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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education






How to Use this Module.............................................................................

Technical Terms.....................................................................................
Learning Outcome 1: Identify Electronics Components............................
 Learning Experiences/Activities......................................................
 Information Sheet 1.1.....................................................................
 Self-Check 1.1...............................................................................
Learning Outcome 2: Interpret Electronic Diagrams...............
 Learning Experiences/Activities....................................................
 Information sheet 2.1....................................................................
 Operation sheet 2.2.......................................................................
 Self check 2.2...............................................................................
 Answer key 2.2..............................................................................
Learning Outcome 3: Prepare Electronic Diagrams. ...............................
 Learning Experiences/Activities....................................................
 Information sheet 3.1....................................................................
 Information sheet 3.2....................................................................
 Self check 3.1...............................................................................
 Answer key 3.1..............................................................................
Learning Outcome 4: Store Electronic Diagrams Based on
Established Policies...............................................................................
 Information sheet 4.1....................................................................
 Operation sheet 4.1.......................................................................
 Self check 4.1...............................................................................
Observation checklist.............................................................................
Observation and Questioning checklist...................................................
Written Report.......................................................................................
Performance test....................................................................................


Welcome to the Module “Preparing and interpreting technical drawing

used in electronics”. This module contains training materials and activities for
you to complete.

The unit of competency “Prepare and Interpret Technical Drawing”

contains the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Consumer
Electronics Servicing required to obtain the National Certificate (NC) level II.

You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to

complete each of the learning outcomes of the module. In each learning
outcome there are Information Sheets, Job Sheets, and Operation Sheets .
Do these activities on your own and answer the Self-Check at the end of each
learning activity.

If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your teacher for assistance.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

You have already some basic knowledge and skills covered in this module
because you have been working for some time; and already completed training
in this area.

If you can demonstrate competence to your teacher in a particular skill, talk

to your teacher so you don’t have to undergo the same training again. If you
have a qualification or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings show it
to him/her. If the skills you acquired are consistent with and relevant to this
module, they become part of the evidence. You can present these for RPL. If you
are not sure about your competence skills, discuss this with your teacher.

After completing this module, ask your teacher to assess your competence.
Result of your assessment will be recorded in your competency profile. All the
learning activities are designed for you to complete at your own pace.

In this module, you will find the activities for you to complete and relevant
information sheets for each learning outcome. Each learning outcome may have
more than one learning activity.

This module is prepared to help you achieve the required competency, in

receiving and relaying information. This will be the source of information that
will enable you to acquire the knowledge and skills in “ Prepare and Interpret
Technical Drawing ” independently at your own pace with minimum supervision
from your teacher.






This module contains information and suggested learning activities on

“Preparing and Interpreting Technical Drawing Used in Electronics”. It
covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to Prepare and Interpret
Technical Drawing .

Completion of this module will help you better understand the succeeding
module on terminating and connecting electrical wiring in electronic circuits.

This module consists of four (4) learning outcomes. Each learning outcome
contains learning activities supported by instructional sheets. Before you
perform the instructions, read the information sheets and answer the self-check
and activities provided to ascertain to yourself and your teacher that you have
acquired the knowledge necessary to perform the skill portion of the particular
learning outcome.

Upon completing this module, report to your teacher for assessment to check
your achievement of knowledge and skills requirements of this module. If you
pass the assessment, you will be given a certificate of completion.


Upon completion of the module the students should be able to:

LO1 Identify electronic components.

LO2 Interpret electronic diagrams.
LO3 Prepare electronic diagrams.
LO4 Store electronic diagrams based on established policies.

Refer to assessment criteria of learning outcomes 1-4 of this module.


Performing mensuration and calculation


Cathode The negative terminal electrode of a device. The “N”

terminal in a junction diode.
AC Voltage A voltage in which the polarity alternates.
Alternating An electric current that rises to a maximum in one
Current direction, falls back to zero and then rises to a maximum
in the opposite direction and then repeats.
Anode The positive electrode or terminal of a device. The “P”
material of a diode.
Bridge A circuit using four diodes to provide full-wave
Rectifier rectification. Converts AC voltage to a pulsating DC
Calibration To adjust the correct value of a reading by comparison to
a standard.
Capacitor An electronic component having capacitive reactance.
AC/DC Equipment that will operate on either an AC or DC power
Color Code Set of colors used to indicate value of a component.
DC Power Any source of DC power for electrical equipment.
Diode A two terminal device that conducts in only one direction.
Electrolytic It is used to filter the current flowing in the circuit.
Full Wave The rectifier that makes use of the full ac wave in both
Rectifier positive and negative half cycles.
Fuse A protective device in the current path that melts or
breaks when current exceeds a predetermined maximum
Half Wave A diode rectifier that converts AC to pulsating DC by
Rectifier eliminating either the negative or positive alternation of
each input AC cycle.
Leakage Small undesirable flow of current through an insulator
or dielectric.
Light Emitting A semiconductor diode that converts electric energy into
Diode electromagnetic radiation at a visible and near infrared
frequencies when its pn junction is forward bias.
Output Terminal at which a component, circuit or piece of
equipment delivers current, voltage or power.
Power Supply Electrical equipment used to deliver either AC or DC
Primary First winding of a transformer. Winding that is connected
to the source as opposed to secondary which is a winding
connected to a load.
Printed Circuit Insulating board containing conductive tracks for circuit
Board connections.
Rectification Process that converts alternating current to direct

Rectifier Diode circuit that converts AC to pulsating DC.
Regulated Power supply that maintains a constant output voltage
Power Supply under changing load condition.
Resistor Component made of material that opposes the flow of
current and therefore has some value of resistance.
Rotary Switch Electromechanical device that has a rotating shaft
connected to one terminal capable of making, breaking a
connection to one or more other terminals.
Schematic Illustration of an electrical or electronic circuit with the
Diagram components represented by their symbol.
Secondary Output winding of a transformer. Winding that is
connected to a load.
Short Circuit Also called a short. Low resistance connection between
two points in a circuit typically causing excessive current.
Solder Metallic alloy used to join two metal surfaces.
Soldering Process of joining two metallic surfaces to make an
electrical contact by melting solder (tin and lead) across
Soldering Iron Tool with an internal heating element used to heat
surfaces being soldered to the point where the solder
becomes molten.
Substrate Mechanical insulating support upon which a device is
Switch Electrical device having two states, ON (closed) or OFF
Test Sequence of operations intended to verify the correct
operation or malfunctioning of a piece of equipment or
Transformer Inductor with two or more windings.
Troubleshootin Systematic approach to locate the cause of a fault in an
g electronic circuit or system.
Volt-Ohm- Known as a multitester. A test equipment used to check
Meter AC, DC voltages, current in a circuit and resistance of
any components out of the circuit.



Module Title: Preparing and Interpreting Technical Drawing used in


Learning Outcome1: Identify electronic components.

Assessment Criteria

1. Electronic components are specified according to their jobs.

2. Electronic components are identified based on their functions..
3. Electronic components which do not conform to the quality standard are
identified and marked for disposal.


1. Tan, Michael Q., Gantalao, Fred T., Lasala, Rommel M. Simple Electronics;
Andes Mountain Printers: 2004
2. Enriquez, Marcelo T. Electronics Technology IV; Souvenir Publications, Inc.:


Learning Outcome 1: Identify electronic components.

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read the attached Information

Sheet 1.1
2. Answer the self check 1.1  Try to answer the Self-Check
3. Compare your answer to the without looking at the
model answer information sheet.

4. If you missed some of the

question, go back again to
information sheet 1
5. If you have answered the
question, you are ready to
proceed to learning outcome 2

Types and function of electronic components


A resistor is a device with a known value of resistance. Its main function

is to reduce voltage and to limit the flow of current in a circuit. This resistance
is actually the opposition that a component or material offers to the flow of
Resistance may or may not be useful in circuit/s. When too much current
passes through a conductor, ( solid, liquid, gas through which electrons pass
easily) the resistance of the conductor may cause it to become hot. This, in turn,
can create a fire hazard or cause the conductor to burn out. In this case, it is
not desirable. In other cases, when it is placed intentionally in the circuit, it
performs its specific task.

Symbol of Resistor

Fixed Variable

Fixed Resistors

It is a single value resistance, which remains the same under the normal
condition. The two common kinds of fixed resistors are film resistor and wire-
wound resistor.

Film Resistor Wire-wound Resistor

Variable Resistor

Variable resistors are used when it is necessary to change the amount of

resistance in a circuit. There are two common variable resistors, the
potentiometer and rheostat. Generally a potentiometer is generally has carbon
resistive element while the rheostat is generally made of resistance wire.


Carbon Composition Resistor Wire Wound Resistor

Both devices, have a sliding arm that brings into contact with the
resistance element. In most variable resistors,
The arm is attached to the shaft that can be adjusted Element changes.

A potentiometer is commonly used as control device. It can be used to vary
the value of voltage applied to a certain circuit such as in the amplifier,
television, and different kinds of meter circuit.

Resistor Power Rating

Power rating of resistors changes with their sizes, the bigger the resistor
the greater the wattages and the smaller the resistor the lesser the wattage.
Different sizes of resistors are shown below which are drawn to the exact
proportion. (See figure no. 23).

1/8W 1/4W 1/2W 1W 2W


A capacitor is a device that consists essentially of two conducting

surfaces separated by a dielectric material like air, paper, mica, ceramic, glass,
or mylar. It makes it possible to store electric energy. Electrons are detained
within a capacitor. This, in effect, is stored electricity. It is known as electrical
potential or an electrostatic field. Electrostatic field hold electrons. When the
increase of electrons becomes great enough, the electrical potentials are now
ready to be discharged.

The component is designed intentionally to have a definite amount of

capacitance. This capacitance is a property that exists whenever insulating
material permits the storage of electricity. It is measured in Farad (F) micro
Farad (uF), nano Farad (nF), and picoFarad (pF).

Characteristics of Capacitor:

1. It can store electric charge even though the voltage source is already
2. It can discharge electrical voltages.

Symbols of Capacitor


Fixed Variable Polarized

Common Types of Fixed Capacitor


Ceramic Electrolytic

Common Types of Variable Capacitor


Ganged Air Capacitor Ganged Air Capacitor

Semiconductor Diode
It is a semiconductor device that contains two-electrode p-n junction. This diode
is made of N-material and P-material (Positive and Negative devices) that are joined in a
single package.

A = Anode A K
K = Cathode

P+++++ ------N-
++++++ ---------
+++ ----

Observe closely the positive, the negative materials and the barrier
(junction) size when it is at rest.

Operation Of Diode
A. Reverse-Biased

P+ -N
++ --
++ --

By applying DC voltage to the electrodes (the two terminals), negative

to the P-materials and positive to the N-materials, causes the attraction.
In this operation the diode is not conducting because of the polarity
applied to it. This operation is called reverse-biased. The barrier is so

large that the resistance becomes greater. The diode becomes an

B. Forward-Biased

P+ N--
++ --
++ -

By applying DC voltage to the electrodes, negative to the N-materials

and positive to the P-materials, causes the repulsion. Pushing the N-
materials and the P-materials to the junction, causing it to become thin.


Because the barrier is so thin, it collapses, releasing the electrons to

flow. In this operation the diode is conducting because of the polarity
applied to it. This operation is called forward-biased. When barrier is

thin, so the resistance become lesser. (The diode becomes a conductor,
because we apply the right biase causing it to be in active state.)

Active State – It is the triggering voltage supply of all

 0.7V for silicon diode
 0.3V for germanium diode (crystal)

Types of Diode, their symbol and their Uses

1. Signal Diode – It is used for high frequency range.

 Mostly for radio

2. Rectifier Diode - It is used for low frequency range.

 Mostly for power supply

3. Zener Diode - It is used for reference voltage.

 Mostly for regulator’s reference

4, Light Emitting Diode (LED) - It is used for light indictor.

 Mostly for running light effects

It is a material which resists between the insulator and the conductor.
The resistance is often changed by light, heat, or magnetic field. The particular
characteristic of the semiconductor materials depend on its atomic structure, (It
is the number and arrangement of electron) which allow their conductivity to be
increased by adding impurity elements (It is the adding of foreign electrons, ions,
or holes), the process is called doping.
Doping is the intensified number of electron charges, ion charges, or hole
charges that can be moved by an external supply voltage. For example when the
amount of free electron (It is a result of a single loose electron that acquires
energy and collides with the other planetary electrons that causes them to break
away from the attraction of the nucleus and becomes free.) is increased, the
doped semiconductor is N-type or negative; and when it is decreased the
amount of free electron forms the P-type or positive.

The Discovery of Semiconductor Devices

The semiconductor was discovered in late 1873 when a certain rod or wire
called selenium was used and it changes its electrical resistance when it was
struck by light.

Next in 1906 the first semiconductor crystal detector was invented. It

consisted of a piece of crystalline galena and was used in a tune circuit and
earphone that would permit reception of radio signal. Therefore, the first solid-
state radio receiver, called the crystal set was invented. The achievement of the
said device was short-lived, because of the invention of vacuum tube in 1920
that put the further studies into halt. Throughout, the vacuum tubes are more
reliable because of the ability to amplify the detector output signal.

Bardeen and Brattain invented the first transistor in 1947 and Bell
laboratory produced the first successful transistor in 1948.

Samples of Semiconductor Components

1. Semiconductor Diode

2. Semiconductor Transistor

3. Integrated Circuit I.C

Self Check # 3-1-1


DIRECTIONS: Give at least five (5) electronic components and give its types and function
NOTE: (2 points each)






Learning Outcome2: Interpret electronic diagram.

Assessment Criteria

1. The electronic diagrams are identified according to job requirements.

2. The equivalent components of the electronic symbols are identified.
3. The connection of the electronic symbols in a circuit is identified.


1. Tan, Michael Q., Gantalao, Fred T., Lasala, Rommel M. Simple Electronics;
Andes Mountain Printers: 2004
2. Enriquez, Marcelo T. Electronics Technology IV; Souvenir Publications, Inc.:


Learning Outcome 2: Interpret electronic diagram.

Learning Activities Special Instructions

1. Read the attached Information

Sheet 2.1
Try to answer the Self-Check
2. Answer Self-Check 2.1 without looking at the information
3. Compare your answer with the sheet.
model answer.
4. If you missed some of the
questions, go back again to
information sheet 2.1.
5. If you have answered the
questions, you are ready to
proceed to learning outcome 3.

Information Sheet 2.1
Kinds of electronic diagram

Pictorial diagram - It shows the pictures of the actual components and

connections although it does not provide the exact
size of
components. It shows exact shape in proportion to
Actual one.

Pictorial Diagram of a Regulated Power Supply

Block Diagram – This form uses block rectangles or triangles to represent

components, group of components or units of equivalent.
Block diagrams are particularly used to represent internal
components of an integrated circuit.

Schematic diagram - It shows the components used in their
interconnection. Each graphic symbol is also accompanied with a reference
designation to distinguish it from other similar symbols. It does not
illustrate the physical size, shape or chassis location of the component parts
and devices.

Wiring diagram – It shows wiring connection in a simplified, easy to follow

manner. It may show either internal or external connections or both and is
usually drawn as simple as possible to trace out the connection of a circuit.
The components of the circuit are identified by name or are represented by
means of pictorial illustrations that do not follow any well-defined standard

Electronic Symbols

Electronic symbols

Direction: Answer the following question below, and draw the schematic
symbol of each of the components given below.













Electronic symbols






Basic GSM abbreviations

AAL - ATM Adaptation Layer

A-bis = Interface between the BSC and BTS in a GSM network

AB - Access Burst
used for random access and characterised by a longer guard period to allow for burst
transmission from a MS that does not know the correct timing advance when first contacting
a network

ABR - Available Bit Rate

AC - Alternating Current ( the standard electricity type )

ACCH - Analog Control Channel
ACTS - Advanced Communications Technologies and Services.
a European technology initiative
ACU - Antenna Combining Unit

AC Charger :

an accessory device that allows you to power and/or charge your phone from a wall outlet

ADC - Analog to Digital Converter

Advice of charge:
A service which provides the user with information on the cost of calls from a mobile phone

AFC - Automatic Frequency Control

AGC - Automatic Gain Control

AGCH - Access Grant Channel; downlink only, BTS allocates a TCH or SDCCH to the MS,
allowing it access to the network

A-interface :
Interface between the MSC and BSS in a GSM network

AM - Amplitude Modulation

AMPS - Advanced Mobile Phone Service

Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS) is the analog mobile phone system standard
developed by Bell Labs, and officially introduced in the Americas in 1983[1][2] It was the
primary analog mobile phone system in North America (and other locales) through the 1980s
and into the 2000s, and is still widely available today, although use has dropped
considerably with the introduction of various digital standards.

Total Access Communication System (TACS) and ETACS are mostly-obsolete variants of
AMPS which were used in some European countries (including the UK). TACS was also
used in Japan under the name Japanese Total Access Communication (JTAC).[3][4]

AMR - Adaptive Multi-Rate codec.

Developed in 1999 for use in GSM networks, the AMRhas been adopted by 3GPP for 3G

The representation of information by a continuously variable physical quantity such as

a part of a cell phone that receives and transmits cellular radio-frequency transmissions

American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASIC - Application Specific Integrated Circuit

Electronic chips designed for some concrete purposes (for example, in phone it controlls
communication between MCU and DSP) They're designed and produced by the companies
which use them.

Asynchronous Transfer Mode; a multiplexed information transfer and switching method in
which the data is organised into fixed length 53-octet cells and transmitted according to each
application’s instantaneous need

AVCH - Analog Voice Channel

BB5 - base band 5

BCC - Base-station Color Code

B-CDMA - Broadband Code Division Multiple Access

BCH - Broadcast Channels( carry only downlink information and are mainly responsible for
synchronisation and frequency correction (BCCH, FCCH and SCH)

BCCH - Brodcast Control Channel

the logical channel used in cellular networks to broadcast signalling and control information
to all mobile phones within the network

BGA - ball grid array

B-ISDN - Broadband ISDN

BPS - Bits Per Second

( a measure of how fast binary digits can be sent through a channel. The number of 0s and
1s that travel down the channel per second.)

Base transceiver Station Identity Code

BTS - Base Transceiver Station

(This device allows communication between phones and cellular network or it is the network
entity which communicates with the mobile station)

Back -light Illumination

illuminates a wireless device’s display and keypad for better low light viewing
Band :
a specific range of frequencies in the radio frequency (RF) spectrum.

A chargeable device which provides the mobile phone with power. A variety of battery
technologies have been used for mobile phones including nickel cadmiu(NiCad),nickel metal
hydride (NiMH) and lithium ion (Li-ion)
Battery status/Battery charge display
An indication of the amount of battery life remaining
Battery Capacity the capacity of wireless devices’ battery. Measured in milliampere hours

Call barring
A service which enables users to bar certain incoming or outgoing calls on their mobile

Call timer:
A service which keeps track of the amount of airtime being used by the subscriber on a
cumulative basis

Call divert:
The capability to divert incoming calls to another phone (fixed or mobile) or to an answering

Call hold:
The ability to put an ongoing call on hold whilst answering or making a second call

Caller ID:
Caller Identification (displays the name/number of the person calling a mobile phone. Also
known as CLI)

CB - Cell Broadcast

CCCH - Common Control Channels; a group of uplink and downlink channels between the
MS and the BTS (see PCH, AGCH and RACH)

CCONT- Current Controller (in nokia fones)

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access

(Code Division Multiple Access; also known as spread spectrum (or IS-95), CDMA cellular
systems utilise a single frequency band for all traffic, differentiating the individual
transmissions by assigning them unique codes before transmission. There are a number of
variants of CDMA (see W-CDMA, B-CDMA, TD-SCDMA et al)

The area covered by a cellular base station. A cell site may sectorise its antennas to service
several cells from one locationCell site
The facility housing the transmitters/receivers, the antennas and associated equipment

Cell Site:
a fixed cellular tower and radio antenna that handles communication with subscribers in a
particular area or cell. A cellular network is made up of many cell sites, all connected back to
the wired phone system.

CF - Call Forwarding

CI - Carrier to Interference ratio

CID - Caller Identification

Circuit switching:

A method used in telecommunications where a temporary dedicated circuit of constant

bandwidth is established between two distant endpoints in a network. Mainly used for voice
traffic; the opposite of packet switching

CNT- Content

COBBA- Common Baseband Analog

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Substrate

A word formed by combining coder and decoder the codec is a device which encodes and
decodes signals. The voice codec in a cellular network converts voice signals into and back
from bit strings. In GSM networks, in addition to the standard voice codec, it is possible to
implement Half Rate (HR) codecs and Enhanced Full Rate (EFR) codecs

Control signal:
A signal sent to a cellular phone from a base station or vice versa which carries information
essential to the call but not including the audio portion of a conversation

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

CT - Cordless Telephony

CTA - Cordless Terminal Adaptor (a DECT term)

CTM - Cordless Terminal Mobility

CTR - Common Technical Regulation

CUG - Closed User Group

D/A - Digital to Analogue conversion

DAC - Digital to Analogue Convertor

D-AMPS - Digital AMPS, a US wireless standard also known as IS-136

Data capable:
Mobile phones which have the capability to enable transmission of data from a laptop
computer or PDA via the phone

Datacable : interface for conecting a mobile fone to pc

db - decibel (unit if sound)

DCT /3,4 - digital core technology

DCT/L - digital core technology linda

DCCH - Digital Control Channel

DTCH - Digital Traffic Channel
DTX - Discontinous Transmission Exchange

DCA - Dynamic Channel Assignment

DCCH - Dedicated Control Channels

( responsible for roaming, handovers, encryption etc)

DCE - Data Communications Equipment

DCH - Data Clearing House

DCS1800 - Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz, now known as GSM1800

a method of representing information as numbers with discrete values; usually expressed as
a sequence of bits
Digital a method of encoding a transmission that involves translating information (in the case
of digital phones the information would be a voice conversation) into a series of 0’s and 1’s.
Digital communications technology offers cleaner calls without the static and distortion that is
common with analog phones. The majority of new handsets sold today are digital rather than
analog technology.

DSP - Digital Signal Processor

Digital Signal Processing refers to manipulating analog information, such as sound or
photographs that has been converted into a digital form to improve accuracy and reliability of
digital communications.

DSC- Digital Signal Controller

DTE - Data Terminal Equipment

DTMF - Dual Tone MultiFrequency;

(better know as Touch Tone. The tones generated by touching the keys on the phone are
used for a variety of purposes )

DTX - Discontinuous Transmission

Dual Band:
The capability of GSM infrastructure elements and handsets to work across both the
900MHz and 1800MHz bands. The capability to seamlessly handover between the two
bands offers operators major capacity gains

The wireless technique where one frequency band is used for traffic from the network to the
subscriber (the downlink) and another, widely separated, band is used for traffic from the
subscriber to the network (the uplink)

EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EFR- Enhanced Full Rate

(Enhanced Full Rate (codec): an improved version of the standard voice codec used in GSM
phones; offers improved speech quality without impacting on network capacity)

EFT - Electronic Funds Transfer

EGSM - Extended (frequency range) GSM

EIR - Equipment Identity Register (a database that contains a list of all valid mobile stations
within a network based on their IMEI)

EIRP - Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

The mobile phone operating system developed by Symbian. Derived from epoch-the
beginning of an era-EPOC is a 32-bit operating environment which comprises a suite of
applications, customisable user interfaces, connectivity options and a range of development

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

ESMR - Enhanced Special Mobile Radio; a US PMR variant (see SMR)

ESN - Electronic Serial Number; a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a mobile phone

FB - Frequency Correction Burst; used for frequency synchronisation of the mobile

FDD - Frequency Division Duplex

FOMA - Freedom Of Mobile multimedia Access

A unit of data transmission rate equal to one billion bits per second

GMSC - Gateway Mobile Services Switching Centre; the gateway between two networks

GCF - Global Certification Forum


Refers to a satellite in equatorial orbit above the earth which appears from the surface to be

GERAN - GSM-EDGE Radio Access Network the name for the evolution of GSM towards
3G based on EDGE

GGRF - GSM Global Roaming Forum

GGSN - Gateway GPRS Support Node; the gateway between a cellular network and a IP

A unit of frequency equal to one billion Hertz per second

GMPCS - Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite

GMSK - Gaussian filtered Minimum Shift Keying

General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) is a mobile data service available to users of GSM
and IS-136 mobile phones. GPRS data transfer is typically charged per megabyte of
transferred data, while data communication via traditional circuit switching is billed per
minute of connection time, independently of if the user actually has transferred data or been
in an idle state. GPRS can be utilized for services such as WAP access, SMS and MMS, but
also for Internet communication services such as email and web access. In the future, it is
expected that low cost voice over IP will be made available in cell phones.

The Global Positioning System (GPS), is currently the only fully-functional satellite
navigation system. More than two dozen GPS satellites are in medium Earth orbit,
transmitting signals allowing GPS receivers to determine the receiver's location, speed and

GRX - GPRS Roaming Exchange


The Global System for Mobile Communications, GSM (original acronym: Groupe Spécial
Mobile) is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world. GSM service is used by
over 2 billion people across more than 212 countries and territories.[1][2] The ubiquity of the
GSM standard makes international roaming very common between mobile phone operators,
enabling subscribers to use their phones in many parts of the world. GSM differs significantly
from its predecessors in that both signaling and speech channels are Digital call quality,
which means that it is considered a second generation (2G) mobile phone system. This fact
has also meant that data communication was built into the system from the 3rd Generation
Partnership Project (3GPP).

The operation of a cellular phone without using the handset; usually installed in vehicles.

The transfer of control of a cellular phone call in progress from one cell to another, without
any discontinuity

HR - Half Rate Traffic

IC - Intergrated Circuit

ICSP - In Circuit Serial Programming

IF- Intermediate Frequency

Infrared data port:

A facility on a mobile phone to allow information to be exchanged with other devices e.g. a
PC using infra red technology

The Internet is the worldwide, publicly accessible network of interconnected computer
networks that transmit data by packet switching using the standard Internet Protocol (IP). It
is a "network of networks" that consists of millions of smaller domestic, academic, business,
and government networks, which together carry various information and services, such as
electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, and the interlinked Web pages and other documents
of the World Wide Web.

IMEI - International Mobile Equipment Identity

The International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) is a number unique to every GSM and
UMTS mobile phone. It is usually found printed on the phone underneath the battery and can
also be found by dialing the sequence *#06# into the phone.

The IMEI number is used by the GSM network to identify valid devices and therefore can be
used to stop a stolen phone from accessing the network. For example, if a mobile phone is
stolen, the owner can call his or her network provider and instruct them to "ban" the phone
using its IMEI number. This renders the phone useless, regardless of whether the phone's
SIM is changed.

A service developed by Japanese operator NTT DoCoMo, I-mode delivers a huge range of
services to subscribers and has proved enormously popular with some 30 million regular
users. The revenue sharing model used for I-mode is being adopted by other operators as
the basis for the new services enabled by GPRS and 3G

IMSI - International Mobile Subscriber Identity

(an internal subscriber identity used only by the network)

IP - Internet Protocol

IrDA - Infra red Data Association

A low earth orbit satellite communications system developed initially by Motorola.

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network

International Standards Organisation

ISP - Internet Service Provider

software developed by Motorola and built into some wireless phones and PDAs that makes
typing words on a keypad easier. The competitor to iTAP is T9

JAF - Just Another Flasher

A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Java is characterised by the fact
that programs written in Java do not rely on an operating system

JPEG- Joint Photographic Experts Group

JTAG - Joint Test Action Group

Kbps : Kilobits Per Second, a measure of bandwidth

Local Area Network

Local Area Network Services

LED - Light Emitting Diode

(a semiconductor device that illuminates when electricity passes through it. Often used as an
indicator light, or to spell out words and numbers. LEDs come in many colors, and some
LEDs contain multiple elements and are therefore capable of multiple colors. Provides good
visibility in direct sunlight and in darkness)

LPT - Line Print Terminal

Land Mobile Satellite Service

A function on a cellular phone which, when activated, prevents use of the phone until the
user enters a security code

LCD - Liquid crystal display

Lithium Ion battery:
a type of rechargeable battery for cell phones which is generally lighter weight than earlier
battery types, has a relatively longer cycle life, and generally does not suffer from “memory”

MAC - Media Access Control; the lower sublayer of the OSI system

MAD - Memory Analog Digital

MAP - Mobile Application Part

Mb- Megabite
( a unit of data transmission speed equal to one million bits per second)

MCC - Mobile Country Code

MCU - Micro Control Unit

MCPA - Multi Carrier Power Amplifier

MHz - Megahertz (a unit of frequency equal to one million Hertz)

MMI - Man Machine Interface

MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service

(an evolution of SMS, MMS goes beyond text messaging offering various kinds of
multimedia content including images, audio and video clips)

The process of imposing an information signal on a carrier. This can be done by changing
the amplitude (AM), the frequency (FM) or the phase, or any combination of these

Motion Picture Experts Group; MPEG4 is a technology for compressing voice and video so
that the information can be transmitted over normally difficult links such as mobile radio

MS - Mobile Station

MSIN - Mobile Station Identification Number

MSISDN - Mobile Station International ISDN Number

MSK - Minimum Shift Keying (Another term for FFSK)

A telecommunications technique where several channels can be combined to share the
same transmission medium. The most common forms are Time Division Multiplexing (TDM)
and Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

Master Reset:
restores the setting to factory

MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface
(a standard that allows digital musical instruments to communicate with one another. In cell
phone terms, MIDI is what gives you polyphonic sounds; which means your ring tones can
sound like real music instead of beeps. )

MMS - Multimedia Messaging Service

(a further extension of SMS and EMS.MMS is designed to make use of newer and quicker
mobile transmission methods such as GPRS, HSCSD, EDGE and UMTS, involving the
attachment of multimedia extensions to messages, such as video and sound. An e-mail
function is also planned. )

MO-SMS - Mobile-Originated Short Message Service

(the ability to send short text messages from a phone. Both the phone and the carrier’s
network must support this feature for it to work. Messages can be sent to other phones by
phone number. Many phones also allow sending messages directly to e-mail addresses. )

NCC (National Color Code or Network Color Code

Norme Europeenne de Telecommunications

NMSI - National Mobile Subscriber Identity

No Service:
An indication on the display of a cellular phone that indicates that the user is in an area
where cellular service is unavailable

OMAP - Open Multimedia Applications Platform

OTP - One Time Programable

Pulse Code Modulation; the standard digital voice format at 64kbit/s

Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association the body responsible for defining

the standards and formats for memory expansion cards for laptop computers and PDAs.

extended to cover cards for mobile phones

Packet Control Unit; an element in a GPRS/UMTS network

Personal Digital Assistant


Personal Identifier Number

Power Supply Unit

Personal Communications Networks; an outdated term for GSM services in the 1800MHz

Personal Digital Assistant; a sophisticated handheld device with advanced display

facilities and a range of business-oriented software programs

Phone book
A list of personal names and numbers stored in a mobile phone’s internal memory or in

the SIM card. These numbers can be called by accessing the appropriate memory and

making a single key stroke

Personal Identity Number; a number, usually four digits, that must be keyed into a

mobile phone to make it work. A security measure to prevent unauthorised usage

P-Java (Personal Java) a Java API and specification for running Java applications on

small devices.

Packet a piece of data transmitted over a packet-switching network such as the Internet

or wireless Internet; a packet includes not just data but also its destination.

Packet Switching a type of communication that splits information into “packets” of data

for transmission. This is efficient, as it only uses radio spectrum when it’s actually

sending something, rather than keeping an open channel at all times (as is done in

circuit switching). Packet switching is a core component to 3G technology.

Passive Matrix Display an LCD technology that uses a grid to supply the charge to each

particular pixel on the display. An STN screen has a slower refresh rate than a TFT

screen, but it’s cheaper. Also called a SuperTwist Nematic of STN display.

PC Card (PCMCIA) a removable, credit-card sized devices that may be plugged into slots

in PCS and wireless communication devices to provide fax or modem functions or network


PCMCIA (Personal Computer Memory Card International Association) a group of hardware

manufacturers and vendors responsible for developing standards for PC Cards (also

called PCMCIA cards.)


also known as DCS 1800 or GSM 1800, PCN is a term used to describe a wireless

communication technology in Europe and Asia.

PDA (personal digital assistant) a portable, handheld computing device that acts as an

electronic organizer. PDAs are typically used for managing addresses, appointments,

to-do lists and notes, but some newer models support wireless Internet access, e-mail,

and other interactive applications. Also referred to as Handheld Computers. PDAs come

in two major flavors - Palm and Pocket PC.

PIN (Personal Identification Number) a numeric code or password that may be required by

a service provider in order to make outgoing calls or obtain access to certain

applications and data. This code is always associated to a SIM card, not a phone and is

designed to help guard against cellular fraud.

PTT (Push-To-Talk) a two-way communication service that works like a “walkie talkie”.

This feature, found on Motorola iDEN phones from Nextel and Telus Mobility’s Mike,

allow communication in only direction at a time unlike a cell phone that allows for

simultaneous conversations. New PTT systems are now being introduced that use VoIP

technology to provide PTT service digitally over 3G data networks

PUK (Personal Unblocking Code) used to unblock a blocked SIM card, this code is given

during the sub******ion of a phone

represents the on/off (power) key on some wireless devices.

RAM - Random Access Memory

RAP3G- Radio Application Processor 3rd Generations


The assignment of frequencies or channels to cells so that adjoining cells do not use the
same frequencies and cause interference whereas more distant cells can use the same
frequencies. Reuse expands the capacity of a cellular network by enabling the use of the
same channels throughout the network

RF AMP = Radio Frequency Amplifier

RFP - Radio Fixed Part

(equivalent to a base station in a DECT system)

RP - Radio Part

A service unique to GSM which enables a subscriber to make and receive calls when
outside the service area of his home network e.g. when travelling abroad

A device which forwards information in a network on a connectionless basis

RT - Remote Terminal

RX :- signal received

SAR - Specific Absorption Rate

S-CDMA - Synchronous CDMA (see CDMA)

SCH - Synchronisation Channel

(downlink only frame synchronisation and identification of base station)

SCP - Switching/Service Control Point

SDCCH - Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel; communications channel between the

MS and the BTS. Used for signalling during call set-up before a TCH is allocated

Security Code:
a numeric code (password) used to prevent unauthorized or accidental alteration of data
programmed into wireless phones. The security code can be used by the owner of a phone
to change the lock code.

SIM - Subscriber Identity Module

A smart card containing the telephone number of the subscriber, encoded network
identification details, the PIN and other user data such as the phone book. A user’s SIM card
can be moved from phone to phone as it contains all the key information required to activate
the phone

An Internet derived expression for the one-way transmission of video and audio content

a combination of mobile phone and personal digital assistant

SMS - Short Message Service

(a text message service which enables users to send short messages (160 characters) to
other users. A very popular service, particularly amongst young people, with 400 billion SMS
messages sent worldwide in 2002)

SP - Service Provider

SRAM - Syncronous Random Access Memory

Standby time:
The length of time a battery can power a mobile phone when it is switched on but not making
or receiving calls

A company created by Psion, Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola in 1998 with the aim of
developing and standardising an operating system which enable mobile phones from
different manufacturers to exchange information
The operating system is known as EPOC. Matsua has subsequently joined Symbian

TACS - Total Access Communications System

TAP - Transferred Account Procedure

(the essential charging methodology for international GSM roaming. There have been four
TAP standards, TAP1, TAP2, TAP2+ and TAP3. The latter offers variable record length and
is sufficiently flexible to support all future requirements arising from the move to 3G)

TFD : Thin Film Diode

(a type of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) flat-panel display technology. TFD technology
combines the excellent image quality and fast response times of TFT, with the low power
consumption and low cost of STN.)

TFT - Thin Film Transistor

(an LCD technology that uses transistors to precisely control the voltage to each liquid
crystal cell. This is also referred to as an “active matrix” display. TFT screens offer the best
image quality and refresh rates, but at a higher cost.)

Refers to a mobile phone able to operate on the three internationally designated GSM

frequencies- 900, 1800 and 1900MHz

Transmitter/receiver (transceiver)
Total Access Communications System (an AMPS variant deployed in a number of countries
principally the UK)

The length of time a battery can power a mobile phone when making or receiving calls

T9 :
software built into some wireless phones and PDAs that makes typing words on a keypad
easier. The competitor to T9 is iTAP

Tri-Band fone:
a phone capable of operating on three different digital frequencies (example: 900MHz,
1800MHz and 1900MHz).

Upp - Universal power processor

UI - User Interface

UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System

(the European entrant for 3G; now subsumed into the IMT-2000 family as the WCDMA

UPN - Universal Personal Number

URL - Uniform Resource Locator( the addressing system of the Internet)

UTRA - Universal Terrestrial Radio Access

USIM - Universal Subscriber Identity Module; the 3G equivalent of the GSM SIM

UWB - Ultra Wide Band

USB - Universal Serial Bus

VBR - Variable Bit Rate

VCO - Voltage Control Oscillator

VHE - Virtual Home Environment

VLR - Visitor Location Register

Vocoder - Voice coder

VoIP - Voice over Internet Protocol

VPN - Virtual Private Network

VSAT - Very Small Aperture Terminal

VSELP - Vector Sum Excited Linear Prediction

VSLI- Very Large Scale Integration

A service offered by network operators whereby calls received when the mobile is in use,
switched off or out of coverage can be diverted to an answering service which can be
personalised by the user

WAP - Wireless Application Protocol

(Wireless Application Protocol; a de facto standard for enabling mobile phones to access the
Internet and advanced services. Users can access websites and pages which have been
converted by the use of WML into stripped-down versions of the original more suitable for
the limited display capabilities of mobile phones)

WASP - Wireless Application Service Provider

Web clipping:
this is an application that allows a user to extract relevant information from a web page for
display on a smart phone or a PDA.

Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity, the popular term for the 802.11b wireless Ethernet standard.

Windows CE:
a streamlined version of Windows from Microsoft for handheld computers which has since
been upgraded and renamed Pocket PC. Windows CE run Pocket versions of Microsoft
office applications such as Word and Excel as well as many applications that were geared
specifically for the smaller platform.

WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network

a short range radio network normally deployed in traffic hotspots such as airport lounges,
hotels and restaurants. WLAN enables suitably equipped users to access the fixed network
wirelessly, providing high speed access (up to 11Mbit/s download) to distant servers. The
key WLAN technologies are the IEEE802.11 family and ETSI HIPERLAN/2


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