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The Lord Plants the Church ®

BSF Introduction Lesson

Acts and Letters of the Apostles

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

This Lesson
A. Acts’ People
B. Acts’ Author
C. The Apostles’ Message

“Why would anyone risk being a Christian?” “What does it mean to ‘follow Christ,’ anyway?” “Who is the Holy
Spirit?” “Can I really trust the Bible?” “How can the lives of people who lived 2,000 years ago help me live today?” As
you journey through the Acts and Letters of the Apostles this year, expect to find answers to these questions. In all your
questions, look to see Jesus – the Bible is His Book, about Him from start to finish. Will you make this your year of
knowing and loving Him more?

Acts’ People
The history of the Church is the story of people
and their personal response to the risen Lord Jesus Other Leaders
Christ. Their stories tell God’s story of loving and Peter and Paul did not lead alone. The book of Acts
restoring people. In Acts, we meet ordinary believers who shows the wide variety of people God used to build the
do extraordinary things in the power of the Holy Spirit. Church. Apostles and converts worked together. Jewish
We see them meet Jesus personally. We glimpse how the believers and people from every part of Rome’s vast
gift of the Holy Spirit changed them. We look in awe as empire and beyond came to love one another. Rich and
Jesus built His church through flawed and sometimes poor; men and women – all learned the reality of being
fearful people. What motivated them to follow Christ one in Christ.1 Those who had followed Jesus from
regardless of the cost? the beginning and those who once rejected Him came
together to praise Him. Among those whom God called
to lead His people were:
Peter and Paul – an Outline of Acts ■ John and his brother James
Acts spotlights the work of two men – Peter, the ■ Jesus’ brother James
apostle to the Jews, and Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. ■ The husband and wife team of Aquila and
Their lives form a simple outline of the book of Acts. Priscilla
Peter’s Acts – Acts 1-12
■ Other Jewish believers, including Barnabas,
■ Growth in Jerusalem – Acts 1-7 Philip and Stephen
■ Growth through Persecution – Acts 8-9 ■ Apollos, Lydia and others from Greek, Roman
■ An Open Door to Non-Jews – Acts 10-11 and African backgrounds
■ God’s Word Flourished – Acts 12
Paul’s Acts – Acts 13-28
■ The Gospel to Asia – Acts 13-14
■ The Church Crisis – Acts 15
■ The Gospel to Greece – Acts 16-20
■ The Gospel to Rome – Acts 21-28

In compliance with copyright restrictions, no portion of these materials may be reproduced or distributed for use outside of BSF class participation without written permission of the publisher.
HEADQUARTERS – SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Copyright © Bible Study Fellowship 2019
Acts’ Author

Luke’s Identity
Luke’s faith fills the facts of his narrative with
Luke’s name appears in neither the Gospel of Luke purpose and passion. He vividly captured people’s
nor in its sequel, the book of Acts.2 But the early church words and emotions but always carefully recorded
quickly recognized Luke as the books’ author. Biblical historical details.
evidence affirms Luke as the author. The author of the
Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts:
■ Traveled and worked with the apostle Paul.3 the Church rejoiced in God’s forgiveness in Christ. With
■ The fine language and style of Luke’s works Jesus present, arduous work and persecution ultimately
point to a well-educated author. Luke’s produced joy.16
vocation as a medical doctor provided him with About Prayer
an exceptional education.4 Luke recorded specific prayers17 and how God
■ Was not an apostle.5 Luke did not personally answered.18 Jesus’ prayer life is a significant theme in
witness Jesus’ ministry.6 Luke’s Gospel as well.19 Throughout Acts, in every crisis,
God prepared Luke to write Acts through his skills God helped and guided His people as they prayed. In
as a writer and historian, his firm faith in Christ and suffering and in safety, believers always responded with
his friendship with the apostle Paul. Though a Greek, praise. Whenever the Holy Spirit filled God’s people,
Luke’s close fellowship with Jews enabled him to speak they immediately praised God and His great works.
to all. His eye for detail and scientific mindset made Have you realized an attitude of praise characterizes the
Luke a careful historian.7 Luke’s faith fills the facts of his Christian life?
narrative with purpose and passion. He vividly captured
About Generosity and Greed
people’s words and emotions but always carefully
recorded historical details. To show how the gospel changes lives, Luke
contrasted grace-fueled generosity20 with greed.21 The
example of Ananias and Sapphira stands out. This married
Paul’s Friend couple coveted praise for generosity but lacked generous
hearts. Lying about their selfishness cost them their
Acts reveals Luke’s love and respect for the apostle
lives.22 Selfishness brings spiritual downfall, but joyful
Paul. Luke was among the first wave of Gentiles to
sacrifice grows the Church.23
come to faith in Christ, possibly under Paul’s preaching
in Antioch.8 Eventually, the two worked together and About Women
became close friends.9 The Old Testament Scriptures Paul Jesus’ high view of women influenced Luke. Luke’s
loved fill Luke’s writings. The Gospel of Luke reflects Gospel highlights God’s work in women’s lives. In Luke,
Paul’s views so closely that some call it the “Pauline we hear the Spirit-inspired words of Jesus’ mother, Mary,
Gospel.” and her cousin, Elizabeth.24 We see Jesus protect women25
Acts lifts our eyes to see how God used Paul’s and uphold a woman’s right to learn.26 In Acts, Luke
many hardships as a platform for the gospel.10 Acts records women’s roles in church life.27 Jewish and Gentile
displays Paul’s intimate concern for those who came to women from all social classes figure in Acts as faithful
faith through his ministry.11 We feel the tension and sense teachers and disciples,28 servants and slaves,29 Christian
Luke’s relief each time God preserved Paul’s life. Paul businesswomen30 and royal skeptics.31
prized Luke’s faithful help,12 yet Luke never mentioned
his own name. He simply said “we” or “us.”13 About God’s Sovereignty
Luke saw God work in all things for the good of
His people, to build the Church.32 Disagreements,33
Luke’s Mindset accidents,34 injustice35 and persecution36 turned to praise.
Sin and judgment grew believers’ desire for holiness
About Jesus Christ and Joy and to deepen mutual love.37 Paul’s unjust arrest allowed
Luke presents the living Lord Jesus as risen and the gospel – the good news of Jesus Christ – to reach
powerfully present.14 Constantly aware of the Lord’s the highest circles in Jerusalem, Caesarea and Rome.38
internal and eternal presence, ordinary believers15 were Though a prisoner, Paul taught about the Lord Jesus
filled with unshakeable joy. Despite harsh conditions, Christ “with all boldness and without hindrance.”39

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Church Growth – God’s Word and Spirit
■ “When the day of Pentecost came … all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit.” – Acts 2:1, 4
■ “[Peter said] ‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah.’ When the people
heard this, they were cut to the heart and said … ‘Brothers, what shall we do?’” – Acts 2:36-37
■ “Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized … in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins.
And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.’ ” – Acts 2:38
■ “With many other words he warned them … and about three thousand were added to their number that
day.” – Acts 2:40-41
■ “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship … And the Lord added to their
number daily those who were being saved.” – Acts 2:42, 47
■ “They put [the apostles] in jail … but many who heard the message believed; so the number of men
who believed grew to about five thousand.” – Acts 4:3-4
■ “After they prayed … they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.”
– Acts 4:31
■ “Day after day … they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the
Messiah.” – Acts 5:42
■ “[We] will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word. … So the word of God spread. The
number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly.” – Acts 6:4, 7
■ “Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, [the church] increased in numbers.”
– Acts 9:31
■ “While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message.”
– Acts 10:44
■ “Because Herod did not give praise to God, … he … died. But the word of God continued to spread
and flourish.” – Acts 12:23-24
■ “They delivered the decisions … for the people to obey. So the churches were strengthened in the faith
and grew daily in numbers.” – Acts 16:4-5
■ “Many … who believed now came and openly confessed what they had done. … In this way the word
of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.” – Acts 19:18, 20
■ “For two whole years Paul … proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ –
with all boldness and without hindrance!” – Acts 28:30-31

The Apostles’ Message

Acts tells the astonishing story of how the early We could also call the book of Acts “the Acts of the
Church grew in the 30 years after Jesus returned to Holy Spirit.” Until the Holy Spirit came to live within them,
heaven. When Acts begins, a core group of about 120 the disciples had no power to meet the world’s challenge.
gathered to pray.40 Ten days later, at Pentecost, the Holy Acts shows Jesus living in and working through His
Spirit filled believers. As Jesus had promised, His people people by His Spirit.46 As the Holy Spirit controlled and
received power to witness.41 In one day, 3,000 in Jerusalem empowered believers, they took the gospel to the world.
came to faith.42 That number soon grew to 5,000.43 By the Spirit’s power, the church spread:47
Luke’s Gospel records “all that Jesus began to do and
to teach until the day he was taken up to heaven.”44 Luke ■ First in Jerusalem and Israel48
planned Acts as a second volume about Jesus’ works. Acts ■ To Samaria and nearby Gentile areas with some
describes what Jesus continued to do and to teach after knowledge of Judaism49
He returned to heaven. The apostles’ acts and teachings ■ Then to the “ends of the earth,” even to Rome,
reveal Jesus working through His Spirit to build the church.45 the most powerful city of the ancient world50

Acts and Letters of the Apostles Introduction Lesson | AdNotes (06.2019) | 3
In every city where the gospel spread, the apostles ■ What does a Christian marriage look like?
established churches – not buildings, but communities ■ How can I grieve and have hope for the future?
who loved Jesus and gathered to worship Him. When ■ Why do Christians ignore some of the Old
growth brought problems, the apostles wrote the churches Testament regulations? Does that mean I’m free
with God’s wisdom to help them grow. We will study to choose what I want to obey?
some of their letters this year. They answer essential Above all, the letters hold up Jesus Christ as
questions such as: the believer’s treasure. Wave upon wave, His gospel
■ Why do I still sin? and How can I change? continues to flow outward to the world. God will not
■ What can I do when I disagree with other stop until some from every tribe, language, people and
believers? nation freely worship Him and His Son forever.51
■ How can I love people who reject Christ?
■ What is my responsibility to my neighbors, my
employer or employees?

Take to Heart
What can you expect from your study of the Acts Jesus relied on His own strength. He saturated Himself
Hold Fast

and Letters of the Apostles? See what a life filled with in Scripture, prayed, served, suffered and triumphed
the Holy Spirit looks like. God designed the Spirit- – all fully in the Holy Spirit’s power.53 In Acts and
filled life as the Christian life. Only through the Holy today, Christians follow our Savior’s pattern. Spirit-
Spirit can believers live joyful, fruitful lives for filled people study God’s Word and pray. We receive
God’s glory. This precious privilege belongs to all power to share the gospel. Lives miraculously change.
Christians. God also commands every believer to be Opposition results. Yet as we suffer with Christ, He
filled with the Spirit.52 grows us and His church.54
Believers need the Spirit’s power to love and
follow Jesus faithfully. In His humanity, not even

Nothing can replace the Holy Spirit never leaves those whom despite Paul’s imprisonment,
Apply It

Spirit’s life within you. Without He indwells, but sin grieves Him. he continued to share the good
Him, the Bible remains at best We need Him to fill us constantly. news about Jesus Christ “with all
a rule book. Obedience seems a Jesus encourages us, “How much boldness and without hindrance!”57
burden. You have no power to live more will your Father in heaven You can chain up the gospel
for or enjoy Christ. As you study give the Holy Spirit to those who messenger, but not the gospel
the dynamic lives of the early ask him!”55 As you study Acts, message. Do you want to learn
Christians, examine yourself. Have pray to know and love Jesus more to live like Paul? Ask God to grip
you ever definitely received God’s deeply. Each week, allow God’s your heart with the truth that He
forgiveness by trusting that Christ Word to challenge and transform is fully in control and fully good.
took your punishment for your you.56 Will you commit to follow When trials come, remain in God’s
sins when He died on the cross? what He shows you? Live in the Word and with God’s people. Ask
Have you truly received the person adventure of the Spirit! Jesus to draw you close to Him and
of the Holy Spirit by faith in Acts ends with Paul in Rome, turn you outwards to others. How
Christ? If so, then the Holy Spirit imprisoned for two years. Yet might your “prison” be part of
lives within you. throughout Acts we learn the God’s plan to make Jesus known
Do you long for His Spirit gospel is unstoppable because and loved to the ends of the earth?
to work more fully through it is the work of God. The book
you or your church? The Holy concludes with the statement that,

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Acts and Letters of the Apostles Introduction Lesson | AdNotes (06.2019) | 5
Check out these footnoted references for further study of God’s Word in this week’s lesson.
Go Deeper 1: In Christ: Galatians 3:26-28 15: Christ in believers: Colossians 27: Early church women: Acts 42: 3,000: Acts 2:41
2: Acts’ author: Luke 1:1-4; 1:27 1:14; 8:3, 12; 12:12-15; 13:50; 43: 5,000: Acts 4:4
Acts 1:1 16: Joy: Acts 5:41; 8:8, 39; 11:23; 16:13; 17:4; 18:2, 18, 26; 44: Gospel of Luke: Acts 1:1-2
3: Paul’s coworker: Acts 16:10-17; 13:48, 52; 15:3, 31; 16:34 21:5, 9; 22:4 45: Build church: Matthew 16:18
27:1-28:16; Colossians 4:14; 2 17: Prayers: Acts 1:24-25; 4:24-26; 28: Teachers and disciples: Acts 46: Holy Spirit: John 7:38-39;
Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24 7:59-60 9:36; 18:19-28 14:16-18; 16:7-15
4: Dr. Luke: Colossians 4:14 18: God answered: Acts 1:14-25; 29: Servants: Acts 12:13; 16:16-19 47: Power to witness: Acts 1:8
5: Not apostle: Luke 1:2 2:42; 3:1; 4:23-31; 6:4-6; 30: Lydia: Acts 16:14-15 48: Jerusalem: Acts 1:1-8:1
6: Apostle’s qualifications: Acts 7:59-60; 8:15-17; 12:5-11; 31: Royalty: Acts 24:24; 25:23 49: Samaria: Acts 8:1-12:23
1:21-22 16:25-29 32: For good: Genesis 50:20; 50: The world: Acts 12:24-28:31
7: Historian: Luke 1:1-4; Acts 19: Jesus’ prayer life: Luke 3:21; Romans 8:28 51: Every tribe: Revelation 5:9; 7:9
20:13, 36-38; 27:5-28:11 5:16; 6:12; 9:18, 28; 11:1; 22:32, 33: Disagreements: Acts 15:1-15, 52: Spirit-filled: Ephesians 5:18
8: Antioch: Acts 11:26 41, 44; 23:34, 46 22-23, 30-32, 36-41 53: Jesus’ life: Luke 3:21-22; 4:1,
9: Paul’s friend: Colossians 4:14 20: Generosity: Acts 2:44-45; 34: Accidents: Acts 20:9-12; 14, 18; 10:21; Acts 10:38
10: Paul’s hardships: Acts 9:23-25; 4:32-37 27:13-44; 28:3-6 54: We grow: John 12:24; Romans
14:19-20; 21:27-35; 28:5-6 21: Greed: Acts 6:1; 8:20; 16:19; 35: Injustice: Acts 5:17-20; 5:3-5
11: Paul’s concern: Acts 20:37 19:24-27 12:2-3, 23-24; 16:19-29 55: Ask: Luke 11:13
12: Luke’s faithfulness: 2 Timothy 22: Ananias and Sapphira: Acts 36: Persecution: Acts 5:40-42; 56: Transform: Romans 12:1-2
4:11 4:36-5:10 7:54-8:8; 9:1-16 57: Prison boldness: Acts 28:31;
13: “We” passages: Acts 16:10-17; 23: Sacrifice: Acts 2:42-47; 37: Sin: Acts 5:4-5, 11-14 Philippians 1:12-13
20:5-15; 21:1-8; 27:1-28:16 4:32-37; 19:19-20 38: Gospel reach: Acts 22:30-23:10;
14: Risen Lord: Acts 1:1-11; 2:24, 24: Mary and Elizabeth: Luke 23:35-26:32; 28:16; Philippians
32-36; 3:6; 4:10-12; 5:42; 1:38, 42-55 1:12-13
7:55-60; 9:1-18; 10:13-15, 39-42; 25: Protect: Luke 7:11-17, 36-50; 39: Bold: Acts 28:31
18:9-11; 20:24; 21:13-14; 23:11; 9:40-48; 13:10-16 40: Gathered: Acts 1:15
26:22-29 26: Learn: Luke 10:38-39 41: Jesus’ witnesses: Acts 1:5, 8

All Scripture quotations, in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ® NIV ®
Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
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