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Background information of the GPP

1.1 Name of the SHG Sai Ram SHG

1.2 Name of the Village Covered (Place of Posting) Manda sahi

1.3 Gram Panchayat Name Manda sahi

1.4 Block Name Jagatsinghpur sadar

1.5 District Name Jagatsinghpur

1.6 Month & Year of Joining as Gender Point Person 14.11.2018

1.7 Background Profile of Gender Point Person

1.8 Name and location of GPLF Mandasahi GPLF

1.9 Name and location of CLF (Sankul Sangatam) Jay Jagannath GPLF

1.10 Distance From GPLF 0 KM

Age Marital Status Highest Level of Schooling Caste Main Occupation Age when Age when delivering first
get married child
32 UNMARRIED +2 OBC CRP Unmarried No baby

LEADER FGD: 22.11.2023

District: Cuttack

Block : Badamba

G.P- Abhimanpur

Village: Abhimanpur


On November 22, 2023, we went to Mandasahi village of Mandasahi GP of Jagatsinghpur sadar block. We talked to MBK sister. There are 6 CLF
in GP. 6 CRP sister are there. We randomly called them. CRP sister also there. We interviewed her. Interview went for 2 hours. GPLF office is
present in the village. MBK sister was there in the GPLF office. There are 3 CLF in the village. 15 SHG are there in the CLF. We randomly selected
4 shg from 45. CRP sister called the leaders. We took 3 hours to do FGD. This GPLF office is 12kms from the block.


This village is very big. The population of the village is 2200 and a total of 550 houses are there in the village. There are 7sahi in the village. They
are 1. Abhimanpur tala sahi 2. Nuasahi 3. Sahar sahi 4. Chasa sahi 5. Matha sahi 6. Mukta sahi 7. Kaloni sahi.Brahmins, Fishermen Washermen,
potters Harijan, stay here.

Brahmins do worshiping. Barbers cut hair.

Fisherman catch fish. Also do job.

People of this village do various types of work like- farming, vegetation, labour work, road work, .etc.
In this village men drink handia (local beer). This village has no work for people. Under age people are also going out for work.

They go to Sambalpur, Jharsuguda, Sundargarh, Baragarh etc for work , leaving their families at village

Work of men and women:

Men- men go out for work. They work as porter,.... etc.Men do ploughing.Men go to market.Men do driving. They can stay out during nights.

Women- women do housework like cooking, washing clothes. They take care of everyone and many other work.

Women bring wood. from the jungles.

Women do vegetation on the leftover lands.

Women do tailoring. Work also.

Women take loans from the SHG and do goat farming, poultry farming, dairy farming etc.

Tribal status:

Majority of villagers are tribal people. In this village, the tribal people have very less agricultural land. Many of them are not educated. Both
tribal men and women do work. The tribal people drink handia or kusuma . The tribal men and women always fight.


In this village more than half of the villagers go out for work during summer seasons after finishing farming. There is no work in village and
during summer days there is shortage of water. Those work they get are paid with less amount of money. They go out to work in companies.
After 6 months they return back to their homes. Usually they come back to Village during rainy seasons.

Prerna centre:

Women start earning in the SHG. After coming to gender meeting, men have lowered drinking alcohol. Child marriage, government schemes,
female foeticide, rights of women, human development topics are given awareness to people. We come to know about Biju health card.
Social norms:

Men- men go out for work. They work as porter,.... etc.Men do ploughing.Men go to market.

Men do driving. They can stay out during nights.

Women- women do housework like cooking, washing clothes. They take care of everyone and many other work.Women do vegetation on the
leftover lands.

Women do tailoring.Women take loans from the SHG and do goat farming, poultry farming, dairy farming etc.


This village has 5 shg . From this 5 SHG, we take one President and one Secretary to talk with them. SHG is also know as Swayamsahayaka gosti.
The meeting is held on 10th of every month.

They keep money from month to month. They take loan from the SHG . They bring loan and make their children study from that money and aslo
do fish farming, poultry farming, goat farming, dairy farming etc. Then they pay back the loan whenever they get money. They keep their money
at banks. Everyone keeps 50rs at SHG for future use.

1- One of the SHG leader told that had brought 1 lakh rupees. Now have paid some amount and few amount is also left . More 40,000 is left to
pay the loan. Due to some problem unable to pay back the money. Will pay according to convience. Now going to markets and wearing nice

Changes after formation of SHG :

After the formation of SHG , women are able to meet with many people. They are able to go outside, earlier used to stay at homes. After
joining now women are able to go out. Earlier, were not able to save money but now are able to save. Earlier were a member, so was not
knowing much but now after becoming President, secretary are able to take loans and are able to gain knowledge about every topics.

Gender topic;
181 helpline number:

According to SHG leader, if there is any fight or disputes in families then to inform to Susama didi.

2- one of the SHG group have brought 49,000 but were not able to pay it back.

3- have brought loan of 3 lakh rupees........

4- have brought loan of 5 lakh rupees. Everyone took some money and did farming.

5- have brought loan of 2.5 lakh rupees. One took money for the machine and other for farming . Many of them took and are doing farming.

In SHG group, they discuss about money as well as they discuss about any type of family disputes like domestic violence . Gender CRP and MBk
have told if anyone have such problems at homes , then to inform them . Do not marry at early age. Group is formed so the group should not
break. If there is intense fight , then to call 181. Duty of President and Secretary is to unite all together , ..........,to make understand to those
member who were not able to pay. To keep notice about who is giving money and who is not giving money. If anyone is not giving money, then
President, Secretary used to give money. President and Secretary is changed in every 2 years. MLA of Deogarh have come and told to do fish
farming, nut farming. Have also given seeds to do nut farmings.

Biju swasthya Kalyan jojana:

According to the SHG leader, Susuma didi have told everyone that they will get free treatment with the green card .

Equal rights:

According to SHG leader, there is no discussion on equal rights and they have never heard about it.

Child marriage:

According to SHG leader, Susuma didi have told about child marriage at the group meetings. Boys and girls below certain age are not allowed to
marry. A girl must be 18yrs above and a boy must be 21 yrs above.
Female abortion:

According to SHG leader, Susuma didi have told about it in the group meetings. If they know earlier that it's a girl then they should not kill.
Both boys and girls are equal. A girl can also do the same that a boy can do .

Gender discrimination:

According to SHG leader, they don't know about gender discrimination. No one have told them about the gender discrimination.

Sexual harrasment:

SHG leader have never heard or know about sexual harrasment.

Equal rights:

They also don't know about equal rights and no one have told them about it .

Government programmes:

Government schemes - Ration card, job card, Aadhar card, labour card regarding this, there is no problem faced by the leaders present there.

Domestic violence:

In this village, men drink and used to beat their wife and children at home . They used to curse with bad language. But since 2 years there have
seen some changes where 10% people were doing violence, now only 2% are doing. According to SHG members, some men fear women. If there
is such problems, at anyone home then SHG leader can solve the problem and can also inform about it to the Susama didi. There are some
homes where the husband is torturing his wife but the women are staying silent by thinking to keep it within themselves and in their families.

In this village, women do farming, work on lands as wage labourers. When farming gets over,then they work as...................

When they don't have any work , they wash dishes for others .

Women take loans from the SHG and do dairy farming, poultry farming, goat farming etc . Some women earn by selling.........

*SHG has also provided 5 tailoring machines for 35 women to earn and run their families

According to SHG leader, Susuma didi have told them about the sex crime. To keep children according to own choice and not allow children to
go anywhere. To look over the child about when going out and when coming back.

Cyber crime:

According to SHG leader, Susuma didi have told them about the cyber crime at group meetings. Have told that not to share Aadhar card details,
bank account details, mobile OTP to anyone.


Who is GPP ! No one knows who is the GPP. No one have heard about the GPP.This is told by president, secretary and all others who were
present at the spot.


No one knows where is inspiration center situated. No one knows about it. But they know about prerana didi. They called her as Susama didi.
Susuma didi have told them to inform about the issues regarding pension, ration card, domestic violence, .....

Problem of the village:

According to the SHG leaders, this village have problem regarding water. As this village is surrounded by dams from all its four sides as a result
there is much water during rainy seasons for which they are not able to do farming on those lands.
*There is less agricultural lands as a result farming is not done often. That's why men are going out for work .

*The tribal people are drinking wine or beer everyday. They drink and then fight at their homes . There is fight between husband and wife .

*Some of them in this village are getting facilities of pension, ration cards, Adhar cards.

SHG meeting:

1.Annapurna SHG: 4 meetings in a month, every Wednesday.

2. Paschimeswar SHG- Every Saturday, 4 meetings in a month.

3. Sanischar SHG- Every Saturday, 4 meetings in a month.

4. Radhamadhav SHG- Every Monday, 4 meetings in a month.

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