community that can be used to enhance teaching
c. To identify the areas that need improvement in school facilities.
d. To identify the areas where the school can collaborate with other schools to enhance their
programs and services.

285. Principal Lim wants to conduct a school mapping project to identify the areas that need
improvement in school facilities. What is the primary purpose of conducting school mapping in
this case?
a. To identify the areas where students come from.
b. To identify the resources available in the community that can be used to enhance teaching
c. To identify the areas that need improvement in school facilities.
d. To identify the areas where the school can collaborate with other schools to enhance their
programs and services.

286. What is the importance of school-community relations?

a. To increase enrollment in the school
b. To promote the school's reputation
c. To foster positive relationships with community members
d. To generate revenue for the school

287. What is a common way to involve the community in school activities?

a. Charging admission fees
b. Offering free food and drinks
c. Inviting community members to participate as volunteers
d. Excluding community members from school activities

288. How can schools benefit from partnering with local businesses?
a. By generating more revenue for the school

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b. By receiving free goods and services
c. By providing more job opportunities for students
d. By increasing community support for the school

289. What is a benefit of involving parents in school activities?

a. Increased revenue for the school
b. Improved student performance and behavior
c. Greater control over school operations
d. Decreased community involvement

290. What is a potential consequence of poor school-community relations?

a. Increased enrollment in the school
b. Decreased support for the school and its programs
c. Higher academic achievement of students
d. Improved reputation of the school

291. Principal Santos wants to identify areas within their school that need improvement. Which of
the following is the best use of school mapping in this situation?
a. To determine the number of students per classroom.
b. To locate areas where there is poor internet connectivity.
c. To identify the types of books that need to be added to the library.
d. To determine the average daily attendance rate.

292. Teacher Hernandez wants to find ways to engage parents and guardians in their students'
education. Which of the following strategies is an effective way to foster positive school-
community relations?
a. Hosting a fundraising event for the school.
b. Creating a parent-teacher association.
c. Increasing the number of extracurricular activities.
d. Implementing a new discipline policy.

293. School Head Tan wants to establish partnerships with local businesses to provide internships
for their senior high school students. What is the primary benefit of this initiative for the school?
a. It will provide additional income for the school.
b. It will increase the number of students who graduate.
c. It will help students develop essential work skills.
d. It will reduce the dropout rate.

294. Teacher Reyes wants to create a community garden on school grounds to promote sustainable
agriculture and healthy living. What is the most significant benefit of this initiative for the school
a. It will increase the amount of green space in the community.
b. It will reduce the school's carbon footprint.
c. It will provide fresh produce for the school cafeteria.
d. It will foster a sense of community among students and parents.

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295. School Head Lim wants to organize a community outreach program to provide school
supplies to underprivileged students. What is the primary goal of this initiative?
a. To raise funds for the school.
b. To increase student enrollment.
c. To promote goodwill and social responsibility.
d. To improve academic performance.

296. What is the main goal of ergonomics in the context of DepEd?

a. To improve student-teacher relationships
b. To provide a comfortable learning environment for students and teachers
c. To increase the number of enrollees in schools
d. To promote physical fitness among students

297. What are some common ergonomic issues in the classroom?

a. Poor lighting and inadequate desk space
b. Too much noise and too many distractions
c. Lack of school supplies and textbooks
d. Limited access to technology and the internet

298. What is the role of the school in promoting ergonomics?

a. To provide ergonomic equipment and furniture
b. To promote awareness and education on ergonomics
c. To require students to do daily exercises
d. To assign a school nurse to monitor the health of students and teachers

299. How can teachers promote ergonomics in the classroom?

a. By encouraging students to sit for long periods of time
b. By providing heavy and bulky school materials
c. By encouraging students to take regular breaks and stretch
d. By setting up the classroom in a way that limits movement

300. What is the benefit of promoting ergonomics in schools?

a. Improved academic performance
b. Increased enrollment rates
c. Reduced school maintenance costs
d. Improved teacher salaries

301. Teacher Diaz noticed that some of her students are experiencing neck and back pains after
sitting for long hours in their classroom. What can she do to address this concern based on
ergonomics principles?
a. Encourage students to sit straight and avoid slouching
b. Require students to do stretching exercises before class
c. Provide students with ergonomic chairs and tables
d. Reduce the length of the class period

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302. School Head Tan wants to ensure that the school's computer laboratory is ergonomically
designed to prevent eye strain and other computer-related health issues. What can he do to achieve
this goal?
a. Install glare reduction filters on the computer monitors
b. Provide students with regular eye check-ups
c. Adjust the lighting and color temperature in the computer laboratory
d. All of the above

303. Teacher Lim wants to introduce an ergonomic approach to classroom design to improve
student learning outcomes. What is the primary benefit of ergonomic classroom design?
a. Reduced student absenteeism due to fewer health-related issues
b. Improved student engagement and motivation
c. Increased teacher satisfaction and productivity
d. Lower school maintenance costs due to reduced wear and tear on facilities

304. Teacher Cruz wants to teach her students about proper ergonomics in the workplace. What
can she do to achieve this goal?
a. Incorporate ergonomics principles into the classroom curriculum
b. Invite a guest speaker to talk about ergonomics in the workplace
c. Encourage students to do their own research on ergonomics
d. All of the above

305. School Head Garcia wants to implement an ergonomics program for the school's faculty and
staff to reduce absenteeism and promote a healthy work environment. What can she do to achieve
this goal?
a. Conduct ergonomic assessments of workstations and provide ergonomic equipment
b. Provide regular health check-ups for faculty and staff
c. Develop training programs on ergonomics and safe work practices
d. All of the above

306. Which of the following is NOT an example of a factor that affects thermal comfort in a
a. Temperature
b. Humidity
c. Lighting
d. Airflow

307. Which of the following colors is known to have a calming effect on students and can promote
a positive learning environment?
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Blue
d. Green

308. A teacher notices that some of their students are squinting or rubbing their eyes during class.
What factor related to visual comfort could be causing this issue?

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a. Glare
b. Contrast
c. Color
d. Brightness

309. What is the recommended range for classroom temperature according to DepEd guidelines?
a. 15-20°C
b. 20-25°C
c. 25-30°C
d. 30-35°C

310. A school head wants to improve thermal comfort in their school's classrooms. Which of the
following solutions could be effective?
a. Adding more windows to increase natural lighting
b. Installing air conditioning units in each classroom
c. Painting the walls a bright, bold color
d. Using high-wattage light bulbs to increase brightness

311. What is the primary objective of DepEd's Disaster Risk Reduction Management program?
a. To prevent all types of disasters from occurring
b. To minimize the impact of disasters on school communities
c. To completely eliminate the risk of disasters in schools
d. To ensure that all schools are fully prepared to respond to disasters

312. What is the role of teachers in DepEd's Disaster Risk Reduction Management program?
a. To provide immediate assistance during disaster response operations
b. To create and implement disaster preparedness plans for their respective schools
c. To assess potential hazards and risks in the school environment
d. To conduct regular drills and simulations to test disaster preparedness plans

313. What is the primary responsibility of school principals in DepEd's Disaster Risk Reduction
Management program?
a. To develop and implement disaster preparedness plans
b. To coordinate disaster response operations
c. To assess potential hazards and risks in the school environment
d. To provide immediate assistance during disaster response operations

314. What is the importance of conducting hazard and risk assessments in schools?
a. To identify potential hazards and risks that may affect the school and its community
b. To determine the exact time and location of a disaster event
c. To prevent all types of disasters from occurring
d. To ensure that all schools are fully prepared to respond to disasters

315. What is the importance of having a communication plan in place during disaster response
a. To ensure that all school staff are accounted for and safe

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b. To provide updates and information to students, parents, and other stakeholders
c. To coordinate disaster response efforts with local authorities and emergency responders
d. To prevent all types of disasters from occurring

316. Teacher Cruz noticed that their classroom is located near a river that is prone to flooding
during heavy rains. What should Teacher Cruz do to ensure the safety of their students during
a. Conduct an evacuation drill
b. Purchase flood insurance
c. Ignore the situation since it is a natural occurrence
d. Notify the principal but take no further action

317. Principal Lim wants to install an early warning system in their school to ensure the safety of
the students during earthquakes. What type of early warning system should Principal Lim install
in their school?
a. Siren
b. Megaphone
c. Alarm bell
d. Seismic detector

318. Teacher Rodriguez noticed that their classroom is located in a typhoon-prone area. What
should Teacher Rodriguez do to prepare for a typhoon?
a. Stockpile food and water in the classroom
b. Secure loose objects that can be blown away by strong winds
c. Ignore the situation since it is a natural occurrence
d. Cancel classes until the typhoon has passed

319. Teacher Lee noticed that their classroom is located in an area that is prone to landslides. What
should Teacher Lee do to ensure the safety of their students during a landslide?
a. Conduct a landslide drill
b. Ignore the situation since it is a natural occurrence
c. Install a warning system
d. Notify the principal but take no further action

320. Ms. Thompson, a science teacher at Greenfield High School, wants to teach her students about
sustainability by demonstrating energy-efficient practices. What can Ms. Thompson do to promote
sustainability in her classroom?
a. Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use
b. Keep the windows open for natural ventilation
c. Use disposable plates and cups during class activities
d. Encourage students to use personal vehicles to commute to school

321. Mr. Lee, the principal of Sunshine Elementary School, wants to implement green practices to
reduce the school's carbon footprint. What can Mr. Lee do to achieve this goal?
a. Install energy-efficient lighting systems
b. Encourage the use of plastic water bottles

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c. Implement paper-based record keeping
d. Allow idling of school buses during waiting times

322. Mrs. Garcia, a math teacher at Green Valley Middle School, wants to create a green classroom
that promotes sustainable practices. What can Mrs. Garcia do to make her classroom
environmentally friendly?
a. Encourage students to print out class materials
b. Use chemical cleaning products in the classroom
c. Use natural light whenever possible
d. Allow students to bring single-use plastics to class

323. Mr. Patel, the principal of Blue Sky High School, wants to make his school more
environmentally sustainable by implementing waste reduction measures. What can Mr. Patel do
to achieve this goal?
a. Install more garbage bins around the school
b. Encourage the use of plastic bags for students' belongings
c. Implement a recycling program for paper, plastics, and cans
d. Allow students to bring single-use plastics to school

324. Ms. Kim, a history teacher at Forest Hills Academy, wants to promote green transportation
among her students. What can Ms. Kim do to achieve this goal?
a. Encourage students to walk, bike, or take public transportation to school
b. Allow students to drive their own cars to school
c. Encourage carpooling only among students who live in the same neighborhood
d. Allow school buses to idle during waiting times

325. Principal Garcia noticed that their school's site has limited space for the increasing number
of students. What is the most appropriate action that Principal Garcia can take to address this
a. Construct a new building on the same site.
b. Look for a new site to relocate the school.
c. Reduce the number of students enrolled in the school.
d. Implement a shift system for the students.

326. Teacher Martinez needs new textbooks for their classes but has limited funds. What can
Teacher Martinez do to obtain new textbooks for their classes?
a. Use personal funds to purchase the textbooks.
b. Ask the students to purchase their own textbooks.
c. Apply for a grant or funding from the DepEd.
d. Borrow textbooks from neighboring schools.

327. School Head Tan received a large donation from a private company. What should School
Head Tan do with the donation?
a. Keep the donation for the school's use.
b. Share the donation equally among the teachers.
c. Donate the entire amount to a charity organization.

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d. Allocate the donation to a specific project or program.

328. Teacher Reyes wants to provide new classroom chairs for their students but is uncertain about
the quality of the chairs available in the market. What can Teacher Reyes do to ensure the quality
of the chairs to be purchased?
a. Purchase the chairs from a well-known brand.
b. Choose the cheapest option available.
c. Conduct research on the brand and quality of the chairs.
d. Purchase second-hand chairs to save on costs.

329. School Head Cruz wants to install air conditioning units in all classrooms to provide a more
comfortable learning environment for the students. What should School Head Cruz consider before
making a purchase?
a. The cost of the air conditioning units.
b. The availability of technicians for maintenance and repairs.
c. The compatibility of the air conditioning units with the school's electrical system.
d. The brand of the air conditioning units.

330. What is the purpose of perfection of title in DepEd?

a. To ensure that school sites are properly acquired and titled
b. To increase funding for the school
c. To establish a school in a new location
d. To regulate the transfer of school ownership

331. Who is responsible for the perfection of title in DepEd?

a. School Principals
b. Teachers
c. Regional Directors
d. Bureau of Education Services

332. What is the first step in the perfection of title process in DepEd?
a. Filing of application for land acquisition
b. Conduct of site inspection
c. Approval of the land acquisition by the DepEd Secretary
d. Payment of taxes and fees

333. What is the role of the school principal in the perfection of title process in DepEd?
a. To approve the land acquisition
b. To coordinate with the BES
c. To file the application for land acquisition
d. To conduct the site inspection

334. How does the perfection of title in DepEd affect the school's operations?
a. It does not affect the school's operations
b. It may result in the relocation of the school
c. It may result in the delay of the school's construction or renovation

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d. It may result in the suspension of the school's operations

335. Teacher Grace wants to start a school garden on a vacant lot beside their school. What should
the school do to acquire the lot?
a. Purchase the lot
b. Donate the lot
c. Lease the lot
d. Borrow the lot

336. Principal John received a donation of new computer sets for their school. What should the
school do before accepting the donation?
a. Verify the source of the donation
b. Reject the donation
c. Accept the donation without verification
d. Donate the sets to another school

337. Teacher Rose wants to build a new classroom on a vacant lot near their school. What should
the school do to ensure that they have the right to build on the lot?
a. Lease the lot
b. Purchase the lot
c. Donate the lot
d. Borrow the lot

338. Principal Mia wants to renovate their school building. What should the school do before
starting any renovation?
a. Secure necessary permits and clearances
b. Start the renovation immediately
c. Consult with the school's alumni association
d. Seek the approval of the Department of Education

339. Teacher Mark received a donation of books for their school library. What should the school
do to properly acknowledge the donation?
a. Display a plaque in the library
b. Post a message on the school's Facebook page
c. Thank the donor personally
d. Ignore the donation

340. Teacher Jane is planning to establish a school garden in their campus, but noticed that the
area is prone to flooding. What kind of site limitation should Teacher Jane consider before
proceeding with her plan?
a. Soil type
b. Elevation
c. Drainage system
d. Wind direction

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341. Principal John wants to construct a new building for their school, but noticed that the proposed
site is located near a fault line. What kind of site limitation should Principal John consider before
proceeding with his plan?
a. Soil type
b. Elevation
c. Seismic hazard
d. Water availability

342. Teacher Maria wants to establish a playground in their school, but noticed that the proposed
site is located near a busy road. What kind of site limitation should Teacher Maria consider before
proceeding with her plan?
a. Elevation
b. Noise pollution
c. Soil type
d. Air pollution

343. School Head Mark is planning to install solar panels in their school to reduce their carbon
footprint, but noticed that the proposed site is heavily shaded. What kind of site limitation should
School Head Mark consider before proceeding with his plan?
a. Soil type
b. Elevation
c. Sun exposure
d. Wind direction

345. Teacher Sarah wants to establish a vegetable garden in their school, but noticed that the
proposed site is located near a river. What kind of site limitation should Teacher Sarah consider
before proceeding with her plan?
a. Soil type
b. Elevation
c. Water quality
d. Wind direction

346. What is a site development plan?

a. A plan that determines the size of a school site
b. A plan that identifies the location of a school building
c. A plan that outlines the development and improvement of a school site
d. A plan that determines the number of students in a school

347. Who is responsible for developing a site development plan?

a. The school principal
b. The Department of Education
c. The school's maintenance and operations office
d. The local government unit

348. What is the primary purpose of a site development plan?

a. To provide a detailed layout of the school's facilities

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b. To ensure the efficient use of the school site
c. To comply with the building code requirements
d. To determine the cost of constructing school facilities

349. What factors should be considered in developing a site development plan?

a. Community needs and preferences
b. Environmental impact assessment
c. Accessibility and safety concerns
d. All of the above

350. What are the benefits of having a site development plan?

a. It provides a comprehensive guide for the physical development of a school site
b. It ensures the efficient use of school resources
c. It enhances the overall learning environment for students
d. All of the above

351. Principal Gomez is planning to develop their school site to accommodate more students. What
is the first step in creating a site development plan?
a. Conduct a site inventory and analysis
b. Determine the budget
c. Hire a contractor
d. Choose a design template

352. Teacher Rodriguez wants to suggest additional facilities to be included in the school site
development plan. Which of the following facilities is not usually included in a school site plan?
a. Classroom buildings
b. Parking lots
c. Playgrounds
d. Retail stores

353. School Head Garcia is finalizing the site development plan for their school and is reviewing
the proposed facilities. Which of the following considerations should be taken into account in the
selection of facilities?
a. Compatibility with the school's educational mission
b. Cost-effectiveness
c. Compliance with building codes and regulations
d. All of the above

354. Principal Lim wants to ensure that the proposed site development plan is sustainable and
environmentally friendly. Which of the following strategies can be incorporated into the plan to
achieve this goal?
a. Use of renewable energy sources
b. Incorporation of green spaces and trees
c. Water conservation measures
d. All of the above

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355. Teacher Cruz wants to ensure that the proposed site development plan takes into account the
safety and security of the students and faculty. Which of the following measures can be
incorporated into the plan to address this concern?
a. Installation of security cameras and lighting
b. Implementation of fire safety measures
c. Design of safe and accessible pedestrian walkways
d. All of the above

356. Principal Lee is planning to improve the external areas of their school. Which of the following
areas should they prioritize?
a. Parking lot
b. Classroom
c. Laboratory
d. Library

357. Teacher Rodriguez noticed that the school's walkways are uneven, making it difficult for
students to walk safely. What measures can they take to address this issue?
a. Install speed bumps
b. Replace the walkways
c. Install handrails
d. Provide warnings signs

358. Principal Garcia wants to improve the school's outdoor seating areas. Which of the following
measures can they take to achieve this?
a. Install more benches and tables
b. Install a new fence
c. Remove the trees
d. Install a new water fountain

359. Teacher Cruz noticed that the school's playground equipment is outdated and unsafe. What
actions can they take to address this issue?
a. Repair the equipment
b. Replace the equipment
c. Remove the equipment
d. Add more equipment

360. Principal Lim is planning to add more green spaces to their school's external areas. What are
the benefits of having green spaces in a school?
a. Provides a space for outdoor activities
b. Reduces air pollution
c. Promotes mental health and well-being
d. All of the above

361. Principal Gonzales wants to beautify the school site to create a more welcoming environment
for students and visitors. Which of the following is an example of a school site beautification

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a. Installing a new air conditioning system
b. Repainting the classroom walls
c. Building a new gymnasium
d. Planting trees and flowers around the school grounds

362. Teacher Santos wants to involve students in a school site beautification project. Which of the
following is a potential benefit of involving students in such projects?
a. Students can earn extra credit for participating
b. Students can learn valuable teamwork and collaboration skills
c. Students can avoid attending regular classes
d. Students can get paid for their work

363. The school principal wants to prioritize safety when planning school site beautification
projects. Which of the following is an example of a safety measure that should be considered?
a. Building a new playground
b. Installing security cameras around the school
c. Painting the school's exterior walls
d. Placing large rocks around the perimeter of the school

364. Teacher Lee is concerned about the environmental impact of school site beautification
projects. Which of the following is an environmentally friendly approach to beautifying the school
a. Using chemical pesticides to keep the lawn green
b. Installing artificial turf on the school's sports field
c. Planting native plants that require little water
d. Removing all the trees and replacing them with new ones

365. The school principal wants to create a school garden as part of a school site beautification
project. Which of the following is a potential benefit of having a school garden?
a. Students can use the garden as a playground
b. The school can sell the produce to make a profit
c. Students can learn about sustainable agriculture and healthy eating habits
d. The garden will attract rodents and pests to the school

366. Principal Smith is reviewing their school's evacuation plan, and they want to ensure that there
is a designated evacuation area for their students and staff. Which of the following is an appropriate
evacuation area for the school?
a. The school's gymnasium
b. The faculty room
c. The library
d. The canteen

367. Teacher Rodriguez noticed that there are obstructions along the pathways leading to the
school's evacuation area. What should Teacher Rodriguez do to address this issue?
a. Ignore the obstructions since they are not significant.
b. Immediately remove the obstructions.

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c. Ask the school janitor to remove the obstructions.
d. Notify the school principal about the obstructions.

368. Principal Gomez wants to improve the school's evacuation area by installing directional signs
and emergency lights. What is the primary purpose of these improvements?
a. To make the evacuation area look more appealing.
b. To provide additional lighting during normal school days.
c. To provide guidance and improve visibility during emergencies.
d. To increase the capacity of the evacuation area.

369. Teacher Lee is conducting an emergency drill for their class, and they noticed that some
students are not taking the drill seriously. What should Teacher Lee do to ensure that their students
are aware of the importance of emergency drills?
a. Cancel the drill since the students are not taking it seriously.
b. Discourage the students who are not taking the drill seriously.
c. Conduct a debriefing session after the drill and discuss the importance of emergency
d. Give a quiz to the students after the drill to test their knowledge on emergency preparedness.

370. Principal Martinez is reviewing the school's evacuation plan and noticed that there is no
designated evacuation area for students with disabilities. What should Principal Martinez do to
address this issue?
a. Ignore the issue since there are only a few students with disabilities in the school.
b. Assign a regular classroom as an evacuation area for students with disabilities.
c. Consult with experts to determine the best evacuation area for students with disabilities.
d. Ask the students with disabilities to stay in their respective classrooms during emergency drills.

371. Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of a school principal in managing school staff
in DepEd?
a. Conducting performance evaluations
b. Assigning teaching loads
c. Ensuring staff compliance with school policies and DepEd regulations
d. Making decisions on salary adjustments

372. What is the first step a school principal should take when dealing with a staff member who is
not meeting performance expectations?
a. Immediately terminate the staff member's employment
b. Give the staff member a verbal warning
c. Provide the staff member with additional training and resources
d. Wait to see if the issue resolves on its own

373. In managing school staff, which of the following is most important for a school principal to
a. Enforcing rules and regulations
b. Maintaining a positive and supportive work environment
c. Meeting academic performance targets

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d. Minimizing costs and staying within budget

374. Which of the following is NOT a best practice for a school principal in managing school staff
in DepEd?
a. Providing regular feedback and recognition
b. Encouraging staff participation in decision-making processes
c. Ignoring conflicts between staff members
d. Creating opportunities for professional development

375. What is the role of a school principal in managing the workload of their staff members in
a. Ensuring that staff members are not overworked or overloaded
b. Assigning additional tasks to staff members to fill any gaps in the schedule
c. Allowing staff members to set their own schedules and workloads
d. Providing no guidance or oversight on staff workload management

376. As a principal, what is your responsibility regarding the management of your school staff?
A. Only to evaluate their performance during annual performance reviews
B. To mentor and guide staff, build a collaborative work environment, and manage staff conflicts
C. To assign tasks and responsibilities without input from staff
D. To keep all staff in the dark about school policies and decisions

377. What are the best practices in managing school staff?

A. Creating a competitive work environment to inspire the staff
B. Micromanaging staff and limiting their autonomy
C. Focusing on individual achievement instead of team collaboration
D. Providing feedback, mentoring, and support to staff

378. What is the role of teachers in managing school staff?

A. To manage the principal and other school staff
B. To report any issues with the principal to the Department of Education
C. To support the principal in managing school staff
D. To ignore any conflicts that may arise among school staff

379. What are some challenges faced by principals in managing school staff?
A. Staff members are always cooperative and collaborative
B. Balancing staff workload and keeping up with department and school policies
C. Encouraging staff to take on leadership roles and responsibilities
D. Not being able to communicate effectively with staff members

380. How can a principal encourage professional development among staff members?
A. By limiting staff autonomy and workload
B. By providing regular feedback and mentoring
C. By ignoring staff development and solely focusing on task completion
D. By discouraging staff from taking on leadership roles and responsibilities

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381. What is the primary goal of teacher selection in DepEd?
a) To ensure that teachers are highly qualified and skilled in their respective fields.
b) To provide equal employment opportunities to all teachers.
c) To maintain a diverse pool of teachers from different backgrounds.
d) To hire teachers based on their personal connections.

382. Which of the following is not a key element of teacher development in DepEd?
a) Providing opportunities for continuous professional development.
b) Encouraging teachers to take on leadership roles.
c) Offering incentives and rewards for high-performing teachers.
d) Providing training on how to socialize with colleagues.

383. How are teachers evaluated in DepEd?

a) By their students' academic performance.
b) By their supervisor's observation and assessment.
c) By their personal connections within the department.
d) By their tenure in the department.

384. How can a school principal support the professional development of their teachers?
a) By providing regular feedback and guidance.
b) By offering incentives for high-performing teachers.
c) By mandating professional development courses.
d) By creating a competitive environment among teachers.

385. What is the main purpose of teacher evaluation in DepEd?

a) To identify high-performing teachers for promotion.
b) To determine the effectiveness of the teacher's teaching style.
c) To provide feedback to the teacher for improvement.
d) To weed out low-performing teachers.

386. What is one of the primary challenges teachers face in the new normal of education?
a. Difficulty in adapting to new technologies and platforms
b. Limited access to online resources and materials
c. Maintaining student engagement in virtual classrooms
d. All of the above

387. Which of the following is a common challenge teachers face when delivering instruction in
virtual classrooms?
a. Difficulty in managing student behavior
b. Limited ability to monitor student progress
c. Lack of access to professional development opportunities
d. None of the above

388. How can school principals support teachers in the new normal of education?
a. Providing access to technology and online resources
b. Offering professional development opportunities

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c. Encouraging open communication and collaboration among teachers
d. All of the above

389. What is one effective strategy for maintaining student engagement in virtual classrooms?
a. Using interactive teaching strategies
b. Assigning longer homework assignments
c. Providing limited opportunities for student collaboration
d. None of the above

390. How can teachers ensure they are effectively managing their workload in the new normal of
a. Prioritizing tasks and setting realistic goals
b. Collaborating with colleagues to share resources and responsibilities
c. Maintaining a work-life balance and practicing self-care
d. All of the above

391. What is the primary goal of school-based management in DepEd?

a. To increase the workload of teachers
b. To provide more autonomy and decision-making power to schools
c. To limit the involvement of school principals in school operations
d. None of the above

392. What is the role of school principals in school-based management in DepEd?

a. To delegate all decision-making to the DepEd central office
b. To manage the day-to-day operations of the school
c. To provide feedback and guidance to teachers
d. None of the above

393. Which of the following is a key benefit of school-based management?

a. Increased bureaucracy and centralization of decision-making
b. Greater accountability and transparency in school operations
c. Decreased involvement of school principals in school operations
d. None of the above

394. How can school-based management in DepEd help to improve student outcomes?
a. By providing greater resources and funding to schools
b. By allowing schools to make decisions that best meet the needs of their students
c. By limiting the role of school principals in decision-making
d. None of the above

395. How can school principals ensure effective implementation of school-based management?
a. By promoting a culture of collaboration and communication among staff
b. By delegating all decision-making to teachers and staff
c. By limiting input from parents and community members
d. None of the above

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396. In designing a curriculum, why is contextualization important?
a. To ensure that the curriculum is relevant and responsive to the needs of learners in a particular
b. To create a standardized curriculum that can be applied universally
c. To save time and resources in curriculum development
d. None of the above

397. In which of the following ways can a school localize their curriculum?
a. Incorporating local content and context into the curriculum
b. Translating the national curriculum into the local language
c. Adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of the local community
d. All of the above

398. Indigenization in the curriculum refers to:

a. Incorporating indigenous knowledge, values, and practices into the curriculum
b. Adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of learners with disabilities
c. Creating a standardized curriculum that can be applied universally
d. None of the above

399. Which of the following is an example of curriculum contextualization in action?

a. A school in a coastal community designing a science curriculum that incorporates local marine
life and ecology
b. A teacher using standardized lesson plans without any adaptations
c. A school using a foreign language textbook that is not relevant to the local context
d. None of the above

400. As a school principal, what is your role in ensuring that the curriculum is contextualized,
localized, and indigenized?
a. Providing professional development opportunities for teachers on curriculum design and
b. Encouraging teachers to collaborate with community members and stakeholders to ensure that
the curriculum is relevant to local needs
c. Monitoring the implementation of the curriculum to ensure that it is meeting the needs of
d. All of the above

401. Ms. Cruz is a teacher in a school located in a remote area. She noticed that the curriculum
materials provided by DepEd do not take into account the local context and culture of their
community. What strategy can she use to address this issue?
a. Contextualization
b. Localization
c. Indigenization
d. None of the above

402. Mr. Santos is a school head in a multicultural school. He wants to promote inclusivity and
cultural sensitivity in the curriculum. What approach can he use to achieve this goal?

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a. Contextualization
b. Localization
c. Indigenization
d. Multicultural Education

403. Ms. Reyes is a teacher in a school located in an indigenous community. She noticed that the
curriculum materials do not reflect the culture and traditions of the indigenous people. What
strategy can she use to address this issue?
a. Contextualization
b. Localization
c. Indigenization
d. None of the above

404. Mr. Garcia is a school head in a school located in a low-income area. He noticed that some
students struggle with the curriculum materials due to language barriers. What approach can he
use to address this issue?
a. Contextualization
b. Localization
c. Indigenization
d. Language Localization

405. Ms. Hernandez is a teacher in a school located in an urban area with a diverse population.
She noticed that some students are not able to relate to the curriculum materials due to their cultural
background. What approach can she use to address this issue?
a. Contextualization
b. Localization
c. Indigenization
d. Multicultural Education

406. What is the objective of the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA 10533)?
A. To strengthen the quality of basic education in the Philippines
B. To reduce the number of years of basic education
C. To increase the number of schools in the Philippines
D. To abolish private schools in the Philippines

407. Which of the following is included in the Enhanced Basic Education Program?
A. Kindergarten
B. Elementary Education
C. Junior High School
D. All of the above

408. What is the goal of the K-12 program under RA 10533?

A. To increase the number of years of basic education in the Philippines
B. To reduce the number of schools in the Philippines
C. To improve the quality of education in the Philippines
D. To eliminate private schools in the Philippines

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409. What is the role of the Department of Education (DepEd) under RA 10533?
A. To provide quality basic education
B. To regulate private schools in the Philippines
C. To increase the number of schools in the Philippines
D. To abolish public schools in the Philippines

410. What is the importance of RA 10533 in the Philippine education system?

A. It addresses the quality and accessibility of basic education
B. It reduces the number of years of basic education
C. It promotes the privatization of education in the Philippines
D. It restricts access to education for the marginalized sector

411. In a classroom where students have different learning styles, which teaching strategy would
be most effective for a teacher to use?
a. Lecture-based teaching
b. Hands-on learning
c. Group discussions
d. Individual seatwork

412. Which pedagogy emphasizes the role of the teacher as a facilitator of learning rather than as
a source of knowledge?
a. Direct Instruction
b. Constructivism
c. Inquiry-based Learning
d. Experiential Learning
413. Which teaching strategy would be most effective for teaching complex topics in a classroom
with diverse learners?
a. Direct instruction
b. Cooperative learning
c. Problem-based learning
d. Role-playing
Answer: c. Problem-based learning

414. In a classroom where students have varying levels of English proficiency, which teaching
strategy would be most effective for promoting language acquisition?
a. Total Physical Response
b. Language immersion
c. Grammar-translation approach
d. Audio-lingual method

415. Which pedagogy emphasizes the use of real-life scenarios and problem-solving tasks to
enhance learning?
a. Project-based Learning
b. Experiential Learning
c. Inquiry-based Learning

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d. Direct Instruction

416. Ms. Gomez, a high school teacher, wants to engage her students in a discussion about a recent
news article. Which of the following pedagogies would be most effective in achieving this goal?
a. Lecture-based instruction
b. Inquiry-based learning
c. Direct instruction
d. Collaborative learning

417. Mr. Johnson, a school principal, wants to implement a new teaching strategy to increase
student engagement. Which of the following pedagogies would best achieve this goal?
a. Lecture-based instruction
b. Project-based learning
c. Drill and practice
d. Direct instruction

418. Mrs. Lee, a middle school teacher, is teaching a lesson on fractions. Which of the following
teaching strategies would best support students who struggle with this concept?
a. Direct instruction
b. Inquiry-based learning
c. Collaborative learning
d. Problem-based learning

419. Mr. Chen, a high school principal, wants to improve student achievement in his school. Which
of the following teaching strategies would be most effective in achieving this goal?
a. Lecture-based instruction
b. Project-based learning
c. Direct instruction
d. Differentiated instruction

420. Ms. Rodriguez, an elementary school teacher, wants to teach her students about different
cultures and traditions. Which of the following teaching strategies would be most effective in
achieving this goal?
a. Drill and practice
b. Inquiry-based learning
c. Lecture-based instruction
d. Direct instruction

421. Ms. Garcia, a third-grade teacher, believes in constructivist pedagogy and encourages her
students to actively participate in the learning process. Which of the following best describes her
approach to teaching?
a. Ms. Garcia uses a traditional, lecture-based approach to teaching
b. Ms. Garcia encourages her students to take an active role in their learning
c. Ms. Garcia emphasizes memorization and repetition
d. Ms. Garcia relies on standardized tests to assess student learning

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422. As a school principal, Mr. Johnson wants to promote constructivist pedagogy among his
teachers. Which of the following strategies would be most effective?
a. Encouraging teachers to use lecture-based teaching approaches
b. Providing teachers with opportunities for professional development in constructivist pedagogy
c. Emphasizing the importance of rote memorization in the classroom
d. Discouraging student participation in the learning process

423. According to Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development, children construct knowledge
through which of the following processes?
a. Social interaction and collaboration with peers
b. Repetition and memorization of information
c. Passive absorption of information from authority figures
d. None of the above

424. According to Lev Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of learning, which of the following is most
important for cognitive development?
a. Repetition and memorization of information
b. Independent exploration and discovery
c. Collaboration and interaction with more knowledgeable others
d. None of the above

425. In Jerome Bruner's constructivist theory of learning, which of the following is most important
for effective learning to occur?
a. A focus on memorization and repetition of information
b. A teacher-centered approach to teaching
c. An emphasis on discovery and exploration
d. None of the above

426.Which of the following is NOT a 21st-century skill emphasized by DepEd?

a. Critical thinking and problem-solving
b. Communication and collaboration
c. Information and media literacy
d. Memorization and rote learning

427. Which of the following a teacher can do to promote 21st-century skills among his students?
a. Encourage traditional teaching methods that focus on rote learning and memorization.
b. Emphasize the importance of standardized testing and grades.
c. Provide opportunities for project-based learning, collaboration, and critical thinking.
d. Discourage the use of technology in the classroom.

428. Which of the following is an example of a 21st-century learning environment?

a. A classroom with rows of desks and a teacher lecturing at the front of the room.
b. A classroom where students work individually on worksheets and textbooks.
c. A classroom where students work collaboratively on projects and use technology to research
and present their findings.
d. A classroom where students memorize information and take multiple-choice tests.

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429. Which of the following is NOT a 21st-century skill emphasized by the DepEd's K-12
a. Creativity and innovation
b. Information, media, and technology literacy
c. Financial literacy
d. Memorization and repetition

430. How can teachers promote 21st-century skills in their classrooms?

a. By emphasizing rote learning and memorization.
b. By providing opportunities for collaborative learning and problem-solving.
c. By using outdated technology and teaching methods.
d. By discouraging students from using technology in the classroom.

431. What is the purpose of the Results-Based Performance Management System (RPMS) in
a. To evaluate the performance of teachers and school heads
b. To replace the teacher performance evaluation system with a new one
c. To implement a ranking system for teachers and school heads
d. To increase workload for teachers and school heads

432. Which RPMS tool is used to guide teachers in the preparation of their Individual Performance
and Commitment Review Form (IPCRF)?
a. Performance Management Tool
b. Classroom Observation Tool
c. Self-Assessment Tool
d. Monitoring and Coaching Tool

433. Which RPMS tool is used by school heads to monitor and provide feedback on the
performance of their teachers?
a. Classroom Observation Tool
b. Self-Assessment Tool
c. Performance Management Tool
d. Monitoring and Coaching Tool

434. What is the main purpose of the Monitoring and Coaching Tool in the RPMS?
a. To evaluate the performance of school heads
b. To monitor the implementation of school projects and programs
c. To guide teachers in their professional development
d. To provide feedback and support to teachers in their performance

435. Which RPMS tool is used to assess the progress and effectiveness of school improvement
a. Performance Management Tool
b. Classroom Observation Tool
c. Self-Assessment Tool

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d. School Improvement Plan Tool

436. Ms. Cruz, a school principal, wants to monitor the progress of her teachers and ensure that
they are meeting their performance targets. Which RPMS tool would be most useful for this
a. Individual Performance Commitment and Review Form (IPCRF)
b. School Improvement Plan (SIP)
c. Results-based Performance Management System (RPMS) Manual
d. Performance Monitoring and Coaching Tool (PMCT)

437. Mr. Santos, a math teacher, wants to set goals and identify areas for professional growth.
Which RPMS tool should he use?
b. SIP
c. RPMS Manual
d. Teacher Induction Program (TIP)

438. Ms. Reyes, a school principal, wants to evaluate the overall performance of her school and
identify areas for improvement. Which RPMS tool should she use?
b. SIP
c. RPMS Manual
d. TIP

439. As a principal, Ms. Gomez wants to provide effective coaching to her teachers. Which of the
following coaching strategies would be most effective in promoting teacher growth?
a. Criticizing teachers in front of their colleagues
b. Focusing solely on areas of weakness
c. Providing specific, actionable feedback
d. Avoiding difficult conversations

440. Ms. Garcia, a principal, observes a teacher's classroom instruction and provides feedback on
areas for improvement. Which of the following is an effective coaching strategy she can use to
help the teacher address these areas?
a. Focusing solely on the areas where the teacher needs improvement
b. Providing general feedback that doesn't offer specific examples
c. Co-creating a plan of action with the teacher to address areas for improvement
d. Telling the teacher what they should do differently without any explanation

441. What is the primary objective of the Senior High School Curriculum?
a. To provide students with a broad-based education
b. To equip students with technical and vocational skills
c. To prepare students for higher education
d. To enhance students' employability

442. What are the two main tracks in the Senior High School Curriculum?

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a. Academic track and vocational track
b. Arts and Design track and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track
c. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) track and Humanities and Social
Sciences (HUMSS) track
d. Business, Accountancy, Management (BAM) track and General Academic Strand (GAS) track

443. Which of the following subjects is included in the STEM track of the Senior High School
a. Accounting
b. Entrepreneurship
c. Humanities and Social Sciences
d. Physics

444. Which of the following is true about the SHS curriculum under the K-12 program?
a. It emphasizes mastery of competencies and skills rather than just content
b. It is focused on a traditional lecture-based teaching approach
c. It is only available to students who pass an entrance exam
d. It does not include any vocational or technical subjects

445. Which of the following tracks in the SHS curriculum is best suited for students who want to
pursue careers in the arts?
a. STEM track
b. HUMSS track
c. TVL track
d. GAS track

446. What is the main goal of the K-12 program in the Philippines?
a. To improve the quality of education in the country
b. To decrease the number of years in basic education
c. To standardize the curriculum across different regions
d. To reduce the number of students who drop out of school

447. What is the rationale for adding two years to the basic education cycle?
a. To align the Philippine education system with international standards
b. To provide more opportunities for students to pursue technical and vocational education
c. To make up for the inadequate teaching of basic skills in the primary grades
d. To increase the number of graduates who can pursue tertiary education

448. What is the senior high school component of the K-12 program?
a. A two-year program that prepares students for higher education or employment
b. A one-year program that focuses on technical and vocational skills
c. A three-year program that emphasizes critical thinking and research skills
d. A six-month program that provides specialized training for specific jobs

449. What is the objective of the K-12 curriculum's Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education
(MTB-MLE) program?

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a. To promote the use of Filipino as the primary medium of instruction in all subjects
b. To enable students to learn English as a second language
c. To improve students' proficiency in their native language and other Philippine languages
d. To encourage students to learn a foreign language

450. What is the General Education Curriculum (GEC) in the K-12 program?
a. A set of courses that provide a foundation of knowledge and skills across various disciplines
b. A program that focuses on technical and vocational education
c. A curriculum that emphasizes science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
d. A series of courses that focuses on the humanities and social sciences

451. What is Gender and Development (GAD)?

a. It is a program that aims to promote gender equality and eliminate gender-based discrimination.
b. It is a program that focuses on improving the academic performance of female students.
c. It is a program that prioritizes the needs of male students over female students.
d. It is a program that provides vocational training exclusively for women.

452. How can schools promote gender equality?

a. By implementing gender-responsive policies and programs
b. By prioritizing the needs of male students over female students
c. By segregating male and female students in the classroom
d. By limiting the opportunities for female students to participate in extracurricular activities

453. How can teachers promote gender equality in the classroom?

a. By treating all students fairly and respectfully
b. By favoring male students over female students
c. By reinforcing gender stereotypes
d. By discouraging female students from pursuing their interests in male-dominated fields

454. Which of the following assessment types is typically used to evaluate student learning at the
end of a unit or course?
a. Formative assessment
b. Summative assessment
c. Diagnostic assessment
d. Performance assessment

455. Which of the following assessment types is typically used to guide instruction and provide
ongoing feedback to students?
a. Formative assessment
b. Summative assessment
c. Diagnostic assessment
d. Performance assessment

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456. A teacher is using formative assessment to monitor student progress during a unit on
Shakespeare. Which of the following is an example of formative assessment that the teacher might
a. A final exam at the end of the unit
b. A quiz at the beginning of the unit
c. An essay due at the end of the unit
d. A discussion during class about a scene from a play

457. Which of the following is an advantage of using formative assessment in the classroom?
a. It allows teachers to assign grades more easily
b. It provides ongoing feedback to teachers and students
c. It is typically given at the end of a unit
d. It focuses only on a student's final product

458. What is the importance of using appropriate instructional materials in teaching?

a. It helps students understand the lesson better.
b. It makes teaching easier for the teacher.
c. It saves time and effort.
d. It is not necessary in teaching.

459. What are the characteristics of effective instructional materials?

a. Age-appropriate, engaging, and culturally relevant
b. Colorful, expensive, and technologically advanced
c. Long, difficult, and complex
d. Boring, outdated, and irrelevant

460. How can teachers ensure that their instructional materials are effective?
a. By using a variety of materials and checking for student understanding
b. By using the same materials every year
c. By only using materials recommended by the school
d. By using materials that are easy to prepare

461. What is the role of the principal in ensuring that instructional materials are of high quality?
a. To provide funding for instructional materials
b. To supervise teachers in preparing instructional materials
c. To evaluate the effectiveness of instructional materials
d. To assign teachers to specific instructional materials

462. Ms. Cruz, the school head of a Banwa Elementary School, wanted to improve the quality of
learning resources in her school. She asked the teachers to conduct an inventory of the available
resources in each classroom, library, and laboratory. Based on the results, she was able to
determine what resources were lacking and what resources needed to be replaced. What is the first
step in managing learning resources?
a. Identifying the needs of the learners
b. Conducting an inventory of the available resources
c. Creating a budget for new resources

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d. Ordering new resources without assessing the current resources

463. Mr. Tan, a high school teacher, noticed that the chairs and tables in his classroom were starting
to wobble and some were even broken. He immediately reported it to the maintenance staff to have
it fixed. This prevented the chairs and tables from becoming completely unusable and saved the
school from having to buy new ones. Why is it important to maintain and repair learning resources?
a. To extend the life of the resources
b. To save money
c. To keep the school clean
d. To impress visitors

464. Ms. Santos, a science teacher of Bato National High School, had a limited number of
microscopes for her class. She worked with the other science teachers to develop a rotation system,
allowing each class to use the microscopes on a set schedule. This allowed all students to have
equal access to the resources. How can learning resources be shared among different classes?
a. By keeping them in one classroom
b. By lending them out to students
c. By having a rotation system
d. By not sharing them at all

465. Mr. Garcia, an English teacher, used a new set of reading materials in his class. He compared
the test scores of his students before and after using the new materials and found that there was a
significant improvement in their scores. This allowed him to determine that the new materials were
effective in helping students learn. What is an effective way to evaluate the usefulness of learning
a. Asking the students for their opinion
b. Conducting a survey of teachers
c. Using data on student performance
d. Relying on personal opinion

466. What is the first step in lesson planning?

a. Identifying the learning objectives
b. Selecting the instructional materials
c. Preparing the assessment tools
d. Choosing the teaching strategies

467. Which of the following should be considered when planning a lesson?

a. Students' prior knowledge and experiences
b. Teacher's personal preferences
c. Availability of classroom resources
d. Length of the school day

468. What is the purpose of a lesson plan?

a. To provide a detailed outline of classroom activities
b. To ensure that all necessary instructional materials are prepared
c. To keep students engaged in the lesson

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d. To serve as a guide for teaching and learning

469. Mr. Santos teaches a Grade 6 Science class. He is planning a lesson on the different states of
matter. Which of the following is the most appropriate learning objective for this lesson?
a. Students will be able to recite the three states of matter
b. Students will be able to draw the water cycle
c. Students will be able to differentiate between the three states of matter and give examples of
d. Students will be able to identify the different types of clouds

470. What type of remote learning happens in real-time and requires all students to participate at
the same time?
a. Asynchronous learning
b. Hybrid learning
c. Synchronous learning
d. None of the above

471. What type of remote learning allows students to complete coursework on their own time?
a. Synchronous learning
b. Asynchronous learning
c. Hybrid learning
d. None of the above

472. What type of remote learning combines both synchronous and asynchronous learning?
a. Asynchronous learning
b. Hybrid learning
c. Synchronous learning
d. None of the above

473. Which type of remote learning may require the use of additional technology and equipment
such as webcams and microphones?
a. Synchronous learning
b. Asynchronous learning
c. Hybrid learning
d. None of the above

474. Which type of remote learning is most suitable for students who prefer a more flexible
a. Synchronous learning
b. Asynchronous learning
c. Hybrid learning
d. None of the above

475. What is the primary goal of human resource management and development?
a. To ensure that employees receive their salaries on time
b. To attract and retain competent and motivated employees

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c. To increase the number of employees in the organization
d. To reduce the workload of school heads and teachers

476. Which of the following is an example of a human resource development program in DepEd?
a. Providing teachers with new laptops for their personal use
b. Conducting training programs to improve the leadership skills of school heads
c. Giving salary increases to teachers based on their seniority
d. Hiring additional personnel to help with administrative tasks in schools

477. What is the role of the school principal in Learning Action Cell (LAC)?
a. To facilitate the discussion and provide solutions
b. To present the problem and assign tasks to teachers
c. To observe and evaluate the effectiveness of LAC
d. To participate as a regular member of LAC

478. What is the main goal of Learning Action Cell?

a. To provide a platform for professional development among teachers
b. To discuss and solve specific problems related to teaching and learning
c. To assign tasks and responsibilities to teachers
d. To evaluate the performance of individual teachers

479. Mr. Reyes is a new teacher who is not familiar with the NCBTS. He approaches his mentor
teacher for guidance. What advice should the mentor teacher give him to effectively apply the
NCBTS in his teaching practice?
A. Focus on meeting the minimum requirements of the NCBTS
B. Use the NCBTS as a checklist to assess his teaching performance
C. Use the NCBTS to reflect on his teaching practice and identify areas for improvement
D. Memorize the NCBTS and try to incorporate all the competencies in his teaching

480. Principal Lim wants to ensure that his teachers are able to demonstrate the NCBTS
competencies in their teaching practice. Which of the following is not an effective way to assess
teacher performance based on the NCBTS?
A. Classroom observations and feedback
B. Portfolio assessment
C. Standardized tests
D. Self-assessment and reflection

481. Teacher Cruz is reflecting on her teaching practice using the NCBTS framework. Which of
the following best describes the process of self-assessment and reflection based on the NCBTS?
A. Focusing on personal strengths and weaknesses without considering student learning
B. Identifying areas for improvement based on student test scores
C. Identifying areas for improvement based on the NCBTS domains and competencies
D. Comparing one's teaching practice with other teachers in the school

482. Mr. Reyes, a school head, received a complaint against a teacher who allegedly violated RA
4670. What is the proper course of action he should take?

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a. Conduct an investigation and take appropriate disciplinary action if the complaint is found to be
b. Ignore the complaint as it may cause unnecessary trouble for the teacher.
c. Advise the complainant to report the matter to the Department of Education.
d. Talk to the teacher concerned and ask him to resign to avoid legal complications.

483. Mrs. Cruz, a public school teacher, is planning to attend a conference on effective teaching
strategies. Is she entitled to a travel allowance based on RA 4670?
a. Yes, as long as the conference is relevant to her teaching duties and approved by the school
b. No, as public school teachers are not entitled to any travel allowance.
c. Yes, but only if the conference is held outside of her region or division.
d. No, as travel allowances are only granted to school heads.

484. Ms. Garcia is a public school teacher who was accused of misconduct. She was not informed
of the charges against her nor given an opportunity to defend herself before she was dismissed
from service. Which provision of RA 4670 or Magna Carta for Public School Teachers was
violated in this scenario?
A. Right to due process
B. Right to free education
C. Right to participate in governance
D. Right to professional advancement

485. A teacher has a student who is struggling academically and offers to tutor the student outside
of class. Which principle in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers does this situation
a) Principle III - Education as a Profession
b) Principle V - Personal Growth and Professional Development
c) Principle VII - Professional Relationships
d) Principle IX - Teachers and the Community

486. A principal is asked to approve a fundraising activity for a school club. Which principle in
the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers is the principal upholding by ensuring that the
fundraising activity is legal and ethical?
a) Principle II - The Teacher and the Community
b) Principle IV - Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development
c) Principle VI - Professional Conduct and Demeanor
d) Principle VIII - Teachers and the Profession

487. A teacher is asked to administer a standardized test to her students. Which principle in the
Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers does this situation uphold?
a) Principle I - The Teacher as a Person
b) Principle III - Education as a Profession
c) Principle V - Personal Growth and Professional Development
d) Principle VI - Professional Conduct and Demeanor

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488. A teacher is offered a gift from a student's parent as a token of appreciation for her hard work.
Which principle in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers does this situation violate?
a) Principle III - Education as a Profession
b) Principle VI - Professional Conduct and Demeanor
c) Principle VII - Professional Relationships
d) Principle IX - Teachers and the Community

489. A teacher is asked to attend a conference on inclusive education. Which principle in the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers does this situation uphold?
a) Principle III - Education as a Profession
b) Principle IV - Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development
c) Principle V - Personal Growth and Professional Development
d) Principle VIII - Teachers and the Profession

490. In a school setting, a teacher is assigned to handle a class with students of diverse learning
needs. Which of the following JEL strategies would be most appropriate to address this situation?
A. Providing lecture-based instruction
B. Using differentiated instruction
C. Giving standardized assessments
D. Conducting group discussions

491. A principal wants to ensure that the school's instructional practices are aligned with current
research and best practices in teaching and learning. Which of the following JEL strategies would
best support the principal's goal?
A. Providing a one-time professional development workshop
B. Encouraging teachers to attend conferences and seminars
C. Establishing a school-based professional learning community
D. Providing monetary incentives to high-performing teachers

492. A teacher is struggling with classroom management and needs support in this area. Which of
the following JEL strategies would be most helpful for the teacher?
A. Providing a list of classroom management techniques to the teacher
B. Assigning a mentor teacher to observe and provide feedback
C. Conducting a one-time workshop on classroom management
D. Providing monetary incentives to the teacher for improving classroom management

493. A school is implementing a new curriculum that requires teachers to use technology in their
instruction. Which of the following JEL strategies would be most effective in supporting teachers'
use of technology?
A. Providing a one-time workshop on technology tools
B. Offering a bonus to teachers who use technology in their instruction
C. Providing ongoing coaching and support on technology integration
D. Requiring teachers to attend technology conferences

494. In which of the following ways can a teacher use a portfolio in their teaching practice?
A. As a way of storing student grades

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B. As a way of keeping track of attendance
C. As a way of assessing student progress
D. As a way of communicating with parents

495. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of using portfolios in the classroom?
A. Encourages student reflection and self-assessment
B. Provides a comprehensive picture of student progress
C. Allows for more personalized instruction
D. Eliminates the need for traditional assessments

496. How can teachers use portfolios to support student goal-setting?

A. By setting goals for their students
B. By having students choose their own goals
C. By assigning goals to students
D. By not using portfolios for goal-setting

497. What is the role of feedback in the portfolio process?

A. Feedback is not necessary in the portfolio process
B. Feedback helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement
C. Feedback is only given at the end of the portfolio process
D. Feedback is only given by the teacher

498. How can portfolios be used to showcase student learning to parents and other stakeholders?
A. By presenting the portfolio in a formal setting
B. By sending home the portfolio for parents to review
C. By using an online platform to share the portfolio
D. By not sharing the portfolio with parents or other stakeholders

499. When it comes to stakeholder engagement, which of the following is the LEAST effective
A. One-way communication
B. Two-way communication
C. Engaging stakeholders only when necessary
D. Collaborative engagement

500. In a school setting, which of the following is an example of a stakeholder?

A. A student’s parent
B. The school mascot
C. The principal’s neighbor
D. A local business owner

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1. The DepEd's vision statement is a representation of the department's long-term goal. It is a broad
and aspirational statement that aims to guide all of its programs and initiatives towards a common
objective. The correct answer is B because it accurately reflects the DepEd's vision to provide
quality basic education for all Filipinos.

2. The DepEd's mission statement is a statement of purpose that outlines the department's
fundamental reason for existence. The correct answer is A because it accurately reflects the
DepEd's mission to provide quality basic education that is accessible to all Filipinos.

3. Core values are fundamental principles that guide the behavior and decision-making of an
organization. The correct answer is D because individualism is not a core value of the DepEd. The
department values the collective efforts of individuals towards the achievement of its vision and

4. The DepEd's core value of excellence represents the department's commitment to achieving the
highest standards of quality and performance. The correct answer is A because it accurately reflects
this core value.

5. The DepEd's core value of integrity represents the department's commitment to upholding the
principles of honesty and transparency in all its endeavors. The correct answer is B because it
accurately reflects this core value.

6. Strategies are specific actions or methods employed by the department to achieve its goals. The
correct answer is D because the DepEd does not promote any political ideology in its programs
and initiatives.

7. The K to 12 program is a major reform initiative implemented by the DepEd to enhance the
quality of basic education in the country. The correct answer is A because one of the benefits of
this program is that it increases opportunities for students to work abroad due to the alignment of
the Philippine educational system with international standards.

8. The ALS is a parallel learning system implemented by the DepEd to provide basic education to
out-of-school youth and adults who were not able to complete formal education. The correct
answer is A because the primary goal of the ALS is to provide basic education to these individuals.

9. The SHS program is the final stage of the K to 12 program and aims to provide students with
specialized skills and knowledge in preparation for higher education or employment. The correct
answer is A because a key feature of this program is the integration of vocational and technical
education, allowing students to gain practical skills in various fields.

10. The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly affected the education sector, and the DepEd has
implemented various measures to address the challenges brought about by the pandemic. The
correct answer is A because the department's main role is to ensure the continuity of learning

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through the implementation of flexible learning modalities such as distance learning, modular
learning, and online learning.

11. The DepEd Vision statement is the long-term goal that the department aims to achieve. The
correct answer is B because it emphasizes the importance of providing equitable and inclusive
education for all learners in the Philippines, regardless of their social status or background. An
example of this vision in action is the DepEd's implementation of the K-12 program, which aims
to enhance the quality of education and equip learners with the necessary skills for their future.

12. The DepEd Mission statement outlines the department's purpose and direction in delivering
education services. The correct answer is D because it reflects the three key objectives of the
DepEd Mission. Providing quality education that is accessible to all, ensuring the holistic
development of learners, and developing globally competitive citizens are all important aspects of
the DepEd's mission.

13. The DepEd's Core Values are meant to instill positive values among learners and stakeholders
in education. The correct answer is D because promoting national pride and identity, encouraging
learners to participate in community service activities, and fostering a sense of social responsibility
are all ways in which the DepEd promotes the Maka-Bansa (Patriotic) Core Value. An example of
this is the DepEd's implementation of the Brigada Eskwela program, which encourages community
participation in preparing school facilities for the coming school year.

14. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a tool used by schools to identify their strengths and
weaknesses and to develop strategies for improvement. The correct answer is B because the main
purpose of the SIP is to provide a roadmap for school improvement. An example of this is when a
school head or principal conducts a needs assessment and uses the results to develop a
comprehensive SIP that outlines the school's goals, objectives, and action plans for the year.

15. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is a collaborative process that involves school leaders,
teachers, and stakeholders. The correct answer is D because all of the above are responsible for
leading the development of the SIP. However, the school head plays a critical role in providing
overall direction and ensuring that the SIP is aligned with the school's vision, mission, and goals.

16. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) is composed of several components that are essential to
achieving school improvement. The correct answer is B because teacher evaluation results are not
part of the SIP. The other components, such as learner performance targets, school improvement
goals, and action plans and strategies, are crucial in ensuring that the school is on track towards
achieving its goals.

17. Teachers play an important role in the development and implementation of the School
Improvement Plan (SIP). The correct answer is D because they participate in the needs assessment
process, provide input in the development of the SIP, and implement the action plans and strategies
outlined in the SIP. An example of this is when a teacher provides feedback on the effectiveness
of a certain instructional strategy, which is then incorporated into the SIP as part of the school's
improvement goals.

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18. Effective school leadership is crucial in the success of the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
The correct answer is D because school leaders provide direction and support, ensure that resources
are allocated effectively, and monitor and evaluate the implementation of the SIP. An example of
this is when a school head provides training and professional development opportunities to
teachers to support the implementation of the SIP.

19. The School Improvement Plan (SIP) should be developed with consideration of various factors
that affect the school's performance. The correct answer is D because all of the above, including
student enrollment, teacher workload, and community involvement, should be considered when
developing the SIP. For example, a school located in a rural area with limited resources may need
to prioritize community involvement in order to provide support for the school's improvement

20. Developing a School Improvement Plan (SIP) involves a step-by-step process. The correct
answer is A because the first step in developing the SIP is to identify the school's strengths and
weaknesses through a comprehensive needs assessment. For example, a school head may conduct
a survey or hold focus group discussions with teachers and stakeholders to gather feedback and
insights on the school's performance.

21. Implementing a School Improvement Plan (SIP) can be challenging, and schools may
encounter various obstacles along the way. The correct answer is D because lack of support from
school leaders, insufficient resources and funding, and resistance from teachers are potential
challenges in implementing the SIP. For example, a school head may face resistance from teachers
who are hesitant to change their teaching practices and may need to provide additional support and
training to facilitate the implementation of the SIP.

22. Evaluating and revising the School Improvement Plan (SIP) is an ongoing process. The correct
answer is A because the SIP should be regularly monitored and evaluated to assess its effectiveness
and make necessary revisions. For example, a school head may conduct periodic assessments to
determine whether the school's improvement goals have been met and make adjustments to the
SIP accordingly.

23. Communicating the School Improvement Plan (SIP) is essential in gaining support and
involvement from teachers, parents, and other stakeholders. The correct answer is D because the
SIP can be communicated through regular meetings and updates, posting it on the school's website,
and distributing copies to all stakeholders. For example, a school head may hold a meeting with
teachers and parents to discuss the SIP and provide regular updates on the school's progress
towards achieving its improvement goals.

24. The School Report Card (SRC) is a tool used to provide information about a school's
performance to stakeholders. The correct answer is A because the SRC is designed to provide
information about a school's academic and non-academic performance, as well as its resources and
achievements. For example, a school's SRC may include data on student achievement, teacher
qualifications, and school safety measures.

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25. The School Report Card (SRC) is typically prepared by school administrators in collaboration
with teachers and other stakeholders. The correct answer is B because school administrators are
responsible for collecting and compiling data on the school's performance, while teachers and other
stakeholders may provide input and feedback on the school's strengths and weaknesses. For
example, a school head may work with teachers to gather data on student achievement and use this
information to prepare the school's SRC.

26.The School Report Card (SRC) should be regularly updated to reflect the school's current
performance. The correct answer is A because the SRC is typically updated annually to reflect
changes in the school's performance and to provide stakeholders with up-to-date information. For
example, a school's SRC may be updated annually to include data on student achievement from
the previous academic year.

27. The School Report Card (SRC) is a public document that can be accessed by various
stakeholders. The correct answer is D because school administrators, teachers, parents and
guardians, and the general public can access the SRC to obtain information about the school's
performance. For example, a parent may use the SRC to compare different schools in the area and
to make informed decisions about their child's education.

28. Using the School Report Card (SRC) to improve school performance can be beneficial for
various reasons. The correct answer is D because the SRC provides data-driven insights into the
school's strengths and weaknesses, allows for easy comparison with other schools, and promotes
accountability and transparency. For example, a school head may use the SRC to identify areas of
improvement and develop strategies to address these areas, such as providing additional support
for struggling students or implementing new teaching practices.

29. The Academic Performance section of the School Report Card (SRC) provides data on student
performance in various subjects, including Math. The correct answer is A because Principal
Hernandez can use this section to identify areas of improvement in Math and develop strategies to
address these areas. For example, Principal Hernandez can use the SRC data to identify which
grade levels or specific topics need more support, and implement targeted interventions such as
additional tutoring or professional development for teachers.

30. The Academic Performance section of the School Report Card (SRC) provides data on student
performance in various subjects, which can be used to compare schools' performance. The correct
answer is A because the district superintendent can use this section to compare the academic
performance of School A and School B, and identify areas of strength and weakness in each school.
For example, the superintendent may use this data to identify which school needs additional
resources or support, or to develop strategies to improve the overall performance of both schools.

31. The Non-Academic Performance section of the School Report Card (SRC) provides data on
school attendance rates and other non-academic indicators. The correct answer is C because
Principal Santos can use this section to identify trends in attendance rates over time and develop
strategies to improve attendance. For example, Principal Santos can use the SRC data to identify
which grade levels or specific groups of students have the lowest attendance rates, and implement

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targeted interventions such as parental engagement programs or incentives for students with high
attendance rates.

32. The Resources section of the School Report Card (SRC) provides data on the resources
available to support students with disabilities. The correct answer is B because the school principal
can use this section to determine if the school has sufficient resources, such as special education
teachers and assistive technology, to meet the needs of students with disabilities. For example, the
school principal may use this data to advocate for additional resources or to develop strategies to
improve the school's support for students with disabilities.

33. The Non-Academic Performance section of the School Report Card (SRC) provides data on
dropout rates and other non-academic indicators. The correct answer is C because Principal Reyes
can use this section to identify potential factors contributing to the high dropout rate, such as
student engagement or school safety. For example, Principal Reyes can use the SRC data to
identify which grade levels or specific groups of students have the highest dropout rates, and
implement targeted interventions such as mentorship programs or after-school activities to address
these issues.

34. The strategic planning process starts with identifying the problem or opportunity. The correct
answer is A because Principal Garcia needs to identify the issue or opportunity she wants to
address, which in this case is the need to improve the school's facilities. Once she has identified
the problem, she can move on to the next step, which is conducting a needs assessment to
determine the specific requirements for addressing the issue.

35. The next step in the strategic planning process after identifying the problem or opportunity is
to conduct a needs assessment. The correct answer is A because School A needs to identify the
specific needs of their students in terms of engagement and learning outcomes before developing
goals and objectives or creating an action plan. The needs assessment may involve analyzing data
from student surveys, focus groups, or academic performance records.

36. The next step in the strategic planning process after conducting a needs assessment is to
develop goals and objectives. The correct answer is A because Principal Santos needs to establish
specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and objectives for
improving the school's academic performance in Math. For example, she may set a goal to increase
the percentage of students who achieve a passing grade in Math by 10% within the next academic

37. The next step in the strategic planning process after creating an action plan is to implement the
plan. The correct answer is B because School B needs to put the action plan into action by
allocating resources, training staff, and executing the plan. After implementation, the school can
move on to the next step, which is evaluating the plan to determine if it has achieved the desired

38. The next step in the strategic planning process after evaluating the plan is to create an action
plan for improvement. The correct answer is C because Principal Reyes needs to identify specific
strategies and activities for improving communication with parents and the community, such as

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holding regular parent-teacher conferences, publishing newsletters, or creating social media
accounts. After creating the action plan, he can move on to implementing it and monitoring its

39. The BE-LCP has several components, one of which is the delivery of learning resources and
materials. The correct answer is A because this component aims to ensure that all learners have
access to quality learning resources, materials, and technologies, regardless of their location or
socioeconomic status. The delivery may involve various modes such as online or offline, printed
or digital.

40. The primary mode of instruction in the BE-LCP during the Covid-19 pandemic is blended
learning, which combines various modes such as online, modular, and offline. The correct answer
is C because modular learning involves the use of self-paced, independent learning materials that
can be delivered through various means such as printed or digital.

41. The BE-LCP includes the provision of health and safety measures as one of its components.
The correct answer is B because this component focuses on the protection and promotion of the
health and well-being of learners, teachers, and personnel, by implementing measures such as
physical distancing, wearing of masks, and sanitizing of hands and surfaces.

42. One of the challenges in the implementation of the BE-LCP during the Covid-19 pandemic is
the limited access to technology and internet connectivity, especially in remote and disadvantaged
areas. The correct answer is B because this issue hinders the effective delivery of online or blended
learning, and may result in disparities in learning outcomes between those who have access to
technology and those who do not.

43. The BE-LCP is a comprehensive plan that aims to support the continuity of learning during
the Covid-19 pandemic. The correct answer is C because one of its components is the delivery of
learning resources and materials, which is essential to ensure that learners can continue their
education even in the absence of face-to-face classes. The other options are not viable solutions,
as providing free vaccines or implementing face-to-face classes may not be feasible or safe, while
cancelling the academic year may have negative consequences for the learners' education and

45. The main goal of the Sulong Edukalidad program is to enhance the competencies of teachers
and school leaders, particularly in improving the quality of education in public schools. The correct
answer is C.

46. Don Pablo Lorenzo Memorial High School in Zamboanga City received support from the
government through the Sulong Edukalidad program in 2020, particularly in providing training
and development opportunities for their teachers and school leaders. The correct answer is B.

47. The role of the Department of Education in the implementation of the Sulong Edukalidad
program in the Philippines is to provide technical assistance and support to schools and teachers,
particularly in enhancing their competencies and improving the quality of education in public
schools. The correct answer is C.

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48. The Most Essential Learning Competencies are the competencies that are deemed essential for
students to learn given the limited time and resources during the pandemic. They are prioritized to
ensure that students still receive quality education despite the challenges brought by the pandemic.
The correct answer is B.

49. As of 2021, Mathematics has the most number of Most Essential Learning Competencies in
the Philippines, with a total of 271 competencies identified. The correct answer is B.

50. The Most Essential Learning Competencies are fewer in number and more focused than the
regular curriculum competencies. They are also deemed essential for students to learn given the
limited time and resources during the pandemic. The correct answer is C.

51. Teachers must ensure that students learn the identified Most Essential Learning Competencies
while still following the regular curriculum competencies. They must also use their own
professional judgment and creativity in delivering the competencies. The correct answer is C.

52. Students were assessed based on both the Most Essential Learning Competencies and the
regular curriculum competencies. This is to ensure that students are still evaluated based on the
required competencies despite the challenges brought by the pandemic. The correct answer is C.

53. Answer: a) Differentiate between natural and artificial magnets

Rationalization: The MELC for Grade 5 Science includes the understanding of natural and
artificial magnets. The other options are not part of the MELC for Science in Grade 5.

54. Answer: c) Understand the elements of communication

Rationalization: According to the MELC, understanding the elements of communication is the
most essential competency in English for Grade 8. The other options are still part of the MELC
but are not as prioritized as understanding the elements of communication.

54. Answer: b) Read and write whole numbers up to 1,000

Rationalization: The MELC for Math in Grade 3 includes the ability to read and write whole
numbers up to 1,000. The other options are not part of the MELC for Math in Grade 3.

55. Answer: b) Understand the different kinds of maps

Rationalization: The MELC for Grade 7 Social Studies includes the ability to understand the
different kinds of maps. The other options are not part of the MELC for Social Studies in Grade 7.

56. Answer: a) Identify the major landforms in the world

Rationalization: The MELC for Grade 4 Araling Panlipunan includes the ability to identify the
major landforms in the world. The other options are not part of the MELC for Araling Panlipunan
in Grade 4.

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57. The principal is responsible for providing resources and support for teachers to deliver the
identified competencies. They should also monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Most
Essential Learning Competencies in their school. The correct answer is B.

58. The alignment ensures that the competencies taught in the school are relevant and aligned with
the school's vision and goals. This can help motivate and engage both teachers and students in the
learning process. The correct answer is C.

59. Answer: c) A combination of in-person and online instruction

Rationalization: Blended learning involves a combination of in-person and online instruction. The
other options are not considered blended learning.

60. Answer: c) Fully online courses with no in-person interaction

Rationalization: Distance learning involves fully online courses with no in-person interaction. The
other options are not considered distance learning.

61.Answer: c) Students can interact with the teacher and other students in real time
Rationalization: Synchronous learning allows for real-time interaction between the teacher and
students, as well as between students themselves. The other options do not describe advantages of
synchronous learning.

62. Answer: c) Students can complete assignments at their own pace

Rationalization: Asynchronous learning allows students to complete assignments at their own pace
and on their own schedule. The other options do not describe advantages of asynchronous learning.

63. Answer: c) A student-led research project with real-world applications

Rationalization: Project-based learning involves student-led research projects with real-world
applications. The other options are not considered project-based learning.

64. Answer: b) Students have more control over their learning experience
Rationalization: Self-learning modules allow students to work at their own pace and have more
control over their learning experience. The other options do not describe advantages of self-
learning modules.

65. Answer: a) Difficulty in providing direct feedback to students

Rationalization: Self-learning modules may present a challenge in providing direct feedback to
students. The other options are not potential challenges of self-learning modules.

66. Answer: c) Pre-recorded video lectures by the teacher

Rationalization: Self-learning modules often include pre-recorded video lectures by the teacher.
The other options are not common features of self-learning modules.

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67. Answer: b) Reduced workload in preparing and delivering classroom lessons
Rationalization: Self-learning modules can reduce teachers' workload in preparing and delivering
classroom lessons. The other options do not describe advantages of self-learning modules for

68. Answer: c) A pre-recorded video lecture with accompanying study materials

Rationalization: A pre-recorded video lecture with accompanying study materials is an example
of a self-learning module. The other options are not considered self-learning modules.

69. Answer: b) Communicating the policy to all stakeholders

Rationalization: It is important to communicate the policy to all stakeholders to ensure that they
understand and follow the policy. The other options are not important steps in the policy
implementation process.

70. Answer: a) The policy is outdated

Rationalization: A policy may need to be reviewed if it is outdated and no longer effective. The
other options are not potential reasons for reviewing a policy.

71. Answer: c) The effectiveness of the policy in achieving its intended goals
Rationalization: It is important to review the effectiveness of the policy in achieving its intended
goals to determine if any changes need to be made. The other options are not important factors to
consider when reviewing a policy.

72. Answer: a) Consistency in enforcing the policy

Rationalization: It is important to be consistent in enforcing the policy to ensure that all students
are treated fairly. The other options are not important considerations when implementing a new

73. Answer: c) Conducting a survey of stakeholders to gather feedback

Rationalization: Conducting a survey of stakeholders to gather feedback is an example of a policy
review process. The other options are not examples of a policy review process.

74. Answer: a) How can teachers improve student engagement?

Rationalization: A research question should be focused on a specific problem or issue, and should
be answerable through research. The other options are not good examples of research questions.

75. Answer: d) Conducting a literature review on project-based learning

Rationalization: A literature review is a research methodology that involves reviewing existing
literature on a particular topic. The other options are not research methodologies.

76. Answer: b) Following the scientific method

Rationalization: Following the scientific method is an important consideration when conducting
research, as it ensures that the research is rigorous and reliable. The other options are not important
considerations when conducting research.

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77. Answer: d) Conducting a randomized controlled trial
Rationalization: A randomized controlled trial is a research design that involves randomly
assigning participants to either an experimental or control group. The other options are not research

78. Answer: c) Students who use technology in the classroom perform better on tests
Rationalization: A research finding is a conclusion or result that is supported by the research. The
other options are not good examples of research findings.

79. Answer: b) What is the best way to teach reading comprehension?

Rationalization: An action research question should be focused on a specific problem or issue that
the teacher wants to improve, and should be answerable through research. The other options are
not good examples of action research questions.

80. Answer: d) Involving stakeholders in the research process

Rationalization: Involving stakeholders in the research process, such as students, parents, and other
teachers, is an important consideration when conducting action research, as it helps to ensure that
the research is relevant and applicable. The other options are not important considerations when
conducting action research.

81. Answer: a) Observing students during class

Rationalization: Observing students during class is a research methodology that involves collecting
data through direct observation. The other options are not research methodologies.

82. Answer: b) Teacher collaboration can be improved through communication and teamwork
Rationalization: An action research finding is a conclusion or result that is supported by the
research. The other options are not good examples of action research findings.

83. Answer: b) Surveying students and teachers about their current use of technology
Rationalization: An action research plan should include specific goals and objectives, and should
involve input from stakeholders. The other options are not good examples of action research plans.

84. Answer: c) Identifying the research problem. This is the first step in conducting an action
research. Ms. Garcia needs to identify the research problem and formulate a research question
before proceeding with her study.

85. Answer: d) Classroom observations. Classroom observations are the most appropriate method
for collecting data on the effectiveness of using formative assessment as a teaching strategy. Mr.
Santos can observe his teachers as they use formative assessment in their lessons and record their

86. Answer: b) Quasi-experimental. A quasi-experimental research design is the most appropriate

for Mrs. Reyes' study as she wants to investigate the effectiveness of using case studies as a
teaching strategy. In a quasi-experimental design, the researcher can compare the performance of

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the experimental group (students who received the intervention) with the control group (students
who did not receive the intervention).

87. Answer: d) Mixed-method analysis. Mixed-method analysis is the most appropriate for Mr.
Cruz's study since he is using both quantitative and qualitative data. He can use descriptive
statistics to summarize his quantitative data and qualitative analysis to interpret his qualitative

88. Answer: c) Share the findings with her colleagues in a professional development workshop.
Disseminating the findings of an action research study to colleagues is a good way to share
knowledge and promote professional growth. Ms. Gomez can organize a professional development
workshop and present her findings to her colleagues.

89. Answer: c) A novel approach that helps solve a problem or improve learning outcomes
Rationale: Innovation in education refers to the development and implementation of new
approaches, strategies, or tools that can help address current problems and improve learning

90. Answer: c) Providing tablets or laptops to students for online learning

Rationale: Providing tablets or laptops to students for online learning is an example of an
innovation in education because it is a novel approach that helps solve the problem of remote
learning during the pandemic.

91. Answer: d) All of the above

Rationale: Driving innovation in education requires the collective effort of teachers, school
administrators, and education policymakers. They should work together to identify problems and
develop solutions that can improve learning outcomes.

92. Answer: b) To generate new ideas and approaches to education

Rationale: Research in education helps generate new ideas and approaches to education that can
lead to innovation. It provides a foundation for developing evidence-based practices and
identifying potential areas for improvement.

93. Answer: d) All of the above

Rationale: Encouraging innovation in education requires schools to provide professional
development opportunities for teachers, create a culture of experimentation and risk-taking, and
invest in new technologies and resources. These efforts can help promote innovation in the
classroom and improve learning outcomes.

94. Answer: c) A process of comparing one school or program with others to identify best practices
Rationale: Benchmarking in education is a process of comparing one school or program with
others to identify best practices and improve overall performance.

95. Answer: a) It helps schools identify areas for improvement

Rationale: Benchmarking helps schools identify areas for improvement and learn from best
practices in other schools or programs, which can lead to better learning outcomes.

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96. Answer: a) Proven approaches or strategies that have been demonstrated to improve learning
Rationale: Best practices in education refer to approaches or strategies that have been
demonstrated to improve learning outcomes and have been identified as effective through research
or experience.

97. Answer: a) Through benchmarking and comparing their performance with other schools
Rationale: Schools can identify best practices by benchmarking and comparing their performance
with other schools or programs, which can provide insights into effective approaches and

98. Answer: c) Innovation can help schools identify new and more effective approaches
Rationale: Innovation can play a role in identifying and implementing best practices in education
by providing new approaches or strategies that can improve learning outcomes. It can help schools
stay current with changing education needs and technologies.

99. Answer: c) Benchmark with other schools that have successful English programs, such as
Xavier School
Rationale: Benchmarking with other schools that have successful English programs can help
Principal Rodriguez identify best practices and improve the school's English program.

100. Answer: b) To identify best practices in other schools' STEM programs

Rationale: Benchmarking with other schools' STEM programs can help Holy Trinity Academy
identify best practices and improve the effectiveness of its own STEM program.

101. Answer: a) It allows schools to compare their performance with other schools
Rationale: Benchmarking in education allows schools to compare their performance with other
schools and identify areas for improvement.

102. Answer: b) Benchmark with other schools that have successfully implemented new
assessment methods, such as Ateneo de Manila University
Rationale: Benchmarking with other schools that have successfully implemented new assessment
methods can help Principal Sanchez identify best practices and improve the school's assessment

102. Answer: a) By adopting effective teaching methods and strategies

Rationale: Schools can use best practices by adopting effective teaching methods and strategies
that have been demonstrated to improve learning outcomes.

103.Answer: d) Evaluate program effectiveness

Rationalization: Program design includes identifying the problem or need, developing a program
theory, and planning program implementation. Evaluation of program effectiveness is a separate
step that comes after program implementation.

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104. Answer: a) A visual representation of program components and how they are related
Rationalization: A logic model is a visual representation of how a program's components are
related to each other and how they are intended to achieve the program's goals and objectives.

105. Answer: d) Cost-effectiveness

Rationalization: While cost-effectiveness is an important consideration for any program, it is not
one of the primary considerations when implementing a program. Staffing and resources,
stakeholder engagement, and timeline and milestones are all important considerations when
implementing a program.

106. Answer: a) Ongoing funding and resources

Rationalization: Program sustainability refers to the ability of a program to continue to operate and
achieve its goals over time. Ongoing funding and resources are a key component of program

107. Answer: d) To provide a visual representation of program components and how they are
Rationalization: A logic model is used to provide a visual representation of how a program's
components are related to each other and how they are intended to achieve the program's goals and

108. Correct answer: a) Establish the goals and objectives of the program. This is the first step in
program design as it sets the foundation and direction for the rest of the planning process.

109. Correct answer: c) Observing students' performance in group discussions and presentations.
This method allows for authentic assessment of students' communication skills, which is the main
goal of the program.

110. Correct answer: c) Establishing partnerships with local organizations and agencies. This will
provide resources and support for the program beyond the school's resources and ensure its

111. Correct answer: b) Conducting a needs assessment to determine students' technology skills
and access. This will provide valuable information on the specific needs of students and enable the
program to be tailored to their needs.

112. Correct answer: c) Inquiry-based learning. This instructional strategy encourages students to
explore and investigate concepts and ideas on their own, which promotes critical thinking and
problem-solving skills.

113.Answer: a) To provide schools with access to internet connectivity and e-learning resources
Rationale: The DepEd Computerization Program aims to provide public schools with access to the
internet and e-learning resources, enabling teachers and students to utilize digital technology in
their teaching and learning activities.

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114.Answer: d) Provision of free internet access to the public
Rationale: While the DepEd Computerization Program aims to provide public schools with access
to the internet, it does not include the provision of free internet access to the public.

115. Answer: d) The DepEd Bureau of Information and Communication Technology

Rationale: The DepEd Bureau of Information and Communication Technology (BICT) is
responsible for the implementation of the DepEd Computerization Program.

116. Answer: d) Reduced costs for public schools

Rationale: While the DepEd Computerization Program provides computer and e-classroom
packages to public schools, it does not necessarily result in reduced costs for these schools.

117. Answer: a) Limited funding and resources

Rationale: The DepEd Computerization Program faces challenges such as limited funding and
resources, which affect its implementation and success in providing public schools with access to
digital technology.

118. Answer: a. Planning

Rationalization: In the DepEd Computerization Program, the first step is planning, where school
heads or principals assess the ICT needs of their schools, evaluate their readiness for ICT
integration, and identify their priorities.

119. Answer: d. Both b and c

Rationalization: The DepEd Computerization Program is only available for public elementary and
secondary schools.

120. Answer: b. Request for a reconsideration of his proposal.

Rationalization: If a proposal for the DepEd Computerization Program is not approved, the school
head or principal can request for a reconsideration of the proposal by providing additional
information or justification for the request.

121. Answer: b. Implement a schedule for computer use.

Rationalization: Proper utilization and maintenance of the computer units provided by the DepEd
Computerization Program can be ensured through the implementation of a schedule for computer

122. Answer: d. All of the above.

Rationalization: Monitoring the progress of the DepEd Computerization Program in a school
involves conducting an inventory of the computer units, surveying the teachers and students, and
monitoring the usage of the computer units to ensure their proper utilization and maintenance.

123. Answer: b) To provide equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their
Rationalization: The primary objective of inclusive education is to provide equal educational
opportunities for all students, including those with disabilities. This means that students with

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disabilities should be included in regular classrooms and given the necessary support to participate
fully in educational activities.

124. Answer: b) To provide equal educational opportunities for all students, regardless of their
Rationalization: Teachers play a vital role in inclusive education by ensuring that all students are
given equal opportunities to learn and participate in educational activities. They must create an
inclusive learning environment that accommodates the needs of all students, regardless of their

125. Answer: a) Integration involves separating students with disabilities from their peers, while
inclusion involves including them in regular classrooms and providing necessary support
Rationalization: Integration involves separating students with disabilities from their peers and
providing them with separate classrooms or activities. Inclusion, on the other hand, involves
including students with disabilities in regular classrooms and providing the necessary support to
ensure that they can participate fully in educational activities.

126. Answer: b) A calculator

Rationalization: Assistive technology devices are designed to support students with disabilities in
inclusive classrooms. Examples of assistive technology devices include calculators,
communication devices, hearing aids, and computer software.

127. Answer: c) It provides them with the necessary support to participate fully in educational
Rationalization: Inclusive education provides students with disabilities with the necessary support
to participate fully in educational activities. It allows them to learn alongside their peers, interact
with them, and develop their social skills. Inclusive education also promotes the development of
positive attitudes towards diversity and differences among all students.

128. C. Providing necessary accommodations and modifications is a critical aspect of inclusive

education. Principal Santos should work with teachers and staff to ensure that students with
disabilities can fully participate in all school activities.

129. B. Differentiating instruction to meet the needs of all students is a key aspect of inclusive
education. Regular classroom teachers play an important role in ensuring that students with
disabilities are fully included in their classrooms.

130. C. Providing necessary accommodations and modifications is critical to creating an inclusive

classroom environment. Teacher Garcia should work with her students and their families to ensure
that all students feel welcome and supported in her classroom.

131. C. Inclusive education provides students with disabilities with access to the same educational
opportunities as their peers. This can help to build self-esteem and promote social inclusion.

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132. C. Providing necessary accommodations and modifications is critical to creating an inclusive
school environment. Principal Rodriguez should work with teachers, staff, and families to ensure
that all students are fully included in all aspects of school life.

133. Answer: b) Republic Act No. 7277

Rationalization: Republic Act No. 7277, also known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons,
mandates the provision of special education services in the Philippines.

135. Answer: d) Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation

Rationalization: Multi-Disciplinary Evaluation is the term used to refer to the process of assessing
and identifying the needs of learners with disabilities. This process involves a team of professionals
from different fields, including psychology, education, and medicine.

136.Answer: a) Differentiated Instruction

Rationalization: Differentiated Instruction is the term used to refer to the process of providing
support and accommodations to learners with disabilities in the classroom. This approach involves
tailoring instruction to meet the unique needs of each learner.

137. Answer: c) Traditional classroom setup

Rationalization: Alternative Delivery Mode refers to non-traditional methods of delivering
education, which includes online classes, modular learning, and radio and TV-based instruction.
Traditional classroom setup is the conventional way of delivering education, and is not considered
part of Alternative Delivery Mode.

138.Answer: b) During times of crisis or disasters

Rationalization: Alternative Delivery Mode is typically used as a contingency plan when regular
face-to-face classes are not possible, such as during times of crisis or disasters.

139. Answer: c) It may not be accessible to students who do not have access to digital devices or
stable internet connection.
Rationalization: Alternative Delivery Mode relies heavily on digital devices and stable internet
connection, which may not be accessible to all students, especially those in remote areas or in low-
income households.

140. Answer: a) To monitor students' progress and provide feedback.

Rationalization: Teachers play a crucial role in Alternative Delivery Mode by monitoring students'
progress, providing feedback, and facilitating discussions and activities to enhance student

141. Answer: b) It allows for personalized and self-paced learning.

Rationalization: One of the key advantages of Alternative Delivery Mode is that it allows for
personalized and self-paced learning, which can enhance student engagement and understanding.

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142. Answer: C. Traditional face-to-face learning
Rationalization: Alternative delivery mode (ADM) refers to the various methods of delivering
education that are not traditional face-to-face learning. ADM includes online learning, modular
distance learning, and radio and television-based instruction.

143. Answer: B. Modular distance learning

Rationalization: Modular distance learning involves providing self-learning modules or printed
materials to students, which they can use even without internet connectivity. This method is
suitable for areas with limited internet access.

144. Answer: A. Online learning

Rationalization: Online learning involves conducting classes, meetings, and other activities
through the internet. Virtual school assemblies can be conducted through online platforms such as
Zoom or Google Meet.

145. Answer: C. Radio and television-based instruction

Rationalization: Radio and television-based instruction involves broadcasting educational
programs through radio or television. This method is suitable for learners who have limited access
to the internet or printed materials.

146. Answer: D. Blended learning

Rationalization: Blended learning involves combining online and offline learning activities to
provide students with a more comprehensive and flexible learning experience. This method allows
students to access learning materials through various channels such as online platforms, printed
materials, and face-to-face interactions.

147. Answer: b. To develop the skills and competencies of individuals who have not completed
formal schooling
Rationalization: The Alternative Learning System aims to develop the knowledge, skills, and
competencies of individuals who have not completed formal schooling. It is a non-formal
education program that provides learners with an opportunity to acquire basic literacy, numeracy,
and other life skills.

148. Answer: c. Both A and B

Rationalization: The Alternative Learning System caters to both out-of-school children and youth,
as well as adults who have not completed formal schooling. It provides these learners with an
opportunity to continue their education and acquire the necessary skills and competencies for their
personal development and empowerment.

149. Answer: d. All of the above

Rationalization: The Alternative Learning System uses a variety of delivery modes to cater to the
needs and preferences of different learners. These include face-to-face and online learning,
modular distance learning, blended learning, peer teaching, and group learning.

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150. Answer: c. Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) Diploma
Rationalization: The Alternative Learning System provides learners with an opportunity to take
the Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) test, which assesses their competencies in basic literacy,
numeracy, and life skills. Those who pass the test are given an A&E Diploma, which is equivalent
to a formal high school diploma.

151. Answer: b. To provide learners with individualized instruction and support

Rationalization: The Alternative Learning System Mobile Teachers play a crucial role in the
implementation of the program, as they provide learners with individualized instruction and
support. They conduct home visits and community-based learning sessions, and they work closely
with local government units and community organizations to ensure the success of the program.

152. Answer: b. To address undernutrition and malnutrition among school children

Rationalization: The School-based feeding program aims to provide nutritious meals to
undernourished and malnourished school children in order to improve their health and academic

153. Answer: c. The school principals

Rationalization: The school principals are responsible for implementing the School-based feeding
program in their respective schools. They coordinate with the local government units and other
stakeholders in the program implementation.

154. Answer: d. Daily

Rationalization: The School-based feeding program provides daily feeding to the beneficiaries.
This ensures that the children receive the necessary nutrients to improve their health and academic

155. Answer: c. Rice, fish/meat, vegetables and fruit

Rationalization: The School-based feeding program provides a balanced and nutritious meal
consisting of rice, fish/meat, vegetables and fruit. This ensures that the children receive the
necessary nutrients for their growth and development.

166. Answer: a. It promotes good health and well-being among school children
Rationalization: The School-based feeding program addresses undernutrition and malnutrition
among school children, which promotes good health and well-being. This also leads to better
academic performance, reduced absenteeism, and improved school attendance.

168. Answer: B. To improve the health and nutritional status of students

Rationalization: The primary objective of the SBFP is to improve the health and nutritional status
of students, especially those who are undernourished. This is to ensure that they are able to
concentrate better in class and perform well in their academic pursuits.

169. Answer: D. Decreased government spending on education

Rationalization: The School-based Feeding Program is a government-funded program aimed at
improving the nutritional status of students, which in turn leads to improved academic

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performance, increased attendance in schools, and reduced dropout rates. It is not designed to
reduce government spending on education.

170. Answer: A. School principal

Rationalization: The school principal is responsible for the implementation of the School-based
Feeding Program in a school. He or she is in charge of the program's coordination, management,
and monitoring.

171. Answer: A. Daily

Rationalization: The School-based Feeding Program provides meals to students on a daily basis.
This is to ensure that they are able to receive the proper nutrition they need to perform well in their
academic pursuits.

172. Answer: C. High incidence of malnutrition

Rationalization: To be included in the School-based Feeding Program, a school must have a high
incidence of malnutrition among its students. This is to ensure that the program's resources are
directed towards those who need it the most.

173. Answer: B. To subsidize the tuition and other fees of qualified senior high school students
Rationale: The Senior High School Voucher Program is a government subsidy that aims to provide
financial assistance to qualified students to help them pay for their senior high school education.

174. Answer: D. Students from both public and private schools

Rationale: The Senior High School Voucher Program is available to both public and private school
students who meet the eligibility requirements set by the Department of Education.

175. Answer: B. By submitting the required documents to their school

Rationale: The application process for the Senior High School Voucher Program typically involves
submitting the required documents to the student's school, which will then facilitate the application
on behalf of the student.

176. Answer: D. A percentage of the tuition and other fees based on the student's household income
Rationale: The amount of financial assistance provided by the Senior High School Voucher
Program varies based on the household income of the student. Students from low-income
households receive a higher percentage of tuition and other fees, while those from higher-income
households receive a lower percentage.

177. Answer: D. To receive government subsidies for qualified students' education

Rationale: Private schools are eligible to participate in the Senior High School Voucher Program
and receive government subsidies for qualified students' education. They are responsible for
complying with the program guidelines and requirements set by the Department of Education.

178. Answer: C. To provide financial assistance to private high school students

Rationalization: The Senior High School Voucher Program is a government program that provides
financial assistance to qualified senior high school students who want to pursue their studies in

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private schools. This aims to provide equal opportunities for all students to access quality
education regardless of their socio-economic status.

179. Answer: C. Only senior high school students from private schools
Rationalization: The Senior High School Voucher Program is only available to qualified senior
high school students who wish to study in private schools. Public school students are not eligible
to apply for the program.

180. Answer: B. Submit an application form to the private school where the student wishes to
Rationalization: In order to apply for the Senior High School Voucher Program, the student needs
to submit an application form directly to the private school where they wish to enroll. The private
school will then process the application and submit it to the Department of Education for

181. Answer: B. The school must be accredited by the Department of Education

Rationalization: In order for a private school to participate in the Senior High School Voucher
Program, it must be accredited by the Department of Education. This ensures that the school meets
the required standards of quality education.

182. Answer: A. It covers 100% of the tuition fee and other school fees
Rationalization: The Senior High School Voucher Program provides 100% financial assistance to
qualified students for the tuition fee and other school fees, such as laboratory fees and
miscellaneous fees. This ensures that deserving students are able to access quality education in
private schools regardless of their financial capacity.

183. Answer: d) Poetry writing

Rationale: Campus journalism generally refers to the practice of writing and publishing news
articles, features, and editorials about the events and issues relevant to a school community. While
poetry writing can certainly be a creative outlet for students, it is not typically considered a form
of journalism.

184. Answer: a) The school principal

Rationale: The school principal is ultimately responsible for ensuring that the campus journalism
program is run effectively and that students are given opportunities to practice their writing and
reporting skills.

185. Answer: a) Objectivity

Rationale: Objectivity is an essential principle of journalism, both on and off campus. It requires
that writers and reporters strive to present the facts of a story in a fair and impartial manner, without
injecting their own personal opinions or biases.

186. Answer: d) All of the above

Rationale: Campus journalism provides students with a range of benefits, including the opportunity
to develop important skills in writing, communication, research, and critical thinking.

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Additionally, it allows them to better understand the events and issues affecting their school

187. Answer: b) Conducting a survey of student opinions

Rationale: One important activity in campus journalism is conducting surveys or polls to gather
information and opinions from members of the school community. This can provide valuable
insight into the issues and concerns that matter most to students, and can help inform the reporting
and writing of campus journalists.

188. Option B is the best approach for Principal Grace to take. By conducting a parent orientation,
she can explain the program's objectives and content, and address any concerns or questions that
parents may have. This can help to alleviate any potential conflicts or misunderstandings, and can
ensure that parents are informed and involved in their child's education.

189. Option C is the best approach for Ms. Rodriguez to take. By providing accurate information
about different types of contraceptives and their proper use, she can educate her students and help
them make informed decisions about their sexual health. Avoiding the topic or only discussing
certain methods can limit the students' understanding of their options.

190. Option B is the best approach for Principal Hernandez to take. By providing training and
support for teachers who will teach the program, she can ensure that they are properly equipped to
handle the program's content and address any concerns or questions from students or parents. This
can help to ensure the program's success and promote a positive learning environment.

191. Option C is the best approach for Ms. Santos to take. By encouraging students to ask questions
and participate in discussions, she can promote a safe and inclusive learning environment where
students can feel comfortable to share their thoughts and opinions. Using humor or avoiding
groupings can be counterproductive to building trust and rapport among students.

192. A. The primary goal of the ELLN program is to develop the reading, writing, and numeracy
skills of young learners.

193. Answer: A. The ELLN program targets young learners in grades 1-3.

194. Answer: A. The ELLN program focuses on developing the reading, writing, and numeracy
skills of young learners.

195. Answer: C. The ELLN program uses modern technology and innovative teaching strategies
to help bridge the education gap.

196. Answer: D. The ELLN program is implemented by school principals, classroom teachers, and
parents or guardians who work together to develop the language, literacy, and numeracy skills of
young learners.

197. Answer: c. School-Based Management-Wide Implementation of Nutritional Support. SBM-

WINs is a program of DepEd that aims to provide nutritional support to students in schools.

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198. Answer: d. Students. SBM-WINs is specifically designed to improve the nutritional status of
students in public schools, particularly those who are identified as undernourished.

199. Answer: d. Balanced meals. SBM-WINs provides a complete and balanced meal to students,
which includes rice, vegetables, fruits, and protein-rich viands.

200. Answer: d. School heads. The implementation of SBM-WINs in schools is primarily the
responsibility of the school heads, with the support and guidance of the DepEd division offices.

201. Answer: d. All of the above. The primary goal of SBM-WINs is to improve the nutritional
status of students, which will result in better academic performance, healthier eating habits, and
reduced absenteeism and dropout rates in schools.

202. Answer: b) To increase efficiency in school record-keeping. The use of electronic school
forms is a key feature of the SBM-WINs program and aims to streamline school record-keeping
processes for increased efficiency.

203. Answer: b) To increase student engagement in the learning process. Collaborative learning
strategies encourage students to work together in groups, leading to increased engagement and
participation in the learning process, which is a key objective of the SBM-WINs program.

204. Answer: c) Improved student academic performance. Physical facilities play an important
role in creating a conducive learning environment, and improving these facilities can lead to
improved student academic performance, which is a primary objective of the SBM-WINs program.

205. Answer: a) To reduce absenteeism among students. Proper nutrition is essential to good
health, and improving the school's nutrition program can lead to reduced absenteeism among
students, which is a key objective of the SBM-WINs program.

206. Answer: d) To provide targeted support to students who are struggling. The objective of this
program is to provide additional support and resources to students who are struggling
academically, helping them to improve their performance and achieve success, which is a key
objective of the SBM-WINs program.

207. Answer: a) To evaluate teachers' performance based on their outputs and outcomes.
Rationalization: RPMS is a tool used to measure the performance of teachers based on their outputs
and outcomes, such as lesson plans, instructional materials, and student performance.

208. Answer: a) To identify areas for improvement in the school's programs and services.
Rationalization: SMES is a tool used to assess the effectiveness of a school's programs and services
and identify areas for improvement in order to achieve better educational outcomes for students.

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209. Answer: b) To identify students who are at risk of dropping out or failing.
Rationalization: EWS is a tool used to monitor students' academic progress and identify those who
may need additional support or interventions to ensure that they succeed in school and do not drop

210. Answer: a) To manage student information and records in a centralized database.

Rationalization: LIS is a tool used to manage student information and records in a centralized
database, making it easier for educators and administrators to track and analyze data related to
student performance and progress.

211. Answer: a) To facilitate the submission of Individual Performance and Commitment Review
Form (IPCRF) of teachers.
Rationalization: The Online IPCRF System is a tool used to facilitate the submission of teachers'
IPCRF, making it easier for them to submit their performance review and commitment to the
school. It also makes it easier for the school to manage and review the IPCRFs of their teachers.

212. Answer: d) School Report Card is not a monitoring and evaluation tool used by DepEd.

213. Answer: c) Classroom observation does not allow teachers to evaluate their students'
performance, but rather their own teaching practices.

214. Answer: c) The primary objective of the Results-Based Performance Management System is
to identify and address areas of improvement for teachers.

215. Answer: c) School Facilities and Resources is not a component of the School Improvement

216. Answer: a) The main purpose of the National Achievement Test is to evaluate the academic
performance of the students.

217. Answer: b) The Administrative Services Unit is responsible for ensuring that the school's
physical facilities and equipment are properly maintained and in good condition.

218. Answer: d) Risk management involves identifying potential risks or threats to the school's
operations and developing strategies to mitigate or address them.

219. Answer: a) Formative evaluation is conducted during the implementation phase of a program
or project, and it aims to provide feedback and improve the program's effectiveness.

220. Answer: b) Procurement planning involves identifying the resources needed for a project or
program and developing strategies to acquire them, such as purchasing or contracting.

221. Answer: C. Using a system of codes and labels to identify and track records is a best practice
for records management.

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222. Answer: C. The purpose of records retention schedules is to ensure that records are kept for
the appropriate amount of time and disposed of when they are no longer needed.

223. Answer: C. Student report cards should be kept confidential.

224. Answer: C. Regularly backing up electronic records is a best practice for electronic records

225. Answer: B. Develop a records retention schedule. Developing a records retention schedule is
the first step towards a systematic and organized record-keeping process. It helps in identifying
the types of records that are important and the length of time that they should be kept.

226. Answer: C. Request for a copy of the record from the main office. Accessing records should
always be done through proper channels. Requesting a copy of the record from the main office
ensures that the record is retrieved from the proper location and is authorized by school authorities.

227. Answer: C. Conduct an inventory of the documents in the storage room. Before jumping to
conclusions, the school should first conduct an inventory of the documents to determine which
documents are missing and which documents have been retained. This will help in identifying the
documents that need to be re-created or replaced.

228. Answer: C. Develop a record-keeping policy and ensure all staff members are trained on it.
Developing a record-keeping policy and ensuring that all staff members are trained on it is the
most appropriate action. This ensures that all staff members understand the importance of record-
keeping and are aware of the procedures that need to be followed.

229. Answer: C. Notify the main office and request for a new copy of the record. Damaged records
should always be reported to the main office, and a new copy of the record should be requested. It
is important to ensure that all records are accurate, complete, and free from any damage.

230. Answer: d. To ensure that all expenses are legal and reasonable. Financial management in
DepEd is focused on ensuring that all expenses are legal, reasonable, and necessary to support the
goals and objectives of the department.

231. Answer: a. The principal. The principal is responsible for managing the financial resources
of the school, including creating a budget, monitoring expenses, and ensuring that all expenses are
legal and reasonable.

232. Answer: a. A plan for spending money. A budget in DepEd is a plan for how the department
or a school will spend its money. It includes a list of expenses and revenues for a particular period
of time, usually one year.

233. Answer: b. To provide information on the financial health of the department. Financial
reporting in DepEd is used to provide information on the department's financial health, including
its revenues, expenses, and any assets or liabilities it may have.

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234. Answer: c. By monitoring expenses regularly. A school in DepEd can ensure that it is using
its financial resources effectively by monitoring expenses regularly, ensuring that all expenses are
legal and reasonable, and making adjustments to the budget as needed. Hiring more staff or
implementing new programs may not necessarily lead to effective use of financial resources if
expenses are not carefully monitored.

235. Answer: A) Creating a budget. It is important for principals to create a budget to effectively
manage the finances of the school.

236. Answer: C) Apply for a grant. Teachers can apply for grants to obtain funds for classroom

237. Answer: B) Look for cheaper alternatives. It is important for principals to look for cost-
effective alternatives to manage the finances of the school.

2238. Answer: C) Ask the principal for assistance. Teachers can seek the assistance of the
principal to manage the finances for activities like field trips.

239. Answer: C) Comparing actual financial results to planned results. It is important for principals
to measure financial progress by comparing actual financial results to planned results. This helps
in effective financial management.

240. Answer: a) Appropriate use of MOOE funds

Rationale: MOOE funds are intended for the daily operation and maintenance of schools. The
purchase of new chairs and tables is necessary for the smooth operation of the school, making it a
proper allocation of the MOOE funds.

241. Answer: b) Decline the request as it is beyond the scope of MOOE utilization
Rationale: MOOE funds are specifically intended for maintenance and other operating expenses
of the school. Purchasing materials for a classroom project falls outside the scope of MOOE
utilization, and thus, the request should be declined.

242. Answer: b) Conduct an internal investigation

Rationale: The complaint regarding the mishandling of MOOE funds must be taken seriously, and
an internal investigation must be conducted to determine its validity. Ignoring the complaint could
result in a waste of resources, and immediately reporting it to the Department of Education may
not be necessary until the allegations are verified.

243. Answer: a) Keep a written record of all transactions

Rationale: Proper record-keeping is crucial in ensuring the proper handling of MOOE funds. It
allows for easy tracking of expenses and reduces the risk of misuse of funds. Keeping MOOE
funds in a personal bank account, allocating it to a single expenditure item, or using it for personal
expenses are all inappropriate practices.

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244. Answer: a) Use the funds in the succeeding quarter
Rationale: MOOE funds should be properly allocated and utilized within the appropriate time
frame. Unused funds should be carried over to the succeeding quarter for proper utilization.
Returning the unused funds to the government, spending it on unnecessary items, or allocating it
to personal use are all inappropriate actions

245. Rationalization: C. Purchasing new textbooks is an example of using MOOE for supplies and

246. Rationalization: B. Using MOOE to cover the cost of attending a training seminar is an
example of using it for traveling expenses.

247. Rationalization: A. Installing security cameras falls under the category of MOOE for
maintenance and operating expenses.

248. Rationalization: C. Buying a laptop for instructional use is an example of using MOOE for
supplies and materials.

249. Rationalization: A. Paying salaries of utility personnel is an example of using MOOE for
maintenance and operating expenses.

250. Answer: D. Providing bonuses and incentives to teachers is not a common use of MOOE in
schools. MOOE is typically used for purchasing school supplies and materials, paying for utilities
and maintenance costs, and funding field trips and educational excursions.

251. Answer: C. Funding professional development opportunities for teachers is an example of

how MOOE can be used to support teachers. While the other options may be necessary expenses,
they do not directly support teacher development or instruction.

252. Answer: C. The purpose of MOOE in schools is to cover the costs of day-to-day school
operations, such as purchasing supplies, paying for utilities and maintenance, and funding field
trips and other activities.

253. Answer: A. The amount of MOOE allocated to a school is typically based on the number of
students enrolled in the school, with larger schools receiving more MOOE funding.

255. Answer: D. All of the above are potential consequences of misusing MOOE funds. Misusing
MOOE funds is a serious offense and can result in a variety of penalties, including loss of
accreditation, legal charges, and increased audits.

256. Answer: B. Capital outlay. The purchase of new sports equipment falls under the capital
outlay, which is one of the authorized uses of MOOE.

257. Answer: A. Maintenance and other operating expenses. The purchase of instructional
materials falls under the maintenance and other operating expenses, which is one of the authorized
uses of MOOE.

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258. Answer: D. Construction and renovation of school buildings. MOOE can be used for capital
outlay purposes such as construction and renovation of school buildings, purchase of lands and
buildings, and purchase of vehicles.

259. Answer: D. Cost of services. The payment of honorarium to a guest speaker falls under the
cost of services, which is one of the authorized uses of MOOE.

260. Answer: D. Payment of electricity and water bills. MOOE can be used for maintenance and
other operating expenses such as payment of electricity and water bills, rental and lease of
equipment and facilities, and other expenses necessary for the operation of the school.

261.Rationalization: A well-equipped library is an important facility in a school as it encourages

students to read and improves their academic performance. It also adds value to the school.

262. Rationalization: Science laboratories are important facilities in schools as they provide
students with the opportunity to conduct experiments, learn how to use equipment and analyze

263. Rationalization: While a school nurse is primarily responsible for the health of students, they
also play an important role in managing school facilities, particularly in ensuring that they are
clean and well-maintained.

264. Rationalization: Sports fields or playgrounds are important facilities in schools as they
provide students with opportunities for physical exercise, encourage teamwork and cooperation,
and provide a space for socializing and recreational activities.

265. Rationalization: Ensuring the safety of students with regards to school facilities and
equipment is crucial. Schools can do this by conducting regular maintenance checks, providing
safety training to students and staff, and implementing strict security measures.

266. Answer: A. Special Education Center. This type of facility is designed to cater to the specific
needs of students with disabilities, providing them with the support they need to thrive
academically and personally.

267. Answer: D. Science Laboratory. This type of educational facility is equipped with materials
and equipment for conducting science experiments and is used to teach science subjects.

268. Answer: D. School Bus. While school buses are used for transporting students to and from
school, they are not considered an educational facility.

269. Answer: A. Technical-Vocational School. This type of facility offers specialized training
programs in various trades or vocations such as culinary arts, automotive mechanics, carpentry,
and electronics, among others.

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270. Answer: A. Music Room. This facility is equipped with musical instruments and equipment
for teaching and learning music. It is also used for rehearsals, performances, and other related

271. Answer: a. Library building. A library building is an educational facility that is specifically
designed to house a collection of books, periodicals, and other reading materials that can be used
by students and teachers. It provides a conducive learning environment that allows students to
read, learn and research in a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

272. Answer: c. Ventilation system. A ventilation system is an educational facility that provides
a comfortable and healthy environment for students and teachers by regulating air quality,
temperature, and humidity in classrooms. It helps prevent the spread of diseases and improves the
overall learning experience of the students.

273. Answer: c. Laboratory. A laboratory is an educational facility that is equipped with

specialized tools and equipment to facilitate scientific experiments and observations. It is an
important component of Science instruction, as it provides students with hands-on experience and
helps them understand scientific concepts better.

274. Answer: a. Classroom chairs. classroom chairs are an educational facility that provides
seating for students in a classroom setting. It is essential that the chairs are comfortable and safe
for the students to use, as it can affect their posture and overall health.

275. Answer: c. Auditorium. An auditorium is an educational facility that is designed to

accommodate large audiences for various events such as plays, concerts, and assemblies. A sound
system is an essential component of an auditorium, as it ensures that everyone in the audience can
hear the performance or presentation clearly.

276. Answer: a. To identify areas for school improvement. School mapping is a process that
involves identifying and analyzing data to help schools make informed decisions about where to
focus their resources and efforts for improvement.

277. Answer: a. Number of students enrolled in each grade level. School mapping involves
gathering data such as enrollment numbers, demographic information, and academic performance
to help schools make informed decisions.

278. Answer: a. By identifying areas where students may be at a disadvantage. School mapping
can help identify areas with high poverty rates, low academic performance, and inadequate
resources. By addressing these areas, schools can promote equity in education.

279. Answer: a. To collect and analyze data. The school principal plays a critical role in school
mapping by overseeing the data collection process and using the data to inform decisions about
school improvement.

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280. Answer: b. They allow for the visualization of data in real-time. Digital mapping tools allow
schools to quickly and easily visualize data, which can help them make more informed decisions
in a timely manner.

281. Answer: a. The primary purpose of conducting school mapping is to identify the areas that
need improvement in academic performance. This involves identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of the school in terms of student achievement, attendance, and behavior.

282. Answer: b. The primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case is to identify the
resources available in the community that can be used to enhance teaching strategies. This includes
identifying community organizations, businesses, and other institutions that can support the school
in achieving its goals.

283. Answer: d. The primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case is to identify the
areas where the school can collaborate with other schools to enhance their programs and services.
This involves identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the school and its neighboring schools
to identify potential areas for collaboration.

284. Answer: a. The primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case is to identify the
areas where students come from to plan for transportation and other logistical needs. This involves
identifying the population density and distribution of students to plan for efficient transportation
and other support services.

285. Answer: c. The primary purpose of conducting school mapping in this case is to identify the
areas that need improvement in school facilities. This involves identifying the current condition of
the school facilities and determining which areas need renovation or repair to provide a safe and
conducive learning environment for the students.

286. Answer: c. To foster positive relationships with community members. School-community

relations help build trust and understanding between the school and its surrounding community,
which can lead to increased support for the school and its programs.

287.Answer: c. Inviting community members to participate as volunteers. Engaging community

members as volunteers is a great way to involve them in school activities and build positive

288. Answer: d. By increasing community support for the school. Partnering with local businesses
can help increase support for the school and its programs, as well as provide resources and
opportunities for students.

289. Answer: b. Improved student performance and behavior. Research has shown that involving
parents in school activities can lead to improved academic performance and behavior of students.

290. Answer: b. Decreased support for the school and its programs. Poor school-community
relations can lead to decreased support for the school and its programs, which can have negative
effects on the school's reputation and success.

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291. Answer: b. To locate areas where there is poor internet connectivity. School mapping can be
used to identify areas where there is poor internet connectivity within the school community. This
information can be used to improve access to digital learning resources and ensure that all students
have equal access to educational materials.

292. Answer: b. Creating a parent-teacher association. Creating a parent-teacher association is an

effective way to foster positive school-community relations. It provides a platform for parents and
teachers to communicate and work together to support the students' educational needs.

293. Answer: c. It will help students develop essential work skills. The primary benefit of
establishing partnerships with local businesses to provide internships is that it will help students
develop essential work skills that are necessary for future employment. This initiative also
promotes positive school-community relations by building strong partnerships with local

294. Answer: d. It will foster a sense of community among students and parents. The most
significant benefit of creating a community garden on school grounds is that it will foster a sense
of community among students and parents. This initiative promotes positive school-community
relations by bringing together individuals with shared goals and interests.

295. Answer: c. To promote goodwill and social responsibility. The primary goal of organizing a
community outreach program to provide school supplies to underprivileged students is to promote
goodwill and social responsibility within the community. This initiative promotes positive school-
community relations by engaging the community in supporting the educational needs of
underprivileged students.

296. Answer: b. To provide a comfortable learning environment for students and teachers. The
goal of ergonomics in the context of DepEd is to ensure that the learning environment is
comfortable and safe for students and teachers.

297. Answer: a. Poor lighting and inadequate desk space. These are common ergonomic issues
that can cause discomfort and even physical injuries for students and teachers.

298. Answer: b. To promote awareness and education on ergonomics. The school can play a crucial
role in promoting ergonomics by educating students and teachers on the importance of proper
posture, positioning, and movement.

299. Answer: c. By encouraging students to take regular breaks and stretch. Teachers can help
promote ergonomics in the classroom by encouraging students to take short breaks and stretch to
reduce the risk of physical injuries.

300. Answer: a. Improved academic performance. Promoting ergonomics in schools can improve
academic performance by creating a more comfortable and supportive learning environment for
students and teachers.

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301. Answer: c. Provide students with ergonomic chairs and tables. This is based on the ergonomic
principle that proper posture and body mechanics can help prevent musculoskeletal disorders,
which can be caused by prolonged sitting in awkward positions.

302. Answer: d. All of the above. These are all strategies based on ergonomics principles that can
help reduce eye strain and other health issues associated with prolonged computer use.

303. Answer: b. Improved student engagement and motivation. Ergonomic classroom design can
help create a comfortable and conducive learning environment that can improve student
engagement and motivation.

304. Answer: d. All of the above. These are all effective strategies that can help raise student
awareness about the importance of ergonomics in the workplace.

305. Answer: d. All of the above. These are all effective strategies that can help create a healthy
work environment and reduce absenteeism by promoting proper ergonomics and safe work

306. Answer: c. Lighting. While lighting can affect visual comfort, it is not a factor that directly
affects thermal comfort.

307. Answer: c. Blue. Blue is known for its calming effects and can help create a positive learning

308. Answer: a. Glare. Glare can cause discomfort and eye strain, leading to symptoms like
squinting and rubbing the eyes.

309. Answer: b. 20-25°C. The DepEd recommends a temperature range of 20-25°C for classrooms.

310. Answer: b. Installing air conditioning units in each classroom. Air conditioning can help
regulate temperature and improve thermal comfort in classrooms.

311. Answer: b. To minimize the impact of disasters on school communities.

Rationale: DepEd's Disaster Risk Reduction Management program aims to reduce the impact of
disasters on school communities by identifying and assessing potential hazards, developing and
implementing disaster preparedness plans, conducting drills and simulations, and ensuring the
proper management of disaster response operations.

312. Answer: d. To conduct regular drills and simulations to test disaster preparedness plans.
Rationale: Teachers are responsible for conducting regular drills and simulations to test the
effectiveness of disaster preparedness plans and ensure that students and staff are well-trained and
prepared to respond to disasters.

313. Answer: a. To develop and implement disaster preparedness plans.

Rationale: School principals are responsible for developing and implementing disaster
preparedness plans that take into account the unique needs and risks of their respective schools.

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314. Answer: a. To identify potential hazards and risks that may affect the school and its
Rationale: Conducting hazard and risk assessments is an important step in identifying potential
hazards and risks that may affect the school and its community. This information can then be used
to develop and implement effective disaster preparedness plans.

315. Answer: b. To provide updates and information to students, parents, and other stakeholders.
Rationale: Having a communication plan in place is crucial during disaster response operations to
provide regular updates and information to students, parents, and other stakeholders about the
status of the disaster and any actions being taken by the school or local authorities. This helps to
reduce anxiety and promote transparency and accountability in disaster response efforts.

316. Rationalization: Option A is the correct answer. Conducting an evacuation drill will help the
students to be familiar with the procedures in case of a flood.

317. Rationalization: Option D is the correct answer. A seismic detector is an early warning system
that can detect earthquakes and send a signal to the school to prepare for an earthquake.

318. Rationalization: Option B is the correct answer. Securing loose objects can help prevent
injuries and damage to property during a typhoon.

319. Rationalization: Option A is the correct answer. Conducting a landslide drill can help the
students to be familiar with the procedures in case of a landslide and increase their chances of

320. Answer: a. Turn off lights and electronic devices when not in use. This is an example of
energy conservation, which is a crucial element of promoting sustainability in schools.

321. Answer: a. Install energy-efficient lighting systems. This is an effective way to reduce the
energy consumption of a school, thus decreasing its carbon footprint.

322. Answer: c. Use natural light whenever possible. This is an effective way to reduce energy
consumption and promote sustainability in classrooms.

323. Answer: c. Implement a recycling program for paper, plastics, and cans. This is an effective
way to reduce waste in schools and promote sustainable practices.

324. Answer: a. Encourage students to walk, bike, or take public transportation to school. This is
an effective way to reduce carbon emissions and promote green transportation in schools.

325. Answer: b. Look for a new site to relocate the school. Relocating to a larger site may provide
more space for the increasing number of students, which can be a better option than constructing
a new building on the same site.

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326. Answer: c. Apply for a grant or funding from the DepEd. Applying for a grant or funding
from the DepEd can help in obtaining resources, such as textbooks, without having to spend
personal funds or ask students to purchase their own textbooks.

327. Answer: d. Allocate the donation to a specific project or program. It is important for School
Head Tan to properly allocate the donation to a specific project or program that aligns with the
school's needs and priorities.

328. Answer: c. Conduct research on the brand and quality of the chairs. Conducting research can
help ensure that the chairs to be purchased are of good quality and provide comfort to the students.

329. Answer: c. The compatibility of the air conditioning units with the school's electrical system.
Before making a purchase, School Head Cruz should consider if the air conditioning units are
compatible with the school's electrical system to avoid any electrical issues or damages.

330. Answer: a. To ensure that school sites are properly acquired and titled. The perfection of title
process in DepEd is important to ensure that the school sites are legally acquired and titled,
preventing any issues or disputes that may arise in the future.

331. Answer: d. Bureau of Education Services. The Bureau of Education Services (BES) is
responsible for processing the perfection of title in DepEd.

332. Answer: b. Conduct of site inspection. The first step in the perfection of title process in DepEd
is the conduct of site inspection by the BES.

333. Answer: b. To coordinate with the BES. While the school principal may be involved in the
perfection of title process, their role is primarily to coordinate with the BES and provide necessary
documents and information.

334. Answer: c. It may result in the delay of the school's construction or renovation. If issues arise
during the perfection of title process, it may result in the delay of the school's construction or
renovation, affecting its operations.

335. Answer: a. Purchase the lot

Rationalization: If the school wants to acquire the vacant lot, they should purchase it from the
owner to make sure that they have full ownership and control over the property.

336. Answer: a. Verify the source of the donation

Rationalization: Before accepting any donation, the school should verify the source of the donation
to ensure that it is not coming from an illegal or unethical source.

337. Answer: b. Purchase the lot

Rationalization: To ensure that they have the right to build on the lot, the school should purchase
it from the owner and secure the necessary documents to prove ownership.

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338. Answer: a. Secure necessary permits and clearances
Rationalization: Before starting any renovation, the school should secure the necessary permits
and clearances from the local government and the Department of Education to ensure that the
renovation is safe and legal.

339. Answer: c. Thank the donor personally

Rationalization: The school should properly acknowledge the donation by thanking the donor
personally and expressing their gratitude for the generosity. This helps to build good relationships
with donors and encourages them to continue supporting the school.

340. Answer: c. Drainage system. This is an important site limitation to consider in areas prone to
flooding as poor drainage may lead to soil erosion, waterlogging, and other hazards.

341. Answer: c. Seismic hazard. This is an important site limitation to consider as building on a
fault line increases the risk of earthquakes and other natural disasters.

342. Answer: b. Noise pollution. This is an important site limitation to consider as excessive noise
can cause hearing damage and affect the learning environment of students.

343. Answer: c. Sun exposure. This is an important site limitation to consider as solar panels
require ample sun exposure to function effectively and efficiently.

345. Answer: c. Water quality. This is an important site limitation to consider as contaminated
water can pose health hazards to humans and damage crops.

346. Answer: c. A plan that outlines the development and improvement of a school site. A site
development plan is a comprehensive plan that outlines the physical development of a school site.
It includes the design, construction, and improvement of various elements such as buildings, roads,
parking areas, drainage systems, and landscaping.

347. Answer: b. The Department of Education. The Department of Education is responsible for
developing site development plans for public schools. These plans are usually prepared by the
Department's Planning Service in coordination with the relevant regional and division offices.

348. Answer: b. To ensure the efficient use of the school site. The primary purpose of a site
development plan is to ensure the efficient use of the school site by optimizing the layout and
arrangement of various facilities such as buildings, open spaces, parking areas, and other
infrastructure. The plan should also consider environmental factors, community needs, and safety

349. Answer: d. All of the above. Developing a site development plan requires careful
consideration of various factors such as community needs and preferences, environmental impact
assessment, and accessibility and safety concerns. The plan should be developed in consultation
with the school community, local government units, and other stakeholders.

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350. Answer: d. All of the above. A site development plan provides a comprehensive guide for the
physical development of a school site, ensuring the efficient use of school resources, and
enhancing the overall learning environment for students. It also promotes safety, sustainability,
and community engagement in school development.

351. Answer: a. Conduct a site inventory and analysis. This involves assessing the existing site
features, such as topography, drainage, soil type, and vegetation, to identify constraints and
opportunities for development.

352. Answer: d. Retail stores. A school site development plan typically includes educational
facilities, such as classroom buildings, libraries, laboratories, and recreational facilities, such as
playgrounds and sports fields, as well as infrastructure facilities, such as parking lots, roads, and

353. Answer: d. All of the above. The selection of facilities should be based on their compatibility
with the school's educational mission, cost-effectiveness, compliance with building codes and
regulations, and their ability to meet the needs of students and faculty.

354. Answer: d. All of the above. Incorporating sustainable features such as the use of renewable
energy sources, green spaces and trees, and water conservation measures can help reduce the
environmental impact of the school site development plan.

355. Answer: d. All of the above. Incorporating measures such as the installation of security
cameras and lighting, implementation of fire safety measures, and design of safe and accessible
pedestrian walkways can help ensure the safety and security of the school community.

356. Answer: a. Parking lot. The external areas of a school include the school grounds, walkways,
playing fields, parking areas, and other outdoor spaces. A well-designed and maintained parking
lot is essential for the safety of students, staff, and visitors.

357. Answer: b. Replace the walkways. Uneven walkways pose a tripping hazard and can cause
injuries. To address this issue, the school can consider replacing the walkways with a more even

358. Answer: a. Install more benches and tables. Providing comfortable and functional outdoor
seating areas can encourage students to spend more time outside and enhance their learning

359. Answer: b. Replace the equipment. Outdated and unsafe playground equipment can pose a
risk of injury to students. To ensure the safety of students, the school can consider replacing the
equipment with modern and safe playground equipment.

360. Answer: d. All of the above. Green spaces provide numerous benefits to a school, such as
providing a space for outdoor activities, reducing air pollution, and promoting mental health and

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361. Answer: d. Planting trees and flowers around the school grounds

362. Answer: b. Students can learn valuable teamwork and collaboration skills

363. Answer: b. Installing security cameras around the school

364. Answer: c. Planting native plants that require little water

365. Answer: c. Students can learn about sustainable agriculture and healthy eating habits

366. Answer: a. The school's gymnasium. This is an appropriate evacuation area for the school
since it is spacious enough to accommodate the entire school population during emergencies.

367. Answer: d. Notify the school principal about the obstructions. The school principal is
responsible for ensuring that the evacuation area is accessible and free from obstructions during

368. Answer: c. To provide guidance and improve visibility during emergencies. Directional signs
and emergency lights are important improvements to make sure that everyone can easily locate
and navigate to the evacuation area in times of crisis.

369. Answer: c. Conduct a debriefing session after the drill and discuss the importance of
emergency preparedness. This will help students understand the purpose and significance of
emergency drills and encourage them to take them seriously in the future.

370. Answer: c. Consult with experts to determine the best evacuation area for students with
disabilities. It is important to ensure that all students, including those with disabilities, have equal
access to a safe and accessible evacuation area during emergencies. Consulting with experts can
help identify the best approach to address this issue.

371. Answer: d. Making decisions on salary adjustments

Rationalization: Salary adjustments are typically made at the district or regional level of DepEd,
not by individual school principals.

372. Answer: c. Provide the staff member with additional training and resources
Rationalization: It is important for school principals to support and develop their staff members,
rather than jumping straight to disciplinary action.

373. Answer: b. Maintaining a positive and supportive work environment

Rationalization: When school staff feel supported and valued, they are more likely to perform at
their best and contribute to a positive school culture.

374. Answer: c. Ignoring conflicts between staff members

Rationalization: Conflict resolution is an important part of managing school staff, and ignoring
conflicts can lead to a toxic work environment.

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375. Answer: a. Ensuring that staff members are not overworked or overloaded
Rationalization: It is important for school principals to monitor staff workload and ensure that it is
reasonable and manageable, in order to prevent burnout and maintain quality performance.

376. Rationalization: The principal plays a vital role in managing the school staff. The principal's
responsibilities include creating a collaborative and productive work environment, guiding and
mentoring staff, resolving staff conflicts, assigning tasks and responsibilities, and communicating
school policies and decisions.

377. Rationalization: Effective management of school staff requires providing regular feedback,
mentoring, and support to staff, creating a collaborative work environment, and promoting team

378. Rationalization: Teachers play a crucial role in supporting the principal in managing school
staff. They should report any issues to the principal, offer feedback and suggestions, and work
collaboratively with other staff members.

379. Rationalization: Principals face several challenges in managing school staff, including
workload management, ensuring compliance with department and school policies, promoting staff
leadership and development, and communicating effectively with staff members.

380. Rationalization: Principals can encourage professional development among staff members by
providing regular feedback and mentoring, promoting staff leadership and development, and
offering opportunities for career growth and advancement. Discouraging staff from taking on
leadership roles or limiting their autonomy can hinder their professional development.

381. Rationalization: The primary goal of teacher selection in DepEd is to ensure that teachers are
highly qualified and skilled in their respective fields, and are capable of providing quality
education to students.

382. Rationalization: Providing training on how to socialize with colleagues is not a key element
of teacher development in DepEd. The other options are all important elements of teacher

383. Rationalization: Teachers are evaluated in DepEd through their supervisor's observation and
assessment, which includes classroom visits and other forms of evaluation.

384. Rationalization: A school principal can support the professional development of their teachers
by providing regular feedback and guidance, which can help teachers identify areas of
improvement and strengthen their teaching skills.

385. Rationalization: The main purpose of teacher evaluation in DepEd is to provide feedback to
the teacher for improvement, and to identify areas where the teacher may need additional support
or training. It is not meant to weed out low-performing teachers or to solely identify high-
performing teachers for promotion.

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386. Answer: (d) All of the above. The new normal of education has presented several challenges
to teachers, including difficulty in adapting to new technologies and platforms, limited access to
online resources and materials, and maintaining student engagement in virtual classrooms.

387. Answer: (b) Limited ability to monitor student progress. Teachers may face challenges in
tracking student progress in virtual classrooms, as they may not have the same level of visibility
as they would in traditional classroom settings.

388. Answer: (d) All of the above. School principals can support their teachers in the new normal
of education by providing access to technology and online resources, offering professional
development opportunities, and encouraging open communication and collaboration among

389. Answer: (a) Using interactive teaching strategies. Interactive teaching strategies, such as
gamification and virtual group activities, can help maintain student engagement in virtual

390. Answer: (d) All of the above. To manage their workload effectively, teachers can prioritize
tasks, set realistic goals, collaborate with colleagues to share resources and responsibilities, and
maintain a work-life balance by practicing self-care. School principals can also support teachers
in this area by providing resources and guidance on workload management.

391. Rationalization: The answer is B. The primary goal of school-based management in DepEd
is to provide more autonomy and decision-making power to schools. This includes allowing school
principals to have a greater role in the management of their school's resources and operations.

392. Rationalization: The answer is B. School principals play a critical role in school-based
management in DepEd. They are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the school,
providing feedback and guidance to teachers, and ensuring that the school is meeting the
educational needs of its students.

393. Rationalization: The answer is B. A key benefit of school-based management in DepEd is the
greater accountability and transparency in school operations. By allowing schools and school
principals to have a greater role in decision-making, there is more responsibility and ownership in
the management of resources and operations.

394. Rationalization: The answer is B. School-based management in DepEd can help to improve
student outcomes by allowing schools to make decisions that best meet the needs of their students.
This includes making decisions on resource allocation, curriculum development, and other key
aspects of school operations.

395. Rationalization: The answer is A. School principals can ensure effective implementation of
school-based management in DepEd by promoting a culture of collaboration and communication
among staff. This includes involving teachers, staff, parents, and community members in decision-
making processes and ensuring that all voices are heard.

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396. Rationalization: The answer is A. Contextualization is important in curriculum design to
ensure that the curriculum is relevant and responsive to the specific needs and context of the
learners. This means considering factors such as culture, language, geography, and socioeconomic

397. Rationalization: The answer is A. Localizing the curriculum involves incorporating local
content and context into the curriculum, translating the national curriculum into the local language,
and adapting the curriculum to meet the needs of the local community.

398. Rationalization: The answer is A. Indigenization in the curriculum involves incorporating

indigenous knowledge, values, and practices into the curriculum to ensure that the learning
experiences of indigenous learners are culturally responsive and relevant.

399. Rationalization: The answer is A. An example of curriculum contextualization in action is a

school in a coastal community designing a science curriculum that incorporates local marine life
and ecology, which is relevant to the local context.

400. Rationalization: The answer is D. As a school principal, your role in ensuring that the
curriculum is contextualized, localized, and indigenized includes providing professional
development opportunities for teachers on curriculum design and development, encouraging
teachers to collaborate with community members and stakeholders, and monitoring the
implementation of the curriculum to ensure that it is meeting the needs of learners.

401. Answer: B. Localization. Ms. Cruz can use localization to adapt and modify the curriculum
materials to suit the needs and context of her students and community.
Rationalization: Localization is the process of adapting or modifying the curriculum to suit the
local context, culture, and needs of the learners. In this situation, Ms. Cruz can use localization to
address the issue of curriculum materials not being relevant to their community.

402. Answer: D. Multicultural Education. Mr. Santos can use Multicultural Education to promote
inclusivity and cultural sensitivity in the curriculum.
Rationalization: Multicultural Education is an approach to education that recognizes and values
diversity and promotes inclusivity and cultural sensitivity. This approach can be used to address
the needs of students from different cultural backgrounds and promote social justice.

403. Answer: C. Indigenization. Ms. Reyes can use indigenization to incorporate the culture,
traditions, and values of the indigenous people into the curriculum.
Rationalization: Indigenization is the process of incorporating the culture, traditions, and values of
the indigenous people into the curriculum. In this situation, Ms. Reyes can use indigenization to
address the issue of curriculum materials not reflecting the culture and traditions of the indigenous

404. Answer: D. Language Localization. Mr. Garcia can use Language Localization to adapt the
curriculum materials to the students' language needs.

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Rationalization: Language Localization is the process of adapting the curriculum materials to suit
the language needs of the learners. In this situation, Mr. Garcia can use Language Localization to
address the issue of language barriers that some students face.

405. Answer: A. Contextualization. Ms. Hernandez can use Contextualization to modify the
curriculum materials to be more relevant to the students' cultural background.
Rationalization: Contextualization is the process of modifying the curriculum materials to be more
relevant and relatable to the learners' context and background. In this situation, Ms. Hernandez can
use Contextualization to address the issue of students not being able to relate to the curriculum
materials due to their cultural background.

406. Answer: A. The objective of RA 10533 is to strengthen the quality of basic education in the
Philippines by providing students with sufficient time to master competencies and skills needed
for lifelong learning and development.

407. Answer: D. The Enhanced Basic Education Program consists of Kindergarten, six years of
Elementary Education, and six years of Secondary Education which is further divided into four
years of Junior High School and two years of Senior High School.

408. Answer: C. The goal of the K-12 program is to improve the quality of education in the
Philippines by enhancing the skills and knowledge of students and preparing them for higher
education or the workforce.

409. Answer: A. The DepEd is mandated to provide quality basic education to all Filipinos. It is
responsible for the formulation, implementation, and coordination of policies, plans, and programs
in basic education.

410. Answer: A. RA 10533 is significant in the Philippine education system as it addresses the
quality and accessibility of basic education, aligning it with global standards and competencies. It
also seeks to address issues of equity and access, particularly for marginalized sectors.

411. Answer: b. Hands-on learning

Rationalization: Hands-on learning, or experiential learning, is a teaching strategy that allows
students to actively engage in the learning process by doing and experiencing things themselves.
This is effective for accommodating students with different learning styles, as it provides
opportunities for students to learn through physical and sensory experiences.

412. Answer: b. Constructivism

Rationalization: Constructivism is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the role of the learner
in constructing their own understanding of the world. This approach is learner-centered and
promotes critical thinking, collaboration, and self-directed learning. The teacher acts as a facilitator
of learning rather than as the sole source of knowledge.

413. Answer: c. Problem-based learning

Rationalization: Problem-based learning is a teaching strategy that focuses on developing students'
critical thinking and problem-solving skills by presenting them with real-world problems to solve.

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This strategy is effective for teaching complex topics because it allows students to approach the
material from different angles and work together to find solutions.

414. Answer: a. Total Physical Response

Rationalization: Total Physical Response is a teaching strategy that emphasizes the use of physical
movement and gestures to reinforce language learning. This strategy is particularly effective for
promoting language acquisition in classrooms with students who have varying levels of English
proficiency because it allows students to associate the language with physical actions and

415. Answer: a. Project-based Learning

Rationalization: Project-based Learning is a pedagogical approach that emphasizes the use of real-
life scenarios and problem-solving tasks to enhance learning. This approach is effective for
promoting critical thinking, collaboration, and self-directed learning, and encourages students to
engage with the material in a meaningful way.

416. Answer: d. Collaborative learning. This strategy allows students to engage in dialogue and
work together to construct knowledge, making it a more effective way to facilitate a discussion
than lecture-based instruction or direct instruction.

417. Answer: b. Project-based learning. This strategy encourages students to engage in hands-on,
real-world tasks that are relevant to their interests and experiences, making it an effective way to
increase student engagement.

418. Answer: a. Direct instruction. This strategy provides students with clear, structured
explanations of concepts and allows teachers to monitor their understanding, making it a more
effective way to support struggling students than inquiry-based or collaborative learning.

419. Answer: d. Differentiated instruction. This strategy allows teachers to tailor instruction to the
individual needs and abilities of their students, making it an effective way to improve student

420. Answer: b. Inquiry-based learning. This strategy encourages students to ask questions,
explore, and investigate, making it an effective way to teach about different cultures and traditions.

421. Answer: b. Ms. Garcia encourages her students to take an active role in their learning
Rationalization: Ms. Garcia's teaching approach aligns with the principles of constructivism,
which emphasizes the importance of student-centered learning and active participation in the
learning process.

422. Answer: b. Providing teachers with opportunities for professional development in

constructivist pedagogy
Rationalization: In order to promote constructivist pedagogy, Mr. Johnson should prioritize
providing his teachers with opportunities for professional development in this area, rather than
encouraging traditional teaching approaches that may not align with constructivist principles.

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423. Answer: a. Social interaction and collaboration with peers
Rationalization: Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development emphasizes that children construct
knowledge through active engagement with their environment and experiences, not through
passive absorption of information.

424. Answer: c. Collaboration and interaction with more knowledgeable others

Rationalization: According to Vygotsky's sociocultural theory of learning, cognitive development
is heavily influenced by social and cultural factors. Collaborative learning and interaction with
more knowledgeable others is key to cognitive development.

425. Answer: c. An emphasis on discovery and exploration

Rationalization: According to Bruner's constructivist theory of learning, effective learning occurs
through active discovery and exploration, not through passive absorption of information or a
teacher-centered approach to teaching.

426. Answer: d. Memorization and rote learning. DepEd emphasizes 21st-century skills that
promote critical thinking and problem-solving, communication and collaboration, and information
and media literacy.

427. Answer: c. Provide opportunities for project-based learning, collaboration, and critical
thinking. To promote 21st-century skills, school principals should prioritize teaching methods that
emphasize collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking, such as project-based learning.

428. Answer: c. A classroom where students work collaboratively on projects and use technology
to research and present their findings. 21st-century learning environments emphasize
collaboration, critical thinking, and the use of technology to support student learning.

429. Answer: d. Memorization and repetition. The DepEd's K-12 curriculum emphasizes 21st-
century skills such as creativity, innovation, information and media literacy, and financial literacy,
rather than rote learning and memorization.

430. Answer: b. By providing opportunities for collaborative learning and problem-solving.

Teachers can promote 21st-century skills by incorporating teaching methods that prioritize
collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking.

431. Answer: a. The RPMS is designed to evaluate the performance of teachers and school heads
based on key performance indicators such as their teaching performance, professional
development, community involvement, and learner outcomes.

432. Answer: c. The Self-Assessment Tool is used by teachers to reflect on their performance and
identify areas for improvement, which is then used to prepare their IPCRF.

433. Answer: a. The Classroom Observation Tool is used by school heads to observe and evaluate
the performance of their teachers in the classroom, provide feedback, and identify areas for

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434. Answer: d. The Monitoring and Coaching Tool is designed to provide feedback and support
to teachers in their performance by identifying areas for improvement and guiding them in their
professional development.

435. Answer: d. The School Improvement Plan Tool is used to assess the progress and
effectiveness of school improvement plans, which are designed to improve the quality of education
and learning outcomes in schools.

436. Answer: d. Performance Monitoring and Coaching Tool (PMCT)

Rationalization: The PMCT is a tool used to track and monitor teacher performance and provide
feedback and coaching to help them meet their performance targets.

437. Answer: a. IPCRF

Rationalization: The IPCRF is used by individual teachers to set performance targets, document
their accomplishments, and identify areas for professional growth.

438. Answer: b. SIP

Rationalization: The SIP is a tool used to evaluate the overall performance of a school, set goals
for improvement, and identify strategies for achieving those goals.

439. Rationalization: Providing specific, actionable feedback is a key component of effective

coaching. This approach helps teachers understand areas where they can improve and provides
them with concrete steps to take to enhance their practice.

440. Rationalization: The answer is C. Co-creating a plan of action with the teacher to address
areas for improvement is an effective coaching strategy that encourages teacher buy-in and
ownership of the improvement process. This approach helps teachers identify specific actions they
can take to improve their practice.

441. Rationalization: D. The primary objective of the Senior High School Curriculum is to equip
students with the necessary skills and competencies that will make them employable or prepare
them for higher education.

442. Rationalization: A. The Senior High School Curriculum offers four tracks, but the two main
tracks are the Academic track and Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) track.

443. Rationalization: D. The STEM track of the Senior High School Curriculum includes Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics subjects such as Physics, Chemistry, and Calculus.

444. Rationalization: A. The Senior High School Curriculum under the K-12 program emphasizes
mastery of competencies and skills, using a combination of teaching approaches that encourage
active participation and engagement.

445. Rationalization: B. The Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS) track in the Senior High
School Curriculum is best suited for students who want to pursue careers in the arts, social

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sciences, and humanities. This track includes subjects such as Creative Writing, Literature, and
Performing Arts.

446. Rationalization: A. The main goal of the K-12 program in the Philippines is to improve the
quality of education by ensuring that students are better prepared for higher education and the

447. Rationalization: A. The addition of two years to the basic education cycle is aimed at aligning
the Philippine education system with international standards, making graduates more competitive
in the global job market.

448. Rationalization: A. The senior high school component of the K-12 program is a two-year
program that provides students with specialized training and knowledge that prepares them for
higher education or employment.

449. Rationalization: C. The objective of the K-12 curriculum's Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE) program is to improve students' proficiency in their native
language and other Philippine languages, which can help them better understand concepts and
ideas presented in different subjects.

450. Rationalization: A. The General Education Curriculum (GEC) in the K-12 program is a set
of courses that provide students with a foundation of knowledge and skills across various
disciplines, including mathematics, science, social sciences, and the humanities.

451. Answer: A
Rationalization: The goal of Gender and Development (GAD) is to achieve gender equality and
eliminate gender-based discrimination in all areas of society, including education. It seeks to
promote gender-sensitive learning environments that respect and value diversity and promote
equal opportunities for all students.

452. Answer: A
Rationalization: Gender sensitivity is an essential aspect of creating a gender-fair learning
environment. It involves recognizing and respecting the different gender roles, identities, and
perspectives of individuals in the school community, including students, teachers, and staff.

453. Answer: A
Rationalization: The Gender and Development (GAD) focal person in a school is responsible for
ensuring that the school's policies and programs are gender-responsive and free from gender-based
discrimination. They also work to create an environment that promotes gender equality and respect
for diversity.

454. Answer: b. Summative assessment

Rationalization: Summative assessment is used to measure student learning at the end of a unit or
course, often with a numerical or letter grade. It is typically used to evaluate student achievement
and inform grading decisions.

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455. Answer: a. Formative assessment
Rationalization: Formative assessment is used to guide instruction and provide ongoing feedback
to students. It can take many forms, such as quizzes, exit tickets, or classroom discussions, and is
designed to help teachers adjust instruction to better meet the needs of their students.

456. Answer: d. A discussion during class about a scene from a play

Rationalization: A discussion during class is an example of formative assessment that can be used
to monitor student progress during a unit on Shakespeare. It provides ongoing feedback to the
teacher about how well students are understanding the material.

457. Answer: b. It provides ongoing feedback to teachers and students

Rationalization: Formative assessment provides ongoing feedback to teachers and students, which
can help guide instruction and identify areas where students may be struggling. This can lead to
more effective learning and better academic outcomes.

458. Rationalization: A. The use of appropriate instructional materials in teaching is important

because it helps students understand the lesson better, which can lead to improved academic

459. Rationalization: A. Effective instructional materials should be age-appropriate, engaging, and

culturally relevant to the students.

460. Rationalization: A. Teachers can ensure that their instructional materials are effective by
using a variety of materials and checking for student understanding, which allows them to modify
their teaching accordingly.

461. Rationalization: C. The principal plays a key role in ensuring that instructional materials are
of high quality by evaluating their effectiveness and providing feedback to the teachers.

462. Answer: b. Conducting an inventory of the available resources.

Rationalization: Before managing learning resources, it is important to conduct an inventory of the
available resources to determine what resources are currently available and what resources are still

463. Answer: a. To extend the life of the resources.

Rationalization: Maintaining and repairing learning resources can extend their life and prevent the
need for costly replacements.

464. Answer: c. By having a rotation system.

Rationalization: A rotation system allows different classes to share learning resources fairly, giving
all students access to the resources they need.

465. Answer: c. Using data on student performance.

Rationalization: Using data on student performance can help evaluate the effectiveness of learning
resources and determine if they are contributing to improved student learning.

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466. Answer: a. Identifying the learning objectives
Rationalization: Identifying the learning objectives should be the first step in lesson planning
because it helps teachers determine what students should be able to know or do by the end of the

467. Answer: a. Students' prior knowledge and experiences

Rationalization: When planning a lesson, it is important to consider students' prior knowledge and
experiences to ensure that the lesson is relevant and meaningful to them.

468. Answer: d. To serve as a guide for teaching and learning

Rationalization: A lesson plan serves as a guide for both teachers and students, helping to keep
them focused on the learning objectives and ensuring that all necessary teaching and learning
activities are covered.

469. Answer: c. Students will be able to differentiate between the three states of matter and give
examples of each
Rationalization: This learning objective is appropriate for the lesson as it clearly specifies what the
students should be able to do at the end of the lesson and aligns with the topic of the lesson.

470. Rationalization: C. Synchronous learning is a real-time remote learning method that requires
all students to participate at the same time. For example, a teacher may conduct a live video lecture
through a virtual classroom platform, and students will join the session at the same time.

471. Rationalization: B. Asynchronous learning allows students to complete coursework on their

own time. For example, a teacher may provide pre-recorded video lectures or assign readings, and
students will complete the work at their own pace.

472. Rationalization: B. Hybrid learning combines both synchronous and asynchronous learning.
For example, a teacher may conduct live video sessions at specific times and also provide pre-
recorded lectures or assignments for students to complete on their own time.

473. Rationalization: A. Synchronous learning may require the use of additional technology and
equipment such as webcams and microphones. This is because students are participating in real-
time sessions with their teachers and classmates.

474. Rationalization: B. Asynchronous learning is most suitable for students who prefer a more
flexible schedule since they can complete coursework at their own pace and on their own time.

475. Rationalization: B. The primary goal of human resource management and development in
DepEd is to attract and retain competent and motivated employees who can help achieve the
organization's goals and objectives.

476. Rationalization: B. Conducting training programs to improve the leadership skills of school
heads is an example of a human resource development program in DepEd. Such programs are
designed to enhance the capabilities of employees and prepare them for future leadership roles.

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477. Rationalization: C. The school principal's role in LAC is to observe and evaluate the
effectiveness of the LAC process and provide support and resources as needed.

478. Rationalization: A. The main goal of LAC is to provide a platform for professional
development among teachers and to discuss and solve specific problems related to teaching and

479. Answer: C
Rationalization: The NCBTS is not meant to be used as a checklist or a minimum requirement to
meet. Instead, it should be used as a framework for reflection and self-assessment. By using the
NCBTS to reflect on their teaching practice, teachers can identify their strengths and weaknesses
and develop a plan for professional growth.

480. Answer: C
Rationalization: The NCBTS is not meant to be assessed through standardized tests as it is a
competency-based framework that emphasizes the development of teacher skills and knowledge.
Classroom observations and feedback, portfolio assessment, and self-assessment and reflection are
all effective ways to assess teacher performance based on the NCBTS.

481. Answer: C
Rationalization: The process of self-assessment and reflection based on the NCBTS involves
identifying areas for improvement based on the NCBTS domains and competencies, not just
personal strengths and weaknesses or student test scores. This process encourages teachers to focus
on their own professional growth and development rather than comparing themselves to other

482. Answer: A
Rationalization: As a school head, Mr. Reyes has the responsibility to uphold and enforce the
provisions of RA 4670. He should conduct an investigation and gather evidence to determine the
validity of the complaint. If the teacher is found to have violated the law, appropriate disciplinary
action should be taken.

483. Answer: A
Rationalization: RA 4670 provides for the entitlement of public school teachers to travel
allowances, subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Education. In this case, Mrs.
Cruz may be entitled to a travel allowance as long as the conference is relevant to her teaching
duties and approved by the school principal.

484. Answer: A
Rationalization: RA 4670 or Magna Carta for Public School Teachers guarantees the right of
public school teachers to due process. This includes the right to be informed of the charges against
them, the right to defend themselves, and the right to a fair and impartial hearing. In this scenario,
Ms. Garcia was not given these rights before she was dismissed from service, therefore her right
to due process was violated.

485. Answer: c) Principle VII - Professional Relationships

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Rationalization: Principle VII states that teachers should maintain harmonious and professional
relationships with colleagues, superiors, students, parents, and other members of the community.
By offering to tutor a student outside of class, the teacher may be seen as favoring that student
over others or blurring the boundaries of their professional relationship.

486. Answer: a) Principle II - The Teacher and the Community

Rationalization: Principle II states that teachers should establish and maintain appropriate
relationships with and among students, colleagues, school officials, and parents. By ensuring that
the fundraising activity is legal and ethical, the principal is upholding this principle and
establishing a positive relationship with the community.

487. Answer: b) Principle III - Education as a Profession

Rationalization: Principle III states that teachers should uphold the highest possible standards of
quality education, be knowledgeable of the subject matter they teach, and develop research and
study skills in their students. By administering a standardized test, the teacher is upholding these
standards and promoting quality education.

488. Answer: b) Principle VI - Professional Conduct and Demeanor

Rationalization: Principle VI states that teachers should maintain a professional demeanor and be
role models to their students. Accepting a gift from a student's parent may be seen as a conflict of
interest and a breach of the teacher's professional conduct.

489. Answer: b) Principle IV - Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development

Rationalization: Principle IV states that teachers should recognize the need for professional growth
and strive to improve their competencies. By attending a conference on inclusive education, the
teacher is taking responsibility for her professional growth and development and demonstrating
her commitment to improving her competencies.

490. Answer: B. Using differentiated instruction

Rationale: Job-embedded learning strategies aim to enhance teachers' skills and knowledge to
improve student learning outcomes. Using differentiated instruction is an effective JEL strategy
that allows teachers to modify teaching techniques to meet the varying needs of students. By using
this strategy, the teacher can adapt the curriculum, instructional materials, and activities to address
the diverse needs of learners.

491. Answer: C. Establishing a school-based professional learning community

Rationale: A professional learning community is a group of educators who engage in collaborative
learning to improve student outcomes. Establishing a school-based professional learning
community is an effective JEL strategy because it promotes ongoing, collaborative learning among
teachers. It also helps to align instructional practices with research and best practices by providing
opportunities for teachers to share their experiences, reflect on their practices, and develop new
knowledge and skills.

492. Answer: B. Assigning a mentor teacher to observe and provide feedback

Rationale: Assigning a mentor teacher to observe and provide feedback is an effective JEL strategy
that promotes ongoing, personalized learning for teachers. The mentor teacher can provide

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guidance and support to help the struggling teacher develop new skills and techniques to improve
classroom management. This strategy also allows for ongoing feedback and support, which is
essential for teacher growth and development.

493. Answer: C. Providing ongoing coaching and support on technology integration

Rationale: Providing ongoing coaching and support on technology integration is an effective JEL
strategy that helps teachers develop the skills and knowledge they need to integrate technology
into their instruction. This strategy involves ongoing, personalized support from technology
coaches or mentors who can help teachers identify the most effective technology tools and
techniques for their teaching context.

494. Answer: C. As a way of assessing student progress

Rationalization: A portfolio can be used as a way of assessing student progress because it is a
collection of student work that demonstrates their growth and development over time. By
reviewing a student's portfolio, teachers can gain insight into their strengths and weaknesses, and
adjust their instruction accordingly.

495. Answer: D. Eliminates the need for traditional assessments

Rationalization: Portfolios do not eliminate the need for traditional assessments, but rather
complement them. Portfolios provide a more comprehensive picture of student progress, allowing
teachers to make more informed decisions about how to support their students.

496. Answer: B. By having students choose their own goals

Rationalization: When students are involved in setting their own goals, they are more invested in
the learning process and are more likely to take ownership of their progress. Portfolios can be used
as a tool for students to reflect on their progress towards their goals and identify areas for growth.

497. Answer: B. Feedback helps students understand their strengths and areas for improvement
Rationalization: Feedback is an essential component of the portfolio process. It helps students
understand their strengths and areas for improvement, and provides them with specific information
on how to improve their work.

498. Answer: C. By using an online platform to share the portfolio

Rationalization: An online platform can be an effective way to share student portfolios with parents
and other stakeholders. It provides easy access to student work, and allows for comments and
feedback from multiple users.

499. Answer: A. One-way communication is the least effective approach to stakeholder

engagement as it does not allow for feedback or dialogue. Effective stakeholder engagement
involves two-way communication, engaging stakeholders when necessary, and collaborative

500. Answer: A. A student’s parent is an example of a stakeholder in a school setting as they have
a vested interest in the education and well-being of their child.

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