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Mental Health

Submitted by :- Sandhya (22211262)

Merlyn Sharma
What is mental health?

Mental health is a word used to describe emotional, psychological, and

social of well-being. It's affects the personality of a person,their way of
think, feel, act, make choices, and relate to others change.
Reality that mentally healthy people may experience appropriate human
emotions – including for example fear, anger, sadness and grief – whilst
at the same time possessing sufficient resilience to timeously restore the
dynamic state of internal .

Mental health of youth

It's normal for today's youth to experience such kind of changes,as they
develop and mature.
For example, it is common for children to experience anxiety about
school, or youth to experience short periods of depression that are
transient in nature. When symptoms persist, it may be time to seek
professional assistance. While most youth are healthy, physically and
emotionally, one in every four to five youth in the general population
meet criteria for a lifetime mental disorder and as a result may
face discrimination and negative attitudes.
Youth with mental health disorders often experience difficulties in a
variety of settings including within their own families at home, in school,
and in the community which may have huge impact on youth.
Mental health during pandemic

A pandemic is not just a medical phenomenon; but also a Social

disruptions which hightended the level of psychological distress by
significant changes to our daily lives as our movements are restricted in
support of efforts to contain and slow down the spread of the virus.
Faced with new realities of working from home, temporary
unemployment, home-schooling of children, and lack of physical contact
with other family members, friends and colleagues, it is important that
we look after our mental, as well as our physical,
Strategies to overcome
To coped up with the situation and overcome the feeling of being locked
everyone try to put themselves in some activities , learning new things,
practicing work and working on self care. And most importantly had a
time with family's these were the things that reduce the bit of stress
during pandemic.
Academic stress endured

This situation has posed a real challenge and a dramatic change for the
students and teachers, academic life was come into the roof of home and
the ordinary activity of education it was face-to-face teaching and
learning, had to be substituted by online teaching and remote learning.
With this scenario, it is reasonable to expect that students life has
become even more stressful than usual for many students.Direct and
indirect changes in the academic life brought about by the COVID-19
pandemic, have effected the students. We are all aware of the numerous
adjustments that have been made in a short period of time, transitioning
from face-to-face teaching systems to distance learning or combination
formats, as well as adjustments made to syllabus, learning activities,
online exams, and adaptations in class attendance. Ultimately, the
COVID-19 experience became a stress test .
These things gave the burden as nothing was going so well on online
education , the big problem for those who didn't afford the expenses of
e- education . So altogether it was tough time for the student ,since many
of them also who missed certain opportunities which was something not
acceptable and unfortunately it effected well-being of students.

No health without mental health

Mental health is an integrated with the physical health .It is a significant

Features of health . In the time of pandemic we show that how
circumstances in which we live had greatly affected ,even as the virus
becomes less deadly, the negative social and economic effects could
create lasting damages that disproportionately affect vulnerable
communities. Children with chronic physical conditions are more
susceptible to mental disorders.

We cannot consider mental health without considering the complex

interactions with our physical health, our social connectedness, and the
health of ‘where’ we live and � how’ we live . Our relationship with
nature, the food we eat, our physical and social activity, and the
opportunity (or lack thereof) for healthful choices, have major
biological influences on both our physical and mental health.

Lack of physical activity

If we not do any kind of physical activity then it will lead to effect the
physical health as well as mental health . So as we very much familiar
and went through the pandemic circumference so we are aware of the
impact on physical activity. Those who reduced their level of physical
activity had the highest levels of mood disorders. Therefore, physical
activity programs should be encouraged, while respecting the
necessary social distancing to prevent the spread of Coronavirus .

Social integration
The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic changed our lives in many ways,
but perhaps it most greatly effected the social lives.Public health
guidelines urging people to avoid large gatherings and maintain social
distancing. While visits to traditional social venues declined, however,
people were spending more time online; broadband internet used.
Digital communication and well-being Impacts of digital social
interactions on well-being has shown both positive and negative effects
.As such, social relationships and interactions are some of the strongest

predictors of well-being.

Positive relation and intervention

Despite the relationship between well-being and social . There is

relationship intervention which aim to
maintain positive relationships. If we believe positive relationships help
people in life. it's increased confidence to socialize and brings the
Government of 🇮🇳 steps to tackle the mental health .

We saw that how in this contemporary wold people being effected by

mental health so what steps government of India took and taking and
to deal with mental health disorders .

The Government of India has launched the National Mental Health

Programme (NMHP) in 1982, following components:

..Early detection & treatment.

raining: imparting short term training to general physicians for

diagnosis and treatment of common mental illnesses with limited
number of drugs under guidance of specialist. The Health workers are
being trained in identifying mentally ill persons .

So there's some steps has taken by the government but it's in modest.
Without mental health there can be no true physical health.”

Mental health awareness campaigns have yielded positive outcomes. Some of the strategies undertaken
to target awareness and address the people to open up about problem they're are facing.

Despite improvements in various health indicators, India contributes disproportionately to the global
burden of disease. Our health indicators compare unfavourably with other middle-income countries and
India's regional neighbours. A large proportion of the population ends up impoverished because of high
out-of-pocket health-care expenditures and suffers the adverse consequences of the poor quality of

India should invest a certain amount to vast the level of mental health awareness .

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