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Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting assignment:

You need to use MS word document to prepare and submit the assignment on VU-LMS.

It should be clear that your assignment will not get any credit if:

· The assignment is submitted after due date.

· The assignment is not in the required format (doc or docx)
· The submitted assignment does not open or file is corrupt.
· Assignment is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students,


The objective of this assignment is to enhance the learning capabilities of the students about:

· Introduction to Programming Language

· Keywords
· If Statement

If you have any confusion, you can send your query at

Question No. 1: Marks: 5

Compare the following code snippets in C and Ada. How do the operators and data types differ between the two
C Code Snippet:

Ada Code Snippet:

Question No. 2: Marks 5

You are required to fill out the following table correctly by writing the name of appropriate language in front
of each row.

Note: Please don’t create a new table; use the following table only.

Statement Appropriate

The programming language was designed primarily for hardware description.

The programming language known for its powerful operators for string pattern
matching but suffered from poor readability and maintainability.

The first programming language introduced the concept of a class, which served as
the basis for data abstraction.

The programming language was primarily designed for teaching structured

programming and gained popularity for its simplicity and size.

The programming language designed for systems programming at Bell Labs, which
evolved from B and was influenced by ALGOL 68.

Question No. 3: Marks: 5

Suppose you as a programming student going to learn how to use the “if statement” in 2 different
programming languages like C and Ada.

Let’s first consider the following C “if statement”.

if (some condition)

Now consider the “if statement” in Ada programming language.

if (some condition) then

-- do this
end if
-- now do this

Now by keeping an eye on the above codes, answer the following question:

How does the "if statement" differ between C and Ada? Justify your answer with valid
Assignment No. 01 (Graded) Total Marks: 20
Semester: Spring 2024
Due Date: 29/04/2024
Software Engineering-1 (CS504)

Assignment No. 1 covers lecture-01 to lecture-09.


· To understand the concept of Requirement Engineering

· To have hands on experience of Use Case Modeling


The purpose of this assignment is to give your hands-on practice. It is expected that students will solve the
assignment themselves. The following rules will apply during the evaluation of the assignment.

· Assignment is inline so student can submit HTML, Image & Plain text only in this Mode. (File uploading
option will not be available)
· You should submit your assignment before or on the due date through VULMS.
· Your assignment should be your own work in your own words.
· Cheating from any source like Internet, handouts, ChatGPT or books will result in zero marks in the
· Assignments sent via email will not be replied to and accepted.
· If the submitted assignment does not open or the file is corrupt, it will not be marked and hence awarded
zero marks.

Uploading Assignment Instruction

Follow the given instructions to submit inline assignments.

· You can use mentioned diagramming tools for drawing the Use -Case Diagram.
· Student can insert the images of the following formats.

· Images and tables can be inserted using the following highlighted option in the interface.
NOTE: Plagiarism will be checked for each question. Please answer the questions
in your own words and marks will be awarded based on your answer and
plagiarism report.

For any query about the assignment, contact at

Case Study: On-Line Examinations System

Imagine a system where exams are taken online instead of using paper. The online examinations
system focuses on creating effective assessment questions and focusing on exam’s feedback delivery
to students.
Students can register for exams by sending a request to admin and they have to login to write the
exam within the given duration. After completing the exam, they can immediately view their results
on the screen and log out. Administrators find managing exams easier with this system. They can add
new exams, delete old ones, and approve or reject student registrations. Instructors can also use the
system to create, change, and remove the questions for specific exams. It's a convenient way for
everyone involved to conduct exams.

Question No.1 [04 Marks]

Read the above case study carefully and identify any two actors for online examination system.

Question No. 2 [16 Marks]

Draw the Use case diagram of the online examination system by using any online/free diagraming

You can use the following free diagramming Tools:

· SmartDraw
· VisualParadigm (you can use VP online)

Note: Handmade diagrams or diagrams by using MS Word or Paint will not be

accepted, you must use any diagramming tool to draw the diagram. Any diagram
drawn without using diagramming tool will be awarded zero marks.

Good Luck !

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