English PETA (Play Review)

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“Je t’aime sera toujours un mot mortel”

(“I love you” will always be a deadly word)

The play that we watched before is all about Romeo and Juliet. The story was
written by William “The Bard Upon-Avon” Shakespear. This play was directed by none
other than Mr. Dennis Turney Jr. who led then really well as they managed to execute
the play perfectly. The actors who starred as the main characters are: Ryan Wollum as
Romeo, Mollie McClanahan as Juliet and other people as supporting characters in this
play such as: Gabe Hernandez, Torin Horvik, Elizabeth Tate, and many more. This play
was help in the Emporia State University Theatre Faculty. It focused on the two main
casts, Romeo and Julier as they fight for the love that they have for each other. They
were willing to surpass any obstacle that they may encounter. The main themes here
are: Love, Death, Time, and Fate.

I shall now explain the summary of the play. Their first encounter was in a party
that was hosted by the by the Capulets. Despite the Montague and Capulet families
rivalry, it did not experiencing love at first sight. They confessed their love for each other,
but, due to the rivalry that their families had, they were forbidden. They conquered every
adversity that came through their way. Because of the problems that they fixed, it was
possible for them to get married through the help of Juliets’s Nurse and Friar Laurence.
As thing got harder and harder, the two parties are now struggling, which lead to one of
Romeo’s dearest acquaintance, Mercutio’s death. As time flew by while this problem is
continuously rising, Tybalt, Juliets cousin, challenged Romeo to a duel. The fight was
fierce and exciting, but, in the end Romeo was the one who stood on the top. Due to
Tybalt’s death, Prince Escalus has no other choice but to banish Romeo from Verona.

As Juliet realized that they were both deeply in love, she was desperate to find a
way for them to be together. She asked Friar Laurence to make a potion that would
make her appear like a dead person for a few hours. Before Romeo was able to receive
a letter for the plan, a plague outbreak occurred which means that the delivery of the
letter would be delayed. Because of this, Romeo was unaware of the plan. After a few
moments, Romeo wen to Juliets tomb and kills himself as he could not love without the
love of his life. When Juliet woke up, the first thing that she saw was Romeo’s dead
body beside her tomb. Because of the extreme grief, she also decided to end her life.
With this, their tragis love story ended because of everything that stood in their way.
As you watch through the play you will be amazed with its beauty. Even though it was
an amazing play, there are certain strengths and weaknesses. You may notice some
lines were not properly delivered. The emotions are noticeable which piques the interest
of some people. As the play progressed, some movements do not match the tone that
they were using for their lines.
Now let us discuss about the strengths that we have witnessed throughout the play. It is
a big advantage that they made use of the materials that were available during that
time. All of their props are pleasing to the eye. The vibe of the props made you feel like
you were back at their time and was able to give the correct emotions that was
necessary for the mood of the play. As clothes played a huge role in this play, they did
very well because of the fact that you can easily differentiate between the characters.
The characters also had coordination so there is almost no chaos while the play was
being performed.
Now, let us talk about the conclusion, I would like to state that the members of
this play did a great job in showing us the story of the two lovers named Romeo and
Juliet. It showed the struggles and problems that these two experienced because of
their love. Because of the director’s expertise in producing plays, he managed to give
this incredible story for a real life adaptation. Even though it was a great play, can not
deny the fact that nothing is perfect. There were mistakes and flaws, but the overall
performance of the play was great. So far, this is the best play that I have watched.
There are probably better plays, but this holds a special story that has a really deep
meaning into it.

- Keith Nathan d.M. Manansala

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