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Adolescent or Young Adult OBSERVATION

Adolescent: 12 to 18 years old, Young Adult:18 to 35 years old

PROCEDURE: For this assignment, you will choose to observe yourself or someone else as an adolescent or
a young adult. You will be reflecting on your own personal behaviors for this observation assignment. Record
your physical traits at that stage of your life. Think about your relationships with others. What was your
cognitive development like? You will turn this sheet in on Canvas, as well as a summary that highlights a
particular finding from your observations and apply a theory from the text to what you observed.

Choose an Adolescent or Young Adult (Can be yourself) not both. You can use this form or move it to a
different document. List 3 to 5 things on each section.

Adolescent Name: Age: Young Adult Name: Age: 25years

Physical Development: (what did you observe use Physical Development: (what did you observe use

the list below to help guide what to look for be the list below to help guide what to look for be

descriptive and list 3 to 5 things) Describe yourself descriptive and list 3 to 5 things) Describe yourself

physically, Lifestyle, body image. physically, Lifestyle, body image.

As a young adult, I have gradually grown in size and

height attaining 5.5 feet and a weight of 56kgs. My

body complexion has also lightened overtime due to

factors such as the work environment that makes me

stay indoors for long hours.

My lifestyle as a young adult has greatly changed as

compared to adolescent stage. I have shed off most of

the habits I used to have in adolescent such as mode of

dressing, type of food, joint places and associates. As a

Psychosocial: As an adolescent, think about your young adult I ensure my food is well-balanced. I tend

personal identity. Did you fit in with others? What to avoid junks so as to keep fit. Besides, my dress code

groups did you identify with? Adolescent changed to be more of official. This is because I am

Egocentrism, Imaginary Audience, Personal Fable, currently in the workforce and the nature of the job

Illusion of Invulnerability, Marcia’s Four Identity dictates the official code of conduct.

Statuses, Self-esteem

Psychosocial: When do you believe you became an

adult? Discuss your experiences/feelings as you

became an adult: What role transitions have you

gone through? What responsibilities have you

assumed as an adult? Friendships/Intimate

relationships, Sternberg’s Basic Components of Love

Young adulthood is a prime stage where one takes

relationships quite serious with an aim of getting a

Cognitive Development: companion and starting a family. Therefore, it is a

Moral Reasoning, Kohlberg’s Moral Reasoning point in life where one becomes very selective in the

Theory, Problem-solving skills, Processing types of friends made. The friends must be people of

information significant benefit since the stage comes with a lot of

responsibility. Personally, I realized I am an adult

when I moved to stay in my own house and started

paying my bills. At that point I felt I was no longer

under the care of my parents and I had to be

responsible for my life. Additionally, I assumed the

role of a parent where I had to take care of my

siblings, being, the first born in the family. This is

when it hit me that I was in a completely different

stage that needed me to step up for myself, my family

and also look up for my future growth. Young

adulthood, therefore, comes with a lot of pressure

since striking a balance between personal growths and

supporting the dependents becomes quite challenging.

Cognitive Development:

What have you noticed about your intelligence?

Multidimensional, Multi-directionality,

Interindividual variability, Plasticity, Moral

Reasoning/Reflective Judgment, Kohlberg’s Moral

Reasoning Theory

According to Kohlberg’s moral reasoning theory, a

young adult needs to think critically on various

issues before making decisions. To this effect, my

intelligence level has significantly improved due to

the many responsibilities at hand and the need to

make right choices to avoid suffering the

consequences of wrong decisions. In many

occasions, I take a minute to think through and

analyze a particular decision that I am about to

make. In cases of dilemma, I have to weigh the two

sides and give priorities depending on the urgency

of the need.

Summary your observation in 250 to 350 words. Highlights a particular finding from your observations
and apply a theory from the text to what you observed.

Young adulthood is the period between adolescent and adulthood where most of the body developments

take place gradually as compared to adolescent. It is the prime stage in an individual’s life cycle since the

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