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NPM : 2110070130008


Answering the questions :

1. What is family planning ?

Answer: Family planning involves making choices about when to have children and how
many to have. It includes various methods such as contraception, sterilization, and
reproductive health education, aiming to give individuals and couples the tools they need
to plan their families according to their wishes and circumstances.
2. What are some arguments made by proponents of family planning ?
Answer:Proponents argue that family planning helps control population growth,
empowers women by giving them control over their bodies and reproductive choices, and
provides health benefits by offering access to reproductive healthcare services.
3. What are some concerns raised by critics of family planning ?
Answer: Critics raise concerns about ethical and religious objections to certain methods,
potential side effects of contraceptives, and social and economic implications such as
demographic imbalances and diversion of resources from broader social issues.
4. Why do some people have ethical and religious objections to certain family planning
methods ?
Answer: Some religious and cultural beliefs oppose certain family planning methods,
viewing them as interfering with natural processes or conflicting with religious teachings.
5. What are some potential side effects of hormonal contraceptives mentioned in the
article ?
Answer: Potential side effects include health issues such as increased risk of blood clots
or mood changes.
6. How do proponents believe family planning empowers women ?
Answer: Proponents believe family planning empowers women by giving them more
control over their bodies and reproductive choices, allowing them to pursue education,
careers, and personal goals without the interruption of unplanned pregnancies.
7. Why is education about reproductive health considered crucial by both sides of the
Answer: Education about reproductive health is considered crucial because it provides
individuals and couples with accurate information and options to make informed
decisions that align with their beliefs and circumstances.
8. According to the article, what is the importance of recognizing cultural and
religious diversity in addressing family planning issues ?
Answer: The importance lies in ensuring that policies and programs are sensitive to
different beliefs and values while still ensuring universal access to healthcare services.
9. What is the common ground between both sides regarding the approach to family
planning ?
Answer: Both sides agree on the importance of education about reproductive health and
access to a variety of family planning methods. They also emphasize the need for a
comprehensive approach that addresses broader issues like poverty, education, and
gender equality alongside family planning efforts.

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