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In recent business markets, the progression of retail sectors has taken a huge turn. In the
Australian market, the impact of small and medium retail sectors has provided significant
impacts that have allowed the Australian business market to reach new heights. In this report, the
discussion will focus on addressing the aspects of “Suzie Anderson Home" a retail sector based
in the Australian market. The selected company runs a retail-based organisation in the Australian
market and focuses on providing homewares to its customers. In order to maintain the personal
and professional growth of the company, the company maintains a positive and cohesive
workplace and provides exceptional customer service to improve the business models. Providing
service to Australian customers, this company has become one of the most effective SMEs in the
Australian business market (, 2022).
In order to provide a detailed exploration about the company, the below SWOT analysis has been
SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses
● Growing business model ● Lack of international business
● Loyal customers ● Lack of promotional strategies
● Exceptional customer service
● Population demographics
● Availability of different ranges of
● Innovative products
● Enhanced marketing styles
● Clear concept of the business

Opportunities Threats
● Innovative product manufacturing ● Increasing market competition
● Providing customer satisfaction ● Impact of inflation rate

● Well-built organisational structure ● Changing customer expectations
● Increasing customer base ● Ineffective promotional service

Table 1: SWOT analysis

From the above table, it can be seen that the chosen sector has numerous strengths and
opportunities that can help the organisation to achieve business growth. However, the table also
helps to identify some of the weaknesses and threats that can become an obstacle for the
company (, 2022). Therefore, by implementing a strategic business plan
and by using the resources effectively, the company has to rescue the impacts of the potential
threats and weaknesses that will allow the company to gain a market advantage.
PESTLE analysis:
The following PESTLE analysis will include the political, economic, environmental, social,
technological, and Legal aspects that pose an impact on the company's growth in the Australian

Factors Discussion Impact

Political ● Supportive political regulations Positive

● The massive land area of business expansion
● Availability of skilled workers
● Supporting behaviour of “Australian Competition
and Consumer Commission”
● 6th largest country in the world (,

Economic ● Improved national budget Positive

● Enhanced national GDP by 3.1% in the financial
year of 2022 (, 2022)
● Ranked at 14th largest economy
● Improved cash flow all over the country
● The reduced tax rate for small businesses at 26%

(, 2022)
● Improved per capita income

Social ● Overall population is approximately 26 million Positive

(, 2022)
● Availability of multicultural demographics
● Involvement of foreigners and visitors

Technological ● Technical advancements in the country Positive

● Frequent investments to adapt technological
● Availability of cloud services and artificial

Environmental ● Recognised as the driest inhabited country Negative

● Frequent climate change
● Water insecurity and regional conflicts over food

Legal ● Fair trading system for companies and consumers Positive

● Implementation of “Fair work act 2009”
● Impact of competition laws, consumer laws, and
trading laws

Table 2: PESTLE analysis

Current trends influencing the company
The Australian market has witnessed the process of automation and improvement in many
industrial areas. The current trends in the market are generally influenced by the consumer
expectations and market demands. Thus, in the recent years, the current trends that are
influencing the company’s growth are as follows:
● Automation processes (, 2022)
● Technological improvements in homeware productions
● Market inflation rate
● Environmental issues among consumers
● Improved supply chain processes

● Mental health issues
● Online trends related to homewares
These market trends are responsible for changing the business market and at the same time
improving it. With the implementation of the automation process and the acceptance of the
technological advancements, the retail marketing sectors are becoming more productive every
Legal issues and insurance considerations in the Australian market:
The Australian business market follows the fair trading system that provides the business
organisation as well as the consumers a fair right. The legal regulations that affect the
organisation's growth are as follows:
● Involvement of Fair-trading act
● Reduced tax rate for small businesses
● Insurance coverage for business industries
Business canvas model

Key players Key activities Value Customer Customer

Retail marketing Providing proposition Relationship segmentation
Providing homeware Excellent quality With the The company
homeware products and product and availability of tries to reach out
products services to the service high-quality to the local
customers in the Maintenance of products and audiences in the
Australian customer services, the Australian
business market. expectations customer market with the
(suzieandersonh Meeting relationship is intention to grow, 2022) customer well maintained the business
demands and
Key resources Marketing
resolving their
Effective supply channels
chain system and Online
organisational marketing
brand value is channels such as
considered as the social media,

main key email marketing
resources for this Offline
company marketing
channels such as
newspaper, TV,
and radio

Cost structure Revenue stream

Operational cost Providing high quality products and services to the
Manufacturing cost customers and maintaining the brand value.
Marketing cost

Table 3: Business Canvas Model


Marketing is one of the most important aspects for business growth and sustainability that helps
companies to reach new heights. The chosen company “Suzie Anderson Home" is an Australia
based retailing store that focuses on providing homeware products and services to its customers.
With the help of effective marketing strategies, this company can benefit from attracting more
suitable and potential customers and grow their business in the Australian market. In order to
achieve market advantage, the process of segmentation plays a massive role (Deepak, and
Jeyakumar, 2019). With the help of this strategy, the chosen company can create a customer
segmentation based on tier requirements. Therefore, the company mainly targets customers aged
between 25 to 50 who are currently living with their families. As the company focuses on
providing homeware products, this market segmentation allows them to target the most
appropriate customers for their business.
However, in the Australian market, the rise of similar companies has increased the competition
market. With the establishment of other retailing sectors such as IKEA and Amazon, the
company continuously faces several challenges while maintaining its business. Therefore, the
following discussion of 7Ps of the marketing plan has been developed to provide the company a
strategic advantage.

7Ps of marketing plan
The 7Ps of marketing mix provides a brief idea of the various marketing factors such as product,
promotion, price, people, place, process, and physical evidence. The 7ps marketing mix for the
chosen industry is as follows:
Product: The company focuses on providing homeware services and products to the Australian
customers. With the availability of technological advancements and automation processes, the
company manages to manufacture good quality products and services and maintain customer
Price: From the above sections it can be found that the overall cost of the company includes
operational, marketing, and manufacturing cost. The company manages to set the price of the
products on the basis of the quality and market demand. This provides them the ability to set the
product price according to market demand and maintain a balance in the organisational growth
(Park, 2020).
Promotion: the promotional strategies of the organisation can become an influential factor. With
the help of personalised promotion methods, the company can maintain the online and offline
promotional practises to gain market advantage.
Place: The expansion in the Australian business market can provide the industry with a strategic
advantage. With the business expansion in the populated areas the company can atrocity more
customers and improve their business model. Therefore, the company has to focus on expanding
their business in the Australian market and introduce international business in the future.
Process: the company has to implement an effective manufacturing and delivery process to gain
market advantage. The implementation of such processes can help the organisation to gain a
market advantage and improve its organisational structure.
People: The primary target of this company is the local Australian community. By targeting such
an audience, the company aims to gain business growth. However, by targeting the international
market, this company can provide service to a wide range of customers. Thus, the
implementation of internationalisation is recommended for the future development of the
Physical evidence: The previous section shares that the theatre company manages to retain
customers by providing exceptional and good quality products. The implementation of customer

service and delivery options also plays an influential factor for this company. Thus, based on
these factors, the following marketing strategies have been identified:
Omni-channel marketing: By using the omni-channel marketing strategy the company can
benefit in attracting more customers and can build a strong organisation structure (Kotabe, and
Helsen, 2020). This strategy can help the company to gain a market advantage and expand its
business in the Australian market.
Proving offers and discounts: In order to compete in the competitive market, the attractions and
retention of customers play a massive role (Kotler, and Keller, 2016). By providing attractive
offers and promotions such as discounts on the product price, the company can initially attract
more customers and turn them into regular customers.
Personalised customer service: Lastly, the personalised customer service strategy can help the
company to gain customer trust. By providing regular customers with offers and protons via
personalised mail the company can maintain a steady relationship with them. This can provide a
strategic market advantage to the company and allow them to grow in the business market.


Staffing Requirements
The staffing requirements for this industry relates to the population density in the store location.
More population refers to more customers which require more staff. Therefore, in order to
maintain a steady operation in the organisation, the company has to identify the customer
engagement in each of the stores, then based on that data, the company can divide staff
accordingly (Czinkota et al., 2021). This process can help to make the organisational structure
stronger and more effective and achieve business growth.
Training processes
Training the organisational staff allows them to work more passionately and productively. With
appropriate training, the organisational staff can identify the business needs and work
accordingly (Rodriguez and Walters, 2017). More importantly, with proper training, the staff
become able to engage with the customer, more which increases the customer engagement in the
store. According to Armstrong, and Landers (2018), the training process can be achieved by
providing skill development of professional training to the staff.
Introduction of technology

Technological advancements in the stores can help to improve the service quality. With the
implementation of the automation process, digital billing systems, and the introduction of
artificial intelligence can improve brand value and customer satisfaction. Thus, it can be stated
that these technological advancements can help the company to gain a competitive advantage
and become more productive in the Australian business market.
Performance measurement tools
The evaluation of organisational performance provides the organisational leaders with the
necessary information that is required for business growth (Noe and Kodwani, 2018). In terms of
the chosen organisation, the implication of performance measurement tools such as “KPI'', “360
Degree feedback” and “SixSigma'' can help the organisational managers and leaders to evaluate
the overall performance of the company and identify any gaps in the business models ( Al Karim,
2019). Thus, with the help of such tools, the colony can rectify any organisational inefficiencies.


The following table is responsible for showcasing the cash flow projections for the chosen
company for three financial years.

Year 1xt Year 2nd Year 3rd Year Total


Cash received 50,000 54,000 52,000 156,000

from customers

Cash payments 15,450 16,150 16,450 47,750

to staff and

IT returns 750 800 750 2300

Total interest 500 500 450 1450


Total dividend 300 250 300 850


Total 33,000 36,300 34,050 103,350



Purchased assets 590 1050 750 2390

Portfolio 330 450 800 1580


Total 920 1500 1550 3970



Income from 1675 1450 1800 4325

share capital

Marketing Cost 375 590 650 1615

Total 1300 860 1150 3310

Table 4: Cash Flow Projections


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Czinkota, M.R., Kotabe, M., Vrontis, D. and Shams, S.R., 2021. Marketing Management: Past,
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