Reviewer Obt

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These are the things to do in order to avoid heart problems, EXCEPT:*


A.Eat sensibly
B.Stay fit
C.Keep smoking
D.Enough sleep

Who among the following requires the Daily Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping
Duties (DJBWD) as a requirement for OBT?*

A.MARINA (STCW Circular 2014-02) and later by the MHEI (STCW Circular 2016-01)
B.CHED (STCW Circular 2014-02) and later by the MHEI (STCW Circular 2016-01)
C.DOLE (STCW Circular 2014-02) and later by the MHEI (STCW Circular 2016-01)
D.MHEI (STCW Circular 2016-01 and later by the MARINA (STCW Circular 2014-02)

Which of the following vessel’s status that will be considered in making entries
on your Daily Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties ?*

A.Ship Made fast to shore

B.Ship in Drydock for repair
C.In port, loading cargoes
D.Underway, Drfiting and At anchor only

Who among the following will sign your accomplished pages of your Daily
Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD)?*

A.Port Captain
B.General Manager
C.Manning/Shipping Company Representative
D.Master or qualified deck officer

How many days shall a Daily Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD) be
complied, in compliance with the Regulation II/1 (2.3)of the STCW?*

A.180 days
B.165 days
C.80 days
D.280 days

Which among the following are the documentary evidence showing specific
activities during bridge watchkeeping and designed to provide deck cadets with
a practical, structured, onboard training program that covers the requirements
of STCW 2010?*

A.Training Record Book (TRB) w/ Activity Book & Daily Journal of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD)
B.Dean’s Logbook and Dean’s Record Book
C.Training Reader Book (TRB) w/ Almanac & Daily Log of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD)
D.Training Reputation Book (TRB) w/ Affairs & Daily Look out log of Bridge Watchkeeping Duties (DJBWD)

How does Onboard Training Office (OBTO) monitors the progress of

students/cadets undergoing OBT?*

A.communicating, checking and providing guidance as to the accomplishment of ML & not maintaining records
of monitoring
B.calling, checking and providing refreshment as to the accomplishment of COC & maintaining records of ledger
C.communicating, checking and providing guidance as to the accomplishment of TRB & maintaining records of
D.communing, double checking and providing answers as to the accomplishment of BRT & maintaining records
of charts

How can the Onboard Training Office (OBTO) contacted?*


A.Through Email, FB messenger & landline number

B.Through fax, photcopier & Cable TV
C.Through satellite phone, GMDSS & Facsimile
Through viber, instagram & facetime

What are the measures of the OBTS for students/cadets who submits fraudulent
documents and certificates?*

A.Investigate and impose sanction as per MHEI’s policy to students

B.Investigate and impose sanction as per CHED-MARINA policy to students
C.Investigate and imprison the student/cadet as per CHED-MARINA policy
Investigate and imprison the student/cadet as per MHEI’s policy

Which among the following is responsible for the management of the activities
and other requirements for students undergoing OBT?*

A.Dean’s Office (DO)

C.Onboard Training Office (OBTO)
D.Joint CHED-MARINA Memorandum Circular No. 1 series 2019 (JCMMC no.1)

What is the certificate issued by the OBTO to help the students/cadets with their
application to various manning/shipping agencies?*

A.Endorsement/Recommendation Letter
B.OBT Certificate
C.Certificate of Proficiency (COP)
D.Transcript of Record (TOR)
How frequent shall the student report to the School (MHEI) after CCI (Completed
Classroom Instructions) regarding their status of employment thru FB
messenger or Email.*

A.12 months
B.36 months
C.3 months
D.180 days

What are the things that you should bring to the airport when travelling into
foreign countries?*

A.valid passport, working visa, overseas employment certificate or oec, flight ticket and boarding pass,
employment contract, nbi clearance, valid government-issued id with your photo, letter of guarantee or letter of
endorsement, seaman’s book, pocket money & pen
B.explosive and incendiary materials, flammable items, gasses and pressure containers, matches, poisons,
infectious materials, corrosives, oxidizers and organic peroxides
C.sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping mat, camp bed tent camping, mallet, table and camping chairs, spare pegs and
spare batteries, portable charger and cables, torch and head torch, tent repair kit, paracord, gaffa tape, cable
ties & sewing kit

How early should you be at the airport when travelling into foreign countries?*

A.1-3 hours before the flight

B.4 hours before the flight
C.1 hour before the flight
D.2 hours before the flight

Which among the following positive traits of a Deck Cadet?*


A.outgoing, active, energetic, assertive, enthusiastic and competitive

B.good-looking, heartthrob, energizer, and fantastic
C.Passive, enduring, inactive and negative
D.Outlooking, sneaky, stingy, and arrogant

What are the Lacsonian Core Values?*


A.Integrity, Perception, Loyalness, Excellent, Disciple, Holiness & Equal

B.Integrity, Precision, Longevity, Exemplary, Disciples, Goal & Equally
C.Intention, Presence, Longley, Exemplary, Deception, Goal & Equality
D.Integrity, Perseverance, Loyalty, Excellence, Discipline, Godliness &Equality

Which among the following are not tolerated onboard ships?*


A.Misbehavior and anti-social attitude

B.Outgoing & active
C.Energetic & assertive
D.Enthusiastic & competitive

What is your first step once you arrived NAIA airport for departure abroad as an

A.Go to the OFW Lounge for the validation of OEC and Employment Contract
B.Head to the Immigration counter
C.Proceed to your designated airline for check-in and dropping of bags
D.Relax and enjoy the airport facilities

How would you answer the immigration officer asking questions to you?*

A.confidentiality, contingency, and trustfully

B.condole, confide, terrified
C.confidently, consistently, and truthfully
D.confidently beautiful with a heart

What benefits/insurance should a Filipino seafarer consider?*


A.Geely, Mitsubishi, Mustang and Hummer

B.SSS, Phil health, Pag-ibig, and life insurance
C.King Spa gold card lifetime membership
D.Monthly regular remittance to extended relaitves

What proper money management and financial discipline for seafarers can
generate consistent savings that can be used for investments that will come in
handy for retirement?*

A.Start investing for retirement, some investments a seafarer can consider are life insurance, mutual funds, and
rental properties as they can be very useful during retirement
B.Start buying luxurious car
C.Start constructing swimming pools for their houses
D.Start eating daily in expensive restaurants

What is the sad reality for Filipino seafarers that when they get old and cannot
work anymore, many of them were unable to prepare enough to live a financially
independent life and he will begin to be a burden of his children?*

A.Not buying a new car

B.Not preparing for retirement
C.No swimming pools in their houses
Not eating in expensive restaurants

How would a seafarer address the problem: due to poor cash flow management
and the lack of proper financial discipline, it is not uncommon for seafarers to
be in too much debt or be in a debt trap?*

A.Prioritize payment of debt, there is no other way to get out of debt other than paying that debt. The seafarer
must decide to get himself out of debt by paying off old debt and avoiding new ones
B.Buy a brand new luxurious car every end of the contract/vacation leave
C.Provide financial support to the people outside his immediate family by lending money
D.His primary obligation is not to cut down expenses and not delaying major purchases until debt is paid

How would a seafarer address the problem: lack of financial discipline, many of
our esteemed seafarers and their families will try to increase their lifestyle too
quickly, which results to a difficulty in being able to build savings?*

A.The seafarer should be obliged to provide financial support to the people outside his immediate family
B.His primary obligation should not be his spouse and children
C.Send all the money to his/her wives and relatives
D. Learn how to budget, money needs to be allocated properly so it can also be tracked properly and learn how
to distinguish needs from wants and then put a limit on spending on wants

How would a seafarer address the problem: too many financial obligation such
as financial obligations often times go beyond the immediate family and spills
over the extended family?*

A.Learn how to say no, the seafarer shouldn’t feel the obligation to be the savior of every family member, his
primary obligation should be to the spouse and children.
B.The seafarer should be obliged to provide financial support to the people outside his immediate family
C.His primary obligation should not be his spouse and children
D.Send all the money to his/her wives and relatives

Which of the following is a daunting task to the seafarer and also to many of us?

A.Doing laundry everyday

B.Getting an annual vacation in the most expensive resorts
C.Preparing for one’s financial future
Preparing breakfast every morning

What is the money mistake by a pinoy seafarer that most of the time, they would
be forced to pay the interest alone every month because they could not afford to
pay it back yet due to inevitable circumstances?*

A.Making huge loans

B.Remitting Excessively

What is the lack of benefits/money mistake by a pinoy seafarer that they do not
ensure finances once they stopped working?*

A.Remitting Excessively
B.No retirement plans

What is the lack of benefits of pinoy seafarers that if something bad will happen
to them while they were back home (on vacation leave), their family
wouldn’t have anything?*

A.Remitting Excessively
C.Lack of insurance

What is a money mistake by a pinoy seafarer who got a job overseas was
expected to carry the financial burden of everyone in the clan and you ended up
remitting all your money back to the Philippines, only leaving yourself enough
for food, (or maybe not even that?) and so, you ended up with no savings at all?*

A.Remitting Excessively
D.Lack of insurance

What is the Filipino culture to look up at the Western lifestyle and once you
managed to get a job abroad, you were considered super “rich” and so as part of
tradition, you would have to buy pasalubong for everyone you know back home,
which was fine, until you start buying incredibly expensive branded things?*

B.Remitting Excessively
C.Lack of insurance

What is a money mistake by a pinoy seafarer that they tend to spend money
freely or extravagantly?*

C.Remitting Excessively
D.Lack of insurance

How will a financial literate person handle his/her monthly pay?*

A.If they take home 25,000 pesos a month in pay, they cannot spend more than 25,000 pesos each month
without going into debt
B.If they take home 25,000 pesos a month in pay, they will spend more than 25,000 pesos each month and then
going into debt
C.Spending money more than the monthly pay
Use credit cards and splurging on new shoes and dresses

Which of the following is the education and understanding of knowing how

money is made, spent, and saved, as well as the skills and ability to use
financial resources to make decisions?*

A.In the beningging

B.Financial Literacy
C.Financial Illiteracy

What are practical tips for managing stress?*


A.Rely on alcohol, drugs, or impulsive behaviours to reduce stress.

B.Keep a positive attitude and accept that there are events that you cannot control; Be assertive instead of
aggressive, assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of becoming angry, defensive, or passive; Get
enough rest and sleep, eat healthy food, stay hydrated and exercise regularly.
C.Suffer in silence and do not build up your support network at home and at work.
D.Worry about home, relationship, tension between colleagues, bullying & harassment, too much work and less

What can reduce the stress or strain of a seafaring life?*


A.Shorter trips, paid leave to match length to sea time, continuous employment, opportunities for partners (and
children) to sail, and improved access to cheaper communication
B.Drinks lots of water
C.Frequent eating in a fast food chain
D.Tiktok and reels all you can

What should be done to overcome stress and achieve psychological wellbeing?*


A.Wear appropriate clothing and use repellents

B.Take Methotrexate
C.Cry in front of your camera and share to your IG stories
D. Eat healthily and if you are feeling isolated or depressed, talk to someone you trust

What is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental or

emotional pressure?*

C.Stress Drilon
Relaxation under pressure
How to manage stress?*

A.Keep a positive attitude and accept that there are events that you cannot control, do not rely on alcohol, drugs
and remember to take breaks when you feel worried or stuck
B.Drink lots of alcohol everyday to make you feel happy
C.Always worry about home and relationship
D.Work more and eat less

Which of the following is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope

with mental or emotional pressure?*

A.Heart Disease

What should you do to prevent Heart disease?*


A.Eat sensibly, stay fit and stop smoking

B.Take Methotrexate to prevent Rheumatism
C.Wear appropriate clothing and use repellents
D. Sedentary lifestyle

Which of the following is a disease of the heart and arteries that ends many
seafaring careers early, and are the number one killer of seafarers while at sea?

B.Heart Disease

What should you do to prevent HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections


A.Practise safer sex, use condoms and reduce the number of sexual partners
B.Do not use condom because it reduces sensation
C.Taking birth control pills to prevent the use of condoms
D.Ignoring HIV/AIDS awareness

Why are seafarers at risk of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?

A.Abstinence is the only birth control that is 100 percent effective and is also the best way to protect you against
B.Artificial insemination works for every couple/spouses
C.A condom is the best way to protect you from most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)
D.Seafarers have a greater risk because of working and living away from spouses and partners, single-sex
working and living arrangements, and the availability of sex workers in ports

Which of the following is a spread through unprotected sex, but also through
needle sharing.They include chlamydia, gonorrhoea, syphilis, trichomoniasis,
and genital herpes?*

B.HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
C.Artificial insemination

What should you do to prevent Malaria?*


A.Wear skinny tight jeans and oversize shirts. Don’t go immediately for diagnosis and early treatment if malaria
is suspected
B.Wear appropriate clothing and use repellents. Be aware of the risks in the countries where you berth and go
for immediate diagnosis and early treatment if malaria is suspected
C.Video yourself that you were infected by Malaria and make the whole world known about it.
D.Inform your colleagues about your infection and tell them that it is confidential

Which of the following is a preventable, life-threatening disease transmitted by

the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito and it is predominantly a disease
affecting Africa, South and Central America, Asia, and the Middle East?*

C.Social media disorder

Due to the nature of their employment and travel to different nations, which of
the following are seafarers prone to?*

A.Specific illnesses and diseases

B.Mandatory photo ops in the scenery
C.Obligatory Tiktok after duty hours
D. Compulsory blog to entertain social media friends

Which among the following document is only required for domestic seagoing
service and ensures that the vessel for OBT is plying the route?*

A.Masters' Declaration of Safe Departure (MDSD)

C.OBT Agreement
How many separate parties (Tripartite Agreement) should sign your OBT


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